Some people may think it is very strange why the city lords are so concerned about opening schools. The reason is very simple, because they all want literate talents.

A city chief manages things, not much, but not much. Within the city, except for a few special positions, the rest of the large and small positions are basically arranged by the city owner.

But now there is a problem. There are many positions. The basic requirement is to be literate. At least the person in charge must be literate. Otherwise, if you don't know one big character, can you manage things?Can you write a report?Do you understand the work arrangement posted?

It's hard for these city lords, and they can't just arrange a person to go up. At that time, the person who arranged to go up will mess things up. Who will take the blame?In the end, don't you have to let them take care of the aftermath in person?

In this way, there is this joint petition. Of course, these guys are all smart. Of course, they don't expect a school that has not been built to send them talents. Therefore, in their respective cities The purpose of applying for the establishment of a school here is only a secondary purpose, and the main purpose is to tell Luo Ji that no one under them can use it.

As for why I told Luo Ji, the reason is that after a few months of study, this group of students in the adult class of Mingjing City Academy will graduate after a while, and these students can take the initiative to apply for job placement, and the arrangement Where to go, Luo Ji usually has the final say...

To put it bluntly, it is, "Your Majesty! There is no one under your hand, and your life will not go on. You have pity on Weichen, this group of students who graduated from Mingjing Academy, send a few more to my side. !"

Luo Ji, who had seen through this little thought, was also full of tears and laughter, but this matter reminded him that cities such as Xiyuan City, Giant Wood City, Baihe City, Shangyuan City, Dazhou City, and Tiebi City already had a certain scale. In a large city, it is indeed possible to establish a school first.

At the same time, after the popularization of the school, the division of some grades and courses has to be slowly prepared, and this group of graduate students in the adult class, after all, is only a temporary education, and it is impossible for them to study for several years. The day lilies are getting cold, what about the system of three-year education, six-year education, nine-year education, etc. Luo Ji intends to use it on the children of this generation, but not on this group of adults.

Of course, after Luo Ji has released various grades and courses, these adult students can also apply for advanced studies on their own initiative. Whether they want to study or not will be up to them at that time. As for now, they should resolutely lose their jobs first. Civilization needs them. what!

All in all, let's put the establishment of each city school on the agenda first. Just as Luo Ji was rummaging through his own development plan, a piece of paper suddenly fell out.

Looking at this piece of paper, Luo Ji's expression was stunned for two seconds, and then he slapped his forehead, "Damn! Forget about it!"

Before, Luo Ji planned to trade the two captured crossbows to Ye Qingxuan, but the previous battle was not over, and they couldn't send messages to each other, so he wrote it down on paper and prepared Wait until the battle is officially over to deal with it.

As a result, after a period of time, he couldn't even find the paper, and he forgot about it. Now that he saw this piece of paper that he didn't know where it was stuck, he finally remembered it and was about to give it to him. Ye Qingxuan sent a message, but did not expect the other party's message to be sent one step ahead...

"Are you there? The new batch of jade and jade accessories is ready~"

"Yes, I'm about to send you a message. I got two crossbows from the previous battle, and I got another batch of farming horses. I'll trade them for you later."

No need for unnecessary nonsense, after the two quickly completed a round of transactions, a message from Ye Qingxuan afterward, surprised Luo Ji.

"I'm about to enter the Bronze Age."

"So fast?" Luo Ji was taken aback when he saw the news. Counting the time, he has only been promoted to the Bronze rank for a few months. Ye Qingxuan is going to be promoted so quickly. The speed of development is really a bit. amazing.

But after thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan is a special civilization, a business empire. It is estimated that in the early stage, in the no-dan position, just by doing business, he has already made a lot of money. With abundant resources, the development speed is estimated to be slow or slow. come down?

Not to mention that once you meet the basic requirements for entering the Bronze Age, the system will give you an ultimatum and force you to be promoted to the Bronze rank as soon as the time limit is reached.

"Are you mentally prepared? As soon as you come up, you may also be attacked by the 'Across the World' alliance. There seem to be a lot of bronze rank players in that alliance."

"Isn't that just in time to help you share a wave of firepower?" At the end of the message, Ye Qingxuan also sent a playful expression, "Besides, don't underestimate me, I'm not what I used to be now, and there are currently no rank players in the leaderboard. The number one ranking is me! Hehehe~”

I have to say that Ye Qingxuan's current ranking really surprised Luo Ji. Although for the top players, the difference in the rankings has little meaning, but it cannot be denied that being able to rise to the first place is indeed a good thing. A way and means of proving one's own strength.

However, the cold water that should be poured, still has to be poured, "Don't be complacent, bronze rank players are far more difficult than non-rank players, you should have earned a lot of civilization points before, right? How long can you adjust the time difference with civilization points? How long does it take, then hurry up to build the stone city wall, and expand the force, if conditions permit, expand the force as much as possible."

"I'll give you a few more three-bow crossbows when I go back, and I'll tell you about the bronze rank. When that time comes, you should be more careful and you should be able to handle it."

Feeling the bitterness in Luo Ji's words, Ye Qingxuan, who was far away in another world at this time, smiled helplessly, "I know, classmate Luo Ji who loves to worry~"

Then, after sending a message, another message came over, "How about I adjust the time difference of 1:100 first?"

"!!!!!!" Luo Ji replied with an exclamation mark, "Are you already rich enough? Boss Ye?!"

"Of course~" Ye Qingxuan received a bad laugh at the end of the news, and then changed the subject, "I was joking!"

"Anyway, let's adjust it to 1:50 first."

Seeing this news, Luo Ji's eyelids jumped again, and after a string of dots, he added, "So, are you kidding again?"


"No, I'm serious."


Chapter 332

After a serious exhortation, Luo Ji, who ended the conversation, glanced at his shabby savings, his whole face was melancholy...

Unexpectedly, just when he was so melancholy, another piece of good news hit his head...

"Report to the leader, the materials for Langyan are ready."

Hearing this news, Luo Ji was overjoyed, decisively led a team of guards, rode Liaoyuan Huo all the way to the city wall of Mingjing City.

At this time, a beacon tower has been built on the city wall of Mingjing City, and the beacon tower is obviously filled with special fuel.


Luo Ji gave an order, and the fuel on the beacon tower immediately burned, and the pure black smoke that was blown by the wind shot straight into the sky. Luo Ji, who saw this scene, waved his fist vigorously. There is no doubt that after passing by After so many trials and so many failures, he finally got the recipe for the wolf smoke right!

On the modern Internet, there is a saying that the wolf smoke is burned with wolf dung. Luo Ji said after testing it himself, it's all nonsense!Even if you take a step back and talk about it, where did you get so much wolf dung for you to burn?If you burn wolf smoke once, you need five or six pounds, right?One city will cost five or six pounds, ten cities will cost fifty or sixty pounds, not to mention there are more cities, plus the wolf smoke as a wartime signal, you will burn once every battle, how much does it cost? The 'patriotic wolves' donate their feces to let you burn, just enough for you to fight a war?

For this reason, Luo Ji deliberately went offline, checked the information for a while, and finally found out the formula of the wolf smoke. Then he returned to another world, and then let the people under his hands slowly test it. It took me a long time to research to get this result!

Today's 'wolf smoke' test has already been notified. After discovering the wolf smoke rising in the direction of Mingjing City, the beacon tower in the surrounding city was also lit with wolf smoke. In the blink of an eye, a whole In the territory of Wanjie Civilization, it can already be called a wolf smoke.

Holding the binoculars in his hand, Luo Ji, who was watching this spectacular scene, couldn't help but sighed inwardly. There was no doubt that this was the fastest way to communicate in the entire cold weapon era!If the front line is attacked by the enemy, how much time will it take to burn down all the way?Even flying pigeons are not so fast.

Although this method cannot deliver a detailed battle report, it can at least allow them to confirm the location of the enemy's attack in advance through the direction of the wolf smoke, and start mobilizing troops as soon as possible to prepare for the battle!

On this side, the joy of successfully igniting the smoke of the wolf completely relieved the depression that had swelled up in Luo Ji's heart. On the other side, in the neutral area, in the conference room of the Alliance stronghold of the 'Across the World', the mood of a certain group of people could be improved. not so good...

"In the past few months, it seems that a lot of players in our alliance have died..." On the main seat of the conference room, Wang Dong, the leader of the Across the World Alliance, kept tapping his fingers on the conference table while speaking. The desktop made a 'dong dong dong' sound, which made people clearly feel the irritability of his mood at the moment.

As a silver rank player, the thing that can make Wang Dong irritable is obviously not the life and death of a few bronze rank players, but because of the all-out war with his mortal opponent for four years, and he still failed to fight. A result to come.

A total war is indeed a decisive battle that uses the power of the entire civilization of the player, but in a decisive battle like this, in addition to the victory and defeat of one of the parties, there are actually two paths of 'surrender' and 'reconciliation' .

Among them, if you choose 'surrender', the party who initiated the surrender will inevitably be directly judged to be defeated and pay a relatively heavy price, while the other player has the right to choose to refuse to accept the surrender of the other party and continue to fight.

And 'reconciliation' means that after the two sides reach some kind of consensus, the system directly starts to calculate the record and points, and this method is used to decide the winner and end the battle.

The all-out war between Wang Dong and his mortal enemy finally came to an end with a 'reconciliation' after four years of fighting. It's a ghost if you're in a good mood, and the fact that a lot of allied players died during this time can only be said that it happened to hit his muzzle.

"What's the matter? Liu Ye?"

Liu Ye, whose name was named, had a slight twitch in the corners of his eyes. Obviously, Wang Dong already had a general understanding of this matter. As for where he got it...

Liu Ye glanced at Wang Congjie, another deputy leader of the alliance, who else could it be besides this guy?

As if aware of Liu Ye's sight, Wang Congjie grinned and showed a sneer. There is a saying that is good, colleagues are enemies, not to mention that Wang Dong, who is the leader of the alliance, often fights for a few years after starting a war. This alliance is all over the world. Most of the time, their two deputy leaders are in charge. Under this premise, it is inevitable that some struggle for power and profit will happen. Over time, this hatred will gradually accumulate.

"Report to the leader, this is what happened..." While speaking, Liu Ye told Wang Dong the ins and outs of the whole thing. He didn't hide anything during this period. After all, he knew Wang Dong's character very well. In a fit of anger, if he tells a lie and is exposed in the end, it will definitely not end well. It is better to say it frankly, it is not a shameful thing anyway.

After hearing this, Wang Dong's expression softened a lot, and then he frowned slightly, "So such a thing happened."

Liu Ye issued a reward in the alliance to avenge his younger brother. This can even be said to be a matter of course. Even Wang Congjie, who has been disliking each other with Liu Ye, can't say anything on this matter, and Wang Dong naturally does not. Maybe because of such a trivial matter to blame Liu Ye.

Not to mention that in the previous all-out war, although Liu Ye did not come in person, he also dispatched two fierce generals with a lot of troops to support him. Still have to remember.

Thinking of this, Wang Dong pondered for a while and then suddenly said, "If this goes on like this, we will lose face of 'Across the World'. Who else would be willing to join in after that? This Luo Ji must be dealt with! Leave it to me to handle it, no problem, Liu Ye?"

"Only at the command of the leader."

Hearing this, Wang Dong nodded with satisfaction, while Zhao Nan, Lin Leshi and others below could only secretly cry out unlucky in their hearts. In front of this silver rank leader, these bronze The rookies of the rank obviously don't have much say in it, and this one is a loss for them.

While everyone was thinking about it, Wang Dong, who thought about the candidate for a while, said again, "That Luo Ji, I will ask Li Yuanjie to deal with it."

When a name was mentioned, everyone who was struggling with losing money before was shocked. Although that Li Yuanjie did not attend the alliance meeting at all, and few of the people present had seen him, but if you want to say that among the bronze players in the world, , who is the strongest, there is no dispute, that person is Li Yuanjie, who is also the player invited by their leader Wang Dong to enter this game, No. 60 on the bronze ranking list, and they have heard some rumors , this Li Yuanjie seems to be a special civilization...

Chapter 333, Barbarian

At the same time, Luo Ji, who didn't know about these things, was taking a group of people out of the city to hunt after a long absence. Thinking about it, he really hadn't exercised properly for a while. After a little arrangement, he still got himself some regular activities to prevent himself from losing his skills and physique because he has not been active for too long. Hunting is obviously one of them.

However, the activity of hunting is not as simple as it is said. Except for some ferocious beasts that will actively attack people, other wild animals are very alert. It can be said that they are separated by a long distance. Immediately after the movement, looking for prey is a long and boring process for a hunter...

"Your Majesty, look over there..."

On the side, He Liang, the captain of the guard team, lowered his voice unconsciously. Luo Ji looked in the direction He Liang pointed, and then narrowed his eyes, only to see the shadow of a roe deer in the bushes in the distance. .

"Your eyes are good." Luo Ji praised He Liang softly, and then took off the longbow behind him with a backhand. Luo Ji was undoubtedly quite confident in his archery skills. shoot!

At that time, I heard the roe deer in the distance let out a cry of grief, but it failed to kill it with one arrow. The bushes were too obstructing the view, so it probably failed to hit the key point directly. In this regard, Luo Ji's face disappeared. A little flustered, he turned his hands, and another arrow was fired.

The arrow sank into the bushes, making it impossible for him to confirm whether he hit or not, but what can be confirmed is that the vitality of the roe deer is indeed tenacious enough, but after thinking about it, in the animal world of the weak and the strong, the vitality is not tenacious enough, basically It has become food in the mouths of other beasts.

Looking at the roe deer that threw off its hoofs and ran towards the depths of the woods, Luo Ji did not rush to chase after him. After all, he was half an ancient person, and he also had a lot of experience in hunting. It has been hit by an arrow, and there will undoubtedly be bloodstains along the way. Let it run for a while first, and while consuming its physical strength, maybe it will run and run, and it will die from excessive blood loss.

As his thoughts flew around, Luo Ji immediately got off his horse. In the forest in front of him, it was very inconvenient to ride a horse. Moreover, riding a horse to chase the escaped prey would be too noisy. In this environment, the two legs under his feet were the most important. A useful mobile tool.

The guards obviously knew this too. After leaving three people to look after the horses, the rest followed Luo Ji to the bushes where the roe deer was before. After approaching, Luo Ji quickly found a small beach near the bushes. Bloodstains, the amount of bleeding is not large, the arrow is estimated to have hit the back buttocks or thighs.

After distinguishing the direction of the hoof prints of the roe deer, Luo Ji quickly found the second pool of blood after walking along the trail. Alright, all said...

"It looks like the second arrow was hit. Two arrows hit in a row. According to the blood loss, the roe deer won't be able to run far." Luo Ji, who got up again, led the team and walked in front, while the other guards followed behind. , did not disturb their Majesty's interest.

He Liang and others knew very well in their hearts that their Majesty unexpectedly likes hunting, a wild activity. For many people, the process of finding and chasing prey may be very boring and boring, but their Majesty is unexpectedly He likes this dullness, the feeling of approaching his prey little by little like this, and the sense of anticipation that rises in his heart just makes him want to stop.

The bloodstains left along the road became shorter and shorter, which means that the roe deer ran slower, or could not run anymore. "It should be nearby, right?"

Just as Luo Ji was thinking so, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the woods!

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

Between the lightning and flint, the guard captain He Liang, who was standing beside him, was quick-witted. He drew the bronze sword from his scabbard and swept the flying spear out with a single sword.

And Luo Ji, who was thinking about something else, reacted quickly at this moment. He didn't think too much. After simply judging the direction the spear was flying, he saw that Luo Ji directly bent his bow. Arrow, a precise shot has been fired!

Accompanied by the shot arrows, there was a scream from a big tree in the distance. Calling people, it is also at this moment that the real body is officially revealed...

"It's a barbarian from the north!" Without any nonsense, the seven guards accompanying them pulled out the bronze swords around their waists at the same time, and the two sides instantly confronted each other.

Luo Ji also looked at the other side from this moment. There were about fifteen or sixteen people on the other side. All of them were still wrapped in fairly thick animal skins, and their faces were painted with strange dyes. And the roe deer lying behind the gang of barbarians, and the two arrows stuck in the corpse fully proved that it was his prey.

The opponent was superior in numbers, but their side was better equipped. Luo Ji basically didn't panic, but in a fight, there would inevitably be casualties. This was not the situation he wanted to see. Thinking of this, Luo Ji suddenly said , "Leave the prey, you can go."

He has been in a high position for a long time, and Luo Ji's tone has an undeniable domineering, and their Myriad Realms Civilization and this group of barbarians have been at war for a long time, and the other party can understand him. When people's eyes swept over him, there was a bit of obvious fear in their eyes. The previous arrow that was like a god's help really scared them.

Looking at the guards wearing leather armor and holding bronze swords, they didn't seem to be easy to deal with. For a while, the other party also had no intention of fighting, and I saw one of the men who was suspected of being the leader waved. After the roe deer was left behind, the buddy who was injured by the arrow quickly fled towards the depths of the woods.

"Your Majesty?" Looking at the retreating backs of the group, He Liang cast a questioning look at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji shook his head. The savages seemed to run away without looking back. In fact, out of the corner of their eyes, they were always paying attention to what was behind them. If they did something at this time, the fight that could have been avoided would have to be fought. Now, fifteen or sixteen savages are all, so what if they kill them?Can you hit the opponent's tribe?No, then this battle basically doesn't mean much to him.

After watching the group of barbarians run away completely, Luo Ji obviously lost the mood to continue hunting. He raised his chin, "Take the roe deer and let's go."

Chapter 334, you understand

Luo Ji's first arrow hit the roe deer's back leg, and the second arrow hit the abdomen, almost exactly as he had expected. He watched the roe deer, who had been killed by two arrows, stand guard outside the woods. The three guards who looked after the horses naturally praised 'Your Majesty's good arrows'.

Immediately afterwards, after learning about the gang of barbarians from the mouths of the other guards, one by one suddenly became angry, "If we were there, there would be no disadvantage in numbers, and killing the barbarians would be a face-to-face. matter!"

Hearing the discussion of the guards behind him, Luo Ji laughed, but didn't say anything. He naturally wouldn't doubt the strength of these guards. These are all warriors who can fight hungry wolves. In the case of a disadvantage, killing the gang of barbarians face to face is definitely not bragging.

But in fact, those northern barbarians are not so easy to deal with. Otherwise, they would have been wiped out by him long ago. The most troublesome problem is the terrain and climate. The barbarians of the northern tribes live behind that mountain range. In a bitterly cold place, the weather is harsh, and the roads are difficult to walk. The double restrictions make it difficult for Luo Ji to overwhelm the army and destroy the opponent in one go. In addition, the other players who have been invading in have not made him stable, and there is no such thing as The extra energy was concentrated on dealing with these barbarians, so to deal with these northern barbarians, Luo Ji gave full authority to Liu Meng, the current defender of White River City.

Just as Luo Ji was pondering this matter, along with the sound of an eagle chirping in the distance, a fat hare was thrown in front of Luo Ji's eyes. on the forearm of the cape.

"Haha, are you also hunting nearby?" I teased my pet Ghou Ying, and I don't know if it's time to grow up. After a few months, Ghou Ying's physique has grown several times, and stopped at this point. On his forearm, Luo Ji can feel at least four or five kilograms. His wings are more than one meter long, which can be said to be extremely handsome. The trend swept across the civilization of the world again.

After finding a place to rest, the accompanying guards tacitly divided into three groups, one group to collect wood, another group to deal with roe deer and hares, and another group to be vigilant about the surroundings, to enjoy their own achievements, and also to hunt the most. important part.

Seriously combing the pure black feathers of Glimpse, Luo Ji motioned for the guards to cut a piece of roe deer meat and feed it to Glimpse. After it was full, it spread its wings again and flew high into the sky, while Luo Ji and the others were just getting started.

The roasted fat dripped down and made a 'sizzling' sound, causing Luo Ji to lick the corners of his mouth unconsciously. His pet really knew his tastes too well. I prefer hares with delicious meat. I saw the opportunity, sprinkled a handful of cumin with me when I was hunting, and then a little chili powder. After a simple seasoning, I smelled the terrifying fragrance, and I felt that my whole life had come together in one fell swoop. significance.

After a hearty meal, Luo Ji sucked on his fingers that were covered in spices and meat oil, and then looked at the guards who were also eating with a serious face, "Do you understand?"

The guards who heard this nodded at the same time, and then said seriously...

"Bad luck, we didn't hit any prey today."

"Don't say it's prey, I didn't even see a shadow."

"Halfway through, I met the barbarians from the north, and had a fight with those barbarians."

"After the game, I lost my interest in hunting and came back directly."

"Well, yes, that's all." Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction. Since he was restricted from eating three meals a day, although he couldn't say that he couldn't eat meat at all, he was living a life of pure soup and little water. In general, every time he goes out to hunt, it can be said that it becomes a rare opportunity for him to eat a lot. This barbecue skill has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

After eating a meal of game, after washing the face and hands full of grease, I didn't forget to take a lap outside to disperse the fireworks, and then they returned to the city one by one with such a bad face. .

The next day, His Majesty, the Emperor of the Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, was attacked by the northern barbarians while hunting, and the news spread throughout the entire civilization, so frightened that the defending general of Baihe City, Liu Meng, hurriedly launched a northern expedition. The northern barbarians know how powerful it is. Facts have proved that the effect of a fight is really good. After all, after several months of fighting, the soldiers of Baihe City are gradually adapting to the battle in the mountains and forests. He was stunned to let Liu Meng win a big victory. For this reason, Luo Ji also subtly named him a 'General of Pinglu', and reflected on himself for three seconds. He just wanted to eat a meal. Just BBQ.

Returning to the topic, after the middle of a month, the time when the battle-free card expires is getting closer and closer, and Luo Ji has also recently started to calm down and deploy and mobilize some troops. Among them, the three cities on the grassland will undoubtedly be slightly Send more troops to defend the city, but the problem is that the troops in his hands are relatively limited. How to arrange and how to mobilize has undoubtedly become a tangled problem. Just when he was thinking about it, a guard ran in... …

"Your Majesty, Minister Ye Xuan of the Ordnance Research Department asks to see you."

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