When he got home, He Sihai put Taozi to bed first.

Take stock of what you have gained tonight.

Calligraphy and painting 800.

Tutorial 120.

Kerosene lamp 80.

alarm clock 50

Pen holder 30


After He Sihai calculated, he actually made 1350 yuan in one night.

As for the cost, it is completely negligible.

What a rewarding day.

If he can have such an income every day, what kind of job will he have?

I can set up a stall full-time, and I still have a lot of time to spend with Tao Zi.

He Sihai climbed into bed, ready to have a sweet dream.

Chapter 31 Peach Big Cock

"Stand here, don't leave, mom will come and pick you up later."

The woman said to a little boy about Taozi's age.

The little boy nodded.

"Then mother, hurry up."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." The woman hurried forward as she said.

The little boy squatted in place and waited, but he didn't wait for his mother to come back to him.

The little boy wept sadly, wiped his tears, and searched for the past all the way.

He Sihai woke up from the dream, touched the corners of his eyes, they were already full of tears.

"You still remember?"

He Sihai suddenly became happy, and he didn't know what he was enjoying.

He looked down at Taozi who was curled up in his arms and sleeping soundly.

He Sihai picked up his phone and took a look. It was not yet five o'clock, and the sky outside was still pitch black.

But He Sihai still got up and got out of bed.

Taozi seemed to feel something, muttered something, turned over, and continued to sleep soundly.

Looking at the sleeping Taozi and her pink face, He Sihai felt a kind of happiness from the bottom of his heart.

At least, he still has peaches.

He Sihai put yesterday's change of clothes into the basin, and then took them outside the rental house to scrub.

The sky dawned quickly, and He Sihai had just finished scrubbing and washing his clothes. The sky, which was still dark, had already seen the light of morning, and it was another sunny day.

He Sihai then walked back into the house and patted Taozi's little butt a few times.

"Taozi, the sun is drying your ass, get up quickly."

Taozi opened her eyes dimly, and glanced at He Sihai.


Then he closed his eyes again and continued to sleep soundly.

"Oh, this can't work, Dad has to go to work."

It's not yet six o'clock, and it's indeed a little early.

But his morning shift is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, so he must arrive at the construction site before [-]:[-] pm.


I don't know if it was because He Sihai said he was going to work, or Tao Zi really woke up, rubbed his eyes with his little hands, and sat up on the bed.

The hair is messy, the little face is flushed, and it is very cute.

"We're getting up, and Dad will buy you delicious food later." He Sihai hugged her up.

Peaches are as soft as boneless, and they can be tossed around casually.

When He Sihai was about to help her brush her teeth and wash her face, Tao Zi finally woke up.

"Oh, oh, I'm up." Tao Zi stood at the door, imitating the crowing of a big rooster against the sun.

"How can a big cock get up after drying his butt in the sun?" He Sihai laughed.

"Hmph, my big peach cock only wakes up when the sun shines on my ass, you know now?"

He Sihai was taken aback when he heard the words, Taozi rarely talked to him so mischievously.

But then he became happy, he always felt that Taozi was too well-behaved, and girls who were too well-behaved would suffer, and he had to be a little stronger, so that he could protect himself well when he grew up.

"Then you big cock, brush your teeth quickly." He Sihai patted her watermelon head and said.

"Where's my chicken?" Tao Zi looked left and right and asked.

"Here it is." He Sihai took out her little fat chicken toy at the foot of the bed.

Taozi likes this little fat chicken very much, and she always takes it with her to bed at night.

He Sihai was afraid of hurting her, so when she fell asleep, he quietly carried it to the end of the bed.

Taozi put the little fat chicken by the sink, and then brushed her teeth seriously.

Taozi can do many things by herself, so He Sihai doesn't need to worry too much.

It's just that sometimes an adult is needed to help, such as twisting a towel.

She has too little strength to wring it dry. If you don't help her, she will just let it go.

And Taozi is very skillful in drying towels.

Because she is relatively short and the drying rope is high, she held the two corners of the towel and threw it up with a "pia~".

When He Sihai saw the special cola, he felt very sad.

After Tao Zi washes up, bring her small water bottle, toys, sun hat and picture book.

And off they went.

Because it was not yet six o'clock, there were not many people on the road at this time, and the whole city seemed to have not woken up.

Except for the uncles and aunts who sweep the streets, there are probably stalls selling breakfast.

After having breakfast on the side of the road, Tao Zi and her father started their day at work again.

For Taozi, it didn't feel too hard.

There are full meals to eat, toys to play with, and beautiful story books.

And grandma Yao gave her delicious food.

The most important thing is to be able to be with Dad every day.

For her, this is the happiest thing.

Although He Sihai earned more than 1000 yuan last night.

But He Sihai still couldn't make up his mind to quit his current job.

After all, setting up a street stall is too unstable.

He didn't have any savings on hand.

He rashly resigned from his current job. If the business is not good, he will really drink the northwest wind with Tao Zi.

So at the very least, he has to save some money before making other plans.

However, during this period of time, peaches are about to suffer.

Sometimes life is really full of helplessness.

It's not that you don't want to choose, it's that you don't have to choose at all.

Regardless of the path you choose, or the path you plan to take, in fact, it has been opened up for you by yourself or others.

And it is your knowledge, social relations, parents, wealth, etc. that open up your life path.

And He Sihai didn't have any of these.

Although He Sihai is young, he is much more mature than his peers, which probably has something to do with his childhood experience.

At an age when others are still ignorant, he has already seen many things clearly.

But he didn't want Taozi to be like him in the future.

He hoped that Taozi would have more choices in the future.

Have a more exciting life and not worry about life.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time again.

He Sihai was still the first to rush to the shed.

I took some tap water from the hard hat and poured it directly on my head, only then did I feel a little bit of coolness, the weather was too hot.

Seeing Taozi, she stretched out her small hand and grabbed it, imitating her appearance, and wanted to do it for herself.

He Sihai hurriedly stopped this little boy, not everything can be learned.

"Peach, I went shopping last night and bought oranges, do you want some?" A worker came over with a plastic bag and said.

"Haha, I'm amazing. I bought a big watermelon, soaked it in tap water, and we'll eat it together after lunch."

"I bought peaches, peaches eat peaches, peaches, do you like peaches? Haha..."


Workers in twos and threes brought something for Taozi.

They are all poor people. For them, eating is the most important thing in life. Toys are a waste, so everything they buy is for food.

He Sihai was very moved.

"Taozi, thank you grandpas." He Sihai hurriedly pulled Taozi and said.

"Thank you, grandpa." Taozi said politely.

"You're being polite, and it's not worth a lot of money." The workers had an indifferent attitude.

Only when people are poor can they understand the suffering of the poor better.

They are willing to make small sacrifices for themselves and bring even a little bit of happiness to Taozi.

"Okay, okay, dinner, Taozi, come here, grandma made you braised pork today, sweet, not salty at all." Yao Cuixiang came out of the shed, wiped off her sweat and greeted.

"Cuixiang, I want to eat braised pork too." Some workers booed.

"No, this is for peaches. Are you sorry to grab something from your child?"

"Haha, he's ashamed, last time I went to his house, he even snatched his son's candy."

Then everyone burst into laughter.

There is a cheerful atmosphere in the small work shed.

For them, eating may be the happiest time of the day.

Chapter 32 Liu Ruoxuan

Momo squats behind the booth, playing with her toy green-skinned frog.

The little girl squatted opposite and watched.

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