Even fish and birds in the sky are more attractive to it than puff mushrooms...


Lin Muge and the little flying spider in her arms looked at each other more than 30 times.

"It's not so..."

He licked his lips awkwardly.

"Although our family's big puff mushroom is... indeed, its own condition is a bit poor, but it shouldn't be so looked down upon by others..."

"Although I don't quite understand the aesthetics of mushrooms, it really shouldn't be like this..."

Lin Muge cleared his throat.

"Admiral, Admiral, hurry up and yell at me the big spray mushroom!"

"Whether you can get rid of the singles in this life depends on whether you can grasp it yourself!"

Although Big Puff Gu didn't even look at the video of Big Puff Mushroom, but it was attracted by the flying fish and birds. As long as Big Puff Mushroom opened its eyes, it could still see Big Puff Mushroom.

Now let the little flying spider perform a wave of spider silk spray and still have a chance to catch it successfully.

But if Aunt Big Spray doesn't feel any use to Big Spray Mushrooms, then there's no point in catching or not...

"Big puff mushroom! Big puff mushroom!"

The admiral cleared his throat and yelled next to the big puff mushroom's ear.

"Huh? Gululu..."

With his voice, Big Punch's purple snot bubbles burst open, and then he spit out a series of bubbles.

Then changed positions and continued to sleep.

"Is there anything wrong with it..."

Lin Muge rubbed his eyebrows.

"Admiral, admiral, quickly call Xinglan or brother Xizi, and just open Big Punch's eyes!"

Although the chances are slim, Lin Muge still doesn't want to miss such an excellent opportunity to get out of the singles.

"Hey, what are you doing, Xinglan and I are discussing the philosophy of life."

Brother Xizi jumped in from the window and asked.

"Damn it! Big squirt!"

After seeing the big spray girl in the video, her pupils vibrated.

It turns out that there are really slim and graceful big puff mushrooms in this world!

"This is a female's, and ours is a male's. Quickly remove our eye and let it see a woman."

"There is only one chance like this!"

Lin Muge said anxiously.

Yuniao is also a good assist, which completely attracted the attention of Big Punch.


Brother Xizi rolled up his sleeves.

"But where are the eyes of the big puff mushroom!"

"Under its bangs."

"Bangs? Does it have bangs?"

Brother Xizi squirted a lot of mushrooms up and down, his face full of disbelief.

"It's where the mushroom handle and mushroom head meet!"

Lin Muge commanded from the air.

"My God, I saw its eyes for the first time..."

Brother Xi Zi scratched the wool and shook his head and said.

The eyes of the big puff mushroom grow on the top of its mushroom stalk, which is exactly the same as the night mode mushroom family in plants vs. zombies.

It's just closed.

"But I can't pick apart sheep's hooves with my hands!"

"Then hurry up and find Xinglan and come in, don't miss out on the important event of Da Xinggu's life!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Brother Xizi also realized the urgency of the matter, and quickly called Xiao Shiyi and Ye Xinglan in.

Under the struggle of the big spray mushroom, several people worked together to open its eyes.





It was the first time for Da Xinggu to be treated like this, and he was a little dazed at first, with big question marks in his small eyes and a confused look on his face.

But when it saw the big spray girl on the screen, its eyes shot out instantly, and its whole body was shocked.

"I go……"

Lemon took a deep breath.

After seeing the big spray girl, the whole temperament of the big spray mushroom has changed...

"Now in the eyes of Big Puff Gu, Big Punch is like a young and invincible beautiful girl wearing a floral dress, attracted by the beautiful butterflies passing by in the sunny flowers, and there is a happy smile on her face."

"Absolutely, a little virgin like it can't handle it at all! The big puff mushroom surrendered just like France!"

Lin Muge watched this scene intently.

In his arms is a little flying spider.

The body is covered with cuttlefish crabs.

"I'm coming!"

The fish and bird finally flew away, and the big puff girl who wanted to leave finally noticed the big puff mushroom's eyes.

Lin Muge held his breath, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

Under everyone's eyes, Big Punch Girl actually stopped and looked at Big Puff Mushroom.

"Oh, I'm going!"


Before Lin Muge could be happy, the big puff mushroom in his house suddenly stood up.

The originally obese and bloated body repeatedly became taller in an instant.

"Senior...then that would not be..."

Ning Ning shook Lin Muge's body.

Because she was too surprised, she couldn't even speak clearly for a while.


"The big puff mushroom is deeply hidden..."

"How much is this..."

"The Power of Love"

"Is this love at first sight..."

"Aunt Big Spray seems to be a little bit excited"

"Nonsense, I'm almost heartbroken!"

In front of Big Punch, the big Puff mushroom straightened up and took a deep breath.

As it suffocated its breath to the head of the mushroom, it slowly emerged on the handle of the mushroom... 12 yuan abdominal muscles...

Not to mention Brother Xizi, Xiao Shiyi and Ye Xinglan who were right in front of them, even Qianshou who came to join in the fun and the portrait of Mona Lisa hanging on the wall were shocked.

"Good guy..."

Not only the abdominal muscles, the big puff mushroom even has biceps and chest muscles in a short period of time.

The whole mushroom is completely different from just now...

Such strong muscles and such a masculinity instantly fascinated Aunt Dajong.

The whole person can't wait to post it on the phone.

And this also inflated Da Puff Mushroom's self-confidence again.

"Wait... what is it going to do..."

Lin Muge and the cuttlefish and crabs on his body and under him all poked their heads over.

The big puff mushroom jumped out of the flowerpot.

It actually walked!

"A medical miracle..."

Lin Muge gave the camera a trembling thumbs up.

It's a pure medical miracle...

He originally thought that Big Puff Mushroom would never be able to get away from that little flowerpot in his life.

Unexpectedly, love makes its youthful blood surge again...

"Brothers, I've decided not to take this big pup home. I'll take our big pup here."

"At home, I'm afraid that the two of them won't be able to use it well..."

Lin Muge stood up and applauded uncontrollably.

"Isn't this better than blogging?"

"Is this love?"

"The laws of heaven are unfair! Even tm mushrooms are off the list!"

"I vomited, but the big spray girl found a girlfriend before I did"

"The extreme muscle gain of Big Puff Mushroom is too beautiful"

"Too curly, pretending to sleep but actually exercising..."

"It's changed, it's not the mushroom I knew"

Chapter 236 Senior... I... My eyes seem to have fallen off...

"They are here."

Lin Muge squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

Already, Ye Xinglan could vaguely see Ye Xinglan hugging Xiao Shiyi, Xiao Shiyi hugging Big Puffing Mushroom, and Brother Xizi escorting him.

Ever since she went to that toy factory to teach Ye Xinglan how to fly, she has made rapid progress.

Now it can even take people flying.

"Oh, love."

Seeing the big puff girl below bouncing around in place after feeling the breath of the big puff mushroom, Lin Muge sighed.

"Oh, love~"

Seeing Lin Muge sighing, Yu Xinning also raised her neck and sighed. .

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