Haha, the chief of staff picked up the telegram and put it down after reading it, "Boss, at least the effect is very good. There are news from all over the country that many patriotic young people and scholars have left and are coming to our side. Do you want to go to meet them?" one time?"

"Response?" The boss nodded after thinking about it, "This is very necessary, let the independent brigade dispatch, and their brigade is the most powerful."

Li Yunlong and Su Xuan, who had returned to the brigade headquarters, were about to go to the hospital to settle accounts with Lao Liu. They heard that they had returned, and before they arrived at the hospital, they sent a telegram from the boss to calm them down.

Haha, Li Yunlong's excited eyes began to shine, "Old Su, the headquarters ordered my independent brigade to dispatch to meet compatriots from all over the place."

As soon as the telegram was handed over to Su Xuan, Li Yunlong started shouting as soon as he stood at the door, "Hu Zi, inform the political commissar of the acting brigade commander that there are still several regiment leaders in a meeting."

Su Xuan, who was reading the telegram, almost spit out, Li Yunlong was the only battalion commander who could speak so loudly.

Zhang Dabiao and Huang Wanquan also received orders.The two of them immediately opened fire, changed the previous cat-and-mouse drama, and pushed forward to clean up the advance team that slipped in.

In order to hurry, the two of them also started shaking people, the 129th brigade, the [-]th brigade, and the [-]th division troops in this area are all their targets.

After a sweep, Okamura Ningji's plan went bankrupt again.

Zhang Dabiao and Huang Wanquan asked the battalion commander to clean up, and the two hurried back. With the current pockets of the Independent Brigade, once they went out, it was impossible to be a good boy, and the daily anti-aircraft shells were now a big consumption.

Independent brigade conference room.

Li Yunlong pointed to the map, and everyone looked at Henan.

Haha, Li Yunlong pointed at the group leaders, "I see that you are all poor children now, and your eyes glow green when you talk about Zhengzhou."

The group leaders could only murmur in their hearts, I am afraid that you are the poorest among the people here.

After Li Yunlong made a joke, he started to get down to business, "The headquarters ordered us to meet the compatriots who came to the base areas. Don't worry about those from Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places. They can go straight to Shaanxi.

What we want to manage is the compatriots who came up from the south. The plan is very simple. Take Zhengzhou City and the troops will move forward.

The Special Forces and the Paratrooper Brigade ended their assassination missions and infiltrated south to secretly protect their compatriots. "

Everyone didn't respond to what Li Yunlong said earlier, and it was time for them to turn against each other in the next mission of hiding the bridge.

Chapter 182 Warship

Before Li Yunlong could speak, Sun Desheng stood up first. "Brigade Commander, last time you said that once our regiment's tanks arrive, let us take action.

Our regiment is bound to win this mission of capturing the bridge. "

hehe!Huang Wanquan, who hurried back, expressed his objection, "Last time, it was Lao Zhang's first regiment. This time, according to the order, it's also our second regiment. When will it be your tank regiment's turn, which is ranked third?" ?”

Dong Qingxiang was eager to try, "Brigade Commander, we can provide air support, and there is no air defense there.

Let's go bomb it.Allows troops to quickly occupy the bridge. "

Li Yunlong swept everyone away, "The task of capturing the bridge must be the tank regiment.

As long as our troops leave Shanxi, the devils will definitely receive the news.

To win the bridge with fewer casualties, only Sun Desheng's tank regiment was dispatched to clear the road in one fell swoop.

When your other regiments pass by, there will be unnecessary casualties.

As soon as Li Yunlong said this, Huang Wanquan lost his temper. As soon as the planes and tanks arrived, their infantry regiment became stepmother's children.

Sun Desheng gave Huang Wanquan a provocative look.

Boom!Li Yunlong knocked on the table. "You, Sun Desheng, don't grin like a lotus flower to me.

Your regiment has not practiced this tank for a day or two. If you can't win the bridgehead, I will only ask you.

Sun Desheng raised his head. "Brigadier, don't worry, if you can't get off the bridge, you will shoot me."

snort!Li Yunlong snorted coldly. "I will waste a bullet if I shoot you, and you will pay me for the shells when the time comes."

Sun Desheng sat down disheveledly, now that Li Yunlong was poor and crazy, he would let people pick out his pockets whenever he got the chance.

Li Yunlong looked at Dong Qingxiang again, he was still a little hesitant.The devils have been very active in bombing recently. Once the plane takes off, there is a high possibility of encountering it in the sky.

Dong Qingxiang seemed to see Li Yunlong's concerns. "Brigadier, we are not flowers in the greenhouse, let us go!

Not to mention Xiao Wu's hatred, just practice solo all the time, I don't know when we will be able to fight fiercely with the devil plane in the sky. "

Of course Li Yunlong knows this truth, only in blood and fire can people grow faster.Silence for a while. "Okay! Dong Qingxiang, I allow your aviation brigade to play."

Wang Chengzhu was very envious, and it was obvious that his chances of going out in the future would become less and less.

Then to Wang Wenshan and Li Qiyun. "The two of you bring all the eating guys, all the large and small caliber artillery, and the infantry tanks tow, and the two sides coordinate to move forward."

The meeting room fell silent, and after Li Yunlong thought about it, "I'll add another task this time. If conditions permit, I want to destroy the devil's broken boats in the Yangtze River."

After hearing this, Su Xuan felt that this was a relatively difficult task.At that time, in order to deal with these broken ships, many eagles in the sky broke their wings on them.

Now they are going to deal with it. Bombers drop bombs at super high altitudes. Safety is safety, and the accuracy is gone.

Li Yunlong is a very unreasonable person. When the Independent Brigade used anti-aircraft artillery to fight the devils, he was the one who laughed the most.

This time the devil shot and killed Xiao Wu with an anti-aircraft gun, and Li Yunlong kept holding his breath.Because he knew, and could imagine, what kind of tragedy Xiao Wu had suffered.

Zhao Gang has been investigating the news of the Devil's warship in the past two days.He took out a note and handed it to everyone, "The defense around the Devil's warship is not tight, because that thing itself is a war machine.

Now parked in the waters of the Yangtze River, if you want to get close to you, you have to drive a boat.Our artillery can't get close even if the devils block it.

We can get close, and we can't stand the artillery fire on the Devil's warship. "

Zhang Dabiao seemed to have an idea as he rolled his eyes, "Can we use the portability of the 107 rocket launcher to carry rocket shells to the Yangtze River and carry out a cover bombing on the Devils warship."

As soon as Zhang Dabiao's plan came out, everyone began to think about the feasibility of this plan.

Li Yunlong looked at the map, "The devil warship is now staying in Wuhan and other places. There are countless devils stationed there, and it is extremely dangerous."

Su Xuan also began to propose a plan, "Two sides can act. Our large army will push forward in the front, and the small army will carry 107 rockets to intersperse the action, and let the bombers dispatch at high altitude.

At the same time, the United bombed the Devils warship.See if there is a chance to sink him. "

Li Yunlong closed his eyes and thought, and several team leaders gathered together on the map to find the interspersed route.

After a while, Li Yunlong came back to his senses, "The method proposed by Lao Su can be tried. The fighters carrying 107 rockets to attack will withdraw directly to Chongqing and return to Shanxi by detour."

Li Yunlong affirmed this plan.Huang Wanquan looked left and right, "Brigade Commander, our second regiment has accepted this plan."

Li Yunlong stared, "Where is that place in Henan? You have more than 5000 people who want to intersperse people in the past, thinking about farts! This plan can be implemented with a maximum of 300 people."

When Li Yunlong said this, both Zhao Gang and Su Xuan looked at Li Yunlong, feeling that something bad had happened.

really!Li Yunlong laughed, haha, "It's fine for you several regiment leaders to fight forward together. I, Battalion Commander Li, will carry out interspersed tasks like this."

"Fart!" Zhao Gang stood up and pointed at Li Yunlong, "What kind of shit are you, Li Yunlong? Leaving more than 2 people alone, and wanting to bring [-] people to intersperse, how do you think you have the face to propose this idea? The face said that."

Li Yunlong also stood up, as if nothing had happened, "Old Zhao, we are the battalion commander now, do you know the battalion commander?

We are not going to fight the devils, but to pull out the city and move forward.

Zhang Dabiao can do this trivial matter casually, and it's time for him to play the role of chief of staff. "

snort! "You, Li Yunlong, still know that you are the battalion commander, so I, Zhao Gang, will now act as the acting brigade commander and order you, Li Yunlong, to be stationed at the brigade headquarters."

Li Yunlong's face turned dark, and Zhao Gang told him this, "It's all right, if you don't go, you won't go."

The monk, the battalion commander of the guard battalion, couldn't bear it anymore, "Brigadier, why don't you let me go!"

Li Yunlong looked at the monk, "You monk Hua, don't even think about going anywhere, follow me obediently."

Hahahahaha!Everyone in Zhang Dabiao started laughing.

After pondering for a while, Li Yunlong said, "Let the task of protecting our compatriots go north to the more than 800 people brought by the brigade commander.

After a long period of training, they are no worse than our special operations team and paratrooper brigade.

Such a long-distance penetration and dangerous mission can only be performed by our special operations team and paratroopers.

In addition, the Air Force asked them to fight together and sink the Devils' warships in one fell swoop. "

The task candidates are certain, and there is nothing for everyone to argue about.

When the meeting started to end, Li Yunlong stopped Li Qiyun again, "The devil has gone crazy recently, bring more anti-aircraft shells when you leave."

Li Qiyun was very excited. Last time he went to Chahar to fight with the devils stationed in Mongolia and the two divisions. They didn't carry heavy artillery.

He hasn't had enough fun yet, and this time he can bring big guys with him again when he goes to Henan.

The news that the troops were about to leave again spread to every corner of the Independent Brigade.

Chapter 183 Aid, Situation

In the evening, Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and Su Xuan gathered together again.

Zhao Gang was still a little uneasy about Li Yunlong's behavior during the day, "Old Li, let me tell you that the last time you led a team to charge is over.

Remember this time, you are not allowed to take the lead in charging, and you are not allowed to lead small troops to intersperse. "

Hahahaha, Li Yunlong nodded with a smile, "You, old Zhao, have a hundred hearts."

Zhao Gang glared at Li Yunlong angrily, "Old Li, I told you something serious, don't make me laugh!"

Li Yunlong stood up straight and saluted Zhao Gang, "I promise to obey the brigade commander's arrangement!"

Zhao Gang was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could only do this first, Li Yunlong had already made an attitude, and he couldn't hold back.

Seeing that there was still some time left, Zhao Gang told Su Xuan and Li Yunlong about other things, "Old Li Lao Su, Germany, Japan, Italy and other countries led the signing of an agreement last month, and Germany will no longer cooperate with our country.

The big brother in the north and Japan are also negotiating, and the aid to our country is also decreasing sharply. The situation is extremely unfavorable to us now.

well!Su Xuan sighed, now it is 40 years, and next year, Lao Maozi and Japan will also sign an agreement.

At that time, Big Brother will withdraw a large part of the aid. In history, one is this reason, and the other is that the traitor Wang dug the wall and mobilized millions of national government troops, making 41 the most difficult period of the War of Resistance.

Li Yunlong glanced at the two of them, "Why are you two so heavy, our Eighth Route Army has almost never received aid, and everything from their countries has gone into the pockets of the government.

Lao Jiang didn't even give us our funds. This situation has little impact on us. "

Regarding what Li Yunlong said, Zhao Gang is also clear, "Old Li, you are right, but overall, it is still extremely unfavorable to our country.

Mustache swept across the European battlefield, and the devil's previous plan to go north had died.

Now the devils want to quickly end the war on our side so that they can send troops south, and there are constant battles all over the country.

Especially for the persecution from the government, fortunately we attacked the airport, so we can take a breather. "

hehe!Li Yunlong said disdainfully: "I still want to go south, but I want to run away before I have settled the account with him, and there is no door."

"Yes! Old Li is right." Su Xuan agrees with Li Yunlong's point of view, and this time he will have to avenge himself to enjoy himself, "What the devils have done in Southeast Asia has encroached on the interests of many countries, and it is inevitable that they will go to war.

We have to inflict heavy damage on the devils before they mobilize their troops to go south, otherwise, when they slip away, it will be troublesome to chase them with the strength of our zero navy. "

Li Yunlong stood up, "Okay, okay, those are still too far away from us, let's go and finish this mission first."

Zhao Gang rolled his eyes, "I'm telling you how dangerous the situation is now."

Haha, Li Yunlong started to stir things up, "Old Zhao, after we leave, you should take care of your home, keep the airport tighter, and take care of the supplies. If there is a situation, you may need to dispatch an airdrop."

snort! "It's up to you to say!"

Haha, "Old Zhao, as long as you have the numbers." Li Yunlong slapped Zhao Gang lightly on the arm, "Old Zhao, I will leave the station to you!"

Su Xuan also stood up and saluted Zhao Gang with Li Yunlong.

Sun Desheng, Wang Wenshan and Li Qiyun were dispatched first.

The tank leads, the artillery pulled by the infantry fighting vehicle in the middle, and the troop carrier of the original mechanized infantry regiment behind.

Inside the mobile command vehicle of the brigade headquarters, Li Yunlong and Su Xuan were looking at the map again.

"Old Li." Su Xuan rubbed his chest and frowned, "I always feel a bad feeling this time."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Li Yunlong raised his head and cast a glance, "If there is any bad feeling, the devils have only a few tricks. They want to deal with us. The devils in Hebei and our 120th Division and 115th Division Jinsui Army confronted each other.

Not to mention those in the northeast, they have been guarding against the big brother in the north, and although they are negotiating now, they dare not run down casually.

They want to deal with our troops, only from the south.On the great plain of Henan, chariots and tanks charged, and we charged them as much as we asked them to come. "

Su Xuan let Li Yunlong's big words hit his ears, and he was relieved a lot.

It was the same route as the last time they came to Henan, but this time, it was Sun Desheng who led the independent brigade.

Compared with the previous two tanks and nearly ten infantry vehicles, the momentum of the dozens of tanks in the tank regiment now made it impossible for Sun Desheng to put his excited buttocks on the car.

On the devil's side, since Zhang Dabiao was attacked last time, heavy troops have been deployed at the bridgehead.

Not long after being in Shanxi, the independent brigade, the devils received the news.

It also made the Independent Brigade worry about it last time. There are bright and dark whistles everywhere, and it is impossible to sneak past.

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