On the opposite side, Song Gongwen heard the teacher's words, and his eyes began to show emotion, and he couldn't help admiring: "This plan is like a heavenly man, Your Majesty is really amazing!"

With the support of thousands of people, is it useful for the gentry to oppose it?Absolutely not!

In this way, it will be absolutely smooth to carry out the implementation.

without any hindrance.

The time to reform the tax system will also be greatly shortened.

Song Gongwen was really impressed, and he was immediately convinced.

How did His Majesty come up with this idea?

He is really the number one enlightened king through the ages!

"Gongwen, in fact, the most powerful thing about His Majesty is not in this, but in the growth rate of His Majesty as an emperor!" Seeing this, Zhang Zhengming shook his head, and immediately continued seriously: "Have you noticed that His Majesty recently reviewed the memorials?" The change?"

"In the beginning, His Majesty's comments on the memorial were generally correct or read, but in the past month, things have changed."

"Not only will they give opinions, but they will also point out various mistakes in the memorial, and each place is very detailed."

"It's hard for me to imagine that His Majesty can be so meticulous in such a large number of situations."

At this point, Zhang Zhengming felt emotional and felt a little distressed.

Thinking that His Majesty must be very tired, right?

In fact, Zhao Lingying reviewed the memorial for Wei Yunyi.

The reason why it didn't come out is naturally that Wang Jin had already issued a password to the inner palace to prevent anyone from revealing it.

He felt that it must be reasonable for His Majesty to do so, but he thought that if this matter was leaked, it would bring unnecessary trouble to His Majesty, so he did so.

As for Zhao Lingying, she tried to imitate Wei Yunyi's notes.

The reason is that I don't want to be discovered.

And her thinking is also very simple.

His Majesty is willing to be spurned by the whole world for himself.

So Zhao Lingying decided that this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!

In this way, except for some people on that day, the review of the memorial was not discovered by anyone.

At this time, Song Gongwen continued, "That's right, the students also found out."

He has also read a lot recently, and those memorials sent down from the imperial study room are indeed so.

But soon, he couldn't help showing doubts on his face, and said immediately: "But teacher, your Majesty has been on the throne for three years, why did the change only happen in the last month?"

According to Song Gongwen's thinking, since His Majesty has ambitions, he should start flexing his muscles at the beginning of his enthronement.

There is no need to wait until this time.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhengming said with a smile: "It's easy to understand. Your Majesty was only seventeen or eighteen years old when he took the throne. He was young at heart, and he was not familiar with the government affairs of the court. I also taught Your Majesty at that time, focusing on learning .”

"Three years have passed, His Majesty must have a clear understanding of all government affairs, and the memorial was also written by me at the beginning of this year, explaining that the cabinet needs to be sent to the imperial study."

"It's just that I didn't expect His Majesty's dedication to reviewing the memorials at all. I'm afraid that His Majesty will be so diligent and hurt the dragon's body."

In fact, his original plan was to think that His Majesty had just ascended the throne.

Certainly can't do those things, and can't suppress the courtiers.

So I have always been fully responsible for the memorial.

Just let His Majesty take on some simple things first and get used to it.

until the past three years.

Zhang Zhengming felt that it was time to delegate power and let His Majesty grow up.

But unexpectedly, the speed of this growth was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Now I am a little worried, whether His Majesty will be tired after reviewing so many memorials day and night.

But there is no way to do this. In ancient times, if the emperor wanted to govern the country and become a generation of wise emperors, he had to go through this stage.

Song Gongwen on the opposite side naturally understood all this.

Knowing that the teacher is very strict, it is the same for His Majesty.

I also know that, especially since King Yan recently became a vassal and I became a cabinet scholar, there have been a lot of memorials, and His Majesty must be very tired.

If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be unbearable, and there would be problems with the body.

At the next moment, Song Gongwen suddenly thought of something, and immediately said: "The student heard that His Majesty will reopen the alchemy room recently, and it seems that he has the idea of ​​practicing martial arts. Could it be because he is too tired to review the memorials?"

The entire court knew that His Majesty the Emperor had no martial arts talent since he was a child, so he never practiced martial arts.

But recently, there has been a move to reopen Danfang.

And this move.

Naturally, it also caused waves in the previous dynasty.

Some people even have to prepare a memorial to persuade them because of this.

Originally, Song Gongwen was still wondering why His Majesty, who is wise and mighty, wanted to touch the pill.

But now, he understands that because he has no talent, he has to rely on pills.

As for the purpose of practicing martial arts?

That's too simple.

With the cultivation base in the body, the energy will be more vigorous, the physical strength will be better, and the concentration will be better.

But reviewing memorials not only takes time, but also consumes physical strength, and what's more, it will consume the body. Only by practicing martial arts can these problems be solved. Obviously, His Majesty's purpose is to govern the country...

Otherwise, do you just want to practice martial arts?impossible.

At this point in his thoughts, Song Gongwen raised his head.

Glanced at Zhang Zhengming.


They all sighed.

Your Majesty has really paid too much for the court and for the country and the country!

What reason do they have not to work hard?

"Okay, official document, it's a good thing for Your Majesty to practice martial arts." At this time, Zhang Zhengming said.After thinking for a while, he continued: "However, medicinal pills are really not good things. When the time comes, you and I will persuade you as much as you can."

"Yes, teacher!" Song Gongwen nodded upon hearing this, thinking that a few notes would be enough.

It's a big deal, let the queen's daughter persuade her to make the dragon body the most important thing.

At this time, Zhang Zhengming frowned, as if he had thought of something.

He pondered for a while, then sighed: "In fact, you don't have to worry about alchemy. After all, your majesty is for the sake of the country, as long as you don't eat indiscriminately. What I'm really worried about now is that your majesty suddenly ordered the eunuchs of the harem some time ago to form a An inner court institution called Dongchang."


Some book friends mentioned the matter of urging the group, what do you guys think?

Chapter 55 In a flash of inspiration, he realized

The name Dongchang.

Zhang Zhengming had never heard of it.

But I also roughly understand that it is an institution independent of Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment.

It has great power to interrogate and arrest officials from the imperial court to ordinary people.

Although, His Majesty established such an inner court institution.

It is also a very normal thing.

After all, which emperor doesn't want to monopolize power and make courtiers afraid?

In fact, such an institution that only obeys the emperor's orders will appear in many dynasties after a while.

What worries Zhang Zhengming is that such a powerful Dongchang is dominated by the inner palace eunuchs.

It's not that he has a strange vision for eunuchs.

For myself.

Eunuchs are no different from ordinary people.

However, Zhang Zhengming, who is familiar with history books, knows it very well.

If the eunuch has too much power, there will definitely be problems.

A large part of the reason why the previous dynasty collapsed was that the emperor favored the eunuchs too much, Zhongliang was framed, and his death was unknown, which finally caused turmoil in the court.

Zhang Zhengming didn't know whether such a problem would occur in the East Factory, but he didn't want to let go of any possibility.

In particular, with such power, the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment are directly independent.

Doesn't that mean that Dongchang can arrest whoever it wants and interrogate whoever it wants?

Even if an unjust, false or wrongly decided case is caused, is there anyone who can verify it?

and this.

That's what worries him.

However, Song Gongwen next to him couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and immediately said: "The students think that the teacher doesn't need to worry."

"Oh? Why?" Zhang Zhengming turned his head, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

"Your Majesty's establishment of the East Factory, in fact, the students have also heard about it."

Song Gongwen continued: "At first, the students were just as worried as the teacher, but after they found out that the East Factory was in charge of the East Factory, the admiral Wang Jin, the admiral Wang Jin, the students felt relieved."

"Although the student only met Wang Gonggong once, he left a deep impression on him. He is very upright."

"With him in charge of the East Factory, the students felt that nothing would go wrong."

See you that day.

Both of them admire each other somewhat.

But now, knowing the teacher's worries, Song Gongwen expressed his thoughts and what he saw and heard that day.

"Oh? Be upright and not greedy for money?" Zhang Zhengming raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

The eunuchs in the inner palace, because they have no power, will not have offspring.

So the biggest thought.

It means that after getting old and frail, you can have some money on your body so that you can take care of your affairs.

But Wang Jin didn't care about money, which surprised him a bit.

But soon, Zhang Zhengming shook his head and continued: "You must have heard the rumors. A few days ago, Dongchang took people to Longyang Mansion to arrest Li Fang. The charges listed are He indulged his relatives, ran wild in the countryside, plundered and plundered, and occupied people's fields."

Li Fang has been in the cabinet for many years, and he knows exactly what kind of person the other party is.

Although both ability and character are a bit flawed, if this person accepts some bribes.

Zhang Zhengming will be very surprised, but he can accept it after thinking about it.

But if it is a serious crime of encroaching on civilian land.

He didn't believe it at all.

You know, Li Fang was also the Minister of the Household Department before, so she should know how serious this matter is.

And Zhang Zhengming is very worried.

That is, if Li Fang is really convicted at that time, will it make the court panic?

After all, this does not need to be reviewed by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

In fact, the Dongchang established by Wang Jin is quite secretive, and he just doesn't want to be known.

It's just that there is no way, it's just started now, and there are not many people under him.

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