"Wash, wash..." Tao Zi coquettishly tugged at his arm.

"Okay, can't I wash it?" He Sihai couldn't bear to let her down.


"Wow, why is it so hot?" He Sihai lifted his feet as soon as he put them in.

At this moment, his feet were already hot red.

But Tao Zi looked confused.

"It's very comfortable if it's hot..." Tao Zi wondered.

He Sihai: ...

"Thank you, but next time I can't make my own hot water bottle."

Obviously Taozi added hot water to the foot basin again.

"It's okay, I'm very experienced and I do it often, so it's not dangerous." Taozi said innocently.

He Sihai was a little speechless, yes, if she didn't do it herself, who would help her?


Tao Zi curled up in He Sihai's arms, with a small hand still clutching his clothes tightly, sleeping very soundly.

Even when he was asleep, there was a happy smile on his face, and his breath was slight and steady.

Looking at the little man in his arms, He Sihai felt warm in his heart.

He Sihai who was lying on his side gradually felt a little uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to move, for fear of waking Tao Zi curled up in his arms.

Suddenly he thought of the action in the notebook.

So subconsciously, he made a one-armed cheek-supporting movement.

Now I finally feel comfortable, and I won't feel hard when I sleep like this all night.

Unexpectedly, this sleeping action is really useful.

It's a pity that he left the notebook in the rental house and didn't bring it back.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that there was something extra in his other hand that was lying sideways on his leg.

When he picked it up, it turned out to be the notebook he had left in the rental house.

"It's really weird." He Sihai was very surprised.

He clearly remembered that when he came back, he only brought a few sets of clothes, but he didn't bring this notebook at all.

Besides, how did it suddenly appear in my hand?

With the help of the faint moonlight, He Sihai looked around the house, always feeling that there was a ghost jumping out everywhere.

But after all, there was an example of Tang Sheng before, although he was still a little scared, but not as scared as before.

He reached out and hugged Taozi to his side.

Under the faint moonlight, I opened the notebook, and there was no picture on the notebook that was originally full of patterns.

Just a line of fine print on the first page.

Glancing at Tao Zi who was already sound asleep.

Take out your phone and turn on the flashlight.

Name: Tang Sheng

Birth Date: Dingsi year Jiyou month Ding Chou day three o'clock

Wish: Completed

Remuneration: 5000 yuan

"So this is really a ledger?" He Sihai thought to himself.

Looking left and right, it seems that there is nothing special, very ordinary.

He Sihai usually reads online novels, and knows a lot about old grandpas, systems, cheats, cheats, and so on.

In this way, this account book can be regarded as his golden finger.

But how do you look at it, are they all so useless?

Suddenly he thought again, is it because of this reason that he can see the ghost?

Probably because of the heat, Tao Zi gently turned over, and let go of his little hand that was holding onto his clothes.

So He Sihai got out of bed gently, came to the living room, and put the ledger on the table.

Going back to the bed, thinking about the ledger.

The ledger immediately appeared in his hand.

This is probably the weakest golden finger in the world, right?

What is the use of such teleportation?

He Sihai tried pressing a cup on it.

Then the ledger was sent directly to him, and the cup was still firmly in place.

Then put some things in the ledger, and this time it was passed to him together.

But how much can this thin ledger hold?

Besides, even if it is teleported, what can it be used for?

Do magic?

He Sihai's head hurts thinking about it.

In a daze, he also fell asleep.

In his sleep, He Sihai seemed to hear the sound of "dong dong dong" drumming.

The sound of the drums is powerful and vast, as if penetrating the ancient times, coming from the distant past...

Then he woke up.

Seeing that Tao Zi was turning over, the bed boards she stepped on made a "dong dong" sound.

"Father." Seeing He Sihai wake up, Tao Zi rushed over directly.

"Be careful of falling, it's early in the morning, you don't sleep, why do you wake up so early?" He Sihai put his arms around her to prevent him from falling.

I glanced at my phone, it was just past six o'clock.

"Hee hee, I'm getting up and cooking. Grandma will get up and have dinner later." Tao Zi said innocently.

He Sihai was silent when he heard the words.

Then he stroked her head and asked, "Did you cook breakfast these days?"

"Well, I often cook rice."

Taozi nodded happily, and said, come and praise me, am I a wonderful kid.

But He Sihai would rather she not be so good.

"I cook in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Cooking is very simple. Wash the sweet potatoes, put them in a pot, cover them with water, and then put firewood to boil. It's very simple. .” Tao Zi proudly said.

No wonder when He Sihai came back at noon yesterday, all the sweet potatoes he ate were half-baked.

And peaches are not only sweet potatoes for lunch, but also sweet potatoes for breakfast and dinner.

He Sihai reached out and held her in his arms.

Then gently stroked her slender back.

"Brother doesn't use peaches at home, how about I cook delicious food for you?" He Sihai said softly.


Tao Zi happily responded.

Life didn't make her lose her due innocence and beauty.

Chapter 9 Watermelon

"Hey, what's the matter, did the piggy do it?" He Sihai asked intentionally seeing the mess in the carrot field.

"Hee hee, I'll eat carrots." Tao Zi giggled.

"Is it tasty?"

He Sihai didn't blame her, a four-year-old child, what can you ask of her?

"It's not tasty, I like to eat tomatoes." Taozi said happily.

A tomato in her mouth is a tomato.

Half of the field is planted with tomatoes and the other half with carrots.

This has also become a reserve base for peach snacks.

Greedy, hungry, she will come back here to pick some, pull some.

He Sihai squatted down and looked inside the tomato stalks. There was not a single red one, and even the slightly larger green ones were gone.

"I'm sorry, I've finished eating." Tao Zi said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, it was originally for peaches." He Sihai gently touched the little mushroom head.

Taozi rubbed her little head against He Sihai's palm.

It's great to have a father, she doesn't have to be alone anymore, she is so happy.

"Taozi, do you want to eat watermelon?" He Sihai asked, looking at Neighbor Tian.

The adjacent field is full of big, round watermelons, which look very attractive.

Tao Zi nodded subconsciously.

Then he remembered something and hurriedly grabbed He Sihai's arm and said nervously: "No, good boy can't steal other people's things."

Every time she came to the field, she had to stand on the ridge for a long time, really wanting to eat a big watermelon.

But my father said that good children should not take things from other people's houses casually.

The big watermelon belongs to Erbo's family, not Tao Zi's, so Tao Zi cannot eat it.

"Yes, you can't just take someone else's, but we can go to Erbo to buy one, okay?"

"Okay." Now Taozi was happy.

Then he urged: "Then let's hurry up and find the second uncle."

The second uncle's name is He Mancang, not Tao Zi's real uncle, but just called him that way.

"Then go find him now." He Sihai said as he picked her up.

"I can't wait any longer. I think it would be great if Second Uncle suddenly came to the field now." Tao Zi said excitedly.

This is what a child should be like.

"Haha, I see you are in a hurry, how can you be so..."

Seeing her anxious appearance, He Sihai laughed loudly.

But the words are not over yet.

Then someone behind him said: "Sihai is back."


He Sihai turned around and found that He Mancang was walking from the ridge of the field wearing a straw hat and carrying baskets.

"Second uncle."

He Sihai was surprised, and hurriedly called out.

"Tao Zi, come, Er Bo treats you to eat watermelon." He Mancang put down the basket, walked to the watermelon field and waved to Tao Zi.

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