"So from the beginning to the end, there is only one living person..."

After hearing Lin Muge's words, everyone's hairs stood on end, thinking carefully and fearing.

Taking advantage of various discussions on the bullet screen, Lin Muge also quickly clicked on Mai Yuran's message.

In addition to various questions about what he was doing, there was also the general location of Xueshanghua and a video.

After explaining to Mai Yuran, he clicked on the bottom video.

The video was the last transmission from the drone that the Bureau of Conspiracy captured Xue Shanghua.

The noise of wind and snow in the picture is very loud, originally it was just a scene.

But at the end of the video, it can be clearly seen that the drone was picked up by a pair of human-like hands.

"Hey, maybe it's a weird fellow."

Lin Muge glanced again, and then replied to Mai Yuran with an ok expression.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back alive, even if I am lucky enough to die young, it will become weird."

He sent a voice message to Mai Yuran, and picked up the camera again.

"Okay, brothers, next, Lining and I will bring you a live broadcast of survival in the wilderness that may last for a long time."

Lin Muge took a deep breath and said excitedly.

It was in stark contrast to the fear that permeated the live broadcast room.

"First of all, I will teach you a practical method to judge the direction with weirdness."

"You just need to release fear in all directions, 360 degrees without dead ends, and then see which direction has the most fear, and which direction has the most weirdness."

"Usually where there is weirdness, it proves that that place is safe. After all, even weirdness can live, and you can definitely do it after you die."

He hugged Ningning's pillow, pinned the small camcorder to his chest, and closed his eyes to feel it.

"Very good, this direction."

After a few seconds, Lin Shepherd locked on a direction, and then walked forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Okay, let's go find some water."

By the way, he let go of the water ball tail that had been about to move for a long time.

It is really difficult to walk in the desert, let alone a layer of snow on it.

Lemon also jumped on his head very thoughtfully.

"Very good, brothers, now we have arrived at Yinshapo."

"Why do I know, because I can feel the life under this piece of sand!"

Lin Muge sat cross-legged on the ground.

"To be honest, I'm not physically strong right now. I'm a little tired now, and I didn't eat on the plane."

"At this time, our rational choice is to take out food to replenish our strength."

He took a collapsible fishing rod out of his bag.

"Wait...is this a fishing rod??"

""Take Out the Food""

"Although, doves want to fish?"

"Please tell me it's not a fishing rod, it's bread that looks like a fishing rod"

"Desert Fishing"

"I can still vividly remember the scene of Gege fishing with the spider silk of the big flying spider last time..."

The number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 200 million.

When I saw Lin Muge unhurriedly stretching the fishing rod, hooking it up, and preparing to fish, all kinds of question marks had completely flooded the live broadcast room.

"But we have no food, so I will show you how to get food with your hardworking hands and smart brain."

"As we all know, to survive in the desert, the necessary item is the fishing rod, and the necessary skill is fishing."

"Although this is also my first serious fishing."

While everyone was watching, Lin Muge took out a ball of cotton from his bag.

"This is the bait."

He soaked the cotton in blood and hung it on the fishhook. After throwing it far away, he hugged the fishing rod and changed into a comfortable position and lay down on the desert.

Looking at his posture, he seems to be lying on the golden sand instead of the desert...

"Very good, some silly boy fish took the bait."

As soon as Lin Muge lay down, the fishing rod shook.

Under the camera, everyone clearly saw a hole in the snow-covered sand, and then something jumped out and bit the fishhook in an instant, and then drilled under the sand again.

There was almost no time for everyone to restart their brains, and the fishing line straightened with a buzzing sound.

The yellow sand was floating, and the weird creature below that had bitten the hook was like a dog pulling a sled, pulling the lying wood pigeon forward at high speed.

Everyone who reluctantly accepts the setting of desert fishing can't even tell who is the fish for a while...

"Hey, it's comfortable."

The fast-moving Lin Muge hugged the fishing rod tightly and gave a thumbs up to the camera.

"This kind of weird biological name is sand larvae, and I like to call them the nickname fool fish."

"Because they don't have brains, it's like being in water under the sand. Everyone will know when I catch one in a while."

"After biting the hook, it will struggle like this. It is a unique delicacy in the desert and also a common means of transportation."

"I only have one fishing rod. If there are seven or eight fishing rods in my hand, the speed is comparable to that of a snowmobile, which is quite fast."

While talking and laughing, Lin Muge had been taken several hundred meters away by the sandfish, and entered the hinterland of Yinshapo in an instant.

"Then letting the fool fish take me for so long is also to make it exercise."

"Everyone knows the reason for this, because it is said in food psychology that it will taste better if the food is exercised."

He opened his mouth.

A few seconds later, the water ball swished over to feed him a sip of water, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Hi, what's the matter with this water, it smells a bit stinky, brothers."

Lin Muge vomited a few grains of sand and frowned.

"I'm beginning to understand why Dove calls the forbidden place for humans an amusement park..."


"Fishing, but not quite fishing"

""Water Comes to Open Mouth""

"Gege is surviving in the wilderness here and there, this is obviously enjoying..."

"Grandfather looked at it and shook his head"

"I actually thought that pigeons would have a particularly hard time surviving..."

At this moment, everyone on the barrage is numb...

Lin Shepherd Ge and their impression of wind and rain, survival in the wilderness after eating the last meal but not the next meal are two extremes...

Going to the beach for vacation even needs to hold an umbrella by yourself...

"Grandson, what are you looking at?"


Zhao Fanzhuo from his hometown said with a complicated face.

He also tried every means to locate Lin Shepherd Pigeon, in case his body could be found in case of danger...

But I never thought it would be like this...


Mai Yuran in the Bureau of Conspiracy took a deep breath and nodded.

I reflected in my heart that I was still worried about Lin Muge for a while just now.

This is not so much a task as Lin Muge took Ning Ning to travel on New Year's Day...

"It's finally tired!"

After more than ten minutes, Lin Shepherd Pigeon's speed finally began to slow down, and then stopped at the bottom of a sand dune.

"Guys, look how deep this is."

He stood on the snow and straightened the hook.

The five-meter-long fishing line is only [-] centimeters out of the sand.

With the strength of Lin Muge, the sand and snow slowly sank, and a washbasin-sized fish was thrown into the air from the sand, and fell in front of Lin Muge.

"This is my food for today guys."

Lin Muge picked up the sandfish and showed it to the camera.

Its entire body is the color of yellow sand, as if it is composed of countless sand grains.

There was a light of wisdom in the godless eyes, and the eyes were fixed on Lin Muge.

"I believe everyone can see that sand larvae are very delicious and have no fish bones."

"The way to deal with sand larvae is very simple. This strange creature is naturally afraid of water. You only need to drop a small amount of water on it and it will be cooked."

"As for where the water comes from."

Lin Muge took a deep breath, "Water comes!"

He yelled and raised his neck with his mouth open.

"Forget it, the water from the tail of the water ball just now is not very clean."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he shook his head.

"I forgot there was snow in the desert."

Lin Muge squatted down and grabbed a cloud of snow.

Snow water dripped from between his fingers onto the sand larvae on the ground who were so tired that they spit sand.

As if the water had touched the sand, the body color of the sandfish gradually darkened, gradually melted and collapsed, and turned into a puddle of mud.

"...Isn't this just sand..."

"Shui Tuan Tai: I have finally fallen out of favor!"

"Could it be possible that pigeons eat mud directly?"

"Do not rule out this possibility [dog head]"

""very delicious""

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw with their own eyes that the sandfish had turned from a mass of fine sand into a puddle of mud, and was now lying on the ground.

No matter how you break through the imagination of the sky, this kind of thing is inedible...

But under everyone's shocked eyes, Lin Muge picked up the mud with both hands, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


After a happy expression appeared on his face, he hiccupped.

"Brothers, it's delicious."

After shaking the mud off his hands and washing his hands with the surrounding snow, he gave the camera a thumbs up.


"I looked around, but I didn't see that the pigeons were eating..."

"What's the principle?"

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