They played all the items in the amusement park without fear of other people's strange eyes.

Tired of playing, the two sat on a bench by the lake. Ding Xinrong opened the cap of the mineral water bottle and handed it to Ding Min next to him.

"Look at your sweaty head, drink some water."

"Thank you dad."

Ding Min took it, raised his neck and poured it into his mouth.

"Drink slowly, and be careful not to choke yourself." Ding Xinrong warned.

As soon as the words fell, Ding Min was choked, bent over and coughed loudly, tears were choked out, and fell down patter.

"Okay, okay..." Ding Xinrong comforted her by patting her back lightly.



Ding Min turned around, hugged him, and burst into tears.

"Xiao Min, be good, don't cry."

Ding Xinrong comforted her as clumsily as he comforted her when he was a child.

Ding Min hugged his father tightly, watching the scorching sun in the sky reflected on the sparkling lake with hazy eyes.

It's almost noon.

Morning is coming to an end.


"Usually eat on time, don't always be full and hungry, here, these are for you." Ding Xinrong put all the beef in the bowl into Ding Min's bowl.

This is a very old beef noodle restaurant. In the past, Ding Xinrong often brought Ding Min to eat.

It's just that the owner of this store has been replaced by his son.

"Thank you, Dad." Ding Min stuffed a piece of beef into his mouth like chewing wax.

She knew that after this meal, Ding Xinrong would truly leave her.

Tears fell on the face, and she ate it in her mouth, it was so bitter.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to suddenly quiet down.

The only few customers in the store kept eating noodles, and the noodles thrown by the boss in the air were frozen in the air...

Ding Min looked back towards the door.

I saw the young man I saw in the morning pulling the little girl and appearing at the door of the noodle shop.

Time is up.

Ding Xinrong stood up first and walked towards the door.

Ding Min grabbed his arm, and begged He Sihai in a crying voice: "Can you...can you..."

"Okay, Xiao Min, my wish is fulfilled, I should go where I should go." Ding Xinrong pushed her hand away.

Ding Min choked up and couldn't help himself.



"take care of yourself."


"Tell your mother, I don't blame her, let her live a good life."

"Yeah." Ding Min cried and nodded.

"The police don't lie."

Ding Xinrong saluted her and disappeared into a ball of light.

Ding Min slumped on the chair, holding his head and sobbing silently.

"Did I put too much chili in my noodles?" The owner of the noodle shop came over and asked cautiously.

Ding Min, with teary eyes, raised his head and looked towards the door. The young man and the little girl had disappeared without a trace.

A beam of sunlight shines from outside the door, and the flying dust is clearly visible...

Chapter 83 Glutinous Rice Balls

"I haven't played yet?" Xuanxuan muttered, full of grievances.

After finally getting the lamp back, everyone was going home for dinner.

She also wanted to play with the sand and dig a big hole.

"Let's talk about it in the evening, now the sun is burning to death." Liu Wanzhao took her hand and said.

The morning was not too bad, there were a few big trees by the Jinhua Lake, and Taozi played in the shade of the big trees, and it wasn't too hot.

It won’t work in the afternoon, when the sun turns around and scorches people to death.

"Alright then, I'm going to dig a big hole in the evening and raise a fish in it." Xuanxuan vowed.

"Sister, why don't you use magic to turn into a big pit? You can also turn into a big shark in the pit?" Taozi asked with some doubts.

Then he frowned and said, "Big sharks can bite people, why don't we change to a little dolphin?"

Xuanxuan: →_→

"I said, I don't know magic." Xuanxuan looked helpless.

Peach: ←_←

He Sihai pulls Taozi, Taozi pulls Xuanxuan, and Xuanxuan pulls Liu Wanzhao.

It seems to be a family of four.

"You seem to be in a good mood?" Liu Wanzhao asked He Sihai curiously.

He Sihai grinned and nodded without denying it.

"What makes you so happy?" Liu Wanzhao asked curiously.

"I can't tell you that." He Sihai said with a smile.

"It's mysterious. I guess it must be related to money. You must have made a lot of money." Liu Wanzhao said disdainfully.

"You know?" He Sihai said with a chuckle.

But he was surprised in his heart that Liu Wanzhao's guess was a little close, because he was about to make a fortune, possibly a large sum.

The source of this money is a piece of valuable information provided by Ding Xinrong.

This information is really valuable.

A few years ago in Hezhou, there was a huge greedy man, known as Fang Ye. His greatest interest was to buy a house and have a mistress.

Because of his job, Ding Xinrong, who was boring to be a ghost, followed this house master.

This house owner has so many houses that he doesn't even know how many there are.

Later, the landlord collapsed, and all the property in the house was seized.

But one of them was missed, because this house was not under the name of the house uncle. In short, the police were not able to find it out because of all the entanglements.

Moreover, this landlord has a habit of hiding cash and stolen goods in the house he bought. Of course, it is more likely that he is afraid of being found out by the bank.

So why is it a piece of valuable information? It is really "valuable".

"Except for money, I don't think there is anything that can make you so happy." Liu Wanzhao gave him a white look.

"You really know me, haha~" He Sihai laughed.

He was about to have a fortune waiting for him, and he was a little bit flustered.

At noon, He Sihai had another meal at Liu Wanzhao's house, feeling a little sorry.

So I temporarily decided not to set up a stall at night, buy vegetables and cook by myself, and then invite Liu Zhongmou's family.

Of course it was also because he had something to do tonight.

"It's very troublesome to cook by yourself. It's not very convenient to go to my house, so I just add two sets of bowls and chopsticks. Anyway, I can do it for one person, and I can do it for two people. Why do you bother?"

When shopping for vegetables, Liu Wanzhao naturally followed.

The current relationship between the two, to be honest, both of them have a point in their hearts, but no one has exposed it.

Liu Wanzhao felt that she was much older than He Sihai. If she spoke first, what would He Sihai do if he refused?How embarrassing it will be.

In fact, He Sihai liked Liu Wanzhao quite a lot. Although he was a little older, he didn't care.

Liu Wanzhao is not only beautiful, but also well-educated, with a "gentle" personality and a good family background, which can be regarded as a scholarly family. Such a woman is suitable to be a wife and a "mother" for Taozi.

After all, as Taozi gets bigger and bigger, she needs a "mother" to take care of her. He Sihai is a man after all, and many words and things need a "mother" to guide her.

So even without Xuanxuan, He Sihai had already "stared" on Liu Wanzhao.

He Sihai never thinks that he is a good person, he is just an "ordinary" person with a certain moral bottom line, as long as it is beneficial to him, he will work hard to fight for it.

The appearance of Xuanxuan played a role in promoting the relationship between him and Liu Wanzhao, as well as her family, which made He Sihai a little "guilty", of course, only a little...

And He Sihai also has his concerns, the most important thing is being poor, having no money, money is a man's guts, and a man will counsel if he has no money. In addition, apart from the identity of being a seducer, their identities are actually not equal. A high school graduate, A top student who graduated from a prestigious university...

In short, he also has his troubles, so let everything take its course.

Maybe one day he will figure it out when his brain twitches. After all, a beautiful woman is dangling in front of his eyes all day long, and he is still at a fiery age.

"It's embarrassing to let Uncle Liu and Aunt Sun come to your house for dinner at night. They always go to your house." He Sihai said with a smile, but there was not much embarrassment on his face.

"Are you doing it?" Liu Wanzhao asked.

"I didn't do it, could it be you?"

"Yes, I'll help you." Liu Wanzhao said excitedly.

"Sister, can you cook?" Xuanxuan, who was sitting in the car basket and pushed by Liu Wanzhao, asked suspiciously.

She and Tao Zi sat in a cart and were pushed by the two of them.

"Why can't you do it? Didn't I do it in the morning?" Liu Wanzhao immediately retorted.

"Wow, so it's called rice, so I can cook it too." Xuanxuan said in surprise.

"Break the egg, put it in a bowl, stir it with chopsticks, haha..."

He Sihai thought of the egg drop soup in the morning, so that's how she cooks.

"Then I can also cook." Taozi said not to be outdone.

Embarrassed, Liu Wanzhao hurried forward pushing the cart.

He Sihai shook his head amusedly, it was rare to see Liu Wanzhao in such an embarrassing appearance.

"Xuanxuan, Taozi, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"Chicken wings." Xuanxuan thought for a while and said.

"Glutinous rice balls." Tao Zi also thought for a while and said.

He Sihai touched Tao Zi's little head and said, "I'm asking what you want to eat, not what Dad wants to eat."

"Hee hee." Tao Zi laughed foolishly upon hearing this.

"So you like eating glutinous rice balls?" Liu Wanzhao asked from the side.

"Okay?" He Sihai murmured looking at the front.

Because in his vague memory, he likes to eat glutinous rice balls made by one person, but he has eaten many people's, but he can no longer find the taste in memory.

"Let's go, then let's go buy glutinous rice." Liu Wanzhao pushed Xuanxuan to lead the way.

"Tao Zi, what do you want to eat? What you want to eat, needless to say what I want to eat." He Sihai asked Tao Zi on the cart again.

"Hmm~ I want to eat big ribs." Tao Zi thought for a while and said.

"Okay, then let's buy ribs." He Sihai pushed her to chase Liu Wanzhao.

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