From time to time along the way, I can see the bones of miners, and I don't know which one is stupid.

But at this moment, three forks appeared ahead.

At the fork on the far right there was a skeleton holding a mining hoe, so He Sihai entered the right side first.

The right-hand fork is not deep, and it soon came to the end. Except for a cart and a few corpses, there was no abnormality.

He Sihai had no choice but to go back, and then chose the middle road. This road was very deep, and it felt like it was still going down. After walking for about ten minutes, the road ahead was broken again, but it was caused by a landslide. of.

The fallen earth and rocks still pressed a corpse.

He Sihai had a feeling in his heart that there must be something behind the landslide.

After thinking for a while, I went straight through the earth and rocks of the landslide.

Then his eyes brightened, and a scolding sound came from his ear.

"Xiaodong, don't be lazy there, hurry up, do you still want to eat at noon?"

"Didn't eat, hurry up and dig, no one is allowed to go up until today's task is completed."

"Damn it, you know how to be lazy every day."


He Sihai followed the prestige and saw that he was still standing in the mine.

However, lights were lit on the cave wall, and there were busy figures all around.

These miners looked dull, like walking dead, just mechanically repeating the movements on their hands.

In the middle of the mine stood a burly man, who kept yelling loudly, urging everyone to work hard.

They didn't seem to notice He Sihai's existence, and ignored him directly.

So He Sihai went along the mine and checked these miners one by one to see if there was any existence similar to the stupid ones.

But he watched it several times in a row, but he didn't find anyone who looked like a fool, which was strange.

And these miners still looked sluggish, digging mechanically.

At this moment, He Sihai heard a sound of earth and rocks rolling down.

However, the dull-looking miners who were originally mining mechanically finally responded, and all turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from, which was very strange.

"Are you dead?"

The burly man standing in the mine yelled indifferently, and then walked towards the direction of the landslide, He Sihai also hurriedly followed.


He Sihai saw a stone statue inlaid on the cave wall.

The stone statue is at least three meters high, with a square face, a very long chin, and the corners of the mouth are raised, as if smiling.

But its eyes are slender, looking straight ahead, giving people a gloomy feeling.

It sat cross-legged, with its breasts exposed, wearing clothes of unknown style, with a very big belly, with countless symbols like eyes painted on it.

He Sihai followed its arm, looked at its hands on its lap, and found that it was not hands at all, but two hooves.

Looking down, it is sitting cross-legged, and the feet exposed from the skirt are also two hooves.

At this moment, He Sihai suddenly felt that someone was watching him.

As soon as he raised his head, he took a deep breath and took out the wooden hammer directly, being on guard.

Because he found that the stone statue that was looking straight ahead had lowered its head at some point, and a pair of slender eyes were looking straight at him.

And as the stone statue's eyes fell on him, the miners in the cave seemed to have been assimilated as well. They all turned their heads to look at He Sihai, with straight, sinister eyes, which made He Sihai's heart shudder.

"Grass, what kind of monsters and ghosts." He Sihai raised the wooden hammer in his hand and threw it at the opponent, breaking all spells with one force.

Don't underestimate that the wooden hammer in his hand looks like a children's toy, but it is a treasure given to him by all beings, and it is extremely powerful. Not to mention stone statues, even bronze statues can be smashed to pieces by it.

But at this moment, the stone statue suddenly showed a strange smile, then grinned and sucked lightly.

Those miners turned into a wisp of green smoke, and they were all sucked into their stomachs by it. He Sihai finally knew how those people outside the mine died. It turned out that their souls were sucked away.

He Sihai persisted for a little longer, but still had no time to struggle, and was sucked into the abdomen by the opponent.

He Sihai's last thought was to be thankful that Xuanxuan and Wanwan were not allowed to come down together.

Before he had any extra thoughts, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he appeared in a new world.

Looking up at the sky, there is a huge eye in the sky looking directly at the earth, full of tyranny and cruelty.

The lava rolled on the ground, and countless figures wailed in the lava, and then turned into a wisp of blue smoke and rose into the air.

The green smoke didn't dissipate immediately, it coiled in the air as if it had a spirituality, and finally flew into the distance.

He Sihai was very curious about where they went, and was about to catch up, when he saw a huge wave of lava covering his head.

Chapter 581

Seeing that the huge wave of lava was about to cover it, He Sihai raised the wooden hammer in his hand and hammered it down.

The huge bombardment directly shattered it.

But He Sihai didn't delay, and started to run straight ahead.

At this moment, Sky's cruel and tyrannical eyes suddenly closed, and a tear dripped from the corner of the eye.

The sky immediately began to rain cats and dogs. He Sihai didn't dare to let the rainwater touch his body, and used his divine power to create a barrier around his body to keep it out.

And when the rainwater fell on the ground, the rolling lava on the ground was completely extinguished, and countless mist rose up, and the lava soon turned into fertile land, and the vegetation sprouted from the soil and grew wildly.

A gurgling river appeared in front of He Sihai's eyes, and the whole world was full of greenery and vitality.

Then beasts began to appear on the ground, and birds began to appear in the sky.

The evolution of the whole world seems to be fast forwarded, which is very magical.

He Sihai walked along the river for more than an hour, but he didn't see anything of value.

Except for vegetation and beasts, there is no sign of people at all.

But this also proves from the side that the world is quite big.

At this moment, He Sihai suddenly heard a tinkling sound, like a bell, and He Sihai hurried towards the direction of the sound.

Then a wide dirt road appeared in front of his eyes, but the dirt was red.

The road was full of ruts and footsteps.

At this moment, a donkey cart approached from a distance, and the sound He Sihai heard was the bell on the donkey's neck.

An old man with vicissitudes of life was sitting on the donkey cart, pulling a cart of dry firewood behind him.

But what makes He Sihai feel strange is that the old man's clothes are very strange, with a hat on his head, the top of the hat is thin and long, like a long tail.

The clothes are mainly black and white, with many symbols like eyes on them.

He Sihai suddenly remembered that the stone statue was wearing similar clothes, and there were similar symbols on the stone statue's stomach.

He Sihai doesn't have much knowledge of history, but he still knows the clothing styles of various dynasties and generations. There is absolutely no such style. Generally speaking, he feels a bit like a minority.

He Sihai thought for a while, but still went forward.

"Old man, where are you going? Can you give me a ride?"

"I'm going to Wangyou City ahead, are you going?" The old man asked with a smile, revealing his small and sharp teeth like sawtooth.

The teeth are a little yellow, you don't need to smell it, it seems that you can make up a fishy smell when you see it.

Moreover, He Sihai noticed that what the other party was speaking was not Chinese at all, but a language he had never heard of. It sounded like a dull gurgling sound with a sip of water in his mouth.

But there was no obstacle in the communication between the two, and they could understand each other's meaning.

Although He Sihai was vigilant, he still nodded and said with a smile on his face, "Okay, I'm going to Wangyou City to have a look."

"Okay, get in the car, just be with the old man." The old man smiled boldly.

Of course, the premise is to ignore all kinds of weirdness on him.

He Sihai was also polite and sat directly on the donkey cart.

"What's the old man's name?" He Sihai asked casually.

"Last name?" The old man showed a puzzled expression.

He Sihai turned around in his mind, and smiled again and said, "I want to ask what is the name of the old man?"

"Oh." The old man showed a look of sudden realization.

"My name is Kali Lapu Desre Damon, you can call me Mon." The old man said.

"The old man's name is really long?" He Sihai said with a smile.

"Long?" The old man was surprised when he heard this.

"It's not long, I'm only eight generations old." The old man said.

"..." He Sihai showed a confused look, what does Yadaixian mean?

At this time, Meng also saw He Sihai's strangeness, so he asked, "Where did you come from?"

"I don't know, I just appeared here suddenly." He Sihai deliberately showed a dazed expression.

Hearing the words, instead, he revealed a look of sudden realization.

"You are Yuanren? I haven't seen Yuanren for a long time." Meng said in surprise.

"Ape man?" He Sihai looked at himself, he was so handsome, and his skin was so smooth, he didn't look like a monkey.

Meng didn't know what kind of "ape-man" He Sihai was. He had something to hide from him, basically he knew everything, and basically told He Sihai everything he could know.

For example, the eight generations he said before refers to the eight characters before his name, each of which is one of his ancestors, and Meng is his name after counting.

And the person named Ka is his first-generation ancestor and a source person.

As for how the source came from, he didn't know either.

But when He Sihai asked him about the huge eye in the sky, he immediately showed surprise, wondering if He Sihai was crazy, because there was clearly a bright sun above his head.

The two chatted all the way, and finally came to a huge city.

There is a huge eye pattern on the top of the city wall, as if watching the pedestrians entering and leaving all the time.

There are a few spiral-shaped characters under the eyes, He Sihai doesn't recognize them, but he thinks they are the words Wangyoucheng that Meng said.

The style of the whole city is very different from the style of the city in history. Most of the buildings are circular, and the pedestrians not only have different clothes, but also have different looks.

Some wore the same clothes as Meng, some wore wide-sleeved robes, and some wore animal skins.

There are burly giants with a height of more than three meters, and there are dwarfs with a height of less than one meter. There are strange people with hands that are as long as their knees and a figure like a monkey, and there are also strange people with pupils like snakes...

This city seems to bring together people of different ages and races.

Pedestrians in the city come and go in an orderly manner, obeying the rules, and few conflicts are seen.

This city does not have a manager, but it has a god.

A huge totem stone pillar stands in the center of the city.

The reliefs on the stone pillars are all kinds of eyes, as if staring at passers-by from various angles.

And under the stone pillar, there is a circle of stone statues sitting cross-legged, which is exactly the same as the stone statue He Sihai saw in the mine, with the corners of his mouth raised, and he stared ahead with a very evil smile.

And every pedestrian passing in front of them will respectfully bow to the stone statue.

He Sihai wandered around the city, and no one disturbed him. He saw all kinds of strange buildings, strange people, strange characters and so on.

He Sihai didn't have profound historical knowledge, so he couldn't tell which dynasty, nationality and race they came from.

But this does not affect his communication with them. Some people are as enthusiastic and forthright as Meng, but some are cold and indifferent, basically ignoring the existence of He Sihai.

But these people are not much different from normal people, they are busy, bragging and chatting, their parents are short-tempered, and they all look happy and have no troubles.

I don't know how long I've been wandering around the city, but the sky is going to be "dark", and the pedestrians in the city are gradually becoming rarer.

The eye in the sky seemed to be about to wake up.

Chapter 582 Three Eyes

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