"Okay, okay, tell me, tell me." Liu Zhongmou and his wife heard the words, as well-behaved as elementary school students.

"Although He Sihai is a bit naughty, he is still very nice, knowledgeable, and capable..."

Liu Zhongmou and his wife looked at each other again when they heard the words.

"Uh... these are not the point." Liu Wanzhao felt a little bit involved.

"Today he told me..."

Liu Wanzhao didn't hide anything, and told everything that happened tonight.

"So, you said you saw Xuanxuan, and Xuanxuan is here too? She...she..."

Sun Leyao's face was full of sadness when she heard the words, both anticipation and sadness, the tears in her eyes were about to roll down.

Liu Zhongmou was about to calm down a lot. The first thing he thought of was whether his daughter had met a liar.

Was it drugged or hypnotized.

"You said, you can see Xuanxuan when he makes physical contact with you?" Liu Zhongmou asked in a deep voice.

Liu Wanzhao nodded.

"How to touch? Hold hands? Hug? Or..."

"Dad." Liu Wanzhao frowned and called out heavily.

"It's not as nasty as you think. He just touches me, and I can see Xuanxuan, and Xuanxuan is still here, please be careful when you speak."

Hearing this, Liu Zhongmu frowned even deeper.

"Woooo..." At this time, Sun Leyao finally couldn't help it, and began to sob.



"Xuanxuan, my baby, mom is sorry for you, mom misses you so much..."

Sun Leyao finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

All the worry, self-blame, and longing for so many years burst out at once.




"Auntie, why are you crying today? Are you crying so sad?"

Tao Zi curled up in He Sihai's arms, flipped through the picture book, and suddenly raised her head to ask.

He Sihai thought for a while and said, "Because Auntie's younger sister went to heaven, Auntie misses her."

"Oh? Is it the same as mom, dad and grandma?"

Tao Zi raised her neck, her big eyes were full of confusion and innocence.

He Sihai felt a little sour when he heard this, but he still nodded.

"I miss grandma?" Tao Zi lowered her head and said.

Compared with her parents, grandma has a deeper impression and deeper affection for her.

He Sihai reached out and touched her little head.

"Grandma must be missing you too."

"Dad, I want to go to bed." Tao Zi seemed to lose interest, and said as she closed the picture book.

"it is good."

He Sihai laid her flat, put her under his armpit, hugged her, and patted her gently.

Taozi curled up, leaned against He Sihai, buried her head, and hummed softly.

Watch some fireflies, each carrying a small lantern;

It's like a watchman patrolling the night, coming and going in a hurry.

Come and go in a hurry, waiting for the fairy to go to the heavenly palace.

Ask him to send a little wind, so that the sultry heat can be relieved.


"What are you singing?"

"Grandma's song to lull me to sleep, I sing it to myself, to lull me to sleep."

Taozi lowered her head and said in a dull voice, He Sihai felt a trace of moisture on the clothes.

Looking at Taozi whose shoulders twitched slightly.

He Sihai didn't hug her up to comfort her.

Instead, he continued to pat her.

Watch some fireflies, each carrying a small lantern;


Tao Zi stopped humming, listened with pricked ears, and gradually fell asleep.


He Sihai reached out and turned off the light in the room.

The room was plunged into darkness, only a few croaks of frogs and Taozi's steady breathing could be heard.

He Sihai leaned on the bed, opened his eyes wide, and gradually adapted to the darkness.

A ray of moonlight shone in through the broken and short window, bringing a glimmer of light.

What is the purpose of human life?

He Sihai was in a low mood for a moment.


Suddenly, Taozi, who was sleeping, let out a happy laugh.

He Sihai bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Put the depression to the back of your mind.

With a thought, the ledger appeared in his hand.

I opened it and took a look under the moonlight, but there was still no record of Liu Ruoxuan.

Also don't know what's going on.

He Sihai didn't care anymore, and was about to put the ledger aside, when under the moonlight, he suddenly found a person standing beside the bed, which made him jump.

Hastily stretched out his hand to cover Tao Zi's eyes, and then turned on the light.

I saw Liu Ruoxuan standing in front of the bed, with tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong with you?" He Sihai asked in surprise.

Didn't she go home with Liu Wanzhao?

"Mom is crying, I'm so sad." Liu Ruoxuan said with sobs.


Chapter 39 Xuan Xuan's Wish

He Sihai didn't know how to comfort her.

After thinking about it for the last time, he could only hug her and pat her on the back lightly.

"Okay, stop crying. If your mother knows that you are so sad, she will definitely be sadder."

"Uncle, can you let me hug mom? I want to tell her that she doesn't need to say sorry, she is very obedient and obedient. I really want to hug her and talk to her..." Liu Ruoxuan said with a sob.

"Okay, I promise you."

"Thank you uncle."

"you are welcome."

He Sihai discovered that this little girl was actually kind and polite.

"I won't cry anymore. I'm going to find my sister. I promise my sister that I will sleep with her tonight." Liu Ruoxuan let go of He Sihai.

"Okay, then you..."

He Sihai wanted to say, then be careful on the road.

But when the words came to her lips, she realized that she was a crafty person, so there was nothing to be careful about.

"Goodbye uncle."

Liu Ruoxuan wiped her face with her sleeve, raised her nose, and shook her hand at He Sihai.


Then I saw her "flicker" and disappeared.

He Sihai's heart skipped a beat.

Pick up the ledger on the table.

Sure enough, a new record appeared on the ledger.

Name: Liu Ruoxuan.

Birth Date: Ding Chou Year Jiyou Month Jiayin Day Yinshi Eight Quarters.

Wish: 1. Hug my mother and tell her that I really want to be like her and love her so much.

2. Tell my father that he should stop smoking. My mother said that smoking is unhealthy. He should be obedient and be a good boy.

3. My sister said to take me to buy cotton candy. When will she take me to buy it? Did she forget?Oh, I'm so worried, do you want to remind her?

4. My mother promised to buy me a big cake for my birthday. When will I buy it for me?It's been a long time, when is my birthday?

5. Grandpa plays the flute very well and sounds good. He promised to teach me how to play the flute. When will he teach me?

6. The osmanthus cake made by grandma is so delicious, I really want to eat it again.

7. Let's all sit together and have dinner, let's talk, I really want to talk to them, so happy.

8. Sister, I am so cold and the water is so icy, come and pull me up.

remuneration:? ? ?

So many wishes?

He Sihai was very surprised.

And why the pay is full of question marks.

This ledger is getting more and more unreliable.

But with so many wishes, what is she going to pay for?

He Sihai was very curious.

However, if Liu Ruoxuan is still alive, she must be as beautiful as her sister now and live happily.

But sometimes, fate makes no sense at all.

He Sihai closed the ledger, turned off the lights, and the house fell into darkness again.




"Well, so happy early in the morning."

Waking up in the morning, He Sihai saw Taozi smiling all over his face, as if he was overflowing with happiness.

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