Chapter 736 Dreamland

Human dreams are like a vast and boundless universe.

In this universe, there are endless bubbles floating.

Bubbles are big and small, with different shapes and colors. Bubbles are constantly bursting and new bubbles are produced.

Peeping in from the outside of the bubble, you can only see various blurred images.

It is also impossible for a person to enter another person's dream.

Because these bubbles are too fragile, if you are not careful, the bubbles will burst, and people will wake up from the dream.

Of course, in this vast universe, there are also some coincidences that cause two or more bubbles to stick together, thus causing two or more people to have the same dream.

At this time, He Sihai was holding a huge umbrella, standing in this vast dream universe, like an innate god.

And the giant umbrella above his head is like a huge canopy, with the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, plants, birds and animals on it, forming all things in the world.

At this time, it is like a living thing, constantly changing with the flow of light, without a final shape.

At this moment, dream worlds surrounded his body like projectiles.

He Sihai lowered his eyes and looked around, countless dreams were captured by him.

Among them, there are three dreams closest to him.

One is pink, and a man and a woman can be seen playing in the water.

It is self-evident whose dream this is.

In the second dream, the color is jelly, crystal clear, and a little girl is walking in the field, surrounded by butterflies, dragonflies, and flowers blooming everywhere.

The little girl wore a flower crown on her head, bouncing around like a rabbit, and behind her was a majestic man.

The little girl looked back from time to time, and waved her little hand, as if urging the people behind to hurry up.

Suddenly she seemed to notice something, raised her head, and waved to the sky.

He Sihai subconsciously raised his hand and waved it.

The last dream is green, a little boy is riding a tricycle, walking on the tree-lined path, surrounded by lush trees, behind him are four people, two men and two women, with blurred faces.

So He Sihai stretched out his hand and lightly tapped on the bubble, and then his whole body was stretched, then shrunk in, and appeared on the tree-lined path.

At this moment, the bubble suddenly shook, as if it was about to burst at any moment. At this time, He Sihai threw the red umbrella in his hand into the air, instantly covering the entire sky, and then disappeared.

Faintly, there is a huge long-haired giant snake, encircling this dream world head to tail.

And the originally vague dream world became clearer and more stable, without the danger of breaking at any time.

And this dream is exactly Nuan Nuan's dream.

At this time, Nuan Nuan was riding a green tricycle, followed by two men and two women from a distance. Judging by their age, they should be Nuan Nuan's parents and grandparents.

At this time, Nuan Nuan pedaled his small three-wheeled forcefully.

The mottled tree shadows on both sides of the road fell on him, speckled.

He looked up at the swaying trees, and then at He Sihai who was standing on the side of the road.

Then he showed a cute smile and waved to He Sihai.

"How are you, uncle." He said.

"Hello." He Sihai also smiled and waved to him.

Nuannuan seemed very happy to get He Sihai's response, and then kicked three rounds on her short legs, drifting past He Sihai gracefully.

After walking a while, he turned around and shouted to the road: "Hahaha, Mom and Dad, you are so slow, hurry up and chase me..."

"Oh, come on..."

Nuan Nuan's father opened his arms and immediately chased after him.

Nuannuan exclaimed, and hurriedly kicked three rounds vigorously, but was quickly caught up by her father, then her body flew into the air, was picked up by her father from behind, and placed on his shoulders.

Nuannuan was riding on his father's neck, so high that he could touch the leaves on the roadside trees with his hands.

He feels like an adult.

Kicking his short legs, he laughed all the way.

"Mom, I've grown up, I'm a big baby." Nuan Nuan said happily.

"You are only two and a half years old, you are not considered a big baby, you need to eat more." Mom walked up and said.

"Oh, I've eaten a lot." Nuan Nuan sighed.

"It's okay, you will be three years old soon, and when you are three years old, you will be a big baby." Dad said with a smile.

"Oh, then will I grow to be as tall and as big as my father?" Nuan Nuan asked happily.

"Of course you can, just don't have a big belly like your father." Mom said with a smile.

"Haha, Dad's big belly is so cute, I also have a small belly." Nuan Nuan opened her clothes and patted her bulging belly.

"Dacheng, Jiahui, slow down and wait for us." At this moment, the two old people behind shouted.

"Grandpa and grandma, hurry up, or there will be a big tiger." Nuannuan turned her head and said loudly.

Sure enough, He Sihai's guess was right, these two old people were Nuan Nuan's grandparents.

"Where are there tigers in the park?" Grandpa said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, woo, woo..." Nuan Nuan roared to the sky like a tiger.


Suddenly a huge tiger jumped out of the jungle.

He roared at everyone.

But He Sihai on the side of the road was a little dumbfounded, because it was obviously a big cat.

And a real tiger would never make a whining sound.

But this is in a dream, anything can happen.

At this moment, Nuan Nuan jumped off her father's shoulders.

For a child of only two and a half years old, even jumping off the shoulders of adults is too high.

But in the dream, everything unreasonable becomes reasonable.

Nuannuan landed on the ground safely, then rushed forward, kicked the tiger to the ground with one kick, then rode on the tiger's back, and grabbed the tiger's ears.

"Wow, Nuan Nuan is so powerful that he can beat the big tiger."

Parents, grandparents, and grandparents praised.

Nuan Nuan rode on the tiger's back, with her hips crossed, showing a proud smile.

At this moment, the surrounding scenery changed for a while.

Nuan Nuan was sitting on a trolley with a plastic bag hanging from the handle.

Surrounded by passing vehicles and countless asses and legs.

"Nuan Nuan, what do you want for lunch?" At this moment, a voice asked above her head.

Nuan Nuan raised her neck and looked up. It was her mother, and her mother was looking at him with a smile.

"Big chicken legs." Nuan Nuan said happily.

It turned out that his mother was shopping for vegetables in the vegetable market with him.

"Okay, then at noon, mom will make you braised chicken drumsticks."

"Okay, I want to eat...two." Nuan Nuan stretched out her stubby little fingers.

"Really, are you so good?"

"Haha, I'm great, I'm a big eater, I'm super powerful, I can eat super." Nuan Nuan patted her belly proudly.

Mom burst out laughing, Nuan Nuan didn't know what she was laughing at, what's so funny about it?

Soon the picture changed, Nuan Nuan was playing in the living room while her mother was cooking in the kitchen.

The scent wafted from the kitchen, Nuan Nuan lay curiously at the door of the kitchen and looked inside.

"Mom, it smells so good."

"Of course, mom cooks the best dishes."

"Mom is great." Nuan Nuan cheered.

Then he asked: "Mom, will Dad come back at noon?"

"Come back, what's the matter?"

"I want Daddy to play with me."

"Dad came back at night, hey, the salt is gone. Mom will come back after going down to buy a bag of salt. You stay at home and I will be back soon."

"Okay, I'm very good."

Seeing her mother go out, Nuan Nuan immediately ran to the balcony...

Chapter 737 Dreamworld

Nuan Nuan lay on the glass of the balcony and looked down, but was blocked by the protruding wall, and he was too short to see anything.

"Mommy mommy……"

Nuannuan yelled twice, but naturally no one answered.

Nuannuan thought about it, turned around and dragged a stool from the living room to the balcony.

Standing on the stool, I looked so far, and finally saw the downstairs.

But there is still no mother, Nuan Nuan climbed up the window sill...

Crouching on the windowsill, he finally saw his mother...

"Mom, mom..." Nuan Nuan waved her arms happily.

But my mother lowered her head and was looking at her mobile phone, so she didn't hear his words.

Nuan Nuan was a little anxious, and stretched her body forward.

Nuannuan is flying...

Nuan Nuan really flew up, lightly.

Hehe, Nuan Nuan can fly, like a bird, she can go wherever she wants.


He followed his mother and called her, why didn't his mother pay attention to him?

He bounced up and down in front of his mother, why did his mother talk to him?

Not just moms.

Everyone can't see him anymore. Dad ignores him, grandpa ignores him, and grandma ignores him.

Even Han Han, the puppy at home, ignored him.

He jumped, jumped, yelled...

He was so angry, he wanted to throw something, but he couldn't touch it...

Nuannuan is so sad, Nuannuan is so sad, Nuannuan is crying loudly...

But still no one paid him any attention.

But Nuan Nuan is a good baby, Nuan Nuan is very obedient, staying at home obediently, not going anywhere.

But Nuan Nuan feels that she has become a little different, and her home has also become a little different.

Mom and Dad often quarrel.

Mom is crying and Dad is crying too.

Grandparents are crying.

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