However, at this moment, a soldier standing on the wall seemed to see something shaking in the night, rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and at the same time asked his comrades beside him, "Hey, you guys Did you just see..."

The words were only halfway through, with the pair of eyes that lit up in the dark, a ruthless rain of arrows swept across the walls of Tiebi City directly, and the soldier who spoke died counted arrows in his body on the spot.

Looking at the comrades who were shot to death by random arrows, one of the soldiers who was lucky and missed the key point fell on the wall, enduring the pain on his body and roaring wildly, "Enemy attack!! Enemy attack! !!!”

The hoarse shouts broke the silence of the night. In the military camp not far from the city wall, Zhao Pan, who was not asleep by himself, suddenly woke up after hearing some shouts, and sat up directly from the bed. , "Enemy attack? Night?!"

Before he could think about it, Zhao Pan put on his coat and armor as he walked quickly outside. In the entire barracks, he was obviously not the only one who heard the cry, and many soldiers who had woken up like him had already taken it. Come out with a weapon.

"Ring the alarm bell! All the people who woke up rushed to the city wall!" As soon as Zhao Pan finished speaking, several soldiers who rushed to the city wall according to his orders fell to the ground in an instant, screaming in agony. Among them, the pair of green eyes looked so penetrating and terrifying!

"Those monsters, came in?!"

Updates are sent, thanks to book friends 'Mo Lan Look Up', 'Cyl903', 'Spring 85 Autumn', 'Melony', 'Sponge Sponge', and 'Xiao Jun' for monthly passes!

Chapter 343 , Hands-on

Looking at the pair of green eyes, Zhao Pan was shocked, and he quickly realized that he could not wait to slap himself. He had never encountered such a monster before, but he was a beast. encountered.

His Majesty once said that some beasts that haunt at night have different eye structures from humans, such as wolves and hyenas. It also has a clear vision in the dark, and at this point, it is exactly the same as these monsters!

At this moment, Zhao Pan suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things. These monsters are definitely similar to beasts. Even if they are not beasts, they are definitely related to beasts. Therefore, some of the characteristics of beasts are also possessed by these monsters. It was his fault for not realizing it earlier and taking strict precautions because he was caught in the conventional thinking of defending the city! !

And now, the city wall of Tiebi City is obviously occupied, and the four three-bow crossbows on the city wall must fall into the hands of these monsters. While flying around, in the darkness of night, a spear stabbed directly at him!

"Old Zhao! Be careful!!"

At the critical moment, Liu Zheng arrived in time, and with a wave of the Spring and Autumn Sword in his hand, the sharp blade instantly cut the spear into two pieces.

A trace of fear flashed in Zhao Pan's eyes, who had escaped from death, and then he quickly shouted, "Light up all the braziers and torches!!"

Following Zhao Pan's order, a group of firelights suddenly lit up, illuminating all the surrounding areas. It was at this moment that Zhao Pan completely saw the true colors of these monsters.

The Elephant Man Slinger and Tauren Infantry, who had left a deep impression on him during the day, seemed to be absent. The main reason was that these two races had poor night vision. Therefore, Li Yuanjie used kobold spears for this wave of night attacks. Soldier, the red fox archer and his 'pro-son' werewolf warrior.

After taking advantage of the rain of arrows and cloud ladders to capture the wall, Li Yuanjie let the red fox archers stay on the wall. In its civilization, the archers have a low status. The main reason is that it is currently another civilization in this civilization. Defects, that is, low technology and productivity.

Its civilization is very primitive and rude, too complicated or too technically necessary, and the orcs under its hands cannot do it at all, so if you want sophisticated weapons and equipment, there is only one way, and that is to go to humans to rob !

In this way, the red fox archers under its command can say that the bows and arrows in their hands are quite backward and inferior. Not only is the accuracy poor, but the range is also close. In the serious siege battle, unless its large troops have already Pressing it under the opposite city wall, otherwise, according to the range of the red fox archers, it is basically useless in a battle. Of course, in a night attack, it is still very difficult to capture the wall of a human city with the strength of nocturnal animals. It's easy to use, no matter how bad the accuracy is or how close the range is, as long as you close the distance, a few rounds of arrow rain will pass, and you will always be able to kill a few.

At this moment, Li Yuanjie, who has already successfully entered the Iron Wall City, can be said to have a good chance of winning. He is fighting head-on. In the Bronze rank, he really does not know how many opponents of his orc army will be!

With a wave of the bronze sword in his hand, he directly signaled the kobold and spearmen under his hand to push forward. Although the werewolf warriors of his own clan were the shield-wielding troops, they should be in the front row, but what about 'pro-son' and 'adopted' The' difference is still huge.

A fight was staged directly in the night and the firelight. These kobolds, despite their relatively small size, are not small at all, and their reactions are also quite sharp. In just one round of confrontation, the defenders of Tiebi City. On the side of the army, there were obvious casualties!

Zhao Pan, who had already retreated to the rear, saw this, his heart sank, and while brushing a wave of morale to stabilize the situation, he began to command the defending troops to form a formation, "The large shield troops form the front row of shield walls, long. The spearmen cooperated with the large shield soldiers to counterattack, and the sword shield soldiers and halberdiers protected the left and right flanks!"

After paying a certain amount of casualties as the price, the defending army formed in the battle formation finally stabilized the situation temporarily, and the generals such as Zhou Yi, Zhang Tao, Liu Lue and others who arrived later also began to command their respective troops to defend against the dog's head. Attack of the man spearmen.

After the situation was stalemate for a few minutes, Zhao Pan, who saw the situation clearly, immediately came up with a plan, "All maintain the army formation, and retreat five steps!"

Not many steps, not many steps. Following Zhao Pan's order, the soldiers quickly retreated five steps. During this process of retreating, the entire army was basically motionless, and the quality of the soldiers was immediately reflected. It made Li Yuanjie on the opposite side clearly aware of the well-trained training of this army defending the city.

Just when it was thinking about what tricks the opponent wanted to play, the kobold spearmen who had been unable to push up after the formation of the opponent's battle formation rushed in at once, but they were greeted in front of them. , but it is a cold and ruthless spear!


Zhao Pan let out a roar, and a sharp spear stabbed out of the gap in the big shield in an instant, mercilessly giving the enemy in front a head-on attack!The group of kobolds that rushed in front were stabbed into sieves on the spot!

Hot blood splattered on their faces, and the spear that came out from the body shocked the kobold who followed behind, and the advance pace subconsciously slowed down two beats.

At the same time, it was at this moment that Li Yuanjie fully reacted, and the other side was playing with it to advance!Originally, both of them were crowded at the entrance of the military camp. The relatively narrow entrance made it impossible for the opposing army to spread out.

But when Zhao Pan retreated, he gave up the small space at the entrance of the barracks and retreated into the barracks, and the space for him to arrange his troops suddenly became larger.

On the contrary, they seemed to push forward, but in fact they squeezed themselves into the narrow entrance space, and they were hit by the opposite side all of a sudden!But can it go back?cannot!It is the side of the siege, if it retreats, it will be a fart!

"Push me up!!" Li Yuanjie gave ruthless instructions from behind along with howling wolves. Obviously, he wanted to use the kobold's life to gain an advantage for himself.

The wolf howls of the werewolf clan in the rear was a warning, but also a threat. The kobolds obviously did not dare to resist the rule of the werewolf clan, and faced the attacks of the humans on the opposite side, clenching the worn and inferior spears in their hands, one by one. Roaring forward.

Updates are sent, thank you for the monthly passes of 'Sorrowful', 'Qingchen', and 'Specially for All Kinds of Cute Goods'!

Chapter 344, Silent Roar

The bravery of the kobolds exceeded Zhao Pan's imagination. These monsters rushed towards their army formation as if they were not afraid of death.

After several rounds of fighting, although the battle formation is still stable, Zhao Pan's mood is getting heavier and heavier. He originally wanted to retreat to advance, use the battle formation to consume several waves of the opponent's troops, and wait until the two sides are drawn closer. After the disparity in combat power, it is decided according to the specific situation at the time whether to fight to the death, rush out all the way, and retake the city wall of Tiebi City, or break through the siege, evacuate from the city gate on the other end, and retreat to Shangyuan City at the rear. .

But now, he suddenly discovered a bad thing, that is, his battle formation could not be pushed out. The offensive of these monsters was too fierce, and the soldiers under his command were completely trapped in passive defense, but were unable to counterattack.

Zhao Pan's eyes were constantly swept across the entire battle situation, he was looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to break this situation!

At the same time, on the other side, above the wall of Tiebi City, a famous red fox archer has already occupied the place, saying that they are staying here to take precautions, but in fact, they all seem to have finished the battle. , It was quite pleasant to get together in groups of three or five, where there was chatting without a word.

After all, in their impressions, this night attack is basically a certainty. After their army of orcs entered the city, they fought head-on, and there was really no precedent for losing to humans!

Hearing the sound of fighting in the distance and the gossip of the monsters in his ears, among the corpses on the city wall, a 'corpse' eyelids trembled, and a slit opened slightly, which caught his eye. It is a face that he is very familiar with, and he can even call out the names of everyone here...

That is Lao Zhang, this is Xiao Li, Lao Zhang's son is six years old this year, and he has been talking about waiting until this monthly salary is paid, and when he has enough money, he will send his son to study in Mingjing City, saying that he wants to let him The son will become a cultural person in the future, so that he can have great prospects.

As for Xiao Li, he is still young, only 19 years old. He has always liked a girl in the city. Now, I haven't been able to come up with a result...

And the one on the left is Da Zhuang, a bad guy, and he said that he was treating guests to dinner before...

The one on the right is Lei Zi, a drunkard. He has been thinking about the tiger bone wine given by His Majesty General Liu's jar all day long. He was talking about it in his dreams, and wanted to taste it...

"All of you, don't stare at me like that." He didn't know if he had hallucinations due to excessive blood loss. At this moment, he only felt that all the old brothers were staring at him.

The gurgling blood kept overflowing from the two arrow wounds on his body, and most of his body had lost consciousness. "I'm about to die. I'm running out of strength. It won't be long before I come to accompany you..."

"Grass! What the hell am I doing?" Halfway through his thoughts, his pale, bloodless palm had already touched the bronze sword that had fallen in front of him. in hand!

With his mouth bluffing a few times, accompanied by a silent roar, a corpse that rushed out of the dead man quickly rushed towards the fox who was closest to him.

While waving the bronze sword, he mercilessly chopped the fox to the ground. This sudden situation directly caused exclamations...

"what happened?"

"This human is still alive!"

"Kill him, kill him!!"

There was a constant buzzing in his ears. He couldn't hear what these monsters were shouting. A pair of blood-soaked eyes directly locked on the wooden stool on the side of the city wall that was used as a stool by the foxmen. barrel, and then slashed on the barrel with a knife.

In the gap opened by the bronze sword, transparent liquid continued to overflow. Looking at the kerosene that flowed out, his consciousness had begun to blur, his brain was blank, and his pupils became slack.

"咻咻咻..." The red fox archer who reacted to him kept opening his bow and shooting arrows at him. A sharp arrow pierced his body, and the severe pain caused his pupils, which had been slack, to suddenly violently contraction!


The blood-stained knife tip quickly slid across the icy bricks, making a harsh sound of 'Zi--', and the moment the splashing sparks were contaminated with the high concentration of kerosene, the wild flames suddenly filled his entire body. Throughout the pupil, the surging fire accompanied by the spreading kerosene spread wildly on the wall, and then engulfed the wooden barrels one after another...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

The deafening roar hit everyone's eardrums, almost making them deaf. The terrifying serial explosions made people feel that the entire Iron Wall City was constantly shaking in the impact of this explosion.

"Now, can you always give me a break? Ah, I'm so tired, my body is so heavy, so cold..." The thin figure, supported only by obsession, finally walked towards eternal peace in this roar .

Zhao Pan didn't know what happened in the city, and probably no one would know in the future, but at this moment, the only thing he knew was that the violent serial explosions distracted the attention of the orc army, and their chance to break out came!

"Maintain the formation, the whole army will break through!!" Zhao Pan shouted loudly, but he couldn't hear any sound. The exaggerated explosion made his ears deaf, and the other soldiers were no exception.

At this moment, only one person moved, and that person was Liu Zheng. The tacit understanding between the two of them for many years made him understand what Zhao Pan meant. , took the lead and rushed up. After the other soldiers reacted, they also understood the current situation, and then they followed, and a silent breakout battle started here.

Relying on his talent of 'breaking out of the siege', at this moment, Liu Zheng completely broke out the strength of a five-star warrior, and directly transformed it into a sharp knife at the front of the battle formation, dancing wildly with the Spring and Autumn Sword in his hand, rushing and killing all the way. , in just one face-to-face, the three kobolds were instantly beheaded under his knife!

With the splash of blood, under this disadvantageous situation, a bloodthirsty color flashed quickly in Liu Zheng's pupils, and the passive skill 'Bloodthirst' was triggered, and Liu Zheng killed more and more frantically, layer by layer. The rising combat power BUFF pushes his strength to one peak after another.

After he slaughtered more than a dozen or twenty kobolds one after another, thick blood dripped down the blade of the Spring and Autumn Sword, and his blood-soaked appearance was already like a bloodthirsty devil!

"Whoever stops me will die!!"

Update sent, thanks to book friend 'Wenzi Liu' for the monthly pass!

Chapter 345, Li Ke

Looking at Liu Zheng, who was leading the breakout army and killing all the way, Li Yuanjie, who was upset by the series of explosions on the city wall, shrank his pupils suddenly, "A high-star general?!"

"Chief, I'll go meet that human!" While speaking, a werewolf with a scar on his forehead walked out of the werewolf warrior's battle formation. Among the many werewolf warriors, apart from Li Yuanjie himself, this man Is the only werewolf in bronze armor.

Hearing this, Li Yuanjie hesitated for a second, then nodded, "Li Ke, be careful, that human being is not ordinary."

Ordinary human soldiers are naturally not afraid in front of his army of orcs, but high-star generals are still very afraid.

The werewolf, who Li Yuanjie called Li Ke, obviously knew that not all human beings were weak chickens, and the record of beheading twenty or thirty kobolds in a row has fully proved that they are not bad. The strength of it, so at this time, it does not have any carelessness in its heart.

"Don't worry, Chief." As he spoke, Li Ke crossed his arms and drew out the double knives at his waist. The werewolf's swift speed was immediately displayed, accompanied by a wolf howl, and quickly killed Liu Zheng!

At this time, Liu Zheng, who was fighting hard in the enemy's lineup, obviously did not notice Li Ke's approaching. Seeing this, Zhao Pan from the rear waved his bronze long sword and cooperated with the soldiers beside him to stab a kobold to death. Liu Zheng shouted repeatedly, "Behind you! Liu Zheng, be careful behind you!!"

After calming down for a while, Liu Zheng, whose hearing has gradually recovered, undoubtedly heard Zhao Pan's shouting, without even a moment's suspicion, only to see him slashing behind him without looking back!

At that time, only heard 'clang! ' With a loud bang, the three blades suddenly collided!Looking at the werewolf in front of him holding two swords and wearing bronze armor, obviously dressed in the attire of an enemy general, a ruthless look flashed in Liu Zheng's eyes. With the momentum of the Spring and Autumn Sword's slashing down, he suddenly made another force. Even with the weight of the whole person, he was crushed, and he was completely in a posture of crushing the opponent!

The werewolf's talent itself is good at speed but not good at strength. Compared with some ordinary soldiers, the werewolf's lack of strength is naturally invisible, but once they fight with a fierce general like Liu Zheng, this defect can be said to be instantaneous. exposed.

Li Ke, who knew that he could not fight against the opponent decisively, took a step back and relieved his strength, but how could Liu Zheng let the opponent break his offensive so easily?I saw his arms tremble, and with the tip of the Spring and Autumn Sword, he used the tip of the Spring and Autumn Broadsword to play a stab, all the way to the retreating Li Ke to kill him.

Liu Zheng's move decisively made Li Ke's heart tighten, "This human being is really hard to deal with!"

While his thoughts were flying, Li Ke hurriedly dodged left and right and took two back jumps. With his rapid speed and movement, he finally resolved the wave of offensive from the opposite side. The lightning-like slashing counterattack directly hit the past!

The sound of the blades colliding was instantly connected. Liu Zheng was not the first time to deal with a dual-wielding opponent. After all, Luo Yong's weapon was also a dual-axe before, and he especially liked to practice with him, so against such an opponent, he was undoubtedly Have so little experience.

But the werewolf in front of him, the whole style of play is different from that of Luo Yong. The power of each slash is not strong, but it is better than the word 'fast'. In just a blink of an eye, he swiped directly. A full eleven knives!

Liu Zheng, who realized that the last knife was too late to parry, quickly tilted his upper body backwards. That is, at that moment, the tip of the knife slid across the bronze armor on his chest, and at the same time he made a harsh sound, leaving a shallow trail. Knife marks.

After a round of mutual attacks, the two sides involuntarily retreated a certain distance from each other, squinting their eyes, Liu Zheng's forehead was already overflowing with a few drops of cold sweat. His throat was pierced, and for a while, Liu Zheng's heart was obviously apprehensive about this monster that fired his sword as fast as lightning.

But I don't know that Li Ke, who has swung eleven slashes in a row, is also extremely terrified at this moment. He has never met an opponent who can resolve almost all of his eleven slashes in a row.

"Grass! Li Ke's valiant level has four stars, plus the silver-level 'Double Sword Mastery' and 'Continuous Slash' skills that I matched to it, with that attack speed, even if it is against five valiant points. Xing's fierce generals have the opportunity to kill each other, what is the background of this slapstick on the opposite side?!"

The impact of the scene just now on Li Yuanjie was undoubtedly much stronger than Li Ke's. It is no exaggeration to say that Li Ke's strength is even stronger than Li Ke's own. Be clear, so the impact on the heart at this time is not ordinary.

While his thoughts were flying around, Li Yuanjie couldn't care about anything else, he waved his hand and signaled all the werewolf warriors around him to press on and besiege Liu Zheng!

This situation made Li Ke, who had wanted to go up and fight again, looked stunned for a moment. He subconsciously looked back at Li Yuanjie at the back, only to see Li Yuanjie constantly gesturing at it, indicating that it would cooperate with other compatriots to attack and kill him. drop that human.

Wolves are pack animals. When attacking a certain target, a whole pack of wolves often swarms in a planned way and shreds the target. This is the same for the werewolf tribe. It was only natural, but at this moment, Li Ke's mood was inexplicably complicated when he received this order from Li Yuanjie.

On the other side, Liu Zheng, facing the siege of a large number of werewolf warriors, he has no time to think about it. It is completely different from the kobolds who were poorly equipped before. These werewolf warriors can be called well-equipped, even if compared to Their regular army of Myriad Realms Civilization is not too much. In the face of such a monster army, even Liu Zheng, who was in good condition at this time, felt a huge pressure.

Just as he was pondering how to get out of the siege of these werewolf warriors, Zhou Yi, who had been paying attention to the situation, quickly waved the bronze long sword in his hand and commanded the sword and shield troops under his command to rush up to respond. Liu Zheng.

In this chaotic battlefield, Zhou Yi's wave of support was undoubtedly very timely. The passive skill of 'not being alarmed' made him calmer and his mind turned faster, blinking his eyes. In a short period of time, the human and werewolf tribes, the sword and shield troops of both sides launched the first round of confrontation!

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3Chapter 16. Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses

The sword and shield soldiers on both sides fought together in an instant, and in just one face-to-face, the sword and shield soldiers under Zhou Yi actually felt like they were about to be instantly defeated by the opposite side.

Even Zhou Yi, who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help but be shocked at this moment, and then changed his team's confrontation strategy in a row, "Steady! Form a shield formation, pay attention to covering each other, and advance collectively!"

The pressure on Zhou Yi, who was in command of the battle here, increased sharply. He was not as good at fighting as Liu Zheng. In the previous battle, he was able to cope with the last kobold, but the strength of these werewolf warriors is not for the time being. Said, anyway, weapons and armor are definitely more than those kobolds, and it is not easy to deal with at first glance.

"General Liu Zheng, how are you? Can you still fight?" The current situation is not good, and he undoubtedly needs Liu Zheng's combat power very much.

"Give me a little time..." The previous rounds of rushing and killing, plus the round of fighting with the enemy general Li Ke, obviously took a toll on his mental and physical strength. Now Liu Zheng, who has retreated to his own battle formation The whole person seemed a little out of breath, and it seemed that he needed a little time to relax.

Zhou Yi, who realized this, quickly reassured, "It's okay, General Liu Zheng, you should rest first, the situation here can still hold up."

It's true, but Zhou Yi's heart is not optimistic at all. The whole brain is running wildly at this moment. These monsters are very powerful. If they are picked out individually, the strength of each of them is basically the same as that of their soldiers. On, if he insisted that they have any weaknesses, according to his current findings, there should be three.

The first weakness is the number. The individual strength of these monsters is indeed very strong, but the total number of troops is not as good as theirs. During the day, the elephant man slingers with only four heads and the tauren infantry with only about [-] heads naturally do not need to say more. , Even the kobold spearmen with the largest number, at this time, Zhou Yi's visual estimation was only seven or eight hundred, so in terms of the total number of troops, it is obviously not comparable to their human beings.

The second weakness is equipment. Except for the werewolf warriors who look like elite troops, those kobolds basically have no armor. The equipment of the regular army is on a par. If you insist on rating the equipment level of these kobolds, it is the level of the original peasant soldiers of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The third weakness is cooperation. From the offensive of these monsters, there is not much cooperation. Although they have maintained a formation, to be honest, their approach is to stand at best, and then swarm to Just forward.

A formation like this is so scattered that you can't see much cooperation. If it is placed on a human army, it will be a mob, and it will be exploded for you to see in minutes, but when it is placed on this group of monsters, with its outstanding individual strength, this Helping the monsters was stunned to suppress the well-trained regular army under his command...

Taking into account the opponent's three weaknesses, Zhou Yi reckoned that two soldiers who cooperated tacitly should be able to take down a kobold with poor equipment, but a werewolf warrior with such equipment was almost as good as them. It feels like they have to use at least four times as many troops...

To be honest, even if all the archers and slingers in Tiebi City were replaced with melee weapons and joined the battle, the total force in the city would not be able to reach that number. In this way, it can only be determined from the cooperation between the arms and the formation. angle is considered.

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