That night.

The dormitory area for newcomers.

In Li Wenqiang's residence, there was steam.

A white cloth was tied on the chest of Jiuxuan Master, and the sweat on his forehead kept looking inside: "Is that enough?"

"Continue to add."

Jiuxuan sighed impatiently, and shouted into the yard: "Wen Qiang."



Liu Wenqiang and Zhang Wenqiang turned their heads at the same time.At the same time, Li Wenqiang's voice came from the back room: "What's wrong?"

Jiu Xuan was stunned for a while, probably thinking about which Wen Qiang he should call.After pondering for a while, he pointed to Zhang Wenqiang and said, "Liu Wenqiang, you..."

"Uncle, my name is Zhang Wenqiang."

"...Get another bucket of hot water."

After a while, Zhang Wenqiang came over with another bucket of hot water dripping with sweat, and kept looking inside: "What are you doing in there? I'll go in to refill the hot water for the whole day."

Jiuxuan frowned: "What do you care about so much? If you are asked to fetch hot water, you will fetch hot water. There is a lot of nonsense."


Zhang Wenqiang shrank his neck, jumped to take a look inside, turned and left.

Doubtful eyes.

Both he and Liu Wenqiang were dragged here to work for a day.It's boiling water, and it's fetching water. I don't know what's going on inside.

In the room, among the wooden barrels, two shirtless men sat opposite each other amid rising steam.

People eat whole grains and are eroded by the turbid air of the world, and they are hazy for a lifetime.Only at the most exhausted moment, using several buckets of boiling water can open the pores of the whole body and make people reach the most primitive state.Easy, comfortable, relaxed, cheerful.

Traditional men, on the other hand, prefer to close the curtains and concentrate on enjoying this wonderful moment in a dark environment.They don't like to be seen by outsiders, and they don't like to be exposed to the sky, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

This is the enlightenment.

"You cross your legs."

In the quiet environment, Jiuli Zhenren's old face turned red, which was not caused by the heat of the boiling water.It was because Li Wenqiang's foot stretched out and clamped around his waist in this limited wooden barrel...

Li Wenqiang opened his eyes in bewilderment: "Don't stop."

Jiuli frowned: "I tell you to cross your legs. Don't kick around!"

Li Wenqiang sighed: "Why don't you feel wronged. My leg is a little numb. Let me stretch it, just for a while."

With a dark face, Jiuli looked down at Li Wenqiang's two hairy legs clamped around his waist in the hot water, stretched out, and stepped on the other end of the wooden barrel.I just feel that this posture is quite 'hazy'.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes?

Because since Li Wenqiang came to Ziyun faction, I haven't had a good day.Since I became his master, I not only have to shamelessly borrow pills, but also have to work hard, and I am always worried about being killed by the punishment of heaven.The most important thing is that now... I don't even have my virginity.

Daigo empowerment.

The first condition is that there must be a medium, and this medium is water.

Because the true essence of the Golden Core Stage was too domineering, there was no way to pour it directly into Li Wenqiang's body, otherwise his whole body would be ripped apart.So it is necessary to pour the true essence into the water, and then Li Wenqiang absorbs the ownerless and pure true essence from the water.

The reason for using hot water is because hot water can open the pores of Li Wenqiang's whole body and absorb the true essence more effectively.

In fact, Jiuli's plan at the beginning was to let Li Wenqiang soak in hot water, and he just needed to put his hands in it.But then Li Wenqiang felt that it was too slow and not enjoyable, so he insisted on dragging himself into the water.

So, it became what it is now...


Li Wenqiang groaned heartily, his body trembling slightly, continuously absorbing this incomparably enjoyable pure essence.

Hearing such a soft moan, Master Jiuli closed his eyes in pain, what a crime.If this is seen by others, I'm afraid it will be misunderstood, right?How can I stay in the Ziyun faction in the future?Even... How can I get along in the cultivation world in the future?

At this time, Jiuli heard a rustling sound from outside, and he knew that someone was peeping outside the window.Fortunately, I had the foresight to seal the window, otherwise if this got out...

It's okay for Li Wenqiang to be so thick-skinned.What about yourself?

It would be better to let Lei strike to death.

At this time, Li Wenqiang closed his eyes, frantically absorbing the real essence in the barrel, he could feel that he was about to be fully charged again, and then he could carry out the next "armpit cultivation method".

To be honest, Li Wenqiang regretted it a bit.If he had known that there was such a thing as enlightenment, what would he eat to return to Yuandan... It was the first time he discovered that cultivation was so exciting.

"Ah—Master Jiuli, hurry up, hurry up."


Dropped with a bang.

Outside the window, Zhang Wenqiang and Liu Wenqiang, who were squatting in the corner, held their breath and looked at each other, seeing solemn expressions in each other's eyes.

In the wooden barrel, Jiuli covered his forehead and closed his eyes, he wanted to die now.

Li Wenqiang whispered again: "Master Jiuli, are you okay? Can you hurry up? I'm almost full... Hurry up."

Jiu Li's face turned red immediately, and he exploded on the spot:

"I'm calling you, stop yelling, okay?"

"It's so cool. Why don't you let people scream? Is there any reason? I can't even scream all the time?"



hurry up?

filled up?


Zhang Wenqiang and Liu Wenqiang gasped, stood up silently, and walked away without saying a word.


Under the moonlight, the lonely silhouettes of two teenagers were elongated by loneliness in this yard.

go to the door.Zhang Wenqiang thought deeply for a moment, then suddenly slapped himself on the face.

With a 'snap', five finger prints appeared on his face.

Liu Wenqiang turned pale with shock: "Why did you slap yourself?"

Zhang Wenqiang let out a long sigh: "Because of this, I can forget the melody just now."

Liu Wenqiang nodded seriously and slapped himself. With a 'snap', I staggered myself.After standing firm, Liu Wenqiang sighed: "We may have misunderstood."

"Let's go, continue to boil the water. Maybe later."

"Forget it... I don't think it's right for us to do this. As good brothers, we can't help others like this anymore, and we can't let Lao Li go further and further down the wrong path!"

"But if you don't boil the water, Master Jiuxuan will ask you to urge me later. As soon as he urges you, he will directly hit me."

"Oh, what a crime. After Jiuli is over, there is still Jiuxuan... I said that there is a reason why Lao Li, a person without spiritual roots, was favored by Jiuxuan and Jiuli successively."

"I can't even help my brother to bear this kind of thing. Even though I know that Lao Li is likely to be unspoken for the sake of cultivation and progress, but I can't help him, ashamed."

"Let's go, now is not the time to talk about brotherhood. If you talk about fighting or even dying, I won't frown. But this..."

Two brothers are talking.Jiu Xuan shouted:

"Zhang Wenqiang, the water is cold. Bring another bucket of hot water."

Zhang Wenqiang, who was standing at the door, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Master Jiuxuan with suppressed boundless anger.

'Giggle' his fists were clenched, but he decided to hold back.

Liu Wenqiang also gritted his teeth and looked at Jiuxuan. At this time, Jiuxuan seemed to be a hateful pimp in the eyes of the two of them.It's him, this old thief with thick eyebrows and big eyes, the Jiuli real person introduced to Lao Li...

Seeing the two teenagers staring at him, Master Jiuxuan immediately widened his eyes, pointed at Zhang Wenqiang and shouted:

"Look, look again! Try giving this old man another look, fetch some water!"


Zhang Wenqiang took a deep breath, and went to fetch hot water with a stuffy head, but he always looked at Jiu Xuan with a kind of hatred from the corner of his eye; with a voice that only he could hear, he gnashed his teeth and swore secretly:

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people..."

With a 'bang', Zhang Wenqiang staggered when he was hit by the shoe thrown by Master Jiuxuan. He turned his head and glared, but saw Master Jiuxuan pointing at himself and shouted:

"What are you beeping? I told you to fetch water!"

Tears of grievance overflowed in Zhang Wenqiang's eyes. He lowered his head and scooped hot water into the wooden bucket one after another, gritted his teeth and muttered: "This time, I still choose to endure..."

With a bang, Jiuxuan's other shoe flew over, and Zhang Wenqiang staggered again after being smashed.

Looking back, Jiuxuan pointed at himself: "Still beeping?"


:. :

Chapter 28 It's time to suppress Ziyun faction

In the barrel.

Immortal Jiuli left the hot water secretly, put on his Taoist robe, and stood on the side looking at Li Wenqiang with a serious expression.

Li Wenqiang was sitting cross-legged in the barrel at this time, no longer that naughty.Instead, he put his hands on his knees, and fell into a state of trance with a serious face.

"Are you going to break through?"

With a murmur, Master Jiuli heard footsteps, but saw Jiuxuan walking in: "Why don't you practice anymore?"

Jiuli quickly made a silent gesture: "Shhh, we're about to break through."

Jiuxuan lowered his voice, and said with some horror: "I'm going to break through again... Is it really going to break through?"

Jiuli nodded seriously, and looked at Li Wenqiang with a hint of fear in his eyes.

That's right, it's fear.real fear.

Li Wenqiang's continuous crazy breakthroughs have impacted the three views that Jiuli Zhenren has been proud of for so many years, and even collapsed the three views.

In the eyes of many people, the talent of cultivation is that the more spiritual roots, the better the talent.

And Jiuli Daoist has always been proud of having three spiritual roots.

Once, Master Jiuxuan's Five Elements Spiritual Roots pressed Master Jiuli to the ground so that he could not move.At that time, Jiuli thought that Jiuxuan was a high mountain, a huge peak that could never be surpassed.Every time he faced Jiuxuan, he had only low self-esteem and deep fear.

But then, Jiuxuan suddenly blew his spiritual roots and became a waste.

After that, Jiuli became a person with extraordinary talents.The era when there are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains to call themselves kings has come.

Therefore, that kind of inferiority complex gradually transformed into a kind of morbid pride.He felt that he was omnipotent, and he felt that he had defeated Jiuxuan in an alternative way.

So he constantly likes to step on Jiuxuan. Only by constantly comparing Jiuxuan can he gain the sense of superiority that he once had in his inferiority complex.

This sense of superiority is based on spiritual roots.

But now, his sense of superiority, as well as his three views, are about to be shattered by the young man in front of him.

There was a look of fear in Jiuli's eyes.

He hoped that Li Wenqiang would reach the condensation stage quickly so that he could avoid death.

On the other hand, he actually hoped that Li Wenqiang would never reach the gas condensation period.Prove yourself that you are right, that your thoughts are right.

He struggled.So I'm afraid.

What he fears is that his mind will be crushed.

But at this time, Jiuxuan suddenly trembled like chaff, trembling.Because of the huge emotional fluctuations, Jiuxuan's two eye sockets were flushed, and tears were streaming down: "It's about to break through again..."

Jiuli glanced at him in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

Jiuxuan sniffed, pointed at Li Wenqiang with a crying voice and suppressed his voice: "He is about to break through. He is about to practice the fifth level of Qi..."

"Why are you so excited?"

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