After the empress of sending children finished speaking, she looked at He Sihai with burning eyes.

He Sihai smiled but did not answer.

The Empress Dowager thinks she guessed right.

Just when I was about to say more, He Sihai spoke first, "It's not comparable to the supernatural powers of the empress. After the catastrophe, not only can she maintain her body, but she can also exercise her priesthood."

After hearing the words, the Empress Songzi's face became pale, and she inadvertently glanced at the locust tree next to her.

"If the empress can tell the little god what kind of supernatural power the envoy is, the little god is willing to give what he has to the empress." He Sihai continued.

After hearing the words, the Empress Songzi's eyes lit up, and she said with a look of joy: "Are you serious?"

"How dare the little god deceive the empress." He Sihai said.

"Okay...ok...let me tell you, you are not allowed to make other excuses and evade your regrets?" Said the empress.

"Your Majesty was joking, how dare you lie to Your Majesty in your temple."

"That's true." The Empress Songzi said confidently.

He Sihai looked at him expectantly.

"My priesthood is to be in charge of human fertility and reincarnation, but after the catastrophe, the underworld was closed, we changed from righteous gods to wild gods, lost the power of priesthood, and even lost believers..." The mother-in-law said with a sad expression.

"If you lose your priesthood, your divine power is like water without a source. Sooner or later your divine power will be exhausted and you will fall. Therefore, I must take up my priesthood again and gather believers to relieve the danger of falling."

Thinking that he is majestic and upright, why did he end up in this field one day.

"So, what method did the empress use?" He Sihai asked curiously.

The lady who sent the child smiled and said: "I have a magic weapon called the Yin-Yang Mirror, which can capture souls. People who have just died have not yet entered the underworld. I will capture their souls and Yin-Yang Mirrors to wash away their memories, and then let them reincarnate to believers. Perform miracles, gather believers..."

He Sihai understood completely after hearing the words.


I'm afraid the Empress Songzi has concealed a lot.

He Sihai raised his head again and looked at the "ginseng fruits" above his head.

"Did you find it? That's right, these are the captured souls. After being nourished by the sacred locust trees, the souls are strengthened, and after reincarnation, they will be free from disease and disaster."

"My lady is so merciful." He Sihai praised with a smile.

The Empress Songzi laughed when she heard the words, obviously she didn't understand the irony in He Sihai's tone.

"Although this method is good, it is only suitable for me, so... you don't want to shirk your regrets, do you?" Songzi Niangniang asked He Sihai, staring at him.

"How dare the little god lie to my mother, I work for the gods and always keep my word." He Sihai took out something and put it on the table.

Sending the child to the empress, it turned out to be an ordinary booklet.

Chapter 415 The Son of Dao

"What treasure are you?" The Empress Songzi reached out to take it, but He Sihai held it down.

"What do you mean?" The Empress Songzi asked with a gloomy face.

The big locust tree above her head seemed to sway violently according to her mood.

The "ginseng doll" on it shakes, as if laughing and laughing, which feels very weird.

He Sihai glanced at the top of his head and smiled, "Don't worry, ma'am, let me introduce this thing to you."

"Oh..." Songzi Niangniang looked at He Sihai suspiciously.

As her anger subsided, the locust tree above her head stopped shaking.

"My book is called Yin Yang Book." He Sihai said.

"Yin-Yang Book? What a big name." The Empress Songzi laughed angrily.

She now deeply suspects He Sihai of deceiving him.

"Don't worry, my lady. Of course, my Yin-Yang book cannot be compared with the Yin-Yang book of the Emperor of the Underworld, nor can I control the life and death of others, but..."

"But what?" The Empress Song Zi became curious after hearing the words.

"But it can reverse yin and yang." He Sihai said.

"Reverse yin and yang?"

The Empress Songzi had heard of such treasures, such as the Yin-Yang mirror in her hand, which was similar to this kind of treasure, and it was nothing rare, so she was a little disappointed.

"Then how do you reverse the yin and yang? How can it help you escape the sympathy between heaven and earth?"

"My reversal of yin and yang is different from the general reversal of yin and yang." He Sihai said arrogantly.

After hearing the words, the mother-in-law of Songzi stared straight at He Sihai.

He Sihai was not timid, and looked directly at each other.

The Empress Songzi's face was sullen, but she finally endured it, took a deep look at He Sihai and asked, "You are not as trustworthy as you said."

"Don't worry, ma'am, as long as you answer a few questions, I will offer it with both hands and tell you how to use it." He Sihai hurriedly said.

"Let's talk." The Empress Song Zi swung her sleeves and said calmly.

However, He Sihai felt that the vines wrapped around the locust tree above his head were hanging lower, almost touching the top of his head.

But He Sihai seemed to be unaware, and continued to ask: "I want to know, what is calamity? Why did the gods fall?"

"That's all?" Such a simple question obviously surprised Empress Songzi.

He Sihai said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty also knows that I am just a little country god, and I usually just do my duty on my one-acre three-point land, but the catastrophe of heaven and earth came suddenly, if there is such an unintentional gain The Yin-Yang book escaped a catastrophe, I'm afraid..."

"Since the catastrophe, I have also been to some famous mountains and rivers, but the temples have all collapsed, and the gods have disappeared, so I have no way of knowing the origin of the catastrophe. "

"So that's how it is." The Empress Songzi was a little taken aback when she heard the words, and she also put down her guard against He Sihai.

So she spoke.

"There is a catastrophe every 3000 years in the world. This is the catastrophe of the world. Human emotions pollute the gods, and the gods pollute the rules. The rules are the sky, the way, and the beginning of all things..."

This kind of statement is almost the same as what Taoshen said before.

It is nothing more than that human desires erode the gods, and the gods erode the "Tao" and make the Tao sentient.

If there is love, there will be likes and dislikes, bias, unfairness, and loss of balance...

In short, "Tao" cannot have feelings...

Therefore, the Tao will self-correct, and the many gods born according to the Tao will be erased by it. The stronger it is, the more dangerous it is.

The Empress Songzi had a gloomy expression, she was very embarrassed. Countless powerful gods were wiped out one by one without any resistance under the great calamity of heaven and earth.

Even if he became a god, so what, all under the heavens are ants.

"Your Majesty is saying that there is a catastrophe every 3000 years, so in this way, there was also such a catastrophe 3000 years ago?" He Sihai asked after a little thought.

The Empress of Songzi nodded upon hearing the words: "As far as I know, that's the truth."

"But after the catastrophe, there are still gods like us. Does it mean that after the catastrophe, new gods will be born?" He Sihai continued to ask.

"It's really smart." The Empress Songzi showed a look of appreciation.

"In this case, how can I become a god again?"

"You have to find the Son of Dao and get his approval before you can become a new god," said Empress Songzi.

"Son of the Tao?" He Sihai was a little puzzled when he heard the words.

"You don't think that Tao is polluted, and after the birth of feelings, it is so easy to be eliminated?" Songzi Niangniang said with a half-smile.

"is it hard?"

"Of course it's difficult. Emotion is the most powerful and difficult force in the world. Even the Tao cannot be easily erased. Therefore, the Tao cuts off one's emotions, enters reincarnation, undergoes reincarnation, and cleanses the seal of the Dao..."

He Sihai didn't know why, but suddenly remembered the last dream.

A ball of burning fire suddenly fell from the sky, landed on the arch bridge, bounced playfully back and forth a few times, rolled a few times, and finally rolled into one of the vortexes and disappeared without a trace.

"Then how do you find the Son of Tao?" He Sihai asked.

The Empress Songzi laughed lightly when she heard the words, "How can the Tao be easily guessed, I want to know, are you still talking to you here?"

He Sihai laughed when he heard this.

"However, even if you find the Son of Dao, you may not necessarily become a new god." The Empress Songzi said again.


"Because it doesn't fit."

"Not suitable?"

"Yes, it is not suitable. This era is already suitable for gods? Now people believe in something called science, and it is difficult to gather believers. Without believers, there will be no divine power. Without divine power, where can the gods come from?"

He Sihai was a little taken aback when he heard this.

"Perhaps this will be an era of doom, the end of the gods, the era of gods will come to an end..." Empress Songzi finally said with a sad expression.

"No matter what, a day is a day, and these things are not something that a country god like me can worry about." He Sihai said calmly.

"I didn't expect that you, a little country god, have a good heart. Are you interested in staying and being my God?" Songzi Niangniang said with admiration.

"Is it really possible?" He Sihai had a look of "joy" when he heard this.

"Of course, how many gods can survive today? It will be more convenient for us to gather believers together."

The Empress Song Zi said so, but in fact her attitude was very proud, as if He Sihai was giving him great honor to be her God.

Of course, in the era when the gods had not yet fallen, this was really a great honor. lord...times have changed...

Of course, He Sihai would not say it out of his mouth, but with a happy expression on his face, he took the initiative to say to the empress of Songzi: "Miss, let me introduce the usage of this magic weapon to you, and then demonstrate it to you again. What do you think?"

Seeing He Sihai's respectful appearance, the Empress Songzi nodded in satisfaction.

"My magic weapon is called the Book of Yin and Yang. It can reverse yin and yang, turn the real into a fake, turn the fake into real, turn nothing into existence, and turn existence into nothing..."

He Sihai boasted a lot.

The Empress Songzi was pleasantly surprised when she heard the words, she did not expect this magic weapon to be so powerful.

"However, is it really that powerful?" Empress Songzi was a little suspicious.

As the righteous God of heaven and earth, he has not only heard of it, but also seen many powerful treasures, but this is the first time he has heard of such a thing.

"Your Majesty doesn't believe me, let me demonstrate it to you. By the way, what wish does your Majesty have? If you tell me, Yin Yang Book will help you realize it..."

Chapter 416

"Oh? Is it possible to make any wish?" Empress Songzi looked suspicious.

"of course."

He Sihai nodded with a smile on his face.

"It's just that there is a price. Your Majesty allows me to make a fool of myself." He Sihai said again.

After hearing the words, Songzi Niangniang breathed a sigh of relief. If there was no price, he would not believe it.

If any wish can be fulfilled casually, how could the other party be just a little country god.

"So the greater the wish, the greater the price, right?" Songzi Niangniang acted like I knew it.

When He Sihai heard the words, he showed admiration on his face, and then said with a smile: "My lady is worthy of being the righteous god of heaven and earth, she knows everything."

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the mother-in-law, He Sihai didn't mention the wish again.

But the more this happened, the more the Empress Song became interested.

He took the initiative to ask, "So can I say my wish now?"

"Of course." He Sihai nodded.

"Then if I express my wish, what price will I pay?"

The Empress of Song Zi was very cautious and did not make a wish right away.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this item still belongs to the little god. The price paid is naturally paid by the little god, and has nothing to do with the empress. However, the little god has lost too much, and I hope that the little god can give me some reward."

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