It can only be said that from this moment on, some concepts of Oberstandin and others have been refreshed.

"Hi, doctor."

"I'm Stinger, one of the Decepticons."

After the transformation was completed, the tall Stinger said to Obertaine.

"Hello there!"

After recovering, Obertaine also greeted Stinger.

"Well, it's safer than the Cadillac Beast."

At this time, Qin Tian said with a smile.

"At least a hundred times stronger!"

The stinger was very strong at first glance, and with the stinger as the chairman's car, Obertaine's worries had completely dissipated.


"One of the Decepticons..."

"Speaker, are those important people who are about to join the No. 1 Institute a robot like Stinger?"

As if thinking of something, Obertaine asked Qin Tian.

In response, Qin Tian nodded and said, "Yes!"

After the words fell, behind Qin Tian, ​​there was a mess of engine sounds.

Everyone followed the sound and saw dozens of vehicles of different sizes, types, and colors approaching Research Institute No. 1.

Among them are armored vehicles and tanks.

(Flying Decepticons such as Starscream were left in the Palace of the Heads of State)

Seeing this scene, Obertandin and the others suddenly had a guess: "These vehicles are not all robots that can transform."

"Is the Decepticon organization so powerful?"

Facts have proved that Obertaindin and others' guesses are correct.

I saw that when these vehicles were more than 30 meters away from the main gate, Uniform began to deform, and soon turned into a robot like a stinger.

Some are as high as seven or eight meters, ten meters.

Some are only two or three meters, four or five meters.

Except for the poisonous stinger, the number is not too many, there are forty units.

The leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, who is more than ten meters high and weighs fifteen tons, is also among them.

Seeing the orderly and majestic Decepticons, Obertaine and the others were even more shocked.


"Doctor, these Decepticons will belong to Institute No. 1 from now on."

"Don't underestimate them. In addition to super high combat effectiveness, they also have super high intelligence and scientific research capabilities."

"All laboratories and production lines can be opened to them."

"Some of their ideas and technologies may be able to make the federal technology explode."

After the Decepticons arrived, Qin Tian said this to Obertaine.

Obertaine nodded understanding.

Afterwards, under Qin Tian's signal, Anastasia beside her handed a silver-white suitcase to Obertaine.

"This is……"

Obtaining the suitcase, Obertaine looked puzzled.

Anastasia immediately said: "Doctor, there are 4 USB flash drives inside, and each USB flash drive stores a set of technologies."

"They are the complete planet transformation technology, Dyson ball technology, warp speed jump technology and space warp technology."

"You are an interstellar scientist, you should be advanced and powerful who understand these technologies."


"What, it's these technologies!"

Obertaine was surprised to hear Anastasia's words.

You know, in the interstellar civilization that he and Gallos lived in before, these four technologies are still in theory.

There is still a certain distance from perfection and maturity.

As a result, the speaker directly took out the full version of the four technologies, which I have to say was a huge surprise.

I believe that as long as these 4 sets of technologies are fully understood, and then put into practical use, the Abyss of Stars Federation will surely rise to rule the roost in the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Although there are complete technologies, these technologies are too esoteric."

"The technological level of the Star Abyss Federation is here. It is not an easy task to fully understand it and put it into practical use."

"It will take quite a long time to do it, maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years."

"But I didn't want to wait that long, so I transferred the Decepticons to Research Institute 1 to participate in the research."

On the side, Qin Tian said so.

The scientific research level of the Decepticons is not inferior to interstellar scientists such as Oberstein, Garros, and Sun Rui.

In some respects it even surpasses it.

With the addition of the Decepticons, the time required will definitely be greatly shortened.

Chapter 92 The Road of the Hyena, Promoted to the Battle King

"Megatron, you will lead the Decepticons to participate in scientific research projects in Research Institute No. 1 from now on."

"If you have any questions, you can always call me."

"Don't worry, I promise you, as long as there is a chance, I will help you save Cybertron."

Qin Tian came to Megatron and said.

He knew that Megatron's most important thing was to save his home planet, Cybertron.

He also believes that in the future, he can draw to the world wormhole of the Transformers world, or directly to the planet Cybertron.


Hearing Qin Tian's words, Megatron said in command.

If it was someone else, they might think that Qin Tian's words were just prevarication.

But Megatron won't.

In other words, all intelligent beings summoned by the system have unconditional trust in Qin Tian.

Looking at the majestic Megatron, Qin Tian nodded, and then entered the Stinger with Anastasia, which had been transformed into a Pagani supercar, and returned to the Palace of the Heads of State.


"Speaker, something happened to the expedition fleet."

After returning to the Palace of the Heads of State, Jill, who was wearing a blue tights, found Qin Tian and said.

"what's up?"

Hearing that the expedition fleet had an accident, Qin Tian's heart sank and he asked.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Qin Tian's mind.

Such as sun explosion, blue star federation rebellion, alien civilization invasion and so on.

Hearing this, Jill immediately replied: "An hour ago, the fourth parallel world sent back information."

"The expedition fleet completed its assembly in the Large Magellanic Cloud star system and was about to return when it suddenly encountered a space storm. A Hyena-class destroyer was involved in the space storm and lost contact. It has not been found so far."

"The string number of this ship is 14, and the captain is Colonel Li Anguo."

After listening to Jill's report, Qin Tian nodded, it turned out to be the case.

The loss of a starship is no small matter.

But Qin Tian has nothing to do.

As we all know, space storms are highly uncertain, and all things that are involved in space storms may appear in any corner of the universe, or may be directly torn apart.

Maybe at the moment of being involved in the space storm, the entire destroyer and more than 400 officers and soldiers of the entire ship have been reduced to powder.

But after thinking about it, as the leader of the Star Abyss Federation, it is impossible for Qin Tian to give up the lives of the Federation soldiers easily.

So Qin Tian ordered: "Notify the expedition fleet to conduct a careful search of the surrounding ten star systems."

"If you really can't find it, you can't expand the search area to avoid encountering other alien civilizations."



The fourth parallel universe, Laniakea supercluster, Virgo galaxy cluster, local galaxy group.

The Tianhe system, the purple tortoise arm spins.

In the bright sea of ​​stars.

Suddenly, there was a wave of space fluctuation, and a starship sailed out of it.

From the stringed horn and iconic appearance of this starship 14, it can be seen that this starship is the Hyena-class destroyer that the Star Abyss Federation was involved in the space storm and disappeared.

It's just that I don't know what happened in the space storm. This Hyena-class destroyer has changed a lot compared to before it disappeared.

The surface of the starship is covered with all kinds of weird and mysterious patterns and symbols, which are not like human creations, and various streamers emerge from time to time.

The painting has also changed from the original silver-white to black-gold.

This is only an external change, and the internal change does not know how big it is.

"Go home, go home..."

Inside the starship, including Captain Li Anguo, 470 nine Star Abyss Federation officers and soldiers murmured in unison.

Everyone's skin is covered with mysterious patterns and symbols that are exactly the same as the surface of the starship.

Everyone's pupils have turned purple.

The starship sails aimlessly in the big universe alone.


"Congratulations to General Gold Iron Beast for being promoted to King of War!"

Five days later, Star Abyss Federation, City of Abyss.

Inside the huge circular base of azure blue.

After absorbing five energy amethysts in a row and bathing in the energy pool for ten hours, the gold iron beast, the number one general of the ferocious beast clan, finally broke the shackles of level 19.

The battle level reaches level 20, the achievement of the king of battle!

Watching the earth-shattering golden iron beasts, blue iron beasts, purple iron beasts, blue iron beasts, green leopard beasts, blue leopard beasts, purple leopard beasts, blue dragon beasts, purple dragon beasts, purple poisonous beasts and other ferocious beast clan generals stepped forward one after another. Congratulations before.

It has to be said that the king of war is the king of war.

Even if it's just the new king of battle, many generals of the ferocious beast clan felt a strong sense of oppression when facing the golden iron beast.

Fortunately, the golden iron beast put away the leaked aura in time after realizing it.

"General, how does it feel to be promoted to the Queen of War?"

At this moment, the blue iron beast, who had a lifelong friendship with the golden iron beast, stepped forward and asked.

Hearing this, the golden iron beast looked at its golden iron claws and said, "After being promoted to the king of war, my strength has increased by at least ten times."

"The strength is about [-] kilograms."

"Even if I don't use the Aurora God Wind Claw, I can easily destroy the gates of any city in the Robot World."

Hearing the words of the golden iron beast, all the generals of the ferocious beast clan took a deep breath and were extremely shocked.

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