"Ha, woo, ha, woo~"

Liu Wanzhao took a look in the rearview mirror, and saw two little guys leaning on the back seat, leaning their necks up, puffing their cheeks and blowing vigorously. It was a competition to see who could blow the most and for the longest time.

Two silly~

Liu Wanzhao looked away, and then looked at He Sihai who was sitting next to him in the co-pilot.

Hesitant to speak.

Hesitant to speak.

"What do you want to say?" He Sihai, who saw it from the reflection on the window glass, turned around and asked.

"Are you...will you be in danger?" Liu Wanzhao asked suddenly.

"Dangerous?" He Sihai froze for a moment, then laughed.

"Don't worry, there will be no danger."

As a catcher, he naturally has his means of protection.

"But if you get in touch with more people in the future, there will always be some people with evil intentions." Liu Wanzhao is still a little worried.

Don't underestimate the power of the world, they will use various means or methods to force He Sihai to submit, and give them research or drive.

"I know what you're worried about, but I'm just a wage earner. I'm helping him now, and he will keep me safe. It's an employee benefit." He Sihai thought for a while and made up a reason.

Liu Wanzhao was a little stunned when he heard the words, and felt relieved.

Who does He Sihai work for? It is for "God". Are there people in this world who cannot be protected by God?

Liu Wanzhao glanced at Xuanxuan again from the rearview mirror, and her heart calmed down.

She said she was worried about He Sihai's comfort, but she was also worried about her sister.

Xuanxuan can also be regarded as an employee of "God", right?

Liu Wanzhao suddenly envied her.

At the same time, there was some inexplicable sadness in my heart.

He Sihai looked out of the car again.

In fact, he is not a fan, although he does not know whether it is the will of "God" or driven by some kind of mighty force that he became a guide.

But he knew that the "He" behind him would indeed protect his safety to a certain extent.

Wei Li can create an extra memory out of thin air, and at the same time make people disappear a memory out of thin air.

All investigations and temptations against He Sihai will be erased by Wei Li immediately, so he doesn't have to worry at all.

People who know the "customer" because of the intersection with the present world can exist.

But they can't investigate He Sihai's details, let alone have some thoughts that endanger He Sihai's safety.

Otherwise, their memories, written records, electronic records, etc., and all the existence of He Sihai will be directly erased.


Ding Min is a policeman.

And she is still a criminal police officer, but only in the intelligence department.

Because of the care of some of his father's old colleagues and old subordinates, Ding Min's work in the bureau is relatively smooth, and he can also get access to some resources.

For example, now, she took that letter to the technical department.

"There's nothing special about the paper. It's just the common notebook paper on the market. It's just that it's been a while. It's basically impossible to find any clues from it."

"Judging from the dryness of the handwriting ink, the letter should have been written in no more than 24 hours."

"In addition, judging from the handwriting, it should be written by the same person, but the latest one seems to have not been written for a long time, and it is a bit rusty. You can see that the strokes of the first few words of this letter are a bit floating. It should be It’s because I didn’t control the strength well, and the more it goes on, the more regular it will be.”

"The reason why I said it was written by one person is because of all the habits of starting and writing, the two letters are almost exactly the same, and there is almost no difference." A colleague from the technical department explained while holding a letter and pointing to the pen.

And this letter was taken by Ding Min from home, and it was written to her by Ding Xinrong before his death.

But the more the colleagues in the technical department talked, the deeper her frown became.

"You're right?"

Colleagues in the technical department were a little unhappy when they heard this.

He is a friendly helper. If it weren't for Ding Min's unusual status in the bureau and his good looks, he wouldn't waste his time doing tests for her, and now he came to question him?

"Well, I just find it a little weird."

The colleague from the technical department shrugged and handed back both letters to her.

Then he asked with some doubts, "But this letter...?"

Everyone in the bureau knew about the sacrifice of Ding Min's father, Ding Xinrong, and the letter that Ding Min brought was obviously written by her father.

So this is also what confuses him.

"It's possible that someone was playing a prank, but it's just that the handwriting is so imitated that even your technical department can fool you."

This is not impossible, after all, there are all kinds of "talents" in this world.

Ding Min, who was putting away the letter, finished speaking, but raised his head in doubt when he didn't hear his colleague's voice.

Then I saw my colleagues in the technical department standing there in a daze, as if frozen, like a sculpture.

"You...what's the matter with you?" The policeman's unique vigilance made her feel something was wrong.

At this moment, the eyeballs of the colleague suddenly rolled, and then the whole person seemed to come alive.

Then he looked at Ding Min suspiciously.

"Ding Min, why are you here? What's the matter?" The colleague asked with some doubts.

Ding Min felt a cold air from the tailbone straight to the sky.

"Do not you remember?"

"Remember what?" The colleague was still puzzled.

"These two letters."

Ding Min raised the two letters in his hand that he hadn't had time to put away.

Ding Min heaved a sigh of relief as his colleagues looked stunned.

"Do I need to examine the evidence of the new case? But why did you send it?"

Ding Min, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, raised his heart again.

Then after thinking about it, he took a step back, took the letter back and asked, "Let me ask, have you had dinner yet?"

"Huh?" The colleagues in the technical department showed joy.

Who doesn't know that Ding Min is the policewoman of their police force, many young singles have been coveting her for a long time, and he is of course no exception.

"Not yet." The technical department colleague said immediately.

At the same time, she was about to take off her white coat and prepare for a romantic dinner. Of course, it would be even better if something happened again.

"Then hurry up and eat." Ding Min said.

Then he turned and left full of thoughts.

Colleagues from the technical department: "..."


"Xiao Zhou, look, I made this for you, do you like it?" An old man who couldn't see clearly said to a little boy with a smile on his face, holding a small wooden pistol.

The little boy took it with joy, and then buckled it twice.

With a disappointed look on his face, he said, "Why can't it snap like other children's pistols?"

"It's made of wood, of course it doesn't ring."

"What's the point of not ringing, I don't want it." The little boy directly threw the small pistol on the ground.

"I did it with great difficulty." The old man bent down and picked it up, patting the dust.

"But it doesn't ring, grandpa, buy me one, buy one." The little boy begged while hugging the old man's leg.

"You are too young, that gun is dangerous, so I don't want it."

"No, no, I will, I will..." The little boy cried loudly.

Tears were streaming down, and the old man coaxed in a hurry.

He Sihai opened his eyes, touched the corners of his eyes full of tears, and sat up from the bed.

Chapter 80 A Father

He Sihai got up and took a blanket to cover Taozi's belly to prevent him from catching a cold.

The little guy is not honest when he sleeps, as long as he is a little hot, he will kick the quilt.

Then quietly walked to the living room.

Zhao Dajun and Ding Xinrong were already waiting for him sitting in the living room.

For ordinary people, it is estimated that they might be scared to death by the two of them.

Fortunately, He Sihai was not an ordinary person, so he sat down directly opposite them and poured himself a glass of water.

"Mr. He..." Ding Xinrong looked hopeful.

"It will be daytime tomorrow." He Sihai said helplessly.

I haven't set up a stall for several nights in a row, and it won't work like this.

"Thank you, thank you, for disturbing Mr. He's rest." Ding Xinrong hurriedly thanked.

Then he pulled Zhao Dajun to stand up and prepare to leave.

Zhao Dajun looked hesitant to speak, and He Sihai knew what he wanted to say.

So he said, "I'll go to Yunnan Province when the matter of Police Officer Ding is over."

When Zhao Dajun heard this, his face was full of gratitude, and he saluted He Sihai, and then disappeared without a trace with Ding Xinrong.


He Sihai sighed helplessly. It cost a lot to go to Yunnan, including accommodation, transportation, and food, and it also delayed setting up a stall to make money.

When will a rich man come and solve his financial problems.

He Sihai opened the "account book" and found Ding Xinrong's line. His salary was very strange, and this was the first time He Sihai met him.

His reward is a message.

Moreover, Ding Xinrong's wish also surprised He Sihai.

Name: Ding Xinrong

Birthday: Gengchen month, Xinyou day, Shen hour six quarters in the Gengxu year

Wish: The people's police will not lie to the people or the family, and take my daughter to the amusement park.

Compensation: A piece of valuable information.

He Sihai thought that he knew that he died because of Ye Yiyang's tricks, so his wish should be to seek revenge from Ye Yiyang.

Or collect evidence for him to obey the law, but he thought wrong, maybe this is a father.

He Sihai stood up, came to the balcony, and looked at the Jinhua Lake outside the balcony.

Jinhua Lake is not a sea, so naturally there are no waves.

Jinhua Lake at night is like a mirror inlaid on the ground, reflecting the moonlight in the sky.

"Tomorrow will be another fine weather." He Sihai murmured.

Then he turned around and went back to his room to sleep, maybe he could continue the dream just now...


Early the next morning, He Sihai was still helping Tao Zi wash when he heard a knock on the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Xuanxuan standing outside the door with a small lantern on her waist.

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