I will also take the initiative to ask questions from older teachers and work hard to learn various treatment options.

The hospital at that time seemed to have become a library, where you can see students who study hard.

During the meal, the doctors discussed with each other what situations can effectively avoid misdiagnosis.

Did you misdiagnose today?

What did you learn after the misdiagnosis.

Exchange experiences with each other to avoid the same mistakes will not happen a second time in Dawu Hospital.

At the same time, in order to reduce the misdiagnosis rate of the department, each department will regularly organize the study of misdiagnosed cases.

Dig deep into details that are easily overlooked in related fields.

Down to the doctor, up to the hospital, the entire Dawu Hospital seems to be possessed by a demon.

Efforts to reduce the rate of misdiagnosis, to provide patients with better, better quality diagnosis and treatment services.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu was shocked.

You know, this group of people two months ago was still a group of monks hitting the clock for a day.

Same hospital, same group of people.

In just two months, it seemed like a different person.


Each one is full of fighting power.

this. . . . . .

Is it still the previous Dawu Hospital?

This scene. . . . . .Su Mu's jaw almost dropped in shock.


The change is too great!

If all the doctors in Dawu Hospital faced patients in this state.

It is understandable to reduce the misdiagnosis rate so much.

Understandable is one aspect.

Pain is another aspect.

The misdiagnosis rate is reduced, which means that the speed of losing money is reduced.

Correspondingly, the speed of making money has increased.

The speed of making money has increased, which means that I am one step further away from the freedom of five trillion wealth.

But at this time, Su Mu couldn't stop it!

You know, the reduction in misdiagnosis rate has affected the speed at which he loses money for Su Mu.

But for patients, it is a real good thing.

Patients do not need to cause secondary harm to their bodies because of misdiagnosis.

It will not delay the best treatment time due to misdiagnosis.

Not to mention spending a lot of unnecessary money due to misdiagnosis.


The patient can smile happily, while Su Mu.

I can only hide in the corner and cry secretly.

With such an income and expenditure situation, in his heart, Su Mu did not want the media to expose it.

The reason is simple, the current Dawu Hospital is in a state of meager profit.

Once it is publicized by the media, a large number of patients flock to it, and it is likely to cause a situation of small profits but quick turnover.

The original meager profit has been accumulated on the basis of large volume.

into huge profits.

But this kind of thing that benefits the country and the people, except that it is not good for him, he can't stop it clearly.

In the end, under Gao Jun's 'positive' efforts, he was finally exposed.

It became an instant hit on the Internet.

[The hospital is fully responsible for the patient coming in?There is such a hospital in this world? 】

[To be honest, I don't quite believe it!Isn't the purpose of opening a hospital to make money?If they really do what they say in their slogans, won't they pay for death? 】

[I don't know if they lost money or not. I only know that when I was misdiagnosed in Dawu Hospital, I didn't spend a penny on medical expenses!Even the taxi fare to the hospital was reimbursed for me. 】

[Fuck!real or fake!Even reimburse you for the taxi fare? 】

[I took a photo specially at that time, you can take a look (reimbursement form of Dawu Hospital. jpg)]

[Oh my god!It can really be reimbursed! 】

[Why the fuck do I feel like I'm dreaming?What's going on, are capitalists so merciful now?

Opening a hospital is so benevolent? 】

【capitalist?what are you thinking?The chairman of this hospital is Su Mu, Su Dong! 】

【That Su Dong, it won't be. . . . . . ? 】

[It is Su Mu, the former chairman of Hongxiang Foods!Dong Su!Otherwise, do you think there is another Su Dong? 】

[Fuck!If it is him, everything can be figured out!Su Dong, that is a well-known entrepreneur in our Dragon Country!

It is obviously different from those capitalists!

Don't use the word "capitalist" to slander our Chairman Su! 】

【that is!So Dong Su's hospital dared to propose that the hospital be fully responsible for the patients coming in? 】

[That's because Su Dong really puts the patient's health in his heart! 】

[I heard from the doctor of Dawu Hospital that Su Dong emphasized at the staff meeting of Dawu Hospital that Dawu Hospital is not proud of making money, but ashamed of making money! 】

[Family, at this moment, I just want to say something on behalf of everyone: Amazing, my Director Su!Do you have an opinion? 】

[Reconsideration! 】

[Yes! 】

[No problem! 】

Chapter 127 Five Billion Budget

I don't know when Su Mu's name was equated with being trustworthy.

At the beginning, many people suspected that "patients enter the door, the hospital is fully responsible" was a gimmick made by Dawu Hospital.

The purpose is to enhance the reputation of the hospital and attract patients.

But since knowing that this policy was proposed by Su Mu, the conversation on the Internet has changed suddenly.

Compliments to Su Mu are everywhere.

Praise Dawu Hospital as a hospital that really cares about patients.

Just like that, Dawu Hospital is on fire!

Although the hospital is a place that no one wants to go to except for giving birth.

But it is also unavoidable for many people.

When some patients had to make a choice, the reputation of Dawu Hospital became the first choice for everyone.

In this way, in just two days after the news was broadcast, the number of patients in Dawu Hospital doubled and doubled again.

At this moment, Su Mu is cursing the Kyoto Daily by drawing circles in his office.

When did this thing become so eye-opening?

When I was in Red Elephant, I was your best dog!

What I like is your dog spirit!

Why did you change your style today!

Stop being a dog, and start busy with backstabbing?

Just when Su Mu was depressed, the office door rang.

"Come in." Su Mu said distractedly.

During this period of time, Su Mu has been looking for a way to go bankrupt quickly without affecting patients and doctors.

Unfortunately, after thinking about it night after night, it was a lonely night after all.

After entering, Xue Zhongnian looked at Su Mu with a tired face, and was really shocked: "Su Dong, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Su Mu put away his lazy attitude and said, "It's just that I didn't sleep well.

By the way, what are you doing here? "

"It's like this." Xue Zhongnian said: "Recently, the number of outpatients in our hospital has more than tripled, and a doctor has to see at least 50 patients a day on average.

Under such high-intensity work, the effectiveness of patients' diagnosis and treatment will definitely be greatly reduced. "

Su Mu can understand what Xue Zhongnian said.

This is a typical marginal effect.

The number of doctors remains the same. When the number of patients received is appropriate, the output benefits are the greatest. When used in medical practice, the main manifestation is that the rate of misdiagnosis is reduced and the treatment experience of patients is better.

Once the number of doctors remains the same and the number of patients received increases significantly, the output benefits will become smaller and smaller.

In medical practice, the main performance is that the rate of misdiagnosis increases and the treatment experience of patients deteriorates.

Even serious, it will lead to medical malpractice.

This is not a good thing for Su Mu or for Dawu Hospital.

There are two main ways to solve the marginal effect of patients, one is to increase investment, and the other is to reduce expenditure.

Increasing investment means increasing the number of doctors, that is, recruiting.

To reduce expenditure means to reduce the number of patients, arrange for doctor registration, and arrange for a daily limit.

"What can you do?" Su Mu asked.

"I suggest that our hospital also implement registration and limit numbers." Xue Zhongnian said: "I have calculated that the maximum number of visits per day for a doctor in our hospital is 50. After more than 50 people, the rate of misdiagnosis and the energy of doctors will be affected. .

Therefore, I recommend that our doctors see a maximum of fifty patients per day. "

Hearing Xue Zhongnian's suggestion, Su Mu shook his head and replied, "This method won't work."

"Why?" Su Mu's answer surprised Xue Zhongnian.

Su Mu replied: "Our hospital is a private hospital, not a public hospital, and our charges are already higher than public hospitals!

Patients spend so much money to come to our hospital for treatment, for what?

In order to be able to provide high-quality medical services and medical services at any time.

If the patients who come to us for medical treatment spend a lot of money and need to grab and limit the numbers like public hospitals, is it meaningful for them to spend the money?

Don't we have a conscience for making such money? "

It's not that Xue Zhongnian didn't consider this issue.

But the reality is that there are only so many doctors, and the number of patients continues to increase.

If registration, number control, and number restriction are not implemented, it will be a kind of harm to both doctors and patients.

"I can understand Dean Xue's concerns." Su Mu continued: "I remember when our hospital was built, it was built according to a large third-class hospital?"

"Yes!" Xue Zhongnian continued to ask: "Su Dong, don't you mean..."

Daigo Hospital was built in the early 21s, when housing prices in the suburbs of Kyoto were relatively cheap.

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