He spread his hands and said innocently.


""Too Much Money""

"Let's go and go, as soon as I come in, I can see pigeons in Versailles [狗头]"

"To be honest, I might be envious of other people who have paid so much money, but I am really convinced by Gege"

"Indeed, based on Ge Ge's character, I will accept how much money he makes!"

"The Madonna"

"Hahahahaha I like the character of up"

Generally, in this case, the normal up owner will sell it miserably and make another wave of followers.

Everyone never expected that Lin Muge not only did not sell miserably, but even showed off Bofu...


"Then the most liked question in the comment area, I'll read it for everyone."

Lin Muge cleared his throat.

"Gege, I'm an old fan of yours. I really think the higher ups treat you too badly. Does the so-called Conspiracy Bureau have to show up in today's situation? Go to any country in the world It’s definitely top-notch treatment, but here you are still being bullied by the Internet, and has the pigeon’s dedication really gotten what he deserves? I’m really disappointed.”

"This comment has more than 3 likes, which is higher than a single dynamic like in my area."

Lin Muge sighed and shook his head.

"Brothers, let me emphasize again, I'm just an ordinary person, I'm an ordinary person!"

"Here, let me tell you about the 20.00/80.00 rule. I forgot who came up with it. It is a person who said that [-]% of the people in the world control [-]% of the world's wealth."

"There is another way of saying this law, that is, 20.00% of the people in the world serve and dedicate 80.00% of the people in the world."

He paused.

"Then I'll tell you another rule, called the iceberg rule, that is, for a super invincible iceberg, the part that floats on the water is actually only one-eighth of its total volume."

"What I want to say is that only one-eighth of the 80.00% of people who serve 20.00% of mankind can be seen by us, and the remaining seven-eighths are silently dedicated in places we cannot see."

"Everyone don't feel sorry for the seven-eighths of the people, but instead feel sorry for people like me who make a lot of money, isn't it a little...something..."

Lin Muge opened the screenshot of her income again.

"And it's not that I don't have a reward, this is my reward! The most superficial and practical money!"

He looks at the camera.

When he saw these comments in the morning, he really didn't expect that everyone would think so, and feel sorry for him with a six-figure monthly income...

"And I love this job, brothers, I like to go to popular science, and letting me do what I love is the best reward for me."

"I'm an ordinary person... what else can I expect? Isn't it?"

Lin Muge counted his income again, and even counted it in public.

I don't mean to show off, I just want everyone to wake up.

""Ordinary Forest Pigeon""

"What kind of sobriety is this!"

"Ordinary (), mediocre (), regret (Ari) and earn [-] million ()"

"Laughed out loud guys"

"Gege has such an amazing personality"

“Love is the best reward for pigeons”

"What? Isn't the best reward the support of our fans? You've lost your fans, you've lost your fans【狗头】"

The number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 300 million in an instant.

Lin Muge's remarks that are Versailles, clear-headed, magnanimous, and completely enviable are directly admirable.

Some new fans also feel Lin Muge's character and personality charm more intuitively.

"Then the second question, why did the Bureau deliberately prevent you from discovering the living zombie?"

"This issue was also explained to me by the Bureau of Deception yesterday. I can't tell you the reason for the time being. It's very confidential. It's best for everyone not to know."

Lin Muge was silent for a while and said.

"The third question is that I donated all the money from selling blood, isn't it heartbreaking?"

"Uh... don't feel bad, because I still have a lot of money."

"I feel that Gege's treatment is so low."

"Indeed, it's only six figures a month! I need two hands to count!"

Lin Muge rubbed his eyebrows.

"Okay, brothers, I think the following questions can be answered with a unified answer, that is, my monthly income is six figures."

"And that's the end of today's mini-reading review video, let's identify the most popular weird creatures on the Internet!"

He clicked on the chat history with Director Tibetan Fox.

"GeGeGeGe! My good brother! I'm awake! Chihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

But before he opened the first video, the admiral's extremely rough voice came from below.

Chapter 200 God, that's God! (more than 7000 words)


"Hidden Beauty in the Pigeon House"

"Good guy, this voice..."

"Just listening to the sound, I can imagine a two-meter-strong man with a full face and beard."


"I just entered the live broadcast and there was a surprise?"

Hearing such a wild and rough voice with a hint of inexplicable shyness, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room even stopped for a moment.

The expression on Lin Muge's face also stiffened abnormally, and she shuddered three times.

"Ningning help bring the admiral up..."

He rubbed his eyebrows and said very tiredly.

"What?! What is this?! Is this my wife's hand?"

"So tender! So thin! So slippery! Spicy and sharp!"

Under the various coquettishness of the admiral using Zhang Fei's voice, Ning Ning restrained the urge to drop the phone several times in a row, safely took the admiral up and showed it in front of the camera.

"I...I'm going to wash my hands..."

She looked hopelessly at her touching the admiral's hands, trembling uncontrollably.

"Brothers, this is... the admiral. After death, it is like those weird things attached to dolls or other objects. It is attached to the mobile phone. I just woke up today. In terms of mental...maybe... I have a little problem. "

Lin Muge took a deep breath and picked up the phone and put it in front of the camera to introduce it to everyone.

On the screen of the live broadcast, Zhang Fei's face suddenly appeared.

"Ha! Hello, brothers! I am the admiral! It's the first time we meet, please take care of me!"

He said in a loud voice with luck in his dantian.

Even though Lin Muge had quietly turned down the volume of the phone to the minimum, the voice was still thunderous.

After all, the character chosen by the admiral is really a character.

""Full of Vitality"

"Video Call"

"Good guy, it's really Zhang Fei..."

"Why is the admiral doing this?"

"Thanks to the strong man for not killing the dog head]"

After seeing the Admiral's true face, everyone's reaction in the live broadcast room was exactly the same as Lin Muge's reaction this morning.

They were all shocked and puzzled.

"Uh... because the mobile phone is a modern technology product, the weirdness attached to it also symbolizes the combination of technology and weirdness."

"This kind of weirdness generally has the right to choose a virtual image of oneself from the photo album of one's mobile phone, but can only choose one time, which is equivalent to a hermit crab that cannot change its shell."

"The admiral... chose Zhang Fei."

A trace of complexity flashed across Lin Muge's face.

"Hey! Brothers, I have all kinds of two-dimensional beautiful girls, three-dimensional stars, and all kinds of cute pets, virtual idols, Cthulhu concept maps, beast mothers, and Lego in my photo album, but I resolutely choose Zhang Fei."

"It's still in Zhang Fei's emoji, which I also like, and I fell in love with it at a glance!"

The admiral said proudly.

"I'll show you my photo album again!"

He skillfully opened his photo album, nearly [-] photos.

Everyone's classic wives in various classic dramas are all beauties with sweet voices and good looks.

The more you watch it, the more heartbroken you are, and there are more and more question marks on the barrage.

Lin Muge and Yu Xinning who had just washed their hands didn't know what to say for a while.


"The admiral chose Zhang Fei instead of a beautiful girl image??"

""Desperate Things"

"Damn it! So I want to attach it to my phone too!"

"Is it Akizuki Airi who flashed by just now? Dog head]"

"A great filial piety, my brothers"

"Is there a possibility that the admiral chooses Zhang Fei, who can just hit the xp that is suitable for pigeons? Goutou]"

Driven by the admiral's self-destruction, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became extraordinarily active.

The number of people also exceeded 500 million in one fell swoop.

"Actually, in theory, as long as all the electrical appliances in our house are connected to the hotspot of the admiral's mobile phone, the admiral can realize the shuttle.


"I'll try again after this live broadcast is over."

"Then the admiral was just fully charged, and he was a little excited, which is understandable..."

He sighed and put the admiral aside, and completely silenced him.

"The admiral is the first Internet hot spot that we...identify."

"Next, let's see what good stuff Director Tibetan Fox sent us."

Lin Muge clicked on the chat record with Director Tibetan Fox, and then opened the first video.

"This video is from netizen @船船的xp. It's so strange. He took it in the courtyard when he went back to his hometown in the countryside on vacation. It's very interesting. Let's take a look first."

The length of the video is more than 40 minute and [-] seconds, and it is an old hen filmed with a mobile phone.

At first everything was normal, the old hen was hatching normally in the coop.

But then things started to go wrong.

I saw the hen looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one around, she even jumped out of her two wings.

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