Even if this kind of thing is to deal with the gentry, it cannot be publicized.

But no matter what, His Majesty must know.

You can't bury a minister who has no merit!


At this time, Wang Shouyuan suddenly said: "The less people know about my affairs, the better, and the merits of Longyang's new law, the better for Brother Gongwen."

"It's like a teacher who builds prestige for His Majesty, regardless of his posthumous reputation. And Your Majesty, who wholeheartedly serves the country and the people, and does not hesitate to stand against the nobles of the world, has great ideals and great ambitions."

"And in the past few days, I have also thought clearly. Fame and money are not what I want. My goal is to bring down the gentry!"

"I don't need people to understand me, and I don't need people in the world to remember me. I just need to know what I'm doing."

"And this is the truth I realized in Longyang five years ago, the unity of knowledge and action I want!"

What you think is in line with your actions.

That's what Wang Shouyuan wanted to pursue.

Otherwise, I don't care at all.

"But this... is unfair to you!" Song Gongwen said.

Obviously made meritorious deeds, obviously for the country and the people, but no one knows...

"What is public? What is injustice?" Wang Shouyuan smiled and continued: "As long as the country is strong and the people are happy, it is the best for me. As for merit, what is it? But success must be mine!"

As soon as these words came out, Song Gongwen's heart was touched again.

There was a teacher before, and he didn't care about leaving his name in history.

Currently, Wang Shouyuan, who is from the same school, seeks the unity of knowledge and action, and does not care about fame, fortune and achievements.

The other party is obviously not inferior to himself in talent, but in order to bring down the gentry, he is willing to stay dormant all the time.

He doesn't even need anyone to know what he's done.

Even four people's evaluation and understanding.

They don't care at all.

only for.

in mind.

He really didn't know what to say, this is the real service for the country and the people.

Especially the truth realized by the other party, the so-called unity of knowledge and action.

It made it vibrate even more.

Thinking and doing are two completely different things.

Not to mention the complete alignment of thoughts and actions.

Therefore, he didn't speak, but just looked at each other with a touch of respect in his eyes.

Song Gongwen knew that the imperial court now had a wise and mighty majesty, and a teacher who was dedicated to serving the country.

In addition to Wang Jin, Wang Gonggong and others, not to mention that the whole court is loyal and good, but there are also many like-minded people.

He believed that with such a group of people, in his lifetime, he would definitely see a day when the Great Wei was strong and the common people lived in peace and contentment.

And in order for that day to come sooner, we must work harder!

After a long time, Song Gongwen regained his composure, took a deep breath, and continued, "Brother Shou Yuan just mentioned the teacher, and it just so happens that the one who came with His Majesty's handwritten letter is also a letter written by the teacher."

Chapter 84 For Wei and For His Majesty

"Oh? What did the letter say?"

Hearing this, Wang Shouyuan's eyes lit up.

Although in the current Longyang Mansion, it seems that they are presiding over the stalls.

But in fact, Zhang Zhengming also put in a lot of effort in the dark.

For example, to stabilize the cabinet, and the gentry outside the south of the Yangtze River.

That's why.

The matter in Longyang Mansion is so big.

But in other places, there was not much response.

It can be said that the teacher used his own strength to help them withstand most of the pressure.

Of course, Wang Shouyuan also knew that it was His Majesty who played the decisive role in this.

Your Majesty's attitude is the key to the implementation of the reform.

But he was still curious what the teacher would say.

"The teacher said that he has heard about the recent events in Longyang Mansion, and I feel relieved for you and me, knowing that we will succeed." Song Gongwen smiled, and then continued: "With him mediating other gentry behind the scenes, let us Don’t be afraid, just let go and do it.”

"Okay!" Wang Shouyuan laughed suddenly, and continued: "With the teacher's words, you can rest assured."

Although Zhang Zhengming did not belong to the gentry, his fame and power were too great.

Especially in the imperial court and everywhere, there are his students.

The influence can be said to be very large.

Mediate and suppress the gentry.

Totally out of the question.

It also created a good condition for them to promote the distribution of the land into the mu.

"These days, the teacher has really worked hard." Song Gongwen also smiled, but soon sighed, and couldn't help saying: "It's just that the teacher also said that he will be successful in a few days when the implementation is about to be successful. I will go to meet His Majesty."

"To meet His Majesty... Do you want to, Teacher?" Wang Shouyuan was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood.

Know what the teacher wants at such a critical time.

Meet with His Majesty, and oppose the sharing of people into the mu.

The reason?

It is also to build prestige for His Majesty.

Just imagine being the Master Tai Tuo whom everyone admires.

However, such a good thing that benefits the country and the people is already a huge blow to reputation.

But His Majesty persisted.

Then at this time, the implementation of spreading the land into the mu was successful, and the people also felt that they had received huge benefits.

The court's taxation has also been improved, and the trend of mergers has also been suppressed.

Zhang Zhengming's previous reputation will be greatly weakened.

Your Majesty has won the reputation of Mingjun.

And by negating the Taifu, he can start to build his own prestige.

"The teacher said that he wants to use himself as a stepping stone to establish prestige for His Majesty. The moment before the success of the reform is the best time." Song Gongwen said softly, his words were full of admiration, and there was a hint of admiration. sigh.

Wang Shouyuan didn't speak. He knew that the teacher was for the country, but he was a little sad.

Because this is betting on his century-old reputation.

Officials have always been, especially the competent ones.

They are very concerned about the evaluation in the history books.

For this reason, some even sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

But the teacher doesn't care, it's just for His Majesty, for this country...

"The only thing we can do now is to transfer the property to the mu as soon as possible, and implement your method. Only in this way can we live up to the teacher!" Song Gongwen said after taking a deep breath.

Wang Shouyuan also nodded, and his eyes became firm.


It's all for Wei, for His Majesty!

And then, the two began to agree on the final details.

That is how to use public opinion to push the Longyang gentry into a corner.

Then use this to give them the final blow.

But because everything is planned.

So the two didn't talk for too long.

At the same time, it was decided that tomorrow is the best time to counterattack.

After the discussion, Wang Shouyuan left the remote courtyard without stopping, and went to prepare.

Song Gongwen, on the other hand, sent a letter overnight to the person in charge of the East Factory who stayed in Longyang, asking them to spread the news tomorrow according to the plan to change public opinion.

That is, on this night, everything is ready!


Early the next morning.

The Longyang gentry is still as usual.

Prepare to buy off the common people and those tenants under his hands.

Continuing to protest against Tan Ding Rumu and discredit Song Gongwen.

Things seem to be going well.

But this situation did not last long.

The gentry found out in horror.

Among the people.

Suddenly there was another voice.

That is, many people have begun to understand the essence of dividing the land into the mu, which is to increase taxes on officials and landlords, while the impact on the common people is negligible, especially when the common people know that the poll tax will be exempted, they are even more rejoicing .

Originally, I couldn’t make much money a year, so not only did I have to pay two taxes, but I also had to give one to the landlord and the gentry.

But now, the imperial court wants to exempt the small tax and reduce the land tax.

For them, it couldn't be better.

most important.

It's the news that people don't know where to hear it.

It is said that it is fully supported by His Majesty today, and it is for the benefit of the people.

And there is a more terrifying voice, that is, there are rumors that soon, the government will cover the bottom line for the people, as long as the review is passed, they will borrow money, so that farmers and tenants have their own capital to cultivate, buy cattle, Go buy farm tools and do more.

All of a sudden, the entire Longyang Mansion people began to seething.

Turn around and start to support Tan Ding Rumu, support the imperial court, and support Song Gongwen.

Standing directly on the opposite side of the gentry.

And this news, for some reason, spread very fast.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

Then some people started to go to the streets and started to publicize it.

Within a day, even the surrounding counties were affected.

The gentry and some officials couldn't stop them at all, so they chose to send people to deport and threaten them, but they found that the people were different from usual, they were not afraid, and they still stood on the street and shouted.

Years of exploitation, years of suffering have filled their hearts with anger.

Just because I want to live, I dare not speak up, I can only endure it.

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