Then he asked, "Will Tao Zi go too?"


"Where is Xuanxuan?"

"also go."

"Where's the boss?"

"Go all, eat quickly, don't talk."

Zhou Yujuan put a vegetable in the bowl for her.

This moment was very ordinary, a conversation that couldn't be more ordinary, but it was extraordinarily warm, and it was Zhou Yujuan's longing for many years.

After dinner, Wanwan twitched her belly, she was a little swollen, and she ate a little too much.

Zhou Yujuan brought a bottle of mosquito repellent water over and sprayed her body twice. Even though it was already September, there were still quite a few mosquitoes.

Then she took the cattail fan and took the two boxes of chocolates with her, and then she pulled Wanwan out the door.

Wanwan sniffed her arm, it was fragrant.

hiahiaahia...i am a fragrant baby.

She laughed silly by herself.

When I came outside the courtyard, the road leading to the square seemed extremely quiet, Wanwan looked around, and then held her mother's hand tightly.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Zhou Yujuan shook the cattail fan and slapped her twice.

"I'm not afraid."

Wanwan hurriedly let go of her mother's hand, put her hands on her hips, and made a pose.

Then he quickly retracted and took mother's hand again.

"Haha, yes, you are the bravest." Zhou Yujuan said with some amusement.

Then he pulled her forward, and when the road passed, a burst of music and noise came into his ears.

When I came to the square, not only many people were dancing, but also many children were playing.

Wanwan even saw the little fat man Yu Minghao, so she quickly glanced at the bag her mother was carrying, feeling a little guilty.

She only brought Taozi and Xuanxuan, but not Yu Minghao. Today in the kindergarten, Yu Minghao said that he was good friends with her. Now without his share, will he be very sad, will he be very sad? ...

The more Wanwan thought about it, the more worried she became, the eyebrows on her forehead were all tangled together, her face full of distress.

Zhou Yujuan was pulling her forward, but suddenly saw her standing still, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yujuan knelt down and asked.

Wanwan is an honest child, she can say whatever she has, and told her mother about her troubles.

Zhou Yujuan was a little stunned and a little happy when she heard the words. Did her daughter feel distressed because of too many friends?This is a good thing.

But you must guide them well. Friends are a good thing, but you can't pay for them just because you are friends.

Zhou Yujuan pulled her aside and began to explain to her in a soft voice.

Wanwan sat up straight and listened carefully, like a serious elementary school student.

Until a gentle sound interrupted them.

I saw Taozi and Xuanxuan running over one after the other.

"Peach, Xuanxuan."

Wanwan scrambled to stand up.

"Hmph, I won't be good friends with you anymore." Seeing Wanwan, Xuanxuan immediately angrily said.

Just now, she had eaten enough at Taozi's house, and her plan to go to Wanwan's house to eat back was wasted, and she felt at a loss, that's why she said this when she saw Wanwan.

Wanwan's eyes widened when she heard this, she was very surprised, she looked at Taozi, then at Xuanxuan.

Xuanxuan crossed her arms and raised her neck, looking unattainable.

Wanwan looked back at her mother a little at a loss.

Zhou Yujuan handed her the plastic bag in her hand.

Wanwan's eyes lit up, and she immediately smiled.

He took out a box of chocolates and handed it to Taozi, "This is the chocolate my cousin bought for me. You are my good friend. I will give you a box."

Xuanxuan squinted her eyes and stretched her neck by the side.

"Wow, there are little dolphins, and the shells are so beautiful..." Through the outer packaging, Taozi said excitedly.

It doesn't matter whether it tastes good or not.

Xuanxuan became anxious when she heard the words, and stopped being angry, and stopped pretending to be arrogant, and asked, "Where's mine? Where's mine?"

"This is for a good friend. If you are no longer good friends with me, I can't give it to you. It's better to give it to Yu Minghao. He said he wants to be good friends with me."

"No." Xuanxuan hurriedly stopped in front of Wanwan.

"why not?"

"I'm good friends with you, okay?"

Xuanxuan glanced at the box in her hand, her eyes were filled with desire.


Wanwan gave a smug smile, and then said, "Please."

Zhou Yujuan: ...

Chapter 55 Peach Hero

"Hey, monster, do you dare to promise me when I call you?"

Taozi held a yellow gourd with its mouth facing down, pointed at Liu Wanzhao who was sitting on the sofa eating peaches and yelled coquettishly, full of momentum.

"I promise." Liu Wanzhao said with a smile.



"Hey, you were taken into the gourd by me."

She quickly covered the mouth of the pot, turned around and ran away.

"Xiaobai, let me call you, do you dare to promise?"


"Hey, you were taken into the gourd by me."

After taking away the cat demon, Tao Zi took the gourd and ran away again, while Xiao Bai, who was still worried, turned around and ran away.

"Father monster, I'll call you, do you dare to promise?"

"Hey, where did you get the gourd?"

"Grandpa gave it to me." Tao Zi proudly said.

Then approached, compared the gourd in his hand with the gourd on He Sihai's waist, and proudly said: "I am bigger than your gourd."

"Really? Then your gourd must be very powerful."

"Of course, I can accept monsters, Daddy monster, I will call you, do you dare to agree?" Tao Zi raised the gourd in her hand again and asked.

"I dare not promise, what should you do if you take me in."

"Hmph, aren't you scared?" Tao Zi was very proud when she heard this.

Recently, she was watching Journey to the West, saw the episode of King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn, and saw a baby gourd in it, so she thought of the one that He Sihai had been hanging on his body all the time.

So Zhang Junjun got him a yellow leather gourd as a toy.

So she took the gourd to collect "demons" everywhere, and never tired of it.

Seeing that her father was scared, Taozi was triumphant, so she didn't accept him as a father's monster, and turned around and ran into the yard.

In the evening, many mosquitoes were flying around in the yard. Because of the Nie Wu tree, these things would not enter the yard.

But later it was discovered that butterflies and bees did not enter the yard, and the flowers and plants raised here would be troublesome, so He Sihai lifted the ban.

Although these mosquitoes are annoying, but having them makes it feel like summer.

Tao Zi ran out just in time to see a mosquito flying by in front of her.

So she held up the gourd and shouted: "Hey, monster, I call you, do you dare to agree?"


The mosquito fluttered its wings and got into her gourd. Taozi's eyes widened in surprise, and then she looked happy, and quickly closed the gourd mouth.

Then he rushed into the house and shouted loudly: "Dad, I caught a monster, Dad, I caught a monster..."

"Really? Did you catch some monster?"

"Mosquito monster."

"Wow, then you are amazing." He Sihai said casually.

Seeing He Sihai's casual attitude, Tao Zi was very angry, holding the gourd high and said: "It's inside."

After speaking, I shook it twice, feeling empty and feeling nothing.

"The monster ran away?" Tao Zi thought foolishly.

So she opened the mouth of the gourd, put her eyes together and looked inside.

Then he burst into tears with a "wow".

Looking up again, a mosquito was still biting her eyelid.

Taozi was so angry, she stretched out her small hand and slapped herself angrily, and then burst into tears, the slap was too heavy.

"Pfft..." He Sihai wanted to laugh, but felt that it was not good, so he held back abruptly.

"A mosquito bit me, it's okay, show me..."

Before He Sihai finished speaking, Taozi stuffed the yellow leather gourd into his hand, turned around and ran upstairs.

"Where are you going?" He Sihai asked in surprise.

Tao Zi didn't talk to her, but she quickly came down from the stairs. He Sihai also knew why she was there. She was holding an electric mosquito swatter in her hand.

At this time, her stung eye was already swollen and quite big, and she couldn't even open it.

Holding the electric mosquito swatter high, she rushed out the door angrily.

"I'm going to fight the bad mosquito to the death."

He Sihai hurriedly followed out, and saw Taozi in the yard like an ancient knight, waving the electric mosquito swatter in his hand.

"Hey, hey... hit you..."

"... Crackling..."

Her face was fierce and cute, and the two shofar braids on her head shook back and forth with her movements.

I didn't stop until I was so tired that I was panting and sweating profusely.

She still felt that it was not enough, so she stood in the yard holding the electric mosquito swatter high, and shouted loudly: "Bad mosquitoes, rain will kill you."


Suddenly there was a thunder explosion in the sky, which made Tao Zi tremble in fright, then turned around and ran, crashing into He Sihai's arms.

"You, you are cowardly and playful." He Sihai stroked her little head and looked towards the sky.

The evening sky began to blow wind, and dark clouds floated from nowhere...

"Come on, Taozi, let's have some chicken wings made by grandma." Yang Peilan put a chicken wing into the Taozi bowl.

"Thank you grandma."

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