After he figured this out, Luo Ji decided to relax his heart a little bit. The generals under his command were not mediocre. He had to trust their abilities. It was easy to worry about everything.

After ordering everything, and immediately after eating his nutritious and healthy lunch, but hardly seeing much oily smell, Luo Ji stretched and said to He Liang, the captain of his escort team, "I Go float on the lake for a while."

During the fishing moratorium, the surface of Mingjing Lake was very quiet. In this way, Mingjing Lake became the best place for Luo Ji to take his lunch break. Lying on a raft and drifting with the current has also become one of his main leisure methods. At the same time, it is undeniable that Yes, this comfortable state can make his thoughts clearer, which is beneficial to his development policy after sorting out.

At the same time, on the other side, the White Horse City on the grassland is not so comfortable. The three-day siege of the city made the Shang army show a strong obsession with breaking the city gate. After the sub-round reconnaissance battle, he intends to take a serious posture.

This was actually a tactic arranged by Music Master Lin. It would be a matter of time before the other party realized his identity, but it was possible to hide it for one round, because it would reduce Luo Ji's preparation time.

So this time, while the Shang Jun was fighting the reconnaissance battle, he actually meant to be serious. After all, if he could really break through a city, plunder some resources, and even kill Luo Ji directly and get Liu Ye's reward, then he would Why not be happy?

Not to mention that this time he also discovered a good resource point, war horse resources!In the age of cold weapons, it is not easy to raise some cavalry. To a certain extent, except for some special arms, cavalry can be said to be the most resource-intensive arm to raise. Under the condition that the resources of war horses can be grabbed, it is estimated that any Players will not be soft-hearted, and he is no exception!

"Continue to siege the city, push forward, push forward!!" The merchant army at this time can't wait to occupy the stables in this city. This wave is definitely a surprise.

Relying on the vision provided by the binoculars, looking at the army that was constantly attacking the gate of Baima City in the distance, Bai Ze frowned deeply, "Isn't that guy Brigude yet?! Although the enemy's siege force The siege strength is not strong, but in the face of such continuous siege, White Horse City can't last for a few days..."

Bai Ze's light cavalry unit and Burigude cavalry archer unit have the ability to fight alone on the grasslands, and the play routines are also different, so they usually act separately in order not to get in each other's way. of.

But this time, in the face of the opponent's highly targeted 'contradiction combination', the head-on rush is basically dead, and Bai Ze's light cavalry unit undoubtedly needs some cover.

For the sake of safety, the precious defending force of White Horse City obviously cannot be used easily. There are no extra infantry soldiers in Mustang City and Eagle City to support, and there are not many infantry troops on the grassland. If the round of attack fails, or some unexpected situation occurs, the infantry troops will be completely damaged, and the White Horse City without the defending force will definitely fall, and even the people and resources in the White Horse City will suffer!They can't afford to take this risk.

In this way, at this time, Bai Ze could only wait patiently for Brigold's cavalry archers to come and cover him.

Chapter 324, Contradictory Combination

At the same time, at the other end, with Luo Ji's half bronze military talisman, Zhou Cang, a member of the escort team who had left from Mingjing City, changed two fast horses along the road, and all the way, they finally arrived outside Tiebi City before sunset. ...

"Who is outside the city? Sign up!"

"I am your Majesty's sword guarding Zhou Cang. Your Majesty's military talisman is here. Quickly open the city gate!!" Zhou Cang raised the bronze military talisman in his hand while shouting.

Hearing this shout, Zhou Yi, who was just patrolling the wall at this time, immediately raised the telescope in his hand to confirm it, and then quickly waved his hand, "Open the city gate!"

The gate of Tiebi City slowly rose, and after Zhou Cang entered, a group of people led by Zhao Pan, Liu Zheng, and Zhou Yi walked over quickly, and then saw Zhao Pan clasping his fists calmly, "It's a big deal, Brother Zhou Cang, can you show me that soldier talisman?"

"You're welcome, generals, please!" Zhao Pan and Liu Zheng, as the senior generals under Luo Ji's command, need not say much about their status. Even if other generals in the civilization see them, they have to be a little polite, and he will Not to mention.

Zhao Pan, who took the bronze military talisman from Zhou Cang, glanced at it, and immediately recognized the style of the bronze military talisman, and handed it to Liu Zheng.

Obviously, in order to avoid some impostors and misunderstandings in this cold weapon era, Luo Ji had a different military talisman in the hands of each general, and this half of the bronze talisman was undoubtedly Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng, who took the half of the bronze military talisman, quickly took out the other half of the bronze military talisman from his arms and combined the two into one. After confirming that it was correct, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes fell on Zhou Cang again. "What's your majesty's order?"

"Your Majesty has spoken, ordering Tiebi City defending generals Liu Zheng and Zhou Yi to mobilize their troops and set off in a few days to help Baima City!"

"Last General Liu Zheng (Zhou Yi) takes orders!"

----split line----

With the passage of time, on the grassland and outside the city of Baima, a new round of siege warfare started again. The continuous siege of the city by foreign invaders made the defenders of Baima City more and more difficult to defend. When deciding whether to take the initiative to reveal his whereabouts, to attract the attention of a wave of enemy troops, so that they would have some scruples, and when the progress of the siege was slowed down, an eagle chirped in the distance.

Hearing the sound, without waiting for Bai Ze's reaction, his pet, Bai Ying Xue Yu, had already spread its wings and flew high into the sky, looking up at the two hawks circling in the air, Bai Ze breathed a sigh of relief, "It's the golden eagle of Burigude, that guy finally coming!"

Leaving aside the fact that they don't like each other, no one can deny that the cavalry archers led by Brygold are very strong!And he does need the cover of the cavalry troops now.

"Is it there?" Glancing at the direction where the golden eagle was circling from a distance, Brigold led his cavalry archers to approach quickly. The moment the figure of the enemy appeared in his sight, Brigold frowned. With a wrinkle, he could clearly feel that this team was not easy to deal with. The huge shield and sharp spears could effectively contain the charge of the light cavalry troops. It was also a tricky target for the archers.

Suddenly losing the mood to make fun of Bai Ze, Burigude made a move, "Go ahead and send the order, all the staff will take a lob attack!"

A rain of arrows fell from the sky and directly attacked the siege troops of the Shang army, causing some casualties to his soldiers.

"Have the reinforcements arrived?" In the face of this wave of arrow rain, the Shang Jun was still calm. After all, he was an old driver in the bronze rank, so he wouldn't be in chaos because of a wave of attacks. It is completely normal for the player's reinforcements to appear. If they don't appear, it would be strange. "Large Shield Troops, all raise their shields for defense!"

The mere rain of arrows is nothing to be afraid of for the merchant army. The strong dominance of archers on the battlefield is basically limited to the ancient times without ranks. At that time, if you can get a team of archers, you will be very big. To a certain extent, you can do whatever you want, but with the emergence and upgrade of armor, the dominance of this long-range unit on the battlefield obviously begins to plummet.

The iron-like shield wall made the muscles in the corners of Brigude's eyes twitch in the distance. In this wave, his cavalry troop could only cover Bai Ze.

Thinking of this, Brigold waved his hand, and led his soldiers to start their best cavalry shooting style. While moving, they kept firing bows and arrows, wanting to shoot through this high-speed movement. The way to add a little block to the opposing Great Shield Troops, and with the progress of this play, their figures are naturally exposed to the enemy's field of vision...

"Damn! Horse archers?!" The Shang army who suddenly rushed out looked envious. He thought he was an archer, but he didn't expect it to be a cavalry archer. It is no exaggeration to say that this one has both mobility. The troops with superior range and range undoubtedly have the ability to block him.

At the same time, it is not easy to create such a cavalry troop, and time and resources have to be spent a lot, and now, a shortcut is in front of him, as long as he breaks the White Horse City behind him, then he estimates Can have anything!For a while, in the eyes of Shang Jun, the White Horse City in the back has become a huge treasure box that makes him drool. If you shoot it down, you must shoot down this city, and then grab all the population and resources in this city. go back!

As the thoughts flew around, the merchant army quickly judged the situation. Facing the iron wall defense of the large shield soldiers, the arrow rain of the cavalry archers did not pose much threat to him, but on the contrary, he also had no way to take the cavalry archers. , like this, the best way is to ignore it, set aside a part of the large shield soldiers to resist the arrow rain of the cavalry archers, and at the same time let the archer troops in the rear symbolically counterattack, the merchant army decisively commanded the rest of the troops to continue to attack. City, when the city gate is broken, when he leads his troops into the city, with the city wall as a support, what threat can a cavalry cavalry force that cannot attack the city pose to him?

This idea is very beautiful, but the reality is undoubtedly a lot more skinny. How could Bai Ze, who has been waiting for a long time in the distance, give him this chance?The Shang army had no time to react. Accompanied by the horseshoes, the speed of the light cavalry troops under Bai Ze soared all the way. At the moment when the speed soared to the extreme, they had already turned into the sharpest sharp knife on the battlefield, cutting mercilessly. The enemy's throat was broken, and with the splash of blood, the entire archer army in the rear row of the opponent was crushed to pieces!

Chapter 325, the enemy will die

After decades of hard work, before returning to liberation, the most exciting thing for these players is this. You have raised your troops for several months, or even several years, and you may fight all the battles after a battle. Nope, that's not really a joke.

"Grass! Luo Ji, sir!!" The merchant army at this time was undoubtedly experiencing the ups and downs of life. The 500-man archer unit charged down the second section of the light cavalry unit and died. One is clean and neat, just thinking about it makes my heart bleed, training archers is not as easy as training ordinary infantry!

He didn't know that the players on the defending side didn't even have the merchant army present. He thought it was a hole that Luo Ji had dug for him. Innocent lay gun.

"Encircle! The Great Shield Troops, surround the entire formation!!" Shang Jun cursed Luo Ji in his heart, while constantly commanding the Great Shield Troops to form a line of defense.

At this time, the weakness of his 'contradiction combination' was undoubtedly exposed. The so weak and touching maneuverability became a flaw that this unit could not avoid, and even changing the formation became extremely difficult and troublesome.

During this period, Bai Ze's light cavalry unit and Burigude's cavalry archer unit would not be idle to watch them change their formations. The two cavalry units, known for their mobility, kept detouring and harvesting, which was not pleasing to the eye of each other. , The two who had been thinking about winning over each other all day, after pinching their noses and cooperating, they found an unexpected tacit understanding.

Under the pressure of two cavalry units to recover and cut, the merchant army, who finally adjusted the formation, had a gloomy face that was almost dripping with water. Just now, his total strength had shrunk by about a quarter.

Fortunately, the formation was finally completed. At this time, the merchant army did not hesitate to rely on a sufficient number of large shield soldiers to set up an iron barrel formation. The stab pierced out of the gap between the large shields, and it was a posture of whoever came close to me, I would fight.

Realizing the threat of the spear, Bai Ze and Brigold resolutely led the cavalry under their respective command to retreat, and Brigold even signaled everyone to change their weapons back to bows and arrows.

Looking at the two cavalry units that kept detouring around his iron barrel formation, the merchant army in the iron barrel formation saw his facial muscles twitching, and his heart was also secretly complaining. Resource, according to Lin Leshi's plan, after three consecutive days of attacking and failing to capture it, it is time to retreat normally. Until now, it is obviously against the original plan. He was undoubtedly trapped by his own greed. .

But fortunately, the advantage of the restraint of arms is still there. He can't help the opposite, and the opposite can't help him unless there is an infantry unit to support him. However, in the face of his continuous siege of the city for several days, the defending troops in that city have long since disappeared. The power to fight again...

Thinking of this, Shang Jun decisively flashed a trace of cruelty in his eyes, "Maintain the iron barrel formation, push the siege vehicle, and force me to siege the city!!"

There is no way to escape. With this mobility, he can't outrun the cavalry at all. In this way, there is only one way to survive in front of him, that is to capture the city behind, then block the gate, and defend the city. You can retreat after the seventh day.

Thinking of this, Shang Jun's expression couldn't help but become more ferocious. He lost a lot in this wave. After entering the city, if he didn't burn, kill and loot, it would be hard to dispel the hatred in his heart!

Looking at the advancing iron barrel formation, Bai Ze and Burigude changed their faces at this moment. The intention of the other party was very clear, and it was obvious that they wanted to storm the White Horse City.

The previous days of siege had already shattered the gate of White Horse City. Who knew that the gate would still be able to withstand several hits from siege vehicles?

The general of the White Horse City defending the city, who was also aware of this, also changed his face suddenly at this moment, and subconsciously looked at the three-bow crossbow on the city wall. His heavy crossbow bolts had long since been emptied, and he had no choice but to command the almost exhausted slingers to throw two more rounds of stone bullets, but unfortunately the effect was minimal.

Whether it is the arm strength of the stone slingers or the number of stone bullets, they can no longer hold it. Seeing that the gate of Baima City is about to be breached by the enemy, the general defending the city in Baima City is thinking about whether to get one. The fire burned the three-bow crossbow on the city wall, and then when the troops retreated, a soldier in the city galloping on horseback brought him the news he wanted to hear the most!

"Report to the general! The reinforcements from Tiebi City have arrived. They have already entered from the other side of the city gate and are rushing this way!"

Hearing this news, the defending general of White Horse City immediately showed ecstasy, and then resolutely ordered, "Listen to my instructions, open the city gate!!"

The crumbling gate of White Horse City is slowly rising. This scene not only stunned the merchants and others who were frantically sieging the city, but also made them retreat for a distance, ready to use the momentum of the charge to forcibly attack the enemy's iron. Barrel array, Bai Ze, who prevented the fall of White Horse City, was stunned for a moment, "What happened? How did the city gate open?!"

His eyes subconsciously looked at the wall of White Horse City, and he happened to see that the defending general of White Horse City was making constant gestures towards him.

"Reinforcements! Reinforcements are here!" After reading the meaning of the other party's gestures, Bai Ze was shocked, then turned his head and shouted at Brigold, "Reinforcements have arrived in the city, back away! Get ready! Outflank and block!"

"The cavalry troop, come with me!" No nonsense, Burigude, who heard this, took the cavalry troop under his command and began to detour towards the periphery.

On the other side, looking at the city gate of the White Horse City, which was rising on his own initiative, although the Shang Jun was puzzled, but now, he has no way to retreat, but there are two cavalry troops behind him waiting for him, in other words, retreat, A dead end!Move on, there is still a chance!

Thinking of this, Shang Jun's heart also began to be ruthless, "Maintain the formation and directly push the siege vehicle into it!!"

However, what surprised him was that the siege vehicle's collision was empty. "What's the matter? There are no defenders blocking the gate behind the city gate?"

Shang Jun took a closer look, not only that there were no defenders blocking the door, it was simply not even a shadow of a person!Just as he was thinking this, along with the sound of dense footsteps, he saw that on the street facing the city gate, an infantry unit appeared out of nowhere!

The leading general, who was wearing bronze armor, saw the merchant army rushing into the city, and he glared angrily. He dragged the Spring and Autumn Sword in his hand and charged all the way, "The enemy will be killed!!"

Chapter 326, Slashing with a Knife

As the first warrior under Luo Ji's command to reach five stars in martial arts!Liu Zheng himself, because of his talent for 'breaking out of the siege', could not fully exert his combat power under normal circumstances. Compared with other five-star generals, he was subtly beaten by a [-]% discount.

However, the situation in White Horse City at this time is not a headwind?The gates of the city were blocked, and the cavalry outside could not rush in. Even if they did, they would not be able to exert their combat power in the city, and their own defense forces were basically exhausted and could not form an effective combat force. The current situation , For Liu Zheng, it can be said that the time is right!

After several days of rapid marching, the accumulated fatigue failed to drag Liu Zheng down, the blood was restless, and a force was constantly emerging along with every beating of the heart, making him feel a burst of blood spurting, "The enemy will die! !"

The enemy general in bronze armor was too dazzling among a group of soldiers. Liu Zheng, who was dragging his sword along the way, rushed to the Shang army, his body twisted and his arms stretched, holding him. With the momentum of rushing, he slashed directly at the merchant army!

The threatening killing intent made Shang Jun's whole body explode instantly. Realizing that the crisis was approaching, he quickly grabbed the handle of the bronze sword with both hands and put on a parrying posture.

At that time, I only heard the explosion of the collision of the blades, Liu Zheng's long-established slash, how could he be able to stop it casually?

The terrifying power made his palms and tiger mouths crack on the spot, and then took away the sensation of his arms in an instant, and the bronze war saber was directly slashed and flew out, but the Spring and Autumn Sword that was slashed in the face continued to swing down!

"Avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid! Kuai Te mother's help me to avoid!!" The fear of death continued to spread in Shang Jun's consciousness, causing his whole mood to fluctuate violently. Shang Jun, who had developed life-saving skills, suddenly burst out with an instinctive reaction that surpassed his own limits.

Taking a step back, accompanied by a slight tilt of the upper body backwards, the falling Spring and Autumn Sword suddenly swung into the air!The sharp point of the knife slashed directly through the bronze armor on his chest, and with that harsh sound, a series of sparks splashed.

However, before the Shang Jun, who had just escaped from the dead, breathed a sigh of relief, he saw that Liu Zheng, who had swung his knife in the air, took advantage of the situation to turn again, and a big roundabout slash was actually slashing at him again!

"Grass!!!" At this moment, Shang Jun's mentality was undoubtedly a bit explosive. In a short period of time, he decisively launched another life-saving skill to avoid Liu Zheng's life-threatening pursuit of the Spring and Autumn Sword, and at the same time shouted, "Block him. , Hurry up and stop him!!"

The Great Shield Soldiers who reacted to it held their shields to block them. In the face of such a battle, Liu Zheng stopped chasing him. After retreating two steps, the halberdiers who followed closely behind were already and the infantry under the Shang Army. The troops fought together!

For a while, the battle situation also seemed quite anxious. In his army formation, Liu Zheng, who was holding the Spring and Autumn Sword, constantly adjusted his breathing and state. Twice, but it was actually his attack with all his strength, and the damage to his body was obviously not small, but he failed to kill the enemy general. Unconsciously twisted into a ball.

At this moment, the merchant army, who is also in their own army formation, is also pale and panting. When players activate skills, it is the spirit that is lost. The higher the spirit level, the more times players can activate skills. , and his mental level is very low. After activating the life-saving skill twice in a row, he already felt dizzy for a while, and if he activated it once or twice, he might faint on the spot.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back. The appearance of this halberd troops suddenly put him in a dilemma of dilemma. Taking the White Horse City was his only way to survive. The screams made his way of living narrower and narrower, and even his whole heart was sinking continuously...

Looking at the fierce general who was wielding the Spring and Autumn Sword and carrying the soldiers under his command to kill constantly, Shang Jun was full of remorse. According to the original plan made by Lin Leshi, his reconnaissance battles basically did not show the generals. The main point is to figure out the types of arms, tactics and terrain, and the military expenses of a military general are not cheap, so he naturally did not bring any generals.

And if there is a contingency, he is a fierce player himself. With his skills, how can he fight the opponent for several rounds, but who would have thought that such a fierce player would come as soon as the opponent came?Just one face-to-face made him hand in skills twice and drove him to a dead end.

One wrong step, one wrong step!The merchant army, whose mind was in a mess, had no other way than to command the soldiers under his command to continue to fight the opponent to the death.

Although Liu Zheng's strength is not as good as that of Rayong, the polearm has the advantage of a polearm. Driven by inertia, Liu Zheng's offensive can be said to be powerful and heavy, and the open and large attacks continue to disintegrate the enemy's army. The defense line of the formation, at this time, he just charged into the formation, and the task of mobilizing and commanding the troops in the rear was handed over to Zhou Yi, who arrived with the army.

There is no doubt that Luo Ji's arrangement for this wave has also been carefully considered. Zhou Yi and Liu Zheng, who are both civil and military, one is the rear commander, and the other is charging, just to make up for each other's shortcomings.

It is rude to say that the suspense of this battle has been killed. How can he resist in the face of such a battle?For a while, Shang Jun's heart was also in despair. Seeing the fierce general wielding the Spring and Autumn Sword tore up his army formation, and then put the big sword on his neck, but his bloody hands were Can't even hold a knife...

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yi in the back also looked overjoyed, and then quickly raised the bronze long sword in his hand and shouted, "Everyone put down their weapons! Those who descend will not be killed!!"

With a loud roar, a group of soldiers who were still desperately resisting, saw that the merchant army had been subdued by the enemy generals, and the whole morale could be said to collapse instantly. After a while of hesitation, they dropped their weapons and chose surrender.

At this point, an invasion war has basically come to an end. After Liu Zheng left three hundred soldiers to assist Baima City to clear the battlefield and garrison the city, he did not stop here, and directly escorted the merchant army and the remaining surrender. The soldiers set off towards the Mirror City...

On the way to Mingjing City, Shang Jun can be said to regret all the way. Seven days have passed, but at this time, he is in a special state of 'captured'. In other words, in this state, it is like retreating. Special operations like sending a letter of help are not possible.

To put it bluntly, I have become a piece of meat on Luo Ji's chopping board, how do I cook?Dead or alive?That has to be said by the other side...

Chapter 327

Mirror City, sitting in his new rather spacious office, although he had already received first-hand battle reports from the messengers, at this moment, Luo Ji was still listening carefully to the man below. The great hero narrated the details of this battle. After listening to it, it was inevitable that he would give a few words of commendation and give him a reward...

In the blink of an eye, Luo Ji's gaze fell on Zhou Yi, "Zhou Yi."

"The end is here!"

"This time, you have made great achievements in helping the White Horse City with the army. The bounty is [-], the official is promoted by one rank, and a star is awarded, and you are promoted to a four-star centurion."

"At the end of the day, I will thank Your Majesty for the reward!"

"Liu Zheng."

"The end is here!" After Zhou Yi returned, Liu Zheng, whose name was called, took two steps forward calmly.

"You will be the first to capture the enemy general this time..." Luo Ji's voice paused as he spoke. Unlike newcomers like Zhou Yi, veteran generals like Liu Zheng are the hardest to reward. There is nothing to seal, so we can only start from other aspects, "[-] bounty, two silks, and a jar of tiger bone wine."

"I will thank Your Majesty for the reward at the end!" When he heard the last 'a jar of tiger bone wine', Liu Zheng, who was still calm, resolutely smiled. After all, Liu Zheng is a wine lover. After Luo Ji made a few jars of tiger bone wine, he must have been thinking about it for a long time.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help but remind him, "Liu Zheng, drinking is a mistake, take care of yourself."

"I will understand at the end, thank you Your Majesty for your concern."

Liu Zheng responded cheerfully, but Luo Ji didn't say anything more about it. In terms of personality, Liu Zheng was still quite calm, and he wouldn't do anything ignorant if he thought about it.

This time, Liu Zheng and Zhou Yi were the ones who came to Mingjing City with the Shang army and the surrendered soldiers. As for Bai Ze, Buri Gude and others, they didn't follow. Time, let's talk about it, this time, because of the restraint of the arms, the first power did not fall on the two of them, so naturally there is no need to run a special trip.

After the reward was over, Luo Ji gave Liu Zheng and Zhou Yi three days off, allowing them to spend three days in Mingjing City before returning to Tiebi City to take up their jobs.

After watching the two retreat, Luo Ji turned his head towards He Liang, the captain of the escort team beside him, and said, "Go and escort the outsider's general in."

The man was quickly escorted in. Looking at Luo Ji sitting in a high position, Shang Jun, who had been thinking about it all the way, immediately started his performance, "Dude, are you going a little too far?"

While talking, Shang Jun gestured at the bronze shackles on his hands and feet, "Leave a line in everything, see you in the future, this time I'm the one who's planted, let's just ask for a price."

"Excessive?" The corners of Luo Ji's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a meaningful tone, "It's a bit funny to say this from the mouths of you people who are 'in the world', do you know how long I haven't been at peace? And I have a bad habit, that is, if you don't let me be at peace, then don't think about peace!"

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