In any case, in order to prevent another night attack from the opposite side, after nightfall, the defending forces on the city wall directly doubled. At the same time, every five steps away, a torch or brazier was placed to illuminate the entire area. .

In addition, a few teams of night-watching soldiers should be added under the city wall just in case. If the orcs' night attack force comes over, even if the soldiers guarding the city wall can't react in time, the soldiers under the city wall will be able to respond in time. Ring the alarm bell to remind everyone.

After finishing the task of guarding the city wall at night, Luo Ji issued another important order, that is, to relocate the people in Shangyuan City and the people who were evacuated from Tiebi City, and transfer them in a large area. Go to Dazhou City further back.

There is no doubt that after learning from the fall of Tiebi City, Shangyuan City, which is about to become a battlefield, is obviously not very safe. Even Luo Ji cannot say that he can defend Shangyuan City [-]%. , for the sake of safety, it is better to transfer as soon as possible.

And Dazhou City, as the king city of the original Dazhou Kingdom, is large enough that if you squeeze it in, it will be able to receive the people who have been transferred.

This move by Luo Ji was undoubtedly understood by the people, and the transfer work went smoothly. The most important thing to do next was undoubtedly the mobilization of troops.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, in addition to the troops on the grassland, nearly 80.00% of the troops in Luo Ji Wanjie civilization have gathered in Shangyuan City.

However, defending the city doesn't actually require that many troops. If you don't take the initiative to attack, there are only two places in the city where troops can be deployed, one is on the city wall, and the other is behind the city gate.

But the space in these two places is actually limited. Even if you have an army of [-], but only [-] soldiers can be placed in these two places to deploy troops, what is the use of having a [-] army in your city?The remaining [-] soldiers have nowhere to do anything, so let them drink tea and chat with landlords in the back?

This was undoubtedly a waste of troops, so Luo Ji had to deploy all the troops. Familiarity with the surrounding terrain could be said to be a major advantage for them, so there was no reason not to make good use of them.

In this way, a day passed quietly, Luo Ji, who was busy deploying his troops, obviously didn't have time to take the initiative to attack, and at the same time did not intend to take the initiative to attack, he wanted to use his best defensive style to try that one. The depth of the strength of the orc civilization.

However, after capturing Tiebi City, the opponent also needed a certain amount of time to adjust, so after a day, that Li Yuanjie basically did not make any movement.

For Luo Ji, this was just right, because the troops under his command had just experienced an extremely high-intensity rapid march, and the soldiers also needed a period of rest to relieve the physical fatigue accumulated over the days of rapid marching.

And this is his home ground. When the battle in front of him is deadlocked, the major cities behind him will still develop when they need to develop. Trucks and trucks of ordnance are being sent here. The slower the opponent comes, the more prepared he is. The more you do, the better you can think about it.

In this way, on the night of the sixth day of the invasion, in the dark night, a pair of bright eyes indicated that a werewolf who had been peaceful for a few days had started a night attack again.

However, Zhao Pan, who had suffered a big loss before and paid the price of Tiebi City, how could he repeat the same mistakes?

In Shangyuan City, the alarm bell that sounded quickly proved that its night attack had failed before it officially started. Li Yuanjie, who was still hiding in the darkness at this time, couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Sure enough, with the same tactic, the opponent would definitely be on guard, and it would be difficult for it to work a second time. The brightly lit wall made it dazzled, and at the same time, the soldiers on the wall had obviously more than doubled.

Li Yuanjie, whose red fox archers were completely wiped out by the previous series of explosions, also had no means of long-range attack for a while. If he wanted to capture the wall again in the night attack, the difficulty was probably increased by more than one level. It was thinking about whether to take advantage of night vision and try it out.

On the top of the wall of Shangyuan City, dozens of torches thrown out quickly illuminated their position at the moment, two rounds of stone bullets mixed with arrow rain directly smashed over the head, and several waves of strong long-range suppression made it quite He simply dismissed the idea of ​​taking advantage of the night to storm Shangyuan City.

When the red fox archers were there before, Li Yuanjie disliked them for their short range and poor accuracy, and never took them seriously. Now that Quan Teniang's was killed, he was really not used to it...

"Damn! Retreat!"

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Chapter 354, scruples

Early the next morning, the sound of heavy footsteps from a distance made Zhao Pan, who was sitting at the top of the Shangyuan City Wall, startled, "Come on! Quick, ring the alarm bell!!"

Hearing the sound of the alarm bell ringing in his ears, Luo Ji, who was sitting in the barracks at this time, didn't have too many surprises. He almost knew that the other party would definitely come.

Because today is the seventh day, in other words, players of the invading side can obtain withdrawal permission today.

A battle will determine the world, if you can win a big victory, then continue to attack the city and pull the village all the way, and hit the opponent's main city.

Under normal circumstances, players will do this. After all, once the invasion time exceeds seven days, the initiative advantage of the invading player will suddenly weaken.

Originally, according to Luo Ji's idea, he had no intention of letting go of this Li Yuanjie if he could beat the opponent. This is a special civilization. For him, it was a delicious meal, more delicious than those of ordinary civilizations. many delicious meals.

But two days ago, the other party's way of returning the bodies of Liu Zheng and others showed a bit of morality and demeanor, which made Luo Ji inexplicably uncertain at this time.

"Forget it, let's fight it down first, it's a big deal to catch it alive! It's rare to come across a special civilization, and if you pass this village, you won't have this store."

Without further entanglement, with a decisive thought flashing by, Luo Ji rode the prairie fire to the wall. When he climbed the city wall, Li Yuanjie's army of orcs was still a long way away.

It wasn't because the orc army was advancing too slowly, but because they were exposed too early. The weight of the three elephant man slingers, just the roar of the footsteps when they fell, was already too much to hide. Living.

However, the opponent probably didn't care much. Anyway, Li Yuanjie's army of orcs was an army that was good at just facing the front. With such a ferocious giant as a human being, there was no need to be cowardly from the very beginning.

"Your Majesty." Seeing Luo Ji coming up, Zhao Pan, Luo Yong, Zhou Ming and others all bowed and saluted.

Luo Ji waved his hand, then called Zhao Pan over and instructed, "Drag the battle until the eighth day."

Hearing this, Zhao Pan's pupils shrank immediately, and they had fought so many games with those outsiders. Of course, they knew the information that these outsiders could retreat on the seventh day, and Luo Ji now, no doubt, didn't want to let them go. The other party just retreated like this, it seems that their majesty wants to fight with this orc army with real swords and real guns.

Zhao Pan, who understood this meaning, immediately clasped his fists, "I will understand at the end!"

After instructing Zhao Pan, Luo Ji felt that he basically only needed to be a humanoid buff here for the next battle. Experience, I am afraid that has been stronger than him.

As his thoughts flew around, Luo Ji quickly raised the telescope in his hand and looked into the distance. As the distance got closer, the silhouettes of the three giant elephant men gradually became clearer.

Luo Ji had thought about the appearance of an elephant many times before, but when he saw this creature that only existed in fantasy with his own eyes, he still couldn't help but set off a storm in his heart.

The soldiers on the top of the Shangyuan City Wall are in a commotion. Even Zhou Ming, who is the general of Shangyuan City's defense, is stunned at the moment. While shocked by the existence of these monsters, he is also amazed at this. The magic of the world is really just like what their majesty said, the world is so big, there are no wonders!

Luo Ji's previous dose of immunization had obviously worked. After changing the label on these orcs from 'monster' to 'creature', the fear in everyone's heart was undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Coupled with Luo Ji's personal presence on the front line, and Zhao Pan's 'moving like a mountain' talent to stabilize his morale, for a while, the defending soldiers of Shangyuan City could hold their breath.

The task of commanding this battle of the city was obviously decided long ago to be handed over to Zhao Pan, who had some experience in confrontation, and Luo Ji's main purpose today was to observe, he wanted to personally observe the army of the orcs strength.

After all, from the moment he confirmed that the other party was a special civilization, Luo Ji had already started thinking about annexing the other party's civilization, but under this premise, he couldn't figure it out.

That is, after the orc civilization is annexed, will the defects of this civilization affect his civilization, and the most direct impact is to reduce the productivity and development speed of his civilization.

After all, there was no such precedent before, so Luo Ji simply planned for the worst. Under the premise of having an impact, it would be worth it to swallow the orc civilization and acquire the orc army!

After Li Yuanjie commanded his army of orcs to advance to a certain distance, he rested for a while, and then apparently launched a siege directly.

The three elephant-man slingers were at the front of the team, but the difference from the last time was that this time, Li Yuanjie directly ordered the tauren, kobold and werewolf warriors to advance behind the elephant-man slingers, and even his own The 'pro-son' was dispatched directly, and the posture made it clear that he wanted a wave of toughness and directly attacked Shangyuan City.

Facing this battle, Luo Ji glanced at Zhao Pan, Zhao Pan was still calm, and quickly directed the three-bow crossbow on the wall to start adjusting its position, using a tactic of defeating them one by one, letting them focus on one of the elephants.

By the way, according to Zhao Pan's intention, there are seven three-bow crossbows on the top of Shangyuan City Wall at this moment!

There were actually only five of them originally, and the other two were temporarily pushed up after he learned that Luo Ji wanted to drag it to the eighth day.

Just like the deployment of the defending troops, in the city defending battle, the more large ordnance such as the three-bow crossbow, the better, because the three-bow crossbow is very large, which will occupy the space on the wall.

At the same time, it takes a lot of time for the three-bow bed crossbow to reload the heavy crossbow arrows each time. In this gap, you need to rely on slingers and archers to suppress the advance of the enemy siege army.

And once the number of these two arms is not enough to form enough suppressive force, then the two or three gaps between the three-bow bed crossbow reloading the heavy crossbow arrows are enough to push the opponent's siege army under his eyelids in one go.

This time, Zhao Pan was a dangerous move. Luo Ji could probably guess what he wanted to do. Since today is not the time to fight these monsters to the death, he should temporarily give up the suppression of the enemy's large army and strive for At the same time as the opportunity to severely damage the Elephant Man's slingers, it is a good strategy to show the enemy's weakness, preserve his strength, and quickly end today's siege battle.

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Chapter 355 , Respective Abacus

The scene of seven triple-bow crossbows firing at the same time was undoubtedly spectacular. You must know that even Luo Ji himself had never used seven triple-bow crossbows at the same time in a single battle.

Think about it carefully, if he brought seven three-bow crossbows in an invasion battle, hehe, hundreds of thousands of military expenses will make your flesh hurt to death in minutes, this war is really burning. money!

But at this moment, under the spectacular scene of seven three-bow crossbows firing at the same time, Luo Ji was shocked by another thing, that is, the elephant man who was set on fire was still able to withstand it. !

As a war strategy game player with hundreds of battles, Luo Ji instinctively realized that the opponent would never be easy to deal with, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce.

Looking at the Elephant Man who was swaying his proboscis frantically, constantly hitting the heavy crossbow arrows flying out, Luo Ji was decisively startled.

Of course, after three rounds of salvos from the seven three-bow crossbows, the bloody nose showed that the opponent wasn't without a price, but even so, the strength of the elephant-human orc arm still made Luo Ji amazed for a while. After all, output like this is not something everyone can afford.

For now, as far as Luo Ji knew, apart from the city walls and city gates, the only ones who could withstand this kind of concentrated fire attack were the bronze siege towers made by Zhou Dongnan's prodigal gadgets. It is a metal baffle, while the elephant man is flesh and blood. There is an essential difference between the two.

Compared with the exclamation in Luo Ji's heart, as the siege party, Li Yuanjie, who was riding a bronze chariot at this time, had an unsightly face. The ultra-rare Elephant Race troops under his command were attacked by the opposite fire. , so angry that he scolded his mother again and again.

If another player did this, Li Yuanjie would definitely disdain him, and he would even laugh at the opponent's stupidity. The elephants under his command were thick-skinned and strong-bodied. Even if an ordinary bed crossbow were killed, he would be wounded. Fear, under this premise, it would be better for him to be able to attract a lot of firepower.

But this one called Luo Ji is different. The destructive power of the crossbows on the opposite side is much stronger than that of ordinary ones. Even the elephants under its command can't bear it. Part of the reason is due to the onset of wound infection, but it cannot be denied that the injury is also a cause.

After a few days of rescue, thanks to the super immunity of the orcs to diseases, the fate is saved, but if you want to recover, there is no time for ten days and a half months to slowly recuperate, and it is estimated that it will be impossible.

In other words, among the Elephant Clan, there are only four young and middle-aged Elephants who can fight on the battlefield. One has already fallen, and it doesn't want to have the second one. After thinking about this, Li Yuanjie decisively ordered the one who was set on fire. Elephant Man retreats.

Zhao Pan clearly knew what the other party was doing, and calmly commanded the seven three-bow crossbows to turn fire into another elephant man.

At the same time, after roughly visualizing the distance, Zhao Pan pointed at Luo Ji, who was holding the binoculars and observing the orc troops on the opposite side, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there will be a little danger in the future, please step back."

Hearing this, Luo Ji's eyes flashed with understanding, and he retreated to the back quite cooperatively. Following his retreat, the two teams of large shield soldiers resolutely formed a shield wall to protect him layer by layer. stand up.

In this regard, Luo Ji expressed a little helplessness, so he couldn't see anything, didn't he?Just when he thought so, a deafening roar suddenly struck his eardrums in a very violent way!

"Depend on!"

Even if he didn't watch it, Luo Ji had already figured out what was going on. It was the Elephant Man's slinger who started the attack after entering the attack range. When he was playing the Battle of Tiebi City before, Zhao Pan had mentioned this emphatically. point.

But this personal experience was a different experience. At the moment when the boulder hit the upper Yuancheng city wall, Luo Ji felt that the city wall under his feet shook twice, and the loud sound made his ears hurt.

However, this was just the beginning. The other two Elephant Man slingers started frantically firing towards their city walls, while the other Elephant Man, who had been pushed back by the seven three-bow crossbows, also had to re-launch. The trend of killing, the whole battle is undoubtedly started at this moment.

Facing such a boulder bombardment, Zhao Pan still had a calm expression on his face, and motioned to the archers on the city wall to start suppressing the rushing orc army with a rain of arrows.

This time, it was different from the battle in Tiebi City. He had plenty of archers on his side, and the overwhelming rain of arrows attacked the orc army outside the city, constantly increasing the casualties on the opposite side.

Luo Ji, who saw this scene in his eyes, didn't mean to stop it. Although he wanted to show the enemy's weakness and drag the battle to the eighth day, Li Yuanjie, as a veteran player in the bronze rank, obviously couldn't be a fool. , acting too fake is not good, this level still needs to be done.

Moreover, the orc army itself is indeed difficult to deal with, with rough skin and thick flesh, and full of aggressiveness. At this time, Zhao Pan's performance can only be said to be half true and half false, and it can be said that it is the time when he can most scare the opponent.

Facts have proved that Li Yuanjie at this time did not notice any clues, and was completely standing on his bronze chariot, commanding the front-line battle with all his attention.

Naturally, the three Elephants were the ones to take care of most. Leaving aside the relationship between them, those three Elephants were the most valuable and rarest troops on this battlefield.

Just as Li Yuanjie was thinking that the city wall was almost smashed, just in case, when the three elephant people should be pulled down, the wooden barrels suddenly fell on the opposite wall made his facial muscles tense. smoke.

"Grass! This trick again?!"

At this moment, Li Yuanjie was undoubtedly anxious, and did not dare to hesitate any more, and quickly signaled the messenger beside him to send a retreat signal.

The raging fire swept through again, forcibly restraining Li Yuanjie's follow-up offensive, making it look ugly for a while, but at the same time there were some other thoughts in his heart...

"The other party used this method of damaging the city wall twice in a row to force me to retreat. It was clear that he did not dare to fight me head-on, plus the casualties of the soldiers in the previous battle. Could it be that he has few melee arms left? already?"

Thinking of this, Li Yuanjie's whole mentality suddenly changed, "Yes, this Luo Ji was invaded by other Bronze rank players in the alliance before, and facing this kind of high-frequency battle, I think he is running out of time to raise his troops. Right? Yes, it must be like this, I think your fire can burn for a few days!"

The orc army retreated quite simply. After all, no one planned to attack the city against the sea of ​​fire. The short siege just now seemed to be fierce, but in fact, the real injury was more serious. human-like.

This rough-skinned and thick-skinned flesh is really not something to be said casually. At this moment, Luo Ji couldn't help but understand why the system would reduce the productivity of the orc civilization. Look at the orc soldiers, they are already rough-skinned and thick, and they are very resistant. If they can be beaten, if they put on a suit of armor, how fierce would it be?

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Chapter 356 , Examining the Corpse

The retreat of the orc army was an expected situation. In this battle, it was impossible to say who would win and who would lose. Luo Ji, Zhao Pan and other generals clearly understood this in their hearts.

But the soldiers didn't understand. When the soldiers saw the retreat of the orcs, they thought they had won, and they cheered and celebrated one by one.

In this regard, Luo Ji and others did not say anything. It is a good thing to be able to improve morale. There is no need to worry about this trivial matter. The focus is on what Li Yuanjie will do next.

Whether the other party was misled by them, and then chose to stay and continue to storm Shangyuan City, became the focus of Luo Ji's entire plan.

Just in case, Luo Ji decisively dispatched a team of scouts, motioning them to use the ladder to leave the city at the other end, and quietly follow to confirm the situation.

If the other party intends to retreat, at that critical moment, the scouts may be able to interrupt, and the timing of Li Yuanjie's retreat may be destroyed.

Of course, before the scouts set off, considering the beasts' keen sense of smell like beasts, Luo Ji must have warned him several times.

Let the scouts be careful, treat those orcs like beasts with a keen sense of smell, not only to guard the opposite eyes and ears, but also the opposite nose, don't relax.

After one thing was ordered, Luo Ji used the binoculars to confirm twice that the other party really retreated, and then ordered the soldiers to carry the sand and prepare to put out the fire outside the city.

The temperature of the fire ignited by the kerosene is quite astonishing. Before, several boulders threw by the slingers on the opposite side had already smashed several pits on the wall. After that, repairing the city walls of Shangyuan City is estimated to be another major project. The head of the construction engineering department may have to vomit blood again.

After extinguishing the fire with sand, cleaning the battlefield is naturally a top priority. The arrows and heavy crossbow arrows shot before are all recyclable, so try to recycle them as much as possible. Although they are consumables, they cannot really be used as disposable items.

But this time, the focus of Luo Ji and the others was obviously not on the recovered arrows and heavy crossbow bolts...

The generals and soldiers in the city let out an exclamation when they looked at the orc corpse that was laboriously carried in by several soldiers. Seeing these orcs who looked very different from them at such a close distance, for everyone, Undoubtedly it was another feeling, even Zhao Pan couldn't help but take a few more glances.

However, no one acted rashly. Everyone still harbored a bit of jealousy towards these unfamiliar creatures, but it was Luo Ji, who was more interested than jealous.

This is an orc. For a modern man like him, it only exists in fantasy and video games. It must be false to say that he has no curiosity in his heart.

With a sense of curiosity, Luo Ji's eyes quickly shifted to the corpse of a kobold. This corpse was apparently killed by several arrows, dripping with blood.

After beckoning a soldier to bring a bucket of clean water and simply wash off the blood on the corpse, Luo Ji finally got a clear view of the kobold's true appearance.

To be honest, it's not quite the same as the image of the kobold that he made up in his brain. If he had to say it, it was uglier than he expected. The whole face was wrinkled. In terms of appearance, it looked a bit like a Shar Pei. Wearing a huge nose, two obvious fangs were turned out from the lower lip, which can be said to be quite hideous.

Luo Ji stretched out his hand and rubbed the kobold's skin. It felt extremely rough, but it was also quite tough. Unlike humans, for a kobold, its natural skin alone was equivalent to a layer of leather armor!

Realizing this, Luo Ji felt a tinge of pressure in his heart, "Fuck! Fighting head-on with such orcs, humans are too disadvantaged in terms of physique, and decisively must rely on equipment and cooperation, otherwise they can only rely on The number of people to pile..."

The last solution was undoubtedly the last thing Luo Ji wanted to see. His current military strength in civilization had reached a certain limit.

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