"You don't need to thank me, I'm just looking at the old man's face, by the way, why hasn't the old man come back yet, I'll call him and see." Zhang Haitao turned around and left.

"Go back if you have nothing to do." He said.

"Goodbye, Uncle Zhang." He Sihai hurriedly put the gold brick in his pocket.

Then he called out to the room again, "Aunt Wu, I'm leaving."

"Let's go, don't sit for a while." Aunt Wu came out from the house.

"No, I'm going back. I have something to do in the afternoon." He Sihai said.

"In this case, slow down on the road." Aunt Wu said.

Then he went to say hello to Tao Zi and the others.

"Uncle Zhang." He Sihai called again and found Zhang Haitao who was about to make a call on his cell phone.


"Remember to send me the address."

"...You brat, hurry up, or I will regret it soon."

Zhang Haitao looked impatient to chase people away, and then dialed Deng Dazhong's phone number.

In fact, Aunt Wu also called several times before dinner, but no one answered.

Chapter 101

Zhang Haitao got through the phone, but no one answered.

Now he was a little worried too.

"Where did the old man go?" He frowned and dialed the phone again.

But it was still a beeping waiting tone.

Zhang Haitao was a little anxious, and was really about to hang up the phone and go out to look for it, but the call was connected.

"Hello, are you Deng Dazhong's family?" A female voice came from the phone.

"Yes, you are?" Zhang Haitao asked with some doubts.

"I am a nurse at Hexi Hospital. Deng Dazhong fainted and was sent to our hospital," the nurse said.

"Is he alright?" Zhang Haitao asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, it's just heatstroke, you guys should come here first." The nurse said.

Zhang Haitao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then said loudly to Wu Xianglian who was talking to Liu Wanzhao: "Xianglian, the old man has been sent to the hospital for heatstroke, let's go together."

He said he was going back to the house to get things in a hurry.

"Uncle Zhang, I'll go with you." He Sihai said hurriedly.

"No, it's just heat stroke. It's not a big problem. You can go about your work." Zhang Haitao waved his hand.

"It's nothing serious for me, just go to see the old man together." He Sihai insisted.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go together."

Seeing that He Sihai was so persistent, Zhang Haitao nodded.

He Sihai was in Zhang Haitao's car, Wu Xianglian was in Liu Wanzhao's car, and followed behind.

Zhang Haitao drove a green van, which looked quite new, with a brand called Southeast, and this was the first time He Sihai had seen it.

He Sihai drove with him, Liu Wanzhao drove Wu Xianglian and two little guys followed.

"The old man is so old, why do you have to work so hard every day to collect junk?" He Sihai, who was sitting in the co-pilot, glanced at Zhang Haitao next to him and said.

Judging from Zhang Haitao's usual care for the old man, his own son is no more than that, and Zhang Haitao is a trash collector.

But he is also considered the shabby king of Hezhou. Regardless of the shabby place he lives in, he is not short of money at all. He has several houses in Hezhou, not including the shops that are rented out.

"Who says it's not? I've said it many times, but he just doesn't listen." Zhang Haitao also said helplessly.

"Probably he doesn't want to cause trouble for you and Aunt Wu." He Sihai could only think of this reason.

"What's the trouble? The old man has been working for so many years, and he doesn't spend much by himself. He has a retirement pension, which is enough for him to live comfortably by himself." Zhang Haitao said.


He Sihai was very surprised when he heard the words, and he was the poorest.

"Why, can't you think of it?" Zhang Haitao glanced at him and said.

He Sihai nodded when he heard the words, since Deng Dazhong was rich, why did he go out to collect trash every day?

Moreover, he is also extremely frugal in food and clothing. What is this all for?

"I don't know what he thinks." Zhang Haitao sighed again.

"Have Uncle Zhang and Uncle Deng known each other for a long time?" He Sihai asked curiously.

Because Zhang Haitao's concern for Uncle Deng has long surpassed that of ordinary friends.

"Of course, Uncle Deng watched me grow up..."

It turned out that Zhang Haitao's father and Deng Dazhong were both employees of the Hezhou Machinery Factory.

Zhang Haitao's father died in an accident, and soon his mother also fell ill and died.

Ten-year-old Zhang Haitao became a wild child who was ignored by no one, skipping classes, fighting and wandering in the society every day.

Deng Dazhong couldn't bear to see him go on like this, so he took the initiative to take him home.

Deng Dazhong had a son named Deng Qiang.

In fact, Deng Qiang and Zhang Haitao have known each other for a long time. After all, they both go to school for the children of the machinery factory, so how can they not know each other.

Now living together, the two quickly became good friends.

Deng Dazhong's wife ran away with a so-called "Hong Kong businessman" a few years ago.

Deng Qiang was brought up by Deng Dazhong alone.

Originally it was difficult for him to discipline one child, but now he is even more flustered when he disciplines two at once.

In addition, he usually has to go to work, so Zhang Haitao didn't teach him well, but instead led Deng Qiang, who was originally quite honest, astray.

But because Deng Dazhong was in charge, he didn't do many extraordinary things before he became an adult.

At that time, the machinery factories were all working class, and their educational level was not high. Many of them came to work in the factory because of their good family background.

What is good family status?It must be poor enough, preferably three generations of poor peasants.

Many people don't know a single word. When they come to work in the machinery factory, they are always taught by masters. They work with proficiency and experience.

Because they come from different places, there are many people in a mess, and fights often happen.

Of course, the machinery factory also has a security department, but the security department can be said to be the largest...

Deng Qiang and Zhang Haitao also recruited a group of people.

These people are either fellow villagers from one place, or their parents have a relatively good relationship.

On weekdays, he doesn't make big mistakes, keeps doing small things, fights, steals and kidnaps often.

The last thing a machinery factory lacks is mechanical parts, so what they do most is to steal mechanical parts and then sell them.

I don't know how carefree my life is, and of course I often have conflicts with the security department.

Deng Dazhong once cut off contact with them.


"Look, is there this scar on my head? If it wasn't for Qiangzi, I would have died long ago."

Zhang Haitao pulled back his oily hair, revealing a hideous scar.

"Qiangzi is also because of me..."

Zhang Haitao blinked hard, but couldn't continue.

But He Sihai probably guessed it too.


Hexi Hospital is just a very ordinary secondary hospital. It was originally a staff hospital of Hezhou Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., but it was renamed Hexi Hospital after the restructuring.

When He Sihai and Zhang Haitao went in, they were all old men and women wandering around.

He Sihai was very surprised, saying that they were patients, but they didn't look like them. They were chatting with red faces, and said no, this is a hospital after all.

"Do you think it's strange?" Zhang Haitao saw his doubts.

He Sihai nodded.

"That's because they have medical insurance, so they all came to the hospital." Zhang Haitao said.

It turns out that these old men and women regard the hospital as a convalescent center. Anyone who has a little headache and brain fever will come to the hospital to stay for ten days and a half months.

As long as you are not a fool, you all know how to squeeze society's XX wool.

Hospitals are also happy to see the results, after all, they also benefit from it.

To be honest, after He Sihai heard about it, he was really envious.

He also wanted to squeeze the wool, but the country didn't give him the chance.

Zhang Haitao asked the nurse about the ward.

As soon as the two of them got close to the ward, they heard Deng Dazhong yelling inside. The voice was full of anger, and it seemed that there was nothing serious about it.

Sure enough, when they entered, they saw Deng Dazhong sitting on the hospital bed, chatting with two patients in other beds.

"Hey, Sihai, why are you here?" He wasn't surprised to see Zhang Haitao, but he was quite surprised to see He Sihai.

"Uncle Deng, are you okay?" He Sihai didn't answer, but asked first.

"What can I do? It's fine, it's just heatstroke." Deng Dazhong said.

"Uncle Deng, don't underestimate heat stroke, luckily it was delivered in time, otherwise..." Zhang Haitao said dissatisfiedly beside him.

"Okay, okay, I see." Deng Dazhong waved his hands impatiently.

At this time, Wu Xianglian also came in, but Liu Wanzhao stayed in the car to take care of the two children and did not follow.

"Old man Deng, you still said that you are a lonely old man with no one at home. Now that so many people come to see you, you old man is dishonest." A patient next to him said with a smile.

Deng Dazhong smiled embarrassingly when he heard this.

Chapter 102 Grandson

"Sihai, why are you here?" Deng Dazhong asked again.

"I went to Yunnan Province a few days ago and brought you some special products. I was going to send them to you, but I happened to go to Uncle Zhang first..."

"It's really thoughtful, I still think about me, an old man, when I go out to play." Deng Dazhong said with a smile.

"This kid even found a girlfriend, not to mention pretty, but also kind-hearted." Wu Xianglian said impatiently beside her.

"Really? Where is it? When will you show it to me?" Deng Dazhong said happily.

"It's just downstairs, because I brought Tao Zi and her younger sister, so I didn't let them come up." Wu Xianglian said.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look." Deng Dazhong said enthusiastically.

"Grandpa, you're better off from heatstroke, you'd better lie down and have a good rest." Zhang Haitao hurriedly stopped him and said.

"Do you think I look like I'm going to rest?"

Uh... not really like that.

"Are you really okay?"

"It's really okay, the main reason is that the weather is too hot today, I passed out without paying attention for a while, and then I was sent here for some reason." Deng Dazhong said indifferently.

Now that he said so, Zhang Haitao didn't stop him anymore, and let him go downstairs as he wished, and at the same time asked Wu Xianglian to go through the discharge procedures.

Since the person is fine, it's better to go home and take care of him. It's not like no one takes care of him. It's definitely better than being in the hospital.

When Deng Dazhong saw Liu Wanzhao, he couldn't help feeling that He Sihai was so lucky that he found Bai Fumei.

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