Being able to go to the front line to serve, they naturally have the courage to fight to the death, but they also know that this is not the time to bury their heads and work hard.

Because that would have no value other than weakening the local power again.

So no matter how embarrassed it is!No longer unwilling!

They can only swallow this breath.

Looking at their choices, Henry Moore slowly let out a breath, put away the contactor in his hand and said to himself, "I thought I could hold on for another month or two..."

In his plan, as long as the order within the line of defense is barely maintained, then he, the loser, can once again win a period of time for the kingdoms behind the line of defense, giving them relatively ample time to reinforce the second line of defense and start from Troops were mobilized elsewhere.

In that way, even if the situation deteriorated due to the collapse of this line of defense, it was barely able to protect itself.

At this moment, the change in form again caught him off guard.

In his opinion.

The mastermind behind the scenes obviously knew that there was no benefit to dragging them on, so he didn't give him a chance to delay at all, and was directly ready to get rid of them quickly.

Looking at the giant monsters raging in the distance, Henry silently pulled out the weapon around his waist, and immediately disappeared in place and slashed towards one of them.

Although he has been in charge of internal affairs since he took over this line of defense, he has not fought for decades, but his skill has not declined much, and he has cut the monster close to the legendary level in three or two. Seriously injured.

However, even so, he didn't feel any lightness in his heart, instead it became heavier.

Because he just glanced at it at random, he could see thousands of similar giant snakes, wandering and destroying within the defense line.

In his opinion, the life structure of these giant snakes is still somewhat rough, and they should all be born during this period of time.

But this also means that the abyss monster has the ability to mass-produce powerful monsters in a short period of time.

You must know that although these monsters are very weak in front of him, they still do not damage the essence of their strength close to the legendary level. It will take at least decades for them to cultivate such a strong person.

As for the abyss monsters, within ten days, a large group was born under their noses!

How could he not be surprised!

Recalling the past hundred years, those monsters have died batch after batch, not only in their hands, but also in internal strife, but there has never been a shortage of troops.

He wondered with some thinking: 'Could it be that they really grew out of the ground?Is this the reason why you and others can't kill them cleanly? '

Unconsciously, he basically guessed the truth.

Although the devil does not grow from the ground, but from the Styx, in the final analysis, it is a mass-produced creature.Unless the River Styx dries up, it will grow faster than leeks, and it is even more assembly line than an assembly line. No matter how you die, there will still be a lot of waves.

It's just that he didn't expect that these snake-shaped monsters at the moment, although it took only a few days to give birth to them, the energy they spend when they grow up comes from the enchantment nodes in the ground. Hundreds of years of energy stocks have been hoarded.

What happened to them was equivalent to being borrowed by Olsaka to lay an egg.

Without their selfless dedication.

Draining Olshaga can't raise as much energy, and he doesn't have any chance to show his talents.

At the end of the day, they can only engage in biochemical crisis or massacre the original, disgusting and disgusting internal residents of the defense line, constantly reducing their combat effectiveness, and they can't play the magical version of the plague of the python at all.

It can be said that being able to handle this line of defense at one time was a bit surprising to Olsaka, because his initial expectation was just to play a trick of combining the inside and the outside.

But after encountering the nodes of those enchantments, he immediately changed his mind.

'Since those enchantments can't detect my plague, can I make a big move? '

With such a thought in mind, the situation in front of him was tampered with by Orshaga, who released himself.

Chapter 102: Last resort

Through the eyes of the various monsters in the defense line, I looked at the natives who were preparing to retreat.

Orshaga knew that if she could hold them back, she would definitely be able to make the demon tide cause even greater losses for them.

He didn't even need to do it himself.

Just relying on the huge number of alienated monsters in the defense line, he can do that effortlessly!

Because it is his creation, he has absolute control!

But he didn't care.

Still let those monsters play freely there, do whatever they want, and have no idea of ​​​​obstructing them to hinder each other.

Even if they were beaten to death in front of them, or they were in an infighting, they didn't bother to care.

At this moment, he no longer has the obligation to deal with these natives.

For him, since this line of defense has been destroyed, the abyss contract he signed has exceeded the goal.

For the rest of the time, as long as he didn't deliberately drag the Demon Lord Karto's side, the contract would no longer be binding on him.

'I can do whatever I want...'

This was his truest thought at this time.

Interests and hobbies are his main motivation.

Although it is also a very important thing to plunder the soul to enhance the strength, it ranks behind this point.

Whether you are a human being or not, being happy is the most important thing!

As for the non-stop frantic efforts to improve his strength, it is not in his plan to be born, after all, he has no sense of urgency.

There is no great enemy in life, and there is no unavoidable crisis coming, so the combination of work and rest is the truth!

He wants to see the excitement now, and get some benefits by the way.

As for other things, it is not within his concern.

Under this premise, if possible, he hopes that the Calto side and the indigenous forces will fight as hard as possible from now on. It is best to fight for thousands of years so that he has enough opportunities to watch the fun and fish in troubled waters.


Because he doesn't know the so-called man behind the scenes, his mentality is so salty and bad at the moment.

After Henry thought in a different position, he had already decided in his heart that Orshaga, the guy who created the plague and destroyed the enchantment, must have some shocking conspiracy ready to be implemented!

And they must have malicious intentions for the lives of these miling worlds!

It will definitely affect the retreat of the defense line!

Therefore, the vigilance in his heart has actually been raised to the highest level.

When he wanted to come, the other party would definitely take the opportunity to sneak up on the top of the defense line and delay the retreat of the defense line.

At this time, although Henry Moore was on the surface fighting those monsters with all his heart, but in fact, most of his attention was on guarding against Orsaga's sneak attack, ready to use all his strength to play the strongest attack at any time. One hit, the intention to leave some souvenirs for the other party.

As a strong man standing at the top of the demigod, he is confident that no one below the gods can take his blow without injury!

But the result was obviously going to disappoint him.

Olshaga has no plans to start again, and is preparing to fish and mess around with peace of mind.



After the long-distance attack, a monster that looked like a wolf took the lead in rushing into the defense line from the polluted land.

What caught my eye was a chaotic scene.

A large number of strange-shaped monsters are fighting against the resistance forces that still retain strength within the defense line.

Although I don't understand what those random things are.

But from his own point of view, the other side doesn't look like the life of this world, but has the style of abyss creatures, and the appearance is the same as that of the creator with his eyes closed.

Therefore, after thinking for a second, he immediately decided to join the battlefield and help him eliminate the native creatures of this world.

However, he had just rushed over, and before he could make a move, those evil creatures attacked him without saying a word, and all kinds of energy attacks and even poisonous mist and needles slammed into him.

Obviously not very welcome to join him.

And scenes like this are more common with the continuous influx of monsters!

For a time, the situation within the line of defense turned into a three-way melee.

Or a super melee?

Because many evil and monsters belong to the type that the six relatives do not recognize, and they will fight whoever they see.

In such a chaotic battle, various attacks were thrown around.

Masses of life are being destroyed at every moment.

Inside the defense line, the buildings that various races have spent hundreds of years constructing, in these attacks, like fragile building blocks involved in the battle, were torn down and leveled in a short period of time, and there is no more of the past. appearance!

Huge potholes and gaps are constantly being bombarded, making everything devastated.

In the face of this chaotic scene, Alison, who was directing the retreat of the team, frowned but could not do anything.

He could only hold the longbow in his hand, helplessly watching the place he had guarded for hundreds of years gradually enter into ruin and become an irreparable ruin.

"Let's go, go to the teleportation point..."

After staring for a while, she took a deep breath and instructed the soldier beside him who was ready to go.

And the soldiers who were instructed by her didn't say much with the sharp blades still left with blood in their hands, and followed her footsteps with a heavy look.

Just like Alison, these soldiers who were supposed to protect this place are deeply ashamed to see those raging monsters now.


After counting 10 minutes.

A knife smashed the monster in front of him, watching Alison and the others being teleported away.

The pressure in Henry Moore's heart decreased slightly.

In his expectation, the makers of the plague should not allow them to easily withdraw the main force.

But the result is the opposite.

Not to mention the mastermind behind the scenes, even the abyss monsters and the evil things transformed from the plague did not target them very much.

It was a crazy fight like killing red eyes, and they didn't pay attention to their intentions at all.

It has to be said that this is indeed in line with their characteristics.

As long as there are enemies you can kill, it doesn't matter who you kill.

Through the remaining hidden backhands in the defense line, Henry can sense that there are still a large number of residents still alive, and many of them are even struggling to resist the invaders at the moment.

However, in the face of absolute disadvantage in terms of quantity and strength.

No matter how heroic they are, it can't change the fact that they are gradually being destroyed by the abyss monsters together with those evil creatures.

Without the power of the enchantment, they simply can't bring much trouble to those monsters.

Looking at the tide of monsters that was still rushing towards here from the edge of the skyline, he sighed slowly: "...Well, let me die with my final dignity."

Unlike Alison and others, as the manager of this line of defense, he must take the main responsibility for the collapse of the line of defense, so he has no reason to retreat, this life must stay here, and only in this way can An apology to the residents who trusted him.

Furthermore, due to the urgency of time, the various strategic reserves of this line of defense cannot be transported out.

Soon after, with a white brilliance emerging from him, countless runes emerged from the inside of the shattered defense line.

There is only one meaning above, and that is destruction.

This is their last resort!

Feeling the dangerous atmosphere, the monsters who were rushing over immediately started to run back at a faster speed.

However, most of them still did not escape.

And Olsaka, who was watching, looked at the brilliance that was so close at hand, but did not panic, but felt happy.

Because this is the scene he was looking forward to.

A grand and dazzling destruction!

He smiled at the radiance, letting it disintegrate his avatar, admiring the beauty of all being destroyed: 'It's fascinating...'

When everything was gone, all the buildings on the line of defense disappeared, leaving only a bottomless gulf there.

The inhabitants of all races and the evil things created by Orshaga were directly destroyed.

As for the monsters in the bottomless abyss, as long as their strength does not reach the level of the [high-ranking demon], those involved are at least seriously injured.

It can be said that this move has directly won a lot of time for many countries behind the defense line.

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