Under Li Canyi's despairing eyes, the old lady's hand was slowly placed on the ring of the bomb.

But Lin Muge threw down the pot without hesitation and rushed towards the bomb.

No hesitation.

There was no hesitation.

No despair.


Li Canyi trembled all over.

Lin Muge knows better than anyone else that they only have one chance...

Lin Muge knows better than anyone else that there is no weirdness that can control the old man now...

Lin Muge knows better than anyone else that he is courting death by rushing over now...

But at this moment, there is no fear in his eyes.

It turns out that this person is really not afraid...

At the last moment, Li Canyi finally understood this point.

"Why you can do it and I can't!"

In a flash, she rushed out of Ye Xinglan's body.

Ye Xinglan's body fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings broken.

And she rushed to the old man who was about to pull the ring.

The blazing vitality of adults is like the sun protecting their bodies from being invaded by weirdness.


Li Canyi asked himself in his heart.


She saw Lin Muge's shocked and puzzled eyes.

She also saw the self who once wanted to rule mankind.

"Thank you."

She said tremblingly in the short moment when she intertwined with Lin Muge's body.

Even if I can buy you a little bit of time...

As soon as Li Can closed his eyes, he accelerated suddenly.

But just as she was about to rush into the old man's body, a gust of breath instantly bounced her away.

Not the heat of an explosion.

It was an eerie coldness.

A large wave of terrifying spooky waves rushed straight from the outside.

The one who took the lead was the sacrificed policeman who left just now.

Most of the weirdos behind him were also wearing uniforms.

There are soldiers, there are policemen, there are firefighters...


Lin Muge's Adam's apple rolled slightly.

A large number of dead soldiers poured into the old man's body, forcing her hand to stop.

And Lin Muge immediately held the old man's hand firmly, and took the bomb into his own hand.

ps: Happy Lantern Festival to Shining Eyes

Chapter 229 Why is senior so low-key!

"It seems that something happened to Nancheng Maternity and Infant Hospital."

"It seems to have seen the famous Internet celebrity Lin Muge being tortured away..."

"Damn it, Lin Muge did run away halfway through the live broadcast."

"Although the up host is a freelancer, he should have some professional ethics. What's the point of running away without saying a word in the middle of the live broadcast?"

"The police station saw Lin Muge being escorted in."

"So what happened??"

Lin Muge once again became the focus of the Internet tonight.

And the place of discussion is far more than Xiaobozhan. Now Lin Muge, an up master with tens of millions of fans, has already left the circle.

"Grass, it's too ridiculous."

Zhao Fanzhuo looked at all kinds of conjectures on the Internet and sighed silently.

Some people say that Lin Muge is going to steal a child.

Some people say that Lin Muge is going to help Wei Wei reincarnate as a human being.

Some people say that Lin Shepherd Pigeon is going to kill people and set fire to increase the number of weird ones.

Some even said that Lin Muge sensed that the legendary ghost king was going to be reincarnated and went to stop it...

Zhao Fanzhuo's scalp felt numb.

It's really the beginning of a picture that depends entirely on editing.

As a former professional sailor leader, he could tell at a glance that most of the people were in a rhythm.

But there is no way.

After all, Lin Muge's popularity has grown so fast, and she became famous at a young age, which really makes people jealous...

He deleted a wave that was really excessive, with obvious personal attacks, and the rest didn't matter at all.

"Where did senior go..."

Yu Xinning at home was also extremely worried.

Before Lin Muge left, her expression was very serious. She had never seen anything that would make Lin Muge so anxious...

"Who are these people..."

Looking at the various discussions on the Internet, Yu Xinning was so angry that she turned over and over...

"Ningling, you haven't slept yet."

At four o'clock in the morning, Lin Muge returned home with a tired face.

"Senior! Where have you been!"

Yu Xinning jumped directly on Lin Muge with red and dark circles under her eyes.

"Well, it's a little complicated."

Lin Muge patted Yu Xinning's little head.

Gone is the adrenaline rush of coming home, replaced by a sense of post-mass exhaustion...

"Then... this is Xiaocan, Xiaocan is now in Xinglan's body."

"Xinglan's system is a bit special, I need to wake up Xinglan's consciousness now."

Lin Muge opened his mouth and took a sip of water, squeezing the water ball until there was not a drop left.

"Sister Can?"


Li Canyi also nodded wearily.

"Wuwu Ningling... I almost won't see you..."

"We're in the hospital..."

"I killed so many weirdos..."

"Almost everyone is going to... die..."

She took Ning Ning's hand and shook her head and said.

When talking about excitement, he immediately hugged Ning Ning tightly, buried his head on her chest and wiped away his tears.

After all, Brother Xizi is only in his teens.

"Okay, okay, pay attention to the influence, this is Xinglan's body."


Li Canyi took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

Now recalling the scene in the hospital, her heart is still beating non-stop.

"What should I do now?"

"Just lie down first."

Lin Shepherd went to the storage room, rummaged through a small box full of various weird items, and then took out a black thing, like the skin of something.

"Senior, what is this?"

"What happened to Xinglan?"

"What have you guys been through?"

Yu Xinning, who didn't know what happened at all, comforted Li Canyi, and then flew to Lin Muge to ask.

"Xinglan was born in Nian Beast Village controlled by Xiancha when she was a child, which made her system very special."

"It's just that her body will feel like it's dead from time to time, and it's not controlled by her brain at all."

"When her body feels that she is dead, she will...will come to the border between life and death, it's just...a bit like Schrödinger."

"Anyway, if she doesn't make her body feel that she is alive in time, then she will die."

Lin Muge explained somewhat incoherently.

After cleaning the black thing in his hand, he wrapped it around Ye Xinglan's wrist like a wristband, and then held it tightly against her skin.

"Xiaocan, you can come out now."


Li Canyi got into the Pleasant Goat doll beside him again.


A few seconds later, Ye Xinglan sat up from the sofa as if feeling a great stimulus, panting heavily.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Lin Muge let go of her hand and comforted her.

Yu Xinning on the side also thoughtfully wiped the cold sweat on Ye Xinglan's forehead with a hot towel soaked in mushroom juice.

"Sister Ningning..."

Ye Xinglan hugged Yu Xinning just like Li Canyi just now.

"Okay, okay, petting the fur won't scare you~"

Yu Xinning froze for a moment, and patted Ye Xinglan on the head like Lin Muge used to comfort her.

And Ye Xinglan murmured and fell asleep in her arms.

"She'll be fine when she sleeps."


Yu Xinning floated up carefully, and the princess carried Ye Xinglan to her bedroom, then gently put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

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