"Then can you rest tomorrow?"

Ding Min asked this because the next day was the weekend.

"Of course, I promised to take you to the amusement park, I will keep my promise, I promise."

"Liar, you have promised me many times, so I don't believe you." Ding Min said angrily.

Seeing her cute appearance, Ding Xinrong bent down and reached out to poke her cheek lightly.

"Let it go for you, don't get angry."

Ding Min opened his mouth and bit, Ding Xinrong quickly withdrew his hand.

Then he stood up straight and saluted Ding Min, "If you don't believe me, you should also trust the police. The police don't lie. This is the guarantee of a people's policeman."


Seeing his father's tall figure and firm eyes, Ding Min's momentum weakened.

Ding Xinrong nodded.

"Okay then, I'll trust you again." Ding Min muttered and moved away.

Ding Xinrong strode away from her immediately.

Looking at his receding back, Ding Min felt that he was very tall, but felt very wronged in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this trip turned out to be a farewell.

"The people's police don't lie to the people, but they lie to their families. How many times have you promised me?" Ding Min muttered.

"Take care of your child, pay attention to your feet, and wait until you have stopped before getting off."

Ding Min was awakened by the loud yelling of the staff.

Turns out the carousel ride was over.

When Ding Min stepped out of the fence of the carousel, she saw Tang Xiaowan, who was carrying a backpack, looking at her with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" she asked fiercely.

Tang Xiaowan was not angry either, and said with a smile, "Play with my sister."

Seeing her like this, Ding Min is not easy to lose his temper.

I could only ask with a cold face, "What are you playing?"

Tang Xiaowan looked left and right, then pointed at the stone elephant on the slide and said, "Who are you playing with?"

The stone elephant slide is particularly tall, all made of cement, and the trunk of the elephant extends to the ground, which is the slide.

There are steps behind the elephant's buttocks to go up to the elephant's back.

The children lined up one by one to go up.

Of course Ding Min also played. When he was a child, he often slid down from the top, and then he was intercepted by Ding Xinrong and hugged him. She was so angry that she grabbed his ears with her hands.

But Ding Xinrong always enjoys it.

Ding Min and Tang Xiaowan acted like idiots, queuing behind a group of children.

So much so that the children behind all looked up at them with their necks up.

Of course not without adults.

But the adults usually hold the children.

How could they come up to play by themselves like this.

But obviously, both of them were "shameless", without fear of everyone's eyes, they slid down behind the children.


As soon as Ding Min slid down the slide, she heard Tang Xiaowan's exclamation behind her.

"what happened to you?"

Ding Min turned around, pulled her up and asked.

Tang Xiaowan blushed, clutched her buttocks and said aggrievedly: "Buttocks hurt."

It was only then that Ding Min noticed that she was wearing hot pants, which would curl up when she slipped off them, no wonder it didn't hurt.

Fortunately, the hot pants are not too short, otherwise they may be gone.

"What are you doing on the slide in shorts?"

Ding Min turned her around to have a look.

The thighs near the cuffs were red.

Seeing her stupid appearance, Ding Min was angry and funny.

"Sister, are you not sad?" Tang Xiaowan looked at her and asked cautiously.

"It has nothing to do with you." Ding Min turned and left.

Tang Xiaowan immediately chased after her, circling around her like a puppy.


"Is this the big meal you invited?" He Sihai asked looking at the dishes on the table.

"Why, isn't it big enough?" Liu Wanzhao asked with a smile.

"Of course it's big, what a big bowl." Tao Zi exclaimed.

"This is a basin, not a bowl." Xuanxuan corrected.

Naturally, Liu Wanzhao didn't invite them to Haihua Hotel for a big meal.

Instead, I found a remote northeast restaurant.

It is said that the Northeast cuisine here is very authentic, and it meets the standard of a big meal.

Sure enough, after waiting up, He Sihai felt that it was indeed a veritable feast.

The dishes are not served on plates, they are either pots or pots, and each one is bigger than a human head.

"Can you finish eating so many dishes?"

Although there were actually only four dishes on the table.

"Then eat more, if it doesn't work, just pack it." Liu Wanzhao said.

He Sihai glanced at her when he heard the words, he thought that a "rich woman" like her never packed meals.

"I can finish it, I am very good, my stomach can eat a lot of things."

Tao Zi lifted up her clothes and patted her belly.

Xuanxuan followed suit and was ready to take off her clothes.

He Sihai looked embarrassed.

Hurry up and stop the two little guys.

"You are girls, don't lift your clothes up, it's not good."

"I'm a child." Tao Zi said.

"Yes, yes." Xuan Xuan nodded her head in agreement.

"Not even children, you must pay attention next time."

"Yes, this is not what a lady should do." Liu Wanzhao also said beside her.

But the two little guys were staring at the table, absent-minded, and didn't know if they were listening or not.

"Forget it, let's eat first." Liu Wanzhao said.

When the two little guys heard this, they immediately took their chopsticks and stabbed at the plate of pot and meat on the table.

"Peach is getting bigger, there are some things you have to teach her." Liu Wanzhao whispered beside her.

"I know." He Sihai was full of helplessness.

But he is a man after all, some things are not easy to say to Tao Ziming.

In addition, Taozi is still young and fine, but as she grows up, he also needs to avoid suspicion.

So find a woman who can take care of Peaches.

He had already considered this issue.

"I'll leave this task to you." He Sihai said with a smile.

"Huh? Why me?"

"Because among the women I know, you are the most suitable."

Liu Wanzhao blushed slightly, and asked softly, "Why am I the most suitable?"

"Because you are a teacher."

(* ̄︿ ̄)


Chapter 75 Something is wrong

Although the portions of the dishes are large, it can't hold back He Sihai's large appetite.

In the end, it all went into his stomach, and there was nothing left.

As for Taozi and Xuanxuan who said they are pregnant, just listen to what the children say, and don't take it seriously.

Before the meal, I felt that I could eat a cow, but I really felt that I could eat an ox tail.

In particular, the pot-packed meat is sweet, and it will make people feel full after eating it.

And Liu Wanzhao also tasted it lightly, but ate two pieces of sweet potatoes, saying that this thing is the healthiest.

Peach is on the side like this, →_→

She felt that she would never want to eat sweet potatoes again. She felt that she had eaten all the sweet potatoes in her life and had enough.

Although she doesn't know what life means.

After dinner, although He Sihai had a thick skin, he was not ashamed to ask Liu Wanzhao to pay the bill.

After all, today she drove everyone around here and there, and asked her to pay for the meal, which is a bit unreasonable.

So he settled the bill first, which made Liu Wanzhao complain, how could he get He Sihai to pay when she came to invite her as agreed.

She kept mumbling, because she knew that He Sihai didn't have a lot of money, and she felt very sorry, and she wouldn't have proposed any big meals if she knew it.

In fact, the portions of the dishes are large, but the price is not high, only 160 taels in total, He Sihai thinks this price is acceptable and acceptable.

"Where are you going now?" Liu Wanzhao asked after leaving the restaurant.

A posture that he calls the shots.

"Of course I'm home, where else can I go?"

After eating and drinking enough, He Sihai suddenly had an urge to take a nap.

Life is too decadent.

He Sihai, who was drowsy sitting on the co-pilot, was muttering in his heart.


Suddenly He Sihai turned his head and looked behind the car.

"What's wrong?" Liu Wanzhao, who was driving, asked strangely.

"Is there a dog following our car?" He Sihai asked doubtfully.

"Dog?" Liu Wanzhao glanced in the rearview mirror.


"Did I read it wrong?" He Sihai was a little puzzled.

He took a closer look and there were no dogs.

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