He Sihai didn't bring much, so he walked quickly to Tangzhuang.

Chapter 4 Getting People

As soon as I entered the village entrance, I saw the firecracker paper that had just been set off on the side of the road.

So without asking anyone, he knew where Tang Sheng's family was.

The front of Tang Sheng's house was very lively, like a festival, all relatives and friends were talking and laughing happily, as if no one cared about Tang Sheng's death.

Only the heart-piercing cries from inside told everyone that this was a funeral rather than a happy event.

He Sihai's arrival did not attract everyone's attention.

Not all of the seven aunts and the eight aunts knew each other, not to mention that many migrant workers now hadn't seen each other for many years, and it was even more embarrassing.

But at the door, there are two middle-aged men who are collecting gift money, one is collecting and the other is remembering.

Although He Sihai was puzzled, he was full of anticipation.

"Want money?"

He Sihai had the urge to turn around and want to leave.

But thinking of those five...Tang Sheng's entrustment, think about it or forget it.

But it's impossible for him to pay.

"I'm looking for someone. Is Tangyuan at home? I'm his classmate."

"He Sihai?"

Tangyuan just came out of the house, her eyes were red and swollen, and she was very surprised to see He Sihai.

The glutinous rice balls are simply a copy of Tang Sheng, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, short and strong, with an honest look and sadness on his face.

"My condolences." He Sihai comforted.

As long as there is no money and labor-saving things, he is generally not stingy.

He is very generous.

"How do you...?"

Tang Yuan wondered why He Sihai came. Although the two of them are classmates, they are not in the same class, and they don't have much contact.

"I used to work with Uncle Tang on a construction site. Before Uncle Tang passed away, I told him that I would come back, so he asked me to bring the 5000 yuan to your house. I didn't expect..."

He Sihai took out the wrapped money and put it in his hand.

Tang Yuan froze for a moment.

"Thank you." Seeing the thick stack of money in his hand, Tang Yuan was a little moved.

His father was dead, and no one knew about it, so He Sihai could not give it to him.

"You're welcome. Uncle Tang usually takes good care of me. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. However, you must study hard. Uncle Tang told me that his greatest wish is that you can be admitted to university."

Naturally, He Sihai couldn't tell Tang Sheng's nonsense directly, so he could only make up some "nonsense".

In fact, although He Sihai and Tang Sheng are fellow villagers, they don't have much contact on weekdays.

"I know, it's not the first time my dad has said something like this to me."

But Tangyuan believed He Sihai's words even more, because since this was Tang Sheng's wish, he naturally mentioned it in front of Tangyuan.

"That's fine, I'll go back first, and my condolences will change."

He Sihai completed his mission and turned around to leave.

"The police said that my father was killed because of the theft of cultural relics and uneven distribution of the spoils." Tangyuan said suddenly.

"No matter what, Tang Sheng is a good father."

He Sihai was a little surprised why he suddenly said this, so he turned around and comforted him casually.

Then just leave.

As for whether Tang Sheng was killed for theft, it didn't matter, at least for him, it was like this.

"My dad is very honest, I don't believe he would do such a thing." Tang Yuan suddenly said loudly.

He Sihai walked through the noisy crowd without looking back.

He himself is already living a very difficult life, so he doesn't care about other people.


After coming out of Tangzhuang, He Sihai did not return to Hejia Village immediately.

Instead, they circled a big circle and came to a polder ridge.

This is a river dug artificially in the countryside for flood control and irrigation.

When he was a child, He Sihai often liked to go to the river to take a bath.

Then he was caught and beaten by his wife.

"Mom, no one will hit me now." He Sihai murmured towards the river.

Then sat down on the polder ridge.

"He Tao and Liu Xiaojuan? I've heard about them." Suddenly a voice next to him said.

He Sihai turned his head sideways when he heard the words, seeing that it was Tang Sheng, he couldn't hide his disappointment in his eyes.

At the same time, I found that I no longer had much fear.

I don't know if it's because Tang Sheng is too human, or because it's broad daylight.

He Tao and Liu Xiaojuan that Tang Sheng mentioned are He Sihai's parents.

But he is not the biological son of He Tao and Liu Xiaojuan, he has known since childhood.

He moved through several families.

Later he escaped from the last family and wandered the streets until he met a kind couple.

That is, He Tao and his wife.

The two have been married for many years and have never had children.

After He Sihai came to their house, he treated him as his own.

Give him all the best things in the house for him to study.

It wasn't until He Sihai was about to enter high school that they had their own child, Tao Zi, who was only four years old this year.

But they cared a lot about He Sihai.

There is a tractor at home, and the husband and wife usually pull sand and stones in addition to farming.

In an accident two years ago, people and cars drove into the river.

The husband and wife were already completely cold when they were rescued.

All the pillars of the family were gone.

Only my grandmother who is in poor health, two-year-old Taozi and He Sihai who is still in high school are left.

The old is old, the small is small.

He Sihai had to drop out of school and come back to take care of them.

That time was the hardest.

He Sihai, who was not yet an adult, didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, although grandma is not in good health, but with her to help, the days are barely going on, but Taozi suffers, without parents and mothers, and suffers along with her.

A year ago, my grandmother who was in poor health spent a lot of money in the hospital and borrowed a lot from outside.

He Sihai can only work from home.

The reason why He Sihai came here in a big circle.

Because he had a glimmer of expectation.

Since he could see the dead Tang Sheng, maybe he could also see his adoptive parents.

Obviously he thought too much, there is nothing here.

"I have already brought the money and your last wish to your son, why are you still here?" He Sihai asked in surprise.

"I'm here to say thank you." Tang Sheng said.

"You're welcome. It's only natural for you to pay me to do things. By the way, why don't you go and tell Tangyuan yourself, and what are the rules you said yesterday?" He Sihai asked.

"The reason why I didn't look for my son in person is because no one else can see me except you. As for the rules, don't you know?" Tang Sheng asked with a puzzled look.

"What do I know? Should I know?" He Sihai looked at a loss.

"You are the guide, and you are paid to do things. This is the rule." Tang Sheng explained.

"What about attracting people, and what are the rules? Who decides?" He Sihai felt more confused as he went on.

"To pick up and guide people is to pick up people and attract people." Tang Sheng himself didn't know much about it.

After some communication, He Sihai roughly understood the reason.

After he died, a voice told him to leave, but because his wish was not fulfilled, he was unwilling to leave, so a message to attract people appeared in his mind.

Picking up people means picking up the dead and helping them fulfill their wishes during their lifetime.

Of course, the guide also needs to be paid, money, inheritance, knowledge, skills, etc. can all be used.

When he saw He Sihai, he knew that He Sihai was the guide he was looking for.

So there's what happened next.

Only then did He Sihai remember that it seemed that Tang Sheng, like him, also lived in a rented village in the city.

At this moment, Tang Sheng stood up suddenly.

"Are you leaving?" He Sihai had this inexplicable feeling in his heart, and he himself didn't know what was going on.

Tang Sheng nodded.

"If you see my parents over there, please tell them for me, I will take good care of Taozi." He Sihai thought for a while and said.

He knew that Tao Zi was the most worrying thing for his adoptive parents.

Tang Sheng nodded again, and then disappeared without a trace like a bubble.

He Sihai got up and looked around, but there was no one on the whole polder ridge, and there were no strange shadows.

So I patted my ass and prepared to go home.

He hadn't seen Peaches for months.

Thinking of this, he became more and more urgent.

Walking halfway, he suddenly thought of a question, it turned out that it was weird, and it could appear in broad daylight.

Then he laughed for no reason.

Chapter 5 Peach

Now that the country is vigorously building new villages, although Hejiazhuang has not yet enjoyed the benefits of new houses, the transportation is much more convenient.

A cement road runs through the village. Although it is relatively narrow, it does bring a lot of convenience to the countryside.

At least agricultural products can be shipped out.

Some farm machinery can also be driven in.

So in the past few years, farming in the countryside is still good. With the exemption of agricultural tax, the life of farmers is quite comfortable.

Of course, it is definitely not as good as working outside to earn money, unless large-scale contracting and mechanized planting.

As soon as He Sihai arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw a child squatting by the pond.

He knew him from He Da's family in the village. His name was He Qiu. He was eight years old this year.

"He Qiu, it's noon, what are you doing here if you don't go home? Hurry up and go home, or I'll tell your dad if you don't." He Sihai threatened him.

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