Chapter 84: The Dead Teammate

After entering the different space attached to the main material world.

Orshaka, who had gone through some trials, also knew that after a demon of his strength entered the battlefield, there would be special personnel to stop him, and it would be meaningless to go back, so he chose to leave this battlefield directly.

Along the way when I came, I started to return the same way.

It's different from having a big head and not being normal. They just play their own way, and they often kill their own people. There is no such thing as demons who help.

The natives of this world, facing the threat of visitors from other worlds, already have a relatively complete coping mechanism. The various positions among them have been clearly divided, and they can call for reinforcements to help in times of crisis.

In this case, there is no absolute strength, and it is not easy to kill the strong who want to kill them.

Basically, unless you attack quickly and ruthlessly, and solve the problem before the opponent's reinforcements arrive, or you can only fight a few to force them down, anyway, their reinforcements cannot be endless. held by the devil.


Below the highly toxic swamp, in an empty underground cave.


The sound of chewing food vigorously, accompanied by the continuous dripping of venom above, echoed inside.

A somewhat obese demon was squatting on the ground, tearing the pieces of meat on the ground with several of his arms.

Shove the bloody chunks into your mouth.

Turn them into their own energy and restore the terrible injury on their body.

That was the wound that was cut by a demigod with an [artifact]!

If it wasn't for his vitality far exceeding that of demons of the same level, he wouldn't even be able to run.


At this moment, a distinctive voice sounded.

He stopped what he was doing and turned his gaze to where the sound came from.

There was an elliptical circle of light suspended in mid-air, and a figure was walking out of it.

Ignoring the unknown demon who was squatting in the center of the cave and looking at him vigilantly, Orshaka's attention was attracted by another thing at his feet.

The tail behind it pierced into the object like a fork, and handed it to Orshaka.

Looking at the familiar face, with an uneasy expression on the first glance, Orshaka frowned and said in a low voice helplessly: "Why did you die?" '

Hart, the [median demon] who pulled him over to make up the numbers, Orsaga has always been very aware that the other party has his own little calculations, and he is planning some unfriendly things. As for his purpose, Olshaga was also in the mood of watching the excitement, waiting to see what the other party could do.

I didn't expect that before the play started, the actors would be eaten by others as snacks. This is really unexpected...

After lightly fiddled with it a few times, he could only accept the fact in front of him, and kicked the skull in front of him away with a roundabout kick.

To be born freely and die randomly is the fate of creatures like demons.

If you die, you will die, and there is nothing wrong with it if you think about it carefully.

So he has no objection at all. If he really wants to talk about losses, he originally planned to kill Hart himself. After all, recycling waste for reuse is his professional ethics for many years...

Looking not far away, Olshaga, who hadn't paid much attention to him since appearing in this place, kicked that head away!

The demon squatting on the ground suddenly had an alarm bell in his heart, and he was ready to attack at any time.

It's different from those trash who saw him injured and wanted to come here to pick up a bargain, and then he beat him to death casually.He could clearly feel that although Olshaga in front of him was just a [median demon], he was a very threatening opponent.

If possible, he doesn't want to fight the opponent very much, especially when the injury is serious.

After taking a closer look at the other party, Olshaga looked at the other party's wound, with a look of interest in his eyes.

And for demons, this situation usually represents an attack signal!

Therefore, the opponent involuntarily began to mobilize strength, preparing to attack first.

Just when he was about to start, Orshaka took the initiative to ask, "Can I ask a question?"

After some hesitation, the other party who didn't really want to do anything responded, "Ask."

Olshaga smiled and said, "Please tell me a number within 100."

"...20." Amidst the puzzlement, the other party said a number casually.

After hearing this number, Olshaga smiled even brighter, and said to herself, "If it's an even number, don't do it."

Just as the other party can perceive how he is easy to deal with.

He can also clearly feel that the opponent is not easy to kill!

But a seriously injured [superior demon] is in front of him, but he doesn't do anything, it's really disrespectful!

So he, who has some choice difficulties, just made an idea that if the other party answers an odd number, or chooses not to answer, then do it directly!

If the answer is an even number, don't do it!

Everything depends on fate.


Ignoring the man whose eyes were full of doubts and who didn't follow his train of thought at a glance, Orshaga pointed to his wound and suggested: "I'm very interested in the remnants of divine power on it, can you cut me a piece of meat? ?”


A few seconds later, a fist-sized piece of meat was thrown to him.

Orshaka didn't catch it with her hands, but used magic to levitate the thing beside her.

Nodding in satisfaction, he said politely: "Thank you for your generosity, then I won't disturb your meal!"

After finishing speaking, another portal was opened, and he walked in without haste.

He remained vigilant for another period of time, and only after confirming that the other party had indeed left did the demon eat the minced meat in his hand again.

The action is much faster than before.

He needs to supplement his nutrition as soon as possible, recover from his injuries, and then leave here as soon as possible, and find another safe place to recuperate.


Somewhere underground in the wilderness.

After walking out of the portal.

Olshaga punched out directly!

The power to create a mushroom cloud was evenly distributed to the surrounding land.

Accompanied by violent vibrations, a hole with extremely smooth walls, tens of meters wide and tens of meters high was directly punched out.

The extremely solid wall structure seemed to have undergone special treatment. Even if there is an earthquake of magnitude [-], it will at most shake out some dust, and it will not be able to shake it out of cracks.

After walking in, Olshaga's face was full of interest as she saw bursts of golden light emitting from her hands, still eroding the remaining divine power of that piece of flesh and blood.

According to the current test results, he has already roughly understood which grade he belongs to in the food chain of this world, and he has given up the idea of ​​killing two gods in the first place.

Because the gods in this world are a bit difficult to deal with, he must at least advance to [Higher Demon] and take two more steps at that level to be sure.

But having said that, these difficulties still couldn't stop him from becoming interested in the species of gods.

And the residual divine power in his hand is a good medium, allowing him to analyze the power composition of the gods.

Chapter 85: Negotiation within the Line of Defense

In his senses, although this divine power is not much, it contains unparalleled malice.

That is hatred for the abyss creatures.

Thinking about it, either that artifact is a special product made for abyss creatures, or the original owner of that artifact hated abyss creatures very deeply, and his own will invaded that artifact, so that it acquired the characteristics of fighting abyss creatures. .

No matter from which point of view, this shows that the weapon is a dangerous item for demons, that is, its user is now a [demi-god]. If it is replaced by a god who can truly stimulate its power, that The fat boy [Superior Demon] even had his ashes lifted up, so there is no chance for him to recover.

And this extraordinarily dangerous characteristic is not a problem for Orshaga, because the energy at the moment is too little, it is impossible to pose any substantial threat to him, and it can only be regarded as a thorny toy. .

Under his control, the magic power in his body was poured into those divine powers little by little, and they offset each other little by little.

Olshaga uses this to observe the quality gap between the two, and the specific reaction they produce when they come into contact.

He needs to use this to measure the general gap between himself and the gods. As for more specific things, it is hard to say, because there are still many differences between a real living god and a divine weapon, and it can only be said that the nature of the power is similar.


In the line of defense far away from Olshaga.

The orc man who fought against Olshaga not long ago.

Standing in a huge conference room, he was telling the representatives of various races around him with a serious expression.

And the content is about Olshaga.

In his description, it is an extremely dangerous demon, if not treated carefully, it is likely to cause a big chaos in the future.

But for his rhetoric, the representatives of most races did not take it to heart.

After patiently listening to his words, the representative of the dwarves waved his hand and commented with a calm expression:


You have to know that every race has geniuses, and demons as a race are naturally not excluded, so there is nothing wrong with one or two exceptionally powerful demons of the same rank occasionally popping up.

As for the opponent being able to forcibly lift a piece of land with a diameter of 2000 meters...

I think it should be some kind of special magic prop. You must know that most of the peaks are not 2000 meters high, and the peaks are still conical objects, the volume is much smaller than the sphere, which means that the [medium demon] can at least lift From several ordinary mountains, the opponent does not even need skills under that kind of strength, and most of the [Demigods] can be violently killed with just fists, which is a bit too exaggerated..."

After listening to the other party's analysis, the orc man was at a loss for words, and he couldn't answer for a while.

Because he himself felt that it was a bit exaggerated, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even he himself would not have believed that such a thing happened...

Violently lifts a solid earth ball with a diameter of 2000 meters, even if it is strictly speaking only half a soil ball because there is no soil above the ground, but that is indeed a bit exaggerated. The weight can crush dozens of adult dragons. If you drop it in the air, you can destroy a country in an instant...

Just when he was thinking about how to adjust his words and improve the credibility of his words, several representatives present suddenly received a message, which was a message from the demigods of their race, usually only important matters. will be so.

In the face of a powerhouse whose actual status is higher than their own, and who is only one step away from ascending to God, they dare not be careless, and just look at it carefully.

After reading the content, a representative of the elf race flashed a hint of surprise, looked at the orc man standing in the field, thought about it, and asked aloud: "The devil you just mentioned. Is that right? The appearance is close to the humanoid race, wearing red armor, about six meters tall, and there are many flower-like patterns on the body?"


Although he did not understand that the representative of the elf tribe, who was not very concerned about this matter just now, would suddenly raise his voice to ask about it, the orc man answered honestly, "Yes, that's right."

"Then it should be him."

Frowning and nodding, the elf representative said to the others: "My clan, Lord Alison, who is in charge of battlefield assistance, recently received an urgent help message from the dark elf clan, Lord Emerson, if it weren't for her speed comparison. Hurry up, and gave a death prop in time, Lord Emerson should have encountered an accident...

in the subsequent encounter with the enemy.

Even if the strength rank is one rank higher than the opponent and has a numerical advantage, both Lord Alison and Lord Emerson are still at a disadvantage, and even have to prepare to call for reinforcements again. It is after realizing this that the other party chose to retreat. .

And the demon who fought with them, if the information is correct, should be the demon Harlan mentioned before..."

The representative of the dark elf clan nodded and confirmed after hearing the words: "He is right, Lord Emerson of our clan is very seriously injured at the moment, not only has one arm broken, but the internal organs are also in a state of heavy bleeding, lying on the ground. Receive emergency treatment from priests in the Hall of Recovery."

Hearing what they said, not only were the representatives of various races a little stunned, but even the orc, Harun, was a little overwhelmed.

His idea was just to try to make the legendary powerhouses of various races be careful of each other. He never thought that Orshaga would be so fierce, so he directly attacked the [Demi God], and it was still a one-on-two, one-on-one duel with two seniors A demigod, and even the opponent can't stand it...

As far as he knows, Alison and Emerson are also strong types in the [Demigod] level. Not only are they born noble and possess various secret techniques, but they also have matching demigods. Compared with most of the powerhouses of the same level, it is definitely a difficult type to deal with.

Thinking of this, he found a problem a little puzzling:

'How did you escape? '

"Could it be that the other party is too lazy to chase?"

He didn't think that a strong man who could deal with a demigod would be unable to intercept his teleportation at that time.

After some thought to no avail, he turned his head and listened to the discussions of the representatives of the races.

The representative of the elf race said with a serious expression: "From the current situation, the median demon already has the strength to threaten this line of defense during this time when the gods cannot come down, and more importantly, the opponent is only [median]. Demon] already has this ability, if he enters the level of [high-ranking demon], I am afraid I will really have no way to take him..."

The representative of the Orcs said in a low voice, "Just tell me your suggestion, don't give up."

Not caring about his rudeness, the elf representative seriously proposed:

"I think that since the other party has the strength to deal with multiple demigods, it will not be an easy thing to rely on siege and other methods to surround and kill them even if they find their traces next time.

The safest way is to let Master Master directly take action, and use the power of the divine weapon to completely solve the opponent without leaving any future troubles..."

And the Master in his mouth is the strongest in this line of defense, and the guy who cut the fat boy demon.

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