"Well, what the Taiwei said..." Subconsciously thinking down this philosophical question, Li Ru just wanted to nod, and then realized: What kind of shit knows a lot of truths, but still lives a lot of life, it is clear that you have not yet Figure out a way to deal with He Yong.

What kind of net to suppress the cloud!

"Ahem... this steamed stuffed bun," Old Dong wanted to change the subject again, but when he turned his head and found that the steamed stuffed bun had already been eaten, he became impotently furious: "Then, who is that... yes, Jia Wenhe, why hasn't he come yet?"

"Wenhe is busy with government affairs today, so he will be a little later, and he has already greeted his subordinates." Li Ru squinted: It depends on how you pretend.

"Well, Wen He's temperament is really not suitable for the trivial matters of daily copywriting. It seems that we have to arrange a deputy for him." Old Dong wasted time again, and his mind was racing: "By the way, Wen You, How are Wang Yue and Shi A under your command now?"

"It's okay, it's pretty fast on the road." Li Ru still squinted and smiled.

Then, Old Dong stopped pretending, and flew into a rage: "Are you a Taiwei, or the old man is a Taiwei, shouldn't you come up with the solution?"

Who knows that Li Ru is still not afraid, and said lightly: "This subordinate has a plan..."

I just didn't say anything on purpose.

"You!..." For some reason, Old Dong missed that extremely well-behaved Li Ru when he just crossed over: Ever since this guy found out that he would not kill people for no reason, he has gradually become more courageous.

Now I still dare to put my nose on my face.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Jia Xu hurried over with a tired face. After seeing Dong Zhuo, he saluted and said, "Excuse me, Taiwei, my subordinates are late because of something, I hope you will forgive me."

"Oh, it's okay, you can go back."

? ?

Li Ru and Jia Xu looked at each other, confused.

"Oh, isn't it just a plan to kill people and kill people's hearts, the old man also thought of it." Aojiao looked at Li Ru, and the old Dong smiled.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, Jia Xu immediately regained his spirits: "Murder and murder?... If the Taiwei and Lang Zhongling want to talk about this, then the subordinates will not be tired."

Chapter 61 Clothes Order!

"Not only did Zhu Jun fail to rebel against Dong Bandit, but he was also promoted to be the Colonel of Sili. Today, he will go to the Xiyuan barracks with Dong Bandit?" He Yong's mansion, when he heard the news, his whole body was in a state of shock. Falling into the ice cave, the six gods have no master.

The previous process was as expected, and everything was moving in a good direction.Even just yesterday, he couldn't stop thinking about how glorious he would be after Dong Zhuo's death!

But when he woke up early in the morning, the wind direction changed drastically, which made him unable to believe it: "Are you sure the news is true?"

Standing in front of him at this time was a middle-aged man dressed as a businessman, and Nuonuo replied after hearing the words: "Qian, it's absolutely true."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!..." He Yong's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly swept away everything on the case table, screaming indiscriminately: "Yu Mingming has informed the Tai Tuo of Dong Thief's misconduct, and the Tai Tuo has obviously instigated Zhu Gongwei. How could Dong Thief and Zhu Gongwei turn enemies into friends in one day!"

Such a move is undoubtedly very rude for a scholar-bureaucrat who attaches great importance to manners.

But He Yong couldn't control the fear and horror in his heart at all, and he couldn't hide the hasty and dazed look on his face: he was very scared, the kind of fear in his bones.

In the flickering lights of the last banquet, he clearly saw Lu Bu's chasing eyes, white teeth, and Fang Tian's painted halberd stained with blood!

There is also Dong Zhuo who occupies the high position, as if he is in charge of judging the world's life and death Yama!

It is because of fear that he thinks about getting rid of Dong Zhuo as soon as possible as if he is obsessed. Fear is his driving force. He has long forgotten about restoring the Han Dynasty and scholars taking power.

On the side, Fu Jia looked at He Yong anxiously, not even daring to vent his anger, for fear that He Yong would take his anger out on him.

But the more you are afraid of something, the more something will come.

"There must be something wrong, isn't it you!... Is it because your news is wrong that put Yu in such a situation!" He Yong stood up suddenly, grabbed the merchant's collar, and looked crazy and paranoid: " It must be like this, if it wasn’t for your misinformation, how could things be like this!”

"Tie Dong will definitely kill me. Before that, you don't want to live!"

"My lord, my lord..." The merchant was very flustered, no less fearful than He Yong.But in front of a man who has lost his mind, he is still sober: "It's a matter, the matter has not reached the worst step, and there is still news from this subordinate."

"what news?"

"Yes, it's news from the palace that Dong Thief's bodyguard entrusted someone to secretly hand it over to his subordinates, and it hasn't been opened yet." As he said, he hurriedly took off his belt from his waist.

He Yong was taken aback for a moment, and then he raised his anus involuntarily: When is Du Nima, and he is still unbuttoning his belt to a man like me!

If I don't kill you today, I'll bury you in the same grave!

"My lord, my lord!..." The face of the merchant who was strangled by the neck began to turn purple.The survival instinct made him grab He Yong's arm, and suddenly exerted force!

With no difficulty, He Yong's hand was broken away.

The two looked at each other, and the air was full of embarrassment.

He Yong is not proficient in 'shooting' and 'imperial' in the six arts, he is just a scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken.

"The news is in this belt!" The angry merchant really wanted to pick up the copper baron on the ground and smash it on the head of this mad fool.

But even more worried about his own life, he reminded He Yong.

Only then did He Yong wake up, and saw that the gorgeous jade belt was not something merchants could wear.Immediately, he found a dagger, carefully cut the edge of the jade belt, and pulled out a silk cloth from it.

Unfolding it, it turned out to be an imperial edict written in blood: "I have heard that the relationship between the father and the son is the first; the difference between the superior and the inferior is the most important. Dong thief takes power and confines the emperor; Li Ru is ruthless and wants to poison Kill me and my mother; the cruel offender, the wrath of man and god!"

"I am worried all night long, and dare not sleep. Fortunately, a righteous man told me that Qing is a loyal minister of the country, and he intends to punish thieves. I hope that I will wait at the Kaiyang Gate at the second watch tonight. A righteous man will arrange for Qing's family to come and discuss major issues together! Spill blood, write an order to Fu Qing, be careful, don't let me down!"

"This, written by His Majesty himself?" He Yong frowned slightly and looked at the merchant.

The merchants didn't bother to talk to him: I didn't even take off the jade belt, so I don't know if it was written by Liu Bian?

He Yong was embarrassed, and then he calmed down and thought about Yizhao carefully. After a moment of contemplation, he suddenly laughed ecstatically: "So it is, so it is!..."

The wealthy businessman's spy looked at him in amazement, not knowing what was going on.

"You received the jade belt today." He Yong shook the belt in his hand and said, "Your Majesty also said that Li Ru had poisoned him, but he didn't know what happened during the period, so he couldn't get it." .”

"Hmm...Zhu Gongwei must have learned something, so he suddenly pretended to join Dong thief in anticipation of changes in time. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why those people who are loyal to the emperor and the country are suddenly inconsistent."

"Today, Yu obtained this secret decree again, which is an opportunity, an opportunity to completely send Bandit Dong to a place of eternal doom!"

"My lord, what do you mean?" The rich merchant's eyes widened, and he vaguely guessed something.

He Yong resumed Zhizhu's demeanor as a strategist, and said: "We all underestimated His Majesty, thinking that His Majesty is imprisoned in the deep palace and has no foreign aid."

"But the imperial edict mentions that there are righteous men to help. Thinking about it, the great general once had benevolent soldiers. I think he has already arranged troops for His Majesty."

The wealthy businessman frowned and listened, noncommittal.

However, He Yong has fallen into his own deduction and cannot extricate himself: "It seems that tonight, Yu just needs to obey His Majesty's instructions, and there must be a plan to destroy Dong Bandit!"

"My lord has made up his mind?" The rich businessman still felt that this matter was too strange, and He Yong's analysis was too subjective.However, most of the eyes are hopeful.

He Yong did not hesitate, and immediately replied: "That's natural!"

A drowning person will naturally grab everything he can reach, even if it is just a straw, he will think it is a rope that can be pulled ashore.

The rich businessman also knew that his life was tied to He Yong, and he congratulated him generously: "My lord has a wonderful plan, and he will return with a rewarding reward!"


After finally making it to the second watch, He Yong, who was hiding in a corner half a mile away from Kaiyang Gate, couldn't help but breathe out to warm his stiff hands.

But what was colder than his hands was his heart: it was already after the curfew and the city gates were closed, how could there be righteous men coming?

Such a major mistake and omission, I didn't see it...

Just when he didn't know what to do, a luan chariot with a narrow front and a round back came slowly from the darkness. The driver was dressed in furs and a straw hat covering most of his face.

He Yong was ecstatic, and he never wanted to emerge from the darkness.

"He Yong?" The coachman's voice was very cautious. After seeing He Yong nodding, he quickly said in a low voice: "Get in the car!"

Immediately afterwards, he took out another set of eunuch costumes and threw them to He Yong, explaining: "After you put them on, don't say anything in the car, and don't look around."

The luan chariot then moved slowly, and He Yong, who had changed his clothes, clearly heard the sound of the city gate opening, but he didn't know why Sima at the city gate didn't even interrogate him.

Following the coachman's instructions, he sat silently inside and ignored him.

After about half an hour, the coachman stopped.He took him around in the garden by the moonlight, and finally stopped in front of a palace.

"Go in, someone is waiting for you."

He Yong felt a little uneasy, and was about to ask something, but the coachman urged: "Hurry up, I can only wait for you outside for an hour."

Immediately afterwards, he solemnly bowed and said, "It's a blessing for the Han Dynasty to have such loyal ministers as you!"

With these words, He Yong was relieved a lot.

After returning for a salute, he hurriedly walked towards the deserted palace in front of him, and soon ran into a maid who was waiting with her arms in his arms, and said to him: "Shut up, and come with the slaves."

Gong'e walked very fast, before He Yong could react, he was dropped a few positions, and hurriedly chased after her.

Seeing that Gong'e pushed open a door, the lights inside were brightly lit.

He Yong, who didn't have time to think about it, hurried in, and then he was dumbfounded: it was not a scene where everyone conspired as imagined, but a luxurious bedroom.

On the low and wide bed in front of him, an old woman with slippery shoulders and half-dressed was showing an undisguised sneer at him.

"Mother, Empress Dowager?..." He Yong's mind went blank!

But Empress Dowager He obviously knew what she was supposed to do, and suddenly her face turned pale, and she screamed in horror: "Come here, there are assassins!"

Chapter 62 You Are Good or Bad, I Like It So Much

Empress Dowager He screamed, piercing the silence of the entire Bi Guiyuan.In an instant, countless guards who were hidden in the darkness outside suddenly showed their fangs.

Metal weapons clanged and collided, pine oil torches surged, and countless feet stepped on the road to make a dull rattling sound, like a shower of rain falling on the ground.

There was also the continuous clanging of gongs in the team, which was particularly ear-piercing in the night sky.

All the soldiers who heard the sound of the gong would rush to follow the sound, and they would also ring the built-in stun gong to pass on the news and form a siege network.

He Yong suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, heartbroken: I've been tricked!

It's still a very clumsy way to invite you into the urn, but I was lucky, I made a wrong step, and fell into the big hole dug by others in a daze.

Ying He was stunned more and more, and the first batch of guards who rushed into the palace had already surrounded the palace.Without saying a word, the four guards captured He Yong who was stunned like a tiger pouncing on a sheep, and twisted them to the outer hall.

A person came in from the outside surrounded by others, He Yong looked up and saw that it was none other than Lang Zhongling Li Ru.

Lang Zhongling, who is in charge of the palace guards and patrolling the palace ban, in case of emergency, should have appeared at this time.

"This is the bedroom of the Empress Dowager He and King Hongnong. How could you, a foreign minister, enter without any reason!" Under the light of the fire, Li Ru, with a sullen face, was like a poisonous snake that wanted to eat someone.

He Yong, who was being held up, had a distracted gaze and seemed to turn a deaf ear to the surroundings, but he kept muttering to himself: "I fell into the trick, and Yu fell into such a bad trick. Bandit Dong, we all misjudged you... No, Taiwei, Taiwei, I was wrong, please spare my life."

At the end of the voice, there was a hint of crying. The huge psychological gap made him, who was originally confident, suddenly go to another extreme.

Li Ru couldn't bear it, and shouted again: "Uncle Heqiu, you can't trespass without a summons, how did you get into this Bi Guiyuan! You know that the Han law is strict, and you have committed an unforgivable crime, so don't come here quickly!"

This stern shout finally made He Yong recover some sanity.

He suddenly raised his head: "Lang Zhongling, I was wrong, and I dare not do it again. I beg Lang Zhongling to be merciful, and beg for me in front of the Taiwei, and I will repay your kindness in the future!"

"Nonsense!" Li Ru was furious, and shouted again: "You broke into this harem, Bi Guiyuan, and your lowly position will also be implicated! This is a serious matter, and it must be reported to the imperial court for a decision...Come here, take it away!"

As soon as the words were finished, Empress Dowager He walked out of the palace in disheveled clothes, with a frightened and humiliated look: "Lang Zhongling, Aijia doesn't know how this dog thief broke into the harem."

"However, I know that he came all the way to the Ai family's dormitory, wanting, wanting...to do that beastly thing. If it wasn't for the Ai family's strong resistance, the Han family would lose all face!"

Li Ru suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, trembling all over with anger, he scolded heavily: "He Yong, you are such a coward!...Take it away quickly!"

"Mother, Empress Dowager, you!..."

When this accusation came down, He Yong was like five thunderbolts: I don't know how to justify the crime of trespassing in the harem, and at this time, Empress Dowager He made such a framed accusation, completely to let herself die without a place to bury her!

What, what's going on here?

It is obvious that Dong Zhuo abolished your mother and son, why do you, a woman, still stand by his side?

Unfortunately, he will never know the answers to these questions.

After being dragged out like a dead dog, Li Ru accused the Empress Dowager He, and then left with the guards.After the starry sky cleared, the whole Bigui Garden quickly returned to silence, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Empress Dowager He's humiliated and frightened expression gradually disappeared.

After Pingpin gracefully returned to the bedroom, she carefully dressed in front of a bronze mirror, calmly saying, "Aren't you willing to show yourself? Have you seen enough of this scene?..."

"Hehehe... Women are indeed born actors, and you are a woman among women."

The obese figure of Lang Yan came out from the screen behind the bed. Dong Zhuo looked at the empress dowager's slippery shoulders, and the more he looked at them, the more interesting he felt.

"When it comes to the palace, the foreign ministers in the court dare not say much. Tingwei Xuan Fan, Zongzheng Liu Ai, and Yushi Zhongcheng Liu Xiao are all attached to the Taiwei, and Liu Ai and Liu Xiao are the two of them. Bye, do what you say."

As she spoke, Empress Dowager He turned her head suddenly, and said in confusion: "It is expected that He Yong will go to the doctor in a hurry, and he is so sure afterward. Why does the Taiwei bother to make a pair of clothes and belts?"

"Well..." Dong Zhuo smiled and picked up the clothes that Empress Dowager He dropped because of the violent action just now, and put them on for her again, saying: "First, the devil is always hidden in the details. He Yong is not a fool, so it should be more realistic." It might fall short.”

"Secondly," he couldn't help but become weird when he said this, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "It's one of the old man's bad tastes. Without the plot of the clothes and belts, I always feel that this era is a bit imperfect."

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