Chapter 28. Stupid big guy?

At night, the smell of food wafted out in the tribe, constantly stimulating the hungry Red Fox tribe members, making them swallow their saliva. , they haven't had a good meal, and the fragrance that keeps piercing their noses at this moment has a fatal temptation for them.

"Is it time for dinner?" Stretching hard, Zhao Pan stood up and walked slowly towards the campfire.

After walking two steps, he paused, glanced back at the leader of the red fox tribe who was still standing in the same place, wondering what he was thinking about, "Hey! It's dinner, what are you doing standing there stupidly?"

Hearing this, the leader of the Red Fox Tribe twitched his facial muscles, and then reminded a little angrily, "I'm a prisoner."

"I know." Zhao Pan tilted his head.

Seeing Zhao Pan's silly reaction, the leader of the Red Fox Tribe was a little speechless, "So, can we get food in our turn?

In this era, after a tribe is annexed by another tribe, as a captive, there is basically no food for the first few days. This can be said to be common sense. After all, in his impression, even those large tribes are fine, but in fact The food of each tribe was not abundant. In the beginning, the captives did nothing and did not show their worth, so they just wanted to eat and drink for free?That would be too naive.

Zhao Pan naturally understood what the other party meant, but when he entered the 'Honest Man' setting, he still maintained his innocent appearance, "But our tribe is not short of food."

"How stupid is this guy." The leader of the red fox tribe was speechless, and then said, "There are indeed a lot of roe deer, but there are many people in your tribe, and you don't have enough points..."

Speaking of this, the tone of the leader of the red fox tribe brought a hint of complexity, "You better hurry up, it's too late, and you won't be able to share a bite."

He didn't feel bad about this stupid big guy who had been chatting with him for a long time. To be honest, he was even a little worried about how this stupid guy lived until now, and then he started urging him to take care of himself and eat.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Pan scratched the back of his head with a foolish expression, "But our tribe's food is more than that, do you really not eat it?"

Having said that, Zhao Pan didn't say anything further, and walked directly towards the most lively area in the camp. As soon as he left, the rest of the Red Fox tribe immediately surrounded him. Obviously, Zhao Pan just now They all heard the words, "Leader, why don't we go and have a look..."

The smell of that food was too deadly to them, and the expressions on each and every face were shaken violently.

Hearing this, the face of the leader of the red fox tribe also showed a hint of sway, plus Zhao Pan's words just now, after some entanglement, he gritted his teeth, "Okay, let's go and see..."

Having said that, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at the people behind him, as if he noticed something, "Also, we have now been annexed by the Mirror Tribe, and the Red Fox Tribe is gone. Don't call me the leader again."

After all, he was a leader. He knew very well that no leader of any tribe liked to see someone under his command called another leader. As he said just now, they have now been annexed by the Mirror tribe. This is not the red fox tribe, everyone has to correct their positions. As members of the original red fox tribe, it is no problem to get together and take care of each other, but you have to grasp a degree, and then it will be regarded as a rebellion. , At that time, everyone's life is not easy.

With an uneasy mood, after taking a few steps closer, Zhao Pan, who seemed to see him, immediately waved at him, "This way, this way!"

Zhao Pan's movement was quite loud, and many people from the Mingjing tribe glanced over subconsciously, and when he noticed the glances, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help but secretly screamed bitterly, "This stupid big man, What are you shouting?"

To be honest, at that moment, he was mentally prepared to be driven back by the people of the Jingjing tribe. However, the result was that after those people glanced at them, they stopped paying attention to them and continued to do things on their own. own things.

This situation made him a little relieved, and then he took the large group of people behind him, and walked towards Zhao Pan's position. It became complicated, and at the same time, I was secretly surprised that no one really came to drive them away, and no one even paid attention to them.

"This pot of soup, you can divide it among yourself." While speaking, Zhao Pan lifted the wooden board covering the stone pot, and a strong fresh fragrance immediately came to his nostrils. Looking at the tempting milky white soup, They swallowed subconsciously. He could almost swear that he had lived for more than 20 years and had never seen food like this.

"What the hell is this?"

"Fish soup." Zhao Pan scratched his hair and said.

"Fish soup?" Another unfamiliar word, he found that there were too many things and things in this tribe that he didn't know, for example, the fish soup in front of him.

"How do you say it?" Zhao Pan's face showed a trace of distress, and then he simply took a wooden bowl and scooped a bowl of fish soup for himself and took a sip, "In short, like this, just drink it directly, there is still There is meat, but be careful when eating the fish bones, which are their bones..."

While speaking, Zhao Pan also spit out a small and sharp fishbone, "These fishbones are very painful in the throat, everyone should be careful when eating them."

At the same time, on the other side, after directly throwing the newcomers to Zhao Pan's care, Luo Ji, the patriarch, was really relieved. , and then gulps down the delicious fish soup, feeling that the depression of the whole day has dissipated. Of course, the only fly in the ointment is the lack of flavor...

"Hey, if only I could sprinkle some chili powder and cumin..." Thinking of this, Luo Ji took another big bite of the roasted hare in his hand, and he was already thinking about where to get some seasonings. No chili powder, just get some 'salt' or something.

At the same time, vegetables are also very important. Every day, there is a lot of fish and meat. Luo Ji is really afraid that he will be full of fat and fat, and he will end up with an unbalanced nutrition.

"When the hunting team and reconnaissance team leave tomorrow, let them pay attention to the vegetables by the way. If you can find them, see if you can turn a few fields near the tribe and try to grow some vegetables..."

Chapter 29, Ordnance Department

The next morning, after having Luo Ji's previous instructions, he basically no longer needs his orders every morning. Everyone performs their duties. It's time to start the fire, and the fishnets need to be tidied up. Everything is so orderly. Preface, everyone is full of energy, making the newly joined members of the original Red Fox tribe feel as if they are in another world. The people in this tribe are living a completely different life from the previous ones.

Stretching out of the tent, Luo Ji couldn't help but sigh that human's ability to adapt is really strong enough. Faced with the cold wind that whizzes past every morning, from the very beginning, he was shivered by the cold wind, and now he is a With a calm face, he has become more and more accustomed to the environment and life of this era.

Calling Zhao Pan over, Luo Ji asked casually while drinking water to rinse his mouth, "How are those newcomers?"

"They're all honest."

Luo Ji nodded, "In short, you will take care of those newcomers for the time being. As for their arrangement, after breakfast, the men will go to the logging team to help carry the chopped wood. As for the women and children, let me They went to clean up the camp and dig bait, by the way, considering the convenience of addressing, you should explain to them the names of those newcomers."

Luo Ji had obviously already thought about the arrangement of these people. Due to their low loyalty, they would definitely not let them touch weapons. Fortunately, there are a lot of jobs that don't require weapons, such as logging. The team is just short of manpower.

"Understood." Zhao Pan nodded decisively.

After breakfast, the members of the Jingjing tribe started a new day as always, everyone was busy, and as a result, the newcomers just stood there stupidly, not knowing what to do. At this moment, the large group of people were embarrassed. .

The arrival of Zhao Pan can be said to give them a sigh of relief. As the leader of the original Red Fox tribe, he knows very well that in this era, if you want to do nothing, eat and wait to die, that is really the case. When they were waiting to die, they had to show their value. Seeing Zhao Pan coming over, he quickly greeted him, "That..."

"My name is Zhao Pan, you can call me by my name."


"The name is..." While speaking, Zhao Pan briefly explained the name.

And the other party is also a smart person, he quickly understood the general situation, and he simply gave himself a name, "Then I'll be called 'Zhou Tao'."

"Okay." Zhao Pan nodded casually, then glanced at the newcomers who were chatting with each other because of the topic of 'name', only to hear him suddenly raise his voice a few decibels, "Okay, about the name, you guys You can go back and think about it yourself, or you can ask Zhao He from the tribe to get one for you, and now come with me, I will tell you what you need to do today."

Zhao Pan's change made Zhou Tao's eyes flash with a hint of surprise. After all, the other party's performance was a little different from what he had imagined, but he didn't think much about it, and followed Zhao Pan with a group of people. .

When passing the tribal camp, Zhao Pan paused, then pointed to the women who were working on the side, "The women and children stay here, they will tell you what to do next, the men continue to follow me ."

Zhao Pan, who wanted to go back to training quickly, did not hesitate along the way. He led Zhou Tao and others through the camp quickly, and then walked into the woods area outside the Mingjing tribe.

Faced with this situation, including Zhou Tao, everyone had obvious doubts on their faces, and they were guessing what they were going to do next. They had already left the camp, and it was impossible for them to go hunting. Bar?They didn't even have a weapon in their hands. Thinking of this, everyone's mood was inevitably uneasy.

However, at this time, a dense muffled sound came from a distance. After walking for a while, they soon saw that in the woods, many members of the Jingjing tribe were waving the stone axes in their hands to chop. looking at the trees in front of you.

"This is the logging team in the tribe." Zhao Pan's voice sounded at the right time. When he was talking, a tree happened to be cut down, and Zhao Pan walked to the tree that was cut down in two steps. In front of him, and then personally demonstrated, "Your job is only one, and that is to move these felled trees to a specific area outside the tribe, and at the same time break off the branches on these trunks, these branches are used to make fires Yes, and the trunk has other functions. If you encounter any problems later, you can ask the people in the logging team. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

Looking at Zhao Pan, who was about to leave after speaking, Zhou Tao's expression froze for a moment, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed him, "You just left?"

"Didn't I already tell you what to do?"

"You, you're not afraid of us running away?" Looking at Zhao Pan, who had a natural expression on his face, Zhou Tao only felt a stomachache.

"But why are you running?"

Hearing Zhao Pan's rhetorical question, Zhou Tao subconsciously wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he found that he couldn't utter a single word...

"Our tribe is safe and food, why are you running?"

A sentence that is taken for granted, but directly penetrated into their hearts, yes, why do you want to run?It is safe and food here. As long as you work, you can get a bite to eat, and you can sleep well at night. The days of displacement and starvation in the past are nothing compared to the present. Why did they run away? ?This seemingly silly rhetorical question made everyone including Zhou Tao stunned, and at the same time, his expression changed subtly at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Pan knew that his goal was almost achieved. After that, he only needed to report to the patriarch and ask the logging team to pay a little attention, and then he could go about his own business.

At this moment, Luo Ji, who was sitting by the fire, was busy picking people from the tribe. He planned to set up a department to be responsible for polishing weapons and making equipment.

Originally, these two jobs were done by the warriors in the tribe themselves, but Zhao Pan's incident had sounded the alarm for him. The major must be matched, and the skill tree must not be crooked!He didn't want his warriors to suddenly understand a skill in weapon polishing or equipment making. Although it was useful, since it was a warrior, it was better to focus on fighting and fighting!

In this way, this department must be established as soon as possible. However, as a member of an important department, first of all, the loyalty must be high. It must be more than 85 points, right?At the same time, polishing weapons is also a job that requires patience and carefulness, so those who have reached the upper limit of stamina and upper limit of spirit are given priority.

Holding on to such a standard, Luo Ji picked around, squeezed east, moved west, and finally selected five people to form the first ordnance department in the early stage of his civilization.

Chapter 30. Formal training

He was humming a little song that he didn't even know what it was called. Luo Ji was in a good mood while inspecting the working conditions in the tribe. His tribe had gone from nothing to being on the right track. Everything was like that. He just likes the efficient and smooth farming days.

I went to the lake to inspect the work of the fishing team. The entire ice lake has been smashed by him. It is estimated that it is impossible to open new ice holes. Otherwise, the entire ice surface will collapse. risk.

That is to say, the progress in fishing has temporarily reached its limit. If you want to develop further, you have to start with tools. However, in the ancient times when there was nothing like fishing nets, Luo Ji was still alive for a while. I don't know how to improve it, so I can only let it go.

At the same time, compared to the fishing industry, which has temporarily reached the upper limit of development and cannot find a breakthrough for a while, Luo Ji has always had some ideas on the military side, for example, building a military camp.

It doesn't need to be too formal, but the training grounds for the tribal warriors are always needed. According to Luo Ji's idea, it is best to build them on the periphery of the Mirror Tribe, a short distance away from the tribal camp.

In this way, it can not only avoid mutual interference, but also build a defensive barrier around the tribe's periphery, so that the safety of the tribe's people is more guaranteed.

However, it will take a long time for this idea to be implemented, because the periphery of the Jingjing tribe is a forest. Although the logging team is already working hard, it will take a month to clear an area to build a military camp. It couldn't be done. Suddenly, Luo Ji felt that the tribe's population was not enough...

But no matter what, he has already ordered the first level of the military training project, so this effect can't be wasted in vain, right?The next morning, before breakfast, Luo Ji found a chance to check the attribute panels of all the fallen members one by one.

Except those with special skills and talents such as 'reconnaissance' and 'old hunter' will be thrown into the scouting team and hunting team, the rest of the bravery limit has reached three stars, and all those with a loyalty of more than [-] are included. in the soldiers.

Since the threshold for loyalty and the upper limit of three stars is there, the number of fighters is surprisingly small. Luo Ji counted them, and there were only 18 of them. This number was after adding the seven wolf fighters other than himself. .

However, Luo Ji doesn't care. He is now following the elite line. After a little training, ordinary people with only two stars in bravery can burst into combat effectiveness, but now the tribe is in a stage of rapid development, and there is a shortage of people everywhere. It is no doubt that it is not conducive to the development of the tribe to pull all the valuable labor force into the warrior army at the time of planting.

In the current situation, the 18 people should be trained first, and then when the population of the tribe increases, gradually expand the size of the army with these 18 people as the core. This is Luo Ji's general plan.

Before the military camp was established, Luo Ji first found an open space outside the tribe as a temporary training place, and then let Luo Yong and Zhao Pan teach other soldiers to practice push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises first, but he himself It was after racking his brains and thinking hard all night, and finally came up with a decent training plan.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Luo Ji walked to their tribe's temporary training ground with his own training plan.

As soon as he approached, Luo Ji frowned slightly as he looked at the eighteen tribesmen who were standing there chatting sporadically. Although he didn't deliberately stress the issue of discipline, they were a little too slack.

After seeing Luo Ji approaching, although their voices have subsided, there are still some small noises, obviously someone is whispering, which makes Luo Ji's brows furrow more and more tightly, "Silence!"

A sudden low roar startled them. Although they didn't understand the meaning of those two words, they closed their mouths instinctively. The majesty of being the patriarch made Luo Ji, who had a serious face at the moment, It looks very scary.

"This training venue is for you to train, not for you to chat here! This is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time! Do you understand?!"


"What? Didn't you have breakfast? Loud! I can't hear you!"


On this topic, Luo Ji didn't want to talk too much. After all, as an army that was just formed in ancient times, it was obviously a bit difficult for them to understand the concept of discipline at once. .

At the same time, Luo Ji didn't plan to make too many rules in a short period of time. These gangsters couldn't remember it at all, and it was difficult to digest and understand, and it was even more difficult to accept. Everything has to be done step by step, so there is only one thing he can do now...

"Your performance just now really made it difficult for me to raise too many expectations for you, so I don't have high expectations for you now, only three points..." Luo Ji stretched out his finger while speaking, and gestured. "First point, obey orders! Second point, obey orders! Third point, obey orders! It's easy, right? Can it be done?!"

Having learned from the previous lesson and facing Luo Ji's question again, at this moment, everyone roared, "It can be done!!"

Hearing this answer, Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction, "Luo Yong is in charge of training the seven wolf warriors, and Zhao Pan is in charge of the remaining nine. Next, we will announce the daily training program..."

Who knows, before he finished speaking, he immediately jumped out of dissatisfaction, "Patriarch, why is Zhao Pan in charge? After all, according to Zhao Pan's strength, why was he selected as a warrior?"

Hearing this, Zhao Pan, who was standing beside him, had a visibly stiff expression, while Luo Ji had a calm expression on his face, obviously expected, "Your name is 'Zhou Yue', right? I said three o'clock just now, What's the first point?"

In the face of Luo Ji's calm rhetorical question, Zhou Yue's expression was obviously stunned, and then he said four words in an unnatural tone, "Obey the order."

"Second point."

"Submit, obey orders..."

"What? Are you stuttering?!"

"obey orders!"

"Third point!"

"obey orders!"

"Very good, it looks like you haven't forgotten." Luo Ji nodded as if satisfied, then his tone suddenly changed, "Now

Add one more, if one person makes a mistake, everyone will be punished!One hundred push-ups for everyone! "

The moment Luo Ji said these words, the full loyalty made Zhao Pan and Luo Yong almost indifferent when faced with Luo Ji's orders.

They did it without hesitation. Two people took the lead, and the others who quickly came to their senses followed suit, but during this period, there was still one person who was stunned. He was not convinced by Zhao Pan before. Zhou Yue.

"If one didn't do it, everyone added a hundred push-ups!"

Following these words, everyone's expressions were stunned, and then one after another, clearly dissatisfied eyes fell on Zhou Yue at the same time. Feeling those eyes, Zhou Yue's heart twitched, and he didn't even have time to think about it. He hurriedly followed suit, for fear that he would be stunned for a second, and two hundred push-ups would have to become three hundred.

Chapter 31. Do you say it crashes or not?

Under normal training conditions, push-ups are generally a group of twenty or thirty or forty to fifty. After completing one group, there will be time to relax, and then do the next group, but be determined. Luo Ji, who wanted the eighteen tribe warriors to remember today's lesson, didn't intend to give them time to relax.

Due to the harsh environment of this era, most of those who can become fighters have good physique, but they can't bear the trouble, not to mention Luo Ji's demanding requirements for them to do standard push-ups. During this process, their mentality is not balanced. Zhou Yue's first problem...

"Zhou Yue! Your movements are distorted, this doesn't count, add ten more to the whole group!"

"Zhou Yue! I've already counted to 130 seven, why don't you move? Everyone is waiting for you, and Zhao Pan is fine, don't tell me you are dying!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yue's facial muscles twitched, he clenched his teeth, maintained the standard movement, and abruptly made another one. However, he had just finished this one when Luo Ji had already counted to the next number. "130 eight!"

The arms are so sore and the body is so heavy. In this icy and snowy place where the wind is howling, these eighteen people just do push-ups until they are sweating profusely. Push-ups, and finally turned into 250 five.

During this period, many people's eyes changed when they looked at Zhao Pan. When Luo Ji said that sentence before, they had already subconsciously noticed Zhao Pan's actions, and then they found out that this guy started from scratch. The actions to the end are all standard and it feels a little weird.

At the same time, they also discovered that after doing more than 200 push-ups in a row, everyone was more or less named by Luo Ji because their movements were deformed or not up to standard. There was only one exception, and that was Zhao Pan!This guy did nothing wrong?This is really incredible.

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