This surname is very special, so Deng Dazhong remembered it.

"Yes, it's him, Huaguoshan. He made a lot of money doing fruit wholesale in the early years, and now he is the big boss." Zhang Haitao said with emotion.

Hua Houzi was their follower in person, but now, when they meet, they probably don't pay any attention to him, and their status is completely different.

But this name is really strange enough, the key is to make a fortune selling fruit.

Even Deng Dazhong, who was a little depressed, was happy.

"Then you are mistaken. He didn't get rich because of selling fruits. In the early years, he wholesaled fruits, so he built a big warehouse. He didn't expect that the warehouse would be demolished in a few years. He got a lot of money for the demolition. Huaguoshan saw that the houses were so valuable, so they stopped selling fruit, and bought a lot of facades and houses with the demolition money, and over the years, the value has been rising." Zhang Haitao's tone was not without envy.

"Why talk so much? Can you still contact him now?" Wu Xianglian said dissatisfiedly beside her.

But Zhang Haitao obviously didn't hear it. He scratched his head and said, "I met him once two years ago. He gave me a business card. I don't know if I can get through, and I don't know where to put it. I want Look for it carefully."

Zhang Haitao and his generation lived a more careful life. Although the business card was given two years ago, he still received it very well, and a special box was full of it.

"It's been more than two years, can you still get through?" Deng Dazhong asked worriedly.

"You have to try it. Besides, you're not a young man. Who would change numbers every day if it's okay?" Zhang Haitao took out his cell phone and dialed.

Sure enough, the call got through quickly, and Deng Dazhong was pleasantly surprised, but gradually became disappointed because no one answered.


Deng Dazhong sighed helplessly.

Chapter 104 Hu Xiaoying

"Uncle Deng, don't worry, I'll try again." Seeing Deng Dazhong's disappointed look, Zhang Haitao dialed the phone again.

Same beep, but no one answered.

"Uncle Deng, the call can be connected, which means that the number is still in use. This is a good thing. As long as there is no downtime, someone will answer it sooner or later." He Sihai also comforted beside him.

"Qiang Zi, that brat, he won't let people live in peace even after he dies." Deng Dazhong said suddenly.

But there was no resentment in his tone, but a strong sense of loss and sadness.

Just when Zhang Haitao was about to hang up the phone, the phone went through.

"Who is it?" the person on the phone asked.

"Is it Huaguo Mountain?" Zhang Haitao asked.

"Yes, I am, who are you?"

"I'm Zhang Haitao, remember me?"

"Brother Zhang? How come I don't remember you, Brother Zhang? Brother Zhang, why did you remember to call me? We haven't seen each other for so many years. Why don't Brother Zhang come out tonight and we'll have a good time..."

"Alright, I have something to do with you." Zhang Haitao hastily interrupted him.

Huaguoshan was very talkative when he was young, and it hasn't changed a bit over the years.

"Brother Zhang, just tell me if you have anything to do, as long as I can help, I will definitely help." Huaguoshan said.

"I want to ask you something. Do you remember the girl who used to work in the department store? The one of your sister's friend?" Zhang Haitao asked.

"You mean Hu Xiaoying? Brother Zhang, it's been so many years, and you still miss her? But does sister-in-law know about this? Hehe..." Huaguoshan smiled very obscenely on the phone.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I asked her to confirm something. Do you know her situation?" Zhang Haitao asked.

"I really don't know. It's just that I heard that I fell out with my family because of something, and I resigned from the department store and moved out alone. I haven't seen her or heard of her since. news."

"That's it." Zhang Haitao was a little disappointed.

"If you really want to know, I can call my sister and ask her. She has a good relationship with her, so she should know about the situation." Huaguoshan could probably hear his disappointment, and said hastily.

"Okay, okay, it would be best if this is the case." Zhang Haitao said.

"But are you okay with sister-in-law?" Huaguoshan asked worriedly.

"What's the matter? I asked Hu Xiaoying to ask her about Qiangzi." Zhang Haitao thought it would be better to explain it, otherwise, if it spreads out, I don't know what will happen.

"Qiangzi? You mean Brother Qiangzi?"

"That's right, there is another Qiangzi. By the way, did Hu Xiaoying and Qiangzi ever get together? Do you know about this?"

"Hu Xiaoying and Brother Qiangzi? Probably not? However, I have seen Brother Qiangzi and Hu Xiaoying meet a few times, but didn't they send you some kind of love letter?" Huaguoshan said.

"There are still love letters?" Wu Xianglian who was listening secretly looked at Zhang Haitao with a strange face.

Zhang Haitao defended with flushed cheeks: "What's the matter, you are just talking nonsense. I wrote to her for the first time, and after she refused, I never wrote again."

"Haha, I may have misremembered it, but the love letter that brother Zhang expressed his love back then was really nasty, I still remember it, haha~"

"Nonsense, what's the matter? There's no such thing at all." Zhang Haitao said in a panic.

"I see……"

"You know a hammer." Zhang Haitao thought to himself.

"You can help me find out about Hu Xiaoying's situation now, and I will call you later." After Zhang Haitao finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Then he said to Wu Xianglian next to him with some guilt: "Monkeys like to talk nonsense, you know it."

Because Wu Xianglian and Huaguoshan also knew each other, and they still kept in touch with each other at that time, but they lost contact only later.


Huaguoshan called Zhang Haitao without waiting for him to call him.

"I found out that Hu Xiaoying moved to Heping Road in Dongcheng. I don't know where she lives, but she has a stall in the Heping Road vegetable market and sells vegetables there." Huaguoshan said.

"Thank you, it's really helpful. I'll invite you out for a drink another day." Zhang Haitao said happily after hearing this.

Then Pat hung up the phone directly.

Huaguoshan on the other side of the phone looked at the blind tone on the phone, his face was full of doubts, Zhang Haitao couldn't make a fuss at such an old age, could he?

But then I thought about it again, even if he made a fuss about it, it's none of his business, he was just a friend, and he just helped a little.

"Let's go." Seeing Zhang Haitao hung up the phone, Deng Dazhong couldn't wait to go out.

Zhang Haitao's counterfeit mobile phone is very loud, and everyone can hear his conversation with Huaguoshan.

"Old man, why don't you go tomorrow morning? There may not be anyone there now." Zhang Haitao said.

"It's going to be night soon. It's possible to be here. It won't delay anything if you go and have a look."

Obviously Deng Dazhong didn't want to wait any longer.

"That's fine, then let's go for a run." Zhang Haitao said.

There are two time slots for selling vegetables in the vegetable market, one is in the morning and the other is in the evening.

By the time He Sihai and the others arrived at the Heping Road Vegetable Market, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

The flow of people in the vegetable market has gradually increased. In addition, some vendors who had closed their stalls have also re-established their stalls.

"Uncle Zhang, it's been so many years, do you still know this Hu Xiaoying?" He Sihai asked beside him.

Then I saw a toothpick seller next to me, and bought a copy for Taozi and Xuanxuan.

This thing smells very good, and of course it tastes even better.

"Of course I can't remember..."

Zhang Haitao wanted to say that he remembered clearly, but in a blink of an eye he saw Wu Xianglian who was watching him, and quickly changed his words.

"You don't even remember, how can you find it?"

"Stupid, I don't know how to ask." Deng Dazhong said beside him.

Huh?That's right, He Sihai didn't think of it for a while.

"Such a big vegetable market, not everyone knows it, right?" He Sihai said.

"If you set up a stall here for a long time, you should know everyone, let me ask." Liu Wanzhao said.

"Let me ask." Wu Xianglian said.

"I don't think so. Is that guy who sells tofu and dried tofu over there Hu Xiaoying?" He Sihai asked, pointing to a corner on the far right of the vegetable market.

"You don't know Hu Xiaoying, why..."

Zhang Haitao retorted subconsciously, but then followed his fingers and stopped talking.

Because this woman is exactly the woman in Zhang Haitao's memory, but she is much older and her body is fat and bloated, but the delicate outline of her youth is still clearly visible.

"Is she Hu Xiaoying?" Wu Xianglian looked at the other party, who looked slightly younger than her.

"Yes, she is." Zhang Haitao nodded affirmatively.

"How did Four Seas recognize it?" Wu Xianglian asked curiously.

"I'm guessing." He Sihai said.

But in fact, it was because there was a person standing beside Hu Xiaoying, no, to be precise, there was a strange person standing beside her.

Chapter 105 Conversation

"Let's go." Deng Dazhong walked over impatiently.

"Master, do you want tofu or dried tofu?" Hu Xiaoying, who was tidying up the booth, raised her head and asked when she saw someone coming in front of the booth.

The one standing next to him was stunned, and then saw Zhang Haitao and his wife behind Deng Dazhong, crossing them knotted, and saw He Sihai who was meeting his gaze.

"Your Excellency." In an instant, he understood a lot. It seemed that everything about the guide had already been in his mind, but he hadn't thought about it.

Fortunately, Xuanxuan was eating toothpicks with Taozi Taozi at this time.

Otherwise, under Xuanxuan's light, he might show his figure directly.

Deng Dazhong stood in front of the booth, murmured for a long time, but didn't say anything, because he didn't know how to speak.

"Uncle Deng, I'll come." Zhang Haitao stepped forward and said.

"Hello, Hu Xiaoying, do you still remember me? Zhang Haitao." Zhang Haitao stepped forward and said in a calm and honest manner. After all, so many years have passed, he is already middle-aged, and many things have already been overlooked.

Hu Xiaoying obviously still remembered Zhang Haitao.

The movements of his hands paused, and then he said in a panic, "Zhang... Zhang Haitao?"

Immediately after reacting, I was so flustered, how many years have passed, do you still care about this?

"Yes, do you still remember me? Deng Qiang's brother." Zhang Haitao said.

After thinking it through, Hu Xiaoying said calmly: "Of course I remember, I haven't seen you for many years, is this sister-in-law?"

She looked at Wu Xianglian who was standing beside Zhang Haitao.

"Yes, this is my lover." Zhang Haitao said.

"Are you here to buy vegetables?" Hu Xiaoying asked.

Zhang Haitao shook his head, pointed to Deng Dazhong next to him and said, "This is Deng Qiang's father, Deng Qiang, do you still remember?"

Hu Xiaoying was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and her face became a little ugly, "I don't remember, if you want to buy vegetables, you should buy them quickly, and if you don't buy them, you can leave. Don't block me from doing business."

Her reaction like this made everyone feel that the previous speculation was not unreasonable.

After all, her attitude towards Zhang Haitao was very good. There was no need to talk about Deng Qiang, who was okay, but her attitude became worse.

"Girl, I'm sorry, I didn't know until today." Deng Dazhong whispered beside him.

The words were a bit incoherent, Hu Xiaoying was not a girl anymore, but Deng Dazhong didn't know what to call her for a while.

Hu Xiaoying glanced at him without saying a word, sat back on the stool and sulked.

Seeing that she didn't speak and didn't drive them away, Deng Da was overjoyed.

"Before Qiangzi passed away, I came back. I told him not to mess around outside, or he wouldn't be able to get a wife in the future. He quarreled with me and said that I don't care, and he already has a wife. I want to be a grandfather." Oh, I also lost my head at the time, beat him up, he ran out, and never came back."

Deng Dazhong said that his eyes were red, but he never shed tears. Over the past so many years, he has already seen it.

On the contrary, Hu Xiaoying, who was sitting opposite, burst into tears.

"Sister Hu, what's the matter, is there something wrong?" A stall owner at the opposite stall asked loudly.

Hu Xiaoying has set up a stall in the vegetable market for so many years, and basically knows everyone on the left and right, and they have a good relationship. Usually, if you have something to say, you will help.

Seeing Hu Xiaoying crying now, I thought Zhang Haitao and the others were looking for trouble.

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