Some of them report it for their children, while others report it for their brothers and friends, because they are very aware of the importance of being literate.

Take those ministers as an example. There are dozens or even hundreds of people in the whole department. Why is it his turn to take the position of the minister?The reason is very simple, they learn better than others, they can read!

When Luo Ji was choosing a minister for a certain department, he would always ask something like, 'Who among you can read?The literate stand up. '

Under normal circumstances, unless someone has made a very outstanding contribution in the department, otherwise, the position of the minister is for the literate one.

Chapter 299, Little Ancestor

Luo Ji has always maintained a policy of encouragement, but not reluctance, for such things as learning. There are few ordinary people who have signed up for the time being, so he doesn't really care. After all, ordinary people still need a process of acceptance. And the newly opened school is unlikely to receive too many students at once.

After confirming the progress of the academy's construction, Luo Ji continued to walk towards the barracks with his people. After a long distance, he saw a large circle of guys on the training ground of the barracks.

When those guys saw Luo Ji coming, they immediately dispersed, but after running a few steps, they thought about it, no, they have already finished their daily training, now it's rest time, and there are no rules in the military camp. Are you saying that you are not allowed to join in the fun during breaks?

Thinking of this, many more people slowly sneaked over, and after seeing that Luo Ji didn't say anything, a group of soldiers were also completely relieved, and immediately surrounded them again.

However, after being tossed about by these guys, his existence was exposed, and he simply walked into the training ground in an open and aboveboard manner.

"The last general, Rayong, see the clan, your majesty!"

"Yeah." Luo Ji smiled and helped Luo Yong up, and then asked a little strangely, "I asked you to pick 500 people. It's been more than half a month, and you haven't finished picking yet?"

Hearing this, Luo Yong also scratched his head, "Come on, it's the third round."

"Huh, there were also three rounds of selection, which made it look like that." Luo Ji glanced at Luo Yong in surprise, "Let's talk about it in detail."

As for the question of how people should choose, Luo Ji obviously threw it to Luo Yong directly, and let him toss it out by himself. I have to say that in the past few years, when the general is in command, Luo Yong has already done things very well.

The first round of selection is simple, run with weight!There is no doubt that this test is the physical strength of the soldiers. After all, the weapons and equipment of this elite unit are bronze shields and elongated bronze tomahawks, plus the armors on their bodies. Those whose physical strength is not enough will not be able to support them at all. The amount of this equipment.

After confirming that your physical strength has passed the test, the second round of testing is strength. Luo Yong’s approach is straightforward, and he directly asks you to replace the bronze shield and bronze battle axe, and conduct ten rounds of offensive training. If you pass it, you will enter The third round of selection is also the final round of selection.

The third round of selection is even more straightforward. It is directly the selection of actual combat. The test is the combat awareness and skill. Of course, the weapons must not be real guys, and the wooden weapons used for training are used, but considering the weight problem, before Rayong All of these wooden weapons were deliberately immersed in water, and after they were full of water, they were full of weight.

After checking the situation roughly, Luo Ji didn't stop there and left the training ground quickly. On the one hand, as the emperor, he really has a lot of things to do, so he can't really have that much free time to sit there and watch a movie. The whole selection, on the other hand, because he was sitting there, those soldiers would be distracted all the time because they were too concerned about his existence, and they couldn't carry out the selection battle seriously.

In this way, in the mood not to cause trouble for Luo Yong, Luo Ji made a symbolic tour around, and after confirming the situation, he left with the accompanying guards.

After leaving the barracks, Luo Ji went directly to the Ordnance Department. Originally, he was on the way to inspect the Ordnance Department, but he was interrupted by the 'Xu Ding' incident, and then a lot of things followed one after another, making him up to now. Just remembered this.

I went to the Ordnance Department mainly to confirm how the weapons and equipment of Rayong's elite troops were forged. After all, he was tossing the elite troops for the first time, so he would definitely pay more attention.

With the increase of manpower and the proficiency of forging technology, the work efficiency of the ordnance forging department has also become higher and higher. The bronze shield and bronze battle ax for 500 people are almost completed.

But Luo Ji knew that the point was not here, but the armor!For the first time in this elite army, Luo Ji raised the idea of ​​fully arming the soldiers!

In the past, he would definitely not have had such an idea, but now the situation is different. There is a prodigal who has provided him with a lot of bronze. Luo Ji is now called a rich and powerful person, and he wants to build it. Come out with an almost 'luxury' force.

At the same time, I have to say that it is really cool to do whatever you want every now and then!At this moment, he understood why there were so many tyrants and tyrants in history.

It's true that being a stupefied tyrant or a tyrant will endure for thousands of years. When you're alive, you'll be scolded secretly and secretly. After you're dead, you'll be scolded even harder, but that's cool!It's really cool to do whatever you want and waste your life!

After confirming the progress of the production, Luo Ji returned to his office with satisfaction. Just as he was leaning on his office chair with a gloomy face, YY's own elite troops were killing the Quartet on the battlefield, Ye Xuan's voice suddenly It came in from outside...

"Leader? Chief, are you there?!"

Hearing this voice, Luo Ji's expression froze decisively, and then he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "Why is this little ancestor here again?"

Regarding Ye Xuan's tricky questions one after another, Luo Ji said that he was almost unable to keep up with the rhythm of the armor master, so recently he was able to hide as much as he could.

However, I don't know if ye Xuan also noticed that Luo Ji was hiding from her, so recently this girl has become more and more unreasonable in playing cards, often rushing in while shouting and rushing in.

If it was someone else, he would have been taught by his team of guards outside the door long ago. Even Luo Yong, if they dared to break in like this, they would have dared to pull out their swords to stop people, but it was Ye Xuan...

It is no exaggeration to say that ye Xuan is one of the few people in Luo Ji's bodyguards who dare not stop her, mainly because she is afraid of hurting her. Thinking about it carefully, the head of the Ordnance Research Department, they have so many ordnance equipment in the military, they must never stop her. Most of them are from Michelle Ye's hands. This little ancestor is Jin Gui. If you bump into each other, who will take the responsibility?

"Minister Ye, you will be embarrassed by our brothers, okay?" Hearing the voice, the guards outside the door were about to cry.

"Then why don't you let me in." Ye Xuan blinked a few times, and then shouted at the inside, "Boss, don't hide, I can see you~"

Hearing this, Luo Ji's head full of black lines immediately hung up, and then he waved at the guard beside him with a tired face, "Let her in."

The guards beside him hurriedly ran out to spread the word, and with Luo Ji's permission, the guards on both sides of the door were also relieved.

"Leader, chief..." After the guards let go, Ye Xuan suddenly trotted in all the way.

Luo Ji, on the other hand, rubbed the between his brows forcefully again, "Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty?" Ye Xuan tilted her head, "Have you changed your name, Chief?"


Chapter 300, Design Drawings

This girl, Michelle Ye, started her research and ignored other things. She changed her title for a while, but she was completely ignorant...

After all, why did he change his name?He was not originally called the leader, the leader was just a title, okay?But thinking about it carefully, within his civilization, the chances of the name 'Luo Ji' appearing in other people's mouths are really very small, almost non-existent, because no one dares to call him by his first name.

For a while, Luo Ji also had a gloomy expression on his face, and finally he didn't bother to worry about this issue anymore, "You have to know that I'm usually very busy at work, I'm really busy..."

"But I really need you to take a look at it for me now, and then give me some advice." Ye Xuan blinked her big watery eyes innocently.

"Sigh." With a sigh, Luo Ji had a completely 'I lost to you' expression, "Okay, okay, what problem did you encounter?"

"Actually, it's like this..." Ye Xuan said, and quickly spread the design drawing in her hand on Luo Ji's desk, and at the same time, she didn't forget to gesture with the half-finished hand crossbow in her hand.

Unlike the two guards who seemed to be listening to the scriptures beside him, Luo Ji was obviously accustomed to ye Xuan's eloquent way of speaking, and with his quick thinking, there was no pressure to digest it.

Ye Xuan has been studying the hand crossbow for quite a long time. To be honest, the distance to completion is only a few key small organs, but these small organs are the essence of the entire manufacturing process of the hand crossbow. .

When Luo Ji returned to the real world before, although he had carefully checked the structure of the hand crossbow, many things were different when they were actually operated.

If possible, Luo Ji really wanted to give Ye Xuan a design drawing of a silver-level hand crossbow directly from the auction, so that she could quickly make this hand crossbow.

But the problem is that he really can't do it. The reason is very simple. As one of the few long-range arms in the entire cold weapon era, the price of the crossbowman's hand crossbow design can be imagined. Ji's smile showed a hint of poverty. For him, who had more than [-] civilization points left in his hand, he really couldn't afford it...

Using his modern thinking, after earnestly discussing this issue with Ye Xuan, Luo Ji appropriately shifted the topic to another matter, "By the way, can I fix it by asking someone to send you a siege tower? ?"

"Oh, that, it's already been repaired." Ye Xuan replied casually, obviously not interested in that siege tower.

On the one hand, the siege tower itself has the original as a reference. In other words, according to her armor master's talent, if she has the original, she can basically touch the entire structure by removing the original once. In addition, the structure and craftsmanship are not particularly complicated, and it is not too difficult to build another one later.

As for a thing that he has thoroughly researched, Michelle Ye's interest level will drop all the way, and finally become completely uninterested in that thing.

"Anyway, go back and get a copy of the design drawing of the siege tower and give it to the Ordnance Manufacturing Department." Luo Ji reminded with a tired face. High design drawings have a chance to trigger the effect blessing.

Of course, it is difficult to draw high-level design drawings. When Luo Ji was drawing armor and some bronze weapon design drawings, he thought he had drawn very detailed drawings, but the system also gave a 'Bronze-level' judgment. , and even more than a dozen design drawings do not even have a level, in other words, there is no effect blessing.

This can't help but raise Luo Ji's guess, will some professionals do the painting, and the success rate will be higher?With this idea in mind, he asked Ye Xuan to try to draw the design drawings. It turned out that every design drawing that Ye Xuan drew by hand was bronze.

Later, Luo Ji raised his requirements and asked ye Xuan to draw more carefully, and then he got a black iron-level design under ye Xuan's resentful gaze...

However, it was limited to that. After that, no matter how hard Ye Xuan racked his brains, the design drawings he drew could not be upgraded to the level of 'Silver'. Sure enough, it was not that easy to get the design drawings of the silver level. matter.

But even so, this is enough to be regarded as a huge discovery. At the same time, Luo Ji also raised a bold idea, that is, can these design drawings be sold at auction?

Facts have proved that the system did not give him the opportunity to exploit the loopholes. Under the system rules, the only items that can be traded are the items opened in the treasure chest, and the design drawings he drew by himself are also design drawings, but there is no 'tradable' item. determination.

This made Luo Ji depressed for a while at the time, but then he thought about it, the system would not work out, so why not let Ye Qingxuan help to resell it? !

At that moment, Luo Ji once again felt the horror of a 'business empire', but this self-produced and self-sold money-making plan was not successfully implemented in the end.

There is no other reason. If you want to draw high-level design drawings, you must have professional talents with sufficient professional ability to draw, so that you have the chance to draw high-level design drawings with effect bonuses.

To put it bluntly, what ye Xuan drew was a black iron-level design, but Luo Ji took the black-iron design and asked an ordinary person to copy it, and the design might even be bronze. No.

In other words, he couldn't do mass production. After all, he couldn't let the professionals under him stop working and go to draw design drawings, right?Then he will finish it sooner or later!

"Got it." Michelle Ye clearly knew the importance of blueprints in her heart. Although she had no interest in something that had been thoroughly researched, she would still draw in the end to contribute to the development of civilization.

Facts have proved that if there is a mechanism for contributing points, ye Xuan's contribution is estimated to be able to rank in the top three, which is also an important reason why the guards standing at the door dare not stop her.

"Don't forget this, I will ask the Minister of Ordnance Manufacturing to come to you tomorrow to get the blueprints."

After discussing with ye Xuan about the structure of the organization, Luo Ji just found a reason to ask her to go back and do the experiment on her own.

Looking up at the fiery-red Mingjing Lake illuminated by the setting sun outside the window, Luo Ji let out a long breath and briefly reviewed the report. After dinner, he fell asleep early. He is also tired enough.

Chapter 3 and One, The Troubled Situation

After a night of silence, the next morning, after breakfast, listening to Luo Jin's report below, Luo Ji's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled with the word "Chuan".

What he had been worried about before has definitely happened. Due to the crimes committed by Zhou Dongdong's army in Xiyuan City before, the people under his command, especially the people of Xiyuan City, can be said to be full of this new population. hostility.

This is a very inexplicable thing, because from the perspective of Xiyuan City and the people of other cities, Dazhou's army burned, killed and looted in their city, committed all kinds of evil, and even killed their relatives and friends, they It is natural for people who will be hostile to Da Zhou!

On the contrary, from the point of view of the people of Da Zhou, the previous burning, killing and looting was an order from Zhou Dongnan, and those who did these things were also soldiers in the army, not them. In fact, the scourge The [-] soldiers who had arrived at Xiyuan City had already been completely killed by Luo Ji. Not only the [-] soldiers, but the entire Da Zhou soldiers were almost killed by Luo Ji, so in the face of this situation, they Very innocent too!

Undoubtedly, this is a matter of which right and wrong are unclear, and it is precisely because of this that there is no solution, but if this situation is allowed to continue to develop, in the end, the contradiction will definitely become more and more intensified. Logically, that's not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji thought about it for a while, then quickly spread out a piece of paper, and then wrote on it. The content on the paper was mainly to describe the atrocities of Zhou Dongnan, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. The people of Zhou lived a hard life and their name was not worth their lives. To put it bluntly, it was to arouse the sympathy of the people under his command and let them know that the people of Dazhou were also a bunch of poor people, so they would no longer be hostile to them.

After writing, Luo Ji handed the paper full of words to the two assistant secretaries next to him, "According to the content of this paper, you can copy a few more copies, and then distribute them to the people in each city. Put one on the bulletin board, and find a few literate readers to read it aloud."

After instructing the matter here, Luo Ji turned his attention to Luo Jin again, "Send the order, and instruct the patrols in each city, if anyone finds a quarrel or conflict with the people of Da Zhou, they should go up and stop it in time, remember Stay, and give priority to comfort."

Regarding this matter, Luo Ji's method of handling it is very simple, that is, understand it with reason, and move it with emotion. Under this premise, even if some people still harbor grudges in their hearts, they should be restrained.

Announcements were posted quickly one by one. As one of the important means for Luo Ji to release news in this era, the bulletin boards placed in various cities will undoubtedly attract the attention of a large number of people. This announcement has not been posted yet. After that, there was a whole circle of people outside.

"Let it go, let it all go! Mr. Zhang is here!"

The people who heard this turned their heads one after another, and outside the crowd, a young man wearing a linen robe and looking 27 or [-] years old walked slowly over.

Within civilization, although Luo Ji did not deliberately praise scholars, literate scholars were still respected by everyone. When everyone saw Mr. Zhang approaching, they all moved out of the way so that he could walk to the bulletin board.

"Mr. Zhang, what's written on the bulletin board?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, what did His Majesty say?"

"Mr. Zhang..."

Listening to the urging of the people behind him, Mr. Zhang squeezed his hands and made a quiet movement, "Everyone, be quiet, I'm watching."

After Mr. Zhang read the contents of the announcement, a trace of righteous indignation flashed on his face, and then he quickly told the contents to the people behind him, and there was an uproar in the crowd...

"I didn't expect that Zhou Dongdong would not be a thing!"

"If what this announcement says is true, then the people of Dazhou are indeed a little pitiful."

"What if this announcement is true? Will His Majesty lie to us?"

"It's all thanks to Your Majesty that the big guy can eat well and wear warm clothes now!"

"That's right, without Your Majesty, we wouldn't be where we are now. Your Majesty can't lie to us!"

"Old Zhang, you accidentally broke your leg at the construction site last month, and you can't work. After His Majesty knew about this, he ordered someone to bring you half a month's food, and also found a doctor to help you heal your injuries. In the end, I gave you a new job, what you said is a bit unconscionable!"

"Yeah, the enemies who invaded Xiyuan City were all killed by His Majesty, and Zhou Dongdong was also dead that time, and the people of Dazhou also helped the poor people. We don't need to target them again, right?"

This little episode is enough to prove how high Luo Ji's popularity is among the people, and for Lao Zhang, Luo Ji still has an impression, and it was after this incident that he immediately The entire 'work injury system' has been perfected so that staff in various departments have no worries.

And there is no doubt that the introduction of the 'work injury system' has made Luo Ji, who was originally highly regarded among the public, suddenly climbed to a new height.

Returning to the topic, in the crowd, just when the people were talking about this topic, a discordant voice suddenly appeared...

"Am I the only one who thinks that His Majesty is absolving the people of Da Zhou?"

"In the end, aren't the people of Dazhou and the soldiers of Dazhou all from Dazhou? People from one place are not good things!"

Similar things happened in many cities and quickly reached Luo Ji's ears. At this time, Luo Ji, who was getting dizzy by the pile of work reports in front of him, listened to the words exactly. After the original words, his first reaction was, "You go and tell that guy, he is the only one, he is the genius of all things in the world, a puzzle that is missing from history, a treasure that is missing from civilization, not only that, but he is also a limited edition, out of print. Du Miao, the Son of Heaven's Chosen, is the Last Supper, he is electricity, he is light, he is the only mentally retarded!"

After he finished speaking, looking at Luo Jin, who was a little confused, Luo Ji, who realized that he had lost his way, rubbed his temples forcefully. He never imagined that 'bar spirits' and 'rhythms' had already appeared in his civilization. The party's two kinds of cancer-level strange behaviors. The cancers may be late, but they will never be absent. Sure enough, no matter what era, there are such people.

However, Luo Ji always felt that this matter was a bit strange. After all, these gangsters and rhythmic bitches appeared a little too timely. Thinking about it carefully, the original people under his command could also be called simple folk customs. , there has been no trouble, and although Da Zhou is the enemy before, but after the defeat, the contradiction intensified all of a sudden is too thorough and a little too fast.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji suddenly realized that someone was doing things behind his back, and was about to say something, but unexpectedly Luo Jin, who usually has a fast mind, was fooled by what he said just now. In between, my mind didn't turn around...

"Then, Your Majesty, what you said just now was too fast for your subordinates to write down, can you say it again..."


Chapter 3, Interrogation

Looking at Luo Jin, who was sweating profusely, Luo Ji subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his face, and after having a slight stomachache for a while, he resolutely spoke again, "If I didn't say what I said just now, tell you guys from the Mirror Division to act. Go and find out who is chaotically setting the rhythm for me! At the same time, check to see if someone was deliberately intensifying the conflict between the two groups of people. After confirming the target, they will all be detained for me first!"

"My subordinates take orders! But Your Majesty, what do you mean by 'disorderly rhythm'?" Luo Jin asked with an embarrassed expression, and deeply doubted his own mind and work ability.


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