Chapter 276, Plan Two

Looking at the chaotic situation on the walls of Songshan City through the binoculars, Luo Ji frowned slightly, "What's going on? Guo Zhen rushed too far ahead..."

Fighting on the battlefield, the important thing is to act in a group, especially when the soldiers on both sides are killed in a group, such a solo action becomes even more taboo.

Individuals with extremely powerful generals naturally possess the ability to single-handedly and rush back and forth to a certain extent, but a person's physical strength and energy are limited after all, and they are afraid that they will kill too far and will not be able to come back in the end.

After all, Guo Zhen is a seasoned veteran. It is impossible for him to not even know this. It stands to reason that he should not make such a low-level mistake.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji had already realized that the situation was wrong. The first wave of raids failed to directly capture the top of Songshan City's walls, and any further attack would only increase the casualties of the troops. This was definitely not what Luo Ji wanted to see.

With that in mind, he decisively waved to the soldiers beside him to sound the horn of retreat, and the first round of the raid came to an end when the eastern sky turned white.

All the way back to the camp, Luo Ji sent two messengers to rush to Dongjing City and Songhe City to inform Zhao Pan and Guo Jia of the situation.

Youdao is pulling one hair and moving the whole body. The situation here has changed, and Luo Ji intends to change his style of play. Naturally, he has to notify him so that the other two parties can also be psychologically prepared.

The two messengers had just left Luo Ji's camp, when Guo Zhen, covered in blood, walked in on the back, "Leader, why are you retreating?! With just a little more time, the city wall can be captured!"

"And then?" Luo Ji, who was sitting in the tent, looked at Guo Zhen like that, and asked those three words calmly.

"What? What then?!"

"How many soldiers are you going to sacrifice? Three hundred? Four hundred? Five hundred? Or more?"


Guo Zhen, whose face was covered in blood, looked fierce no matter what expression he had on his face at this time, but Luo Ji was still calm, even though his heart might not be as calm as it seemed. , "What happened on the city wall, I can probably imagine that your mind needs to calm down, now, turn around, walk out of my tent, and pour a basin of cold water on your head, wait until your mind is almost calm. After that, go to the accompanying military doctor to treat the wound, and then you can come over to discuss the next tactical arrangement."

After speaking, Zhou Yi on the side didn't even dare to breathe, and Guo Zhen, who was speechless when asked, walked out silently.

After a while, Guo Zhen walked in again, his wet hair proved that he really followed Luo Ji's words and poured a basin of cold water on his head. Zhou Yi, who was sitting on the side, lost his mind for a while, but no matter what, he really calmed down.

Without dawdling, Luo Ji clearly had a plan in mind for the next play arrangement, and at this time it could almost be said that he came with his mouth open. Next, after the opponent is prepared, it will undoubtedly become more difficult to fight, not to mention that the opponent's reinforcements are also on the way, estimating the time, it will take only two days to arrive at Songshan City. The difficulty of Matsuyama Castle is estimated to have to rise by another level..."

This was undoubtedly a headache, and Zhou Yi, who was sitting next to him, frowned and seriously pondered how to break through Songshan City in this state.

Guo Zhen, on the other hand, sat there without saying a word. After calming down a little, he remembered his brother Guo Jia's advice before the expedition, that is, move your ears more and your mouth less.

Guo Jia obviously knew very well that his eldest brother was not a person who was good at using his brain. In addition to his personality problems, it could be said that the more he said, the more mistakes he made. He was not around. Like his eldest brother, he was serious. Listen to the leader's orders, talk less and do more things.

Facts have proved that Guo Jia's exhortation is correct. He said long ago that Luo Ji is a person who likes to take a very long-term view, and people like him have a habit that cannot be changed when doing anything. Just be prepared in advance...

Take this round of raids as an example, if he can successfully capture Songshan City, then his next plan is to wait for the rabbits. Use the route at the other end of Songshan City to directly attack the Dazhou King City in the southeast of Zhou!

Before starting this whole set of play, Luo Ji had already made a plan in his head.

After the actual implementation, Luo Ji, who failed to seize the wall and took advantage of the situation to capture Songshan City, decisively abandoned his plan [-], and then used plan [-]...

"Next, we will not attack the city."

In a word, Zhou Yi, who was thinking hard about how to break the Songshan City, was stunned on the spot, "No, not attacking the city?"

"Yeah, no siege."

"But, but..."

"But what?" Luo Ji tilted his head and looked at Zhou Yi, whose mind had obviously not turned around for a while.

Zhou Yi was at a loss for words, this time, he really didn't know what to say, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it, his mind was so messed up...

"What is the purpose of Zhou Dongnan's transfer of troops to Songshan City?" Luo Ji reminded at the right time, looking at Zhou Yi, who was a little dumbfounded.

"It's to cooperate with the siege army of Shangyuan City, attack Songhe City from back and forth, and regain the strategic location of Songhe City..." In the middle of the sentence, Zhou Yi's expression was stunned again, and he reacted, "So it is, we Just stay outside!"

"That's right." Luo Ji nodded, "We don't need to attack the city wall, we just need to wait outside to ambush them, and if they don't come out, it doesn't matter, we only need one or two to move our troops. Heaven, but their side will take more than five days, no matter how they fight, our side has the advantage!"

He straightened out the thoughts in his mind at once, Zhou Yi looked at Luo Ji's eyes constantly changing, this move is really powerful, it can be said that they made a reversal in an instant when they were originally passive, and they will take the initiative. Quan regained his grip, and at the same time, Zhou Yi was in awe of Luo Ji who came up with this move.

On the other hand, Guo Zhen was still in a fog, and he didn't understand what they were talking about. In the end, he simply slapped his thigh, "Boss, no matter how you fight, the last commander has only one request! The defender of Songshan City. General Wang Tong, I will kill him at the end!"

At the end of the day, Guo Zhen's voice was already filled with undisguised killing intent, but Luo Ji's eyes flashed a little bit of understanding after hearing this, and then he said quite simply, "That's right. ."

Chapter 277, Investigation Methods

After Luo Ji's raid at dawn, two days passed quietly. These two days were undoubtedly easy for Luo Ji and the others, because the only thing they needed to do was to adjust their status, but for Luo Ji and the others According to Wang Tong, the general defender of Songshan City, the day was not so good.

Youdao was bitten by a snake once, and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. After being tossed like this for a while, he lived in fear for the past two days. At night, he did not dare to relax at all. The city's defenders increased to 100 in one breath, and they stood in a row. Wang Tong himself couldn't sleep well, and neither could the soldiers under him. In various senses...

This tense state continued until the evening of the next day. Looking at the reinforcements slowly entering the city, Wang Tong was obviously relieved. After all, the number of troops is the confidence.

This time, Zhou Dongnan directly transferred a thousand troops from Dazhou Wangcheng, and the general responsible for leading the troops was a general who had a good relationship with Wang Tong, so Wang Tong did not speak too much. The scruples of the past, "Grass, why did you arrive now?!"

"Isn't it okay? You don't know how difficult the road behind Songshan City is." Jiang Wei, who brought a thousand reinforcements to Songshan City, showed a trace of exhaustion on his face. The marching for days was not an easy one. matter.

"It was almost an accident!" Thinking of the attack at dawn two days ago, Wang Tong still has lingering fears on his face. In the battle of defending the city, his own heart is also hanging, and he has no confidence at all. In the end, it was abruptly and desperately.

When it comes to this matter, Jiang Wei's expression is also a bit serious, "Tell me, what's going on?"

While speaking, Wang Tong explained the whole thing in detail, and after listening, Jiang Wei's brows wrinkled, "I didn't expect that these outsiders would ignore the [-] troops outside Shangyuan City and directly dispatched them. Troops came to attack Matsuyama Castle."

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei thought for a moment, "Haven't the outsiders launched another siege in the past two days?"

"No." When it came to this, Wang Tong's mood was full of complexities. The opponent didn't come to attack the city, which really made him relieved, but on the contrary, he also had the feeling of being played by the opponent as a fool. , after all, he was worried for two days!

"Have you sent scouts out of the city to scout the situation?" Jiang Wei asked again.

"Yes, no trace of the other party has been found near Songshan City. Do you want to report this matter to Your Majesty?"

"Walking the road behind Songshan City, even if it is one person riding a horse and whipping a horse, a one-way trip will take three days, and a round trip will take six to seven days. According to the plan arranged by His Majesty in advance, three days later at noon, On the other side of Shangyuan City, the siege will officially start, and I will set off immediately after a day off in Songshan City, so that I can form a double-team formation with the [-] troops of Shangyuan City, and capture Songhe City in one breath. Can't make it at all."

Having said this, Jiang Wei's voice paused for a while, and after taking a deep breath, he continued to say, "Also, according to what you said, there is basically no trace of the enemy near Songshan City. In the battle, the opposite side is likely to come over to make a surprise attack, and after the attack failed, they immediately returned to Songhe City..."

"Then what do you say?" Wang Tongqiang, who had been overly nervous for the past two days, now relaxed, and the whole person began to feel sleepy, and asked in a spirited manner.

"During the rest of my army, you send another 100-member reconnaissance team to conduct a carpet search near Songshan City! If you can't find the other party's whereabouts, it means that the other party has really retreated. In this way, I just need to continue to follow the original plan."

What Jiang Wei said was quite straightforward, but Wang Tong who heard this was silent in his heart, 100 people, is that still called a reconnaissance team?That's vanguard already, okay?

But up to now, Wang Tong doesn't care anymore. He didn't have many troops in the city before, and he was worried that if he sent too many people, he would be intercepted and killed by the opponent outside, causing a loss of troops, which would not be conducive to his future defense of the city. Now The reinforcements have arrived, obviously there is no need to worry about this problem, 100 people is 100 people, he just wants to arrange things quickly, then go back to his mansion, and have a good sleep!

Early the next morning, 100 troops quickly dispersed. Although all of them were ordinary soldiers of the city defense force, not professionally trained scouts, 100 people were still enough for them to stay. A wave of carpet-like searches have been completed around Matsuyama City...

"Damn, why did this shit happen to us?" One of the Matsuyama City soldiers in shield and axe equipment was walking on the road with a worried expression. As he walked, he couldn't help but mutter a few words. Another soldier walking beside him had a look of irritability on his face.

"Who told us that it wasn't us who kept the night watch last night? Now that the night watchers are all asleep, doesn't this matter fall to us? Don't be too long-winded, just look for it, and go back when you're done." In the time he spoke, the soldier had already read the whole circle, "Okay, not here, change to another place."

"Wait, haven't you been there yet?"

"Over there?" The soldier who heard this frowned and glanced impatiently in the direction the other soldier pointed, "What's over there? A few trees, a bush, a few stones Are the troops of the aliens hiding in that bush, or on those big trees?"

After speaking, the soldier shook his head speechlessly, then turned around and left, while the other soldier obviously didn't want to wander around in the wild alone, so he quickly followed in two steps.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was soon approaching evening. In order to bring the investigation results back to Songshan City in time, the soldiers sent to investigate the situation began to turn back at sunset. When the sun completely went down, the whole field was Silence again, until a strange bird call sounded...

"Gugu! Gugugu..."

The call with a certain rhythm seemed to send out some kind of signal, and then, under the moonlight, the branches and leaves on a certain big tree suddenly trembled strangely, and a figure wearing a leaf camouflage suit walked lightly from the tree. He jumped down, and the same figure emerged from a bush about 200 meters to the left from this big tree...

With the guidance of the moonlight, one after another figure rushed in one direction at the same time, and only after they gathered together did they find that there were more than a dozen people hidden in this area!

Chapter 278

The results of the reconnaissance team's day's search reassured Jiang Wei, and after resting in Songshan City for a night, he took a thousand troops out of the city, planning to save [-]% of the way on the first day while preserving the physical strength of the soldiers. , the next day, that is, the day of the start, rushed outside Songhe City in one breath, and directly launched a siege after a short rest!

Jiang Wei, who had made a plan, did not relax, he kept the soldiers vigilant along the way, and sent scouts to scout around along the way.

But it turned out that he seemed a little nervous, because there were no accidents along the way, and he could be said to have completed the first day of marching safely with 1000 troops.

"It seems that the other party really turned back to Songhe City..." Jiang Wei thought about it again, the siege army outside Shangyuan City is no joke, let alone the siege tower has been used, who would dare Ignore such a threat?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei couldn't help but feel a little more at ease. He camped for the night. The peaceful night made his tense nerves more relaxed. In the early morning, after letting the soldiers eat a little dry food, the army started again. As he moved forward, his marching efficiency was quite stable. According to the plan, it was estimated that he would have about an hour to rest his troops before attacking the city at noon.

"General, Songhe City is ahead."

And this is indeed the case. After listening to the report of one of the soldiers under his command, although it was before the war, Jiang Wei was still relieved. At least so far, the whole plan has not gone wrong.

Looking up to confirm the position of the sun in the sky, there was still some time before noon, Jiang Wei waved his hand and signaled the soldiers under his command to sit down, eat something, rest for a while, and take the final rest before the war.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a dense sound of breaking the air suddenly entered Jiang Wei's ears.

"Is there an ambush?!" Facing this sudden attack, Jiang Wei's troops were caught off guard on the spot, and a salvo caused them to suffer obvious casualties. more confusing.

Jiang Wei, the general who led the army, was even more shocked and angry at this moment. He never thought that the other party was not ambushing near Songshan City, but near Songhe City! !

"Everyone, calm down! All the shield and axe soldiers form a defensive formation to resist the arrow rain, and the halberdiers pay attention to the infantry troops that are raiding around!" Jiang Wei waved the bronze long sword in his hand and swept away the arrows that were shot towards him. , giving instructions aloud.

At the same time, his line of sight quickly swept across the archer unit standing on the high ground in the distance, "Damn! It's the terrain, this archer unit is hiding under the influence of the height difference on the line of sight. Under that high ground?!"

Although he wanted to understand how the archer troop emerged, Jiang Wei still couldn't let it go, "Who is the commander-in-chief on the opposite side? The siege army of the city has already overwhelmed the border, is he planning to ignore it? Abandon Songhe City? Or, the army ambushing here is the defending force of Dongjing City?!"

For a moment, Jiang Wei thought a lot in his mind, but the other party obviously did not intend to let him continue to think about it. While the archer troop was exposed and launched an attack, the shield and axe troop ambushing on the other side was also fast. Kill it out!

Guo Zhen, who was wearing a bronze armor, rushed to the front of the army. His gaze swept across Jiang Wei, who was sitting on the horse. A hint of disappointment flashed in Guo Zhen's eyes. He was eager to kill the enemy who vented his anger. This is not the case with generals, but no matter what, as long as they are enemies, they should all be killed.

There are more troops waiting to ambush him here than Jiang Wei expected. The moment the shield and axemen from both sides collided, they almost broke the army formation that he had managed to stabilize again. Jiang Wei was shocked to start hurriedly. Commanding the shield and axe troops in front to meet the enemy, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel even more strange, "So many troops? Are these outsiders really planning to give up Songhe City? I can't understand, Songhe City is a strategic place. If they give up, they will lose at least half of the advantages they have accumulated in the early stage! Wait, don’t tell me…”

As his thoughts flew around, Jiang Wei quickly thought of another possibility, "Could it be that the other party saw through His Majesty's plan and knew that we wanted to attack Songhe City back and forth, knowing that we couldn't hold it, so he simply gave up on his own initiative. After losing Songhe City, while preserving the troops, conduct a wave of ambush against me here, and then withdraw directly to Eastern Border City and then re-arrange the layout?"

The more Jiang Wei thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right. For a while, the pressure in his heart also rose, because if the other party did this, wouldn't his situation be in jeopardy? !

He secretly complained in his heart that he was facing the entanglement of the enemy here, and it was not so easy to get rid of it. Let the other side pay a price, and this troop around the back is undoubtedly the best choice.

Up to now, Jiang Wei can only command the soldiers under his command to resist with all his strength, hoping that the siege army of Shangyuan City on the other side can break through Songhe City as soon as possible, and then rush here to support him.

However, Jiang Wei was destined to be disappointed. He probably couldn't think of it if he wanted to break his head. Luo Jida never planned to give up Songhe City from the very beginning. He also wants to defend, and even he wants to take advantage of the situation to attack Songshan City.

At this moment, with the approach of noon, outside the city wall to the west of Songhe City, the siege army of Shangyuan City gathered again.

During these days, this army came to them almost every day, lowering their eyelids to give them a sense of presence, but Zhao Pan, who had been appointed by Luo Ji as the general defending Songhe City, did not relax in the slightest.

After all, his character is extremely strict, not to mention that two days ago, Luo Ji just called a messenger to bring news and told him that the siege battle might be in these two days. It is even more impossible for Zhao Pan to relax on this news.

As for how did Luo Ji know?Very simple, the key point is the communication problem in this era, their news is delayed, and in order to avoid this, there is a very simple way, then calculate the schedule in advance, and set a day for everyone to start together.

As for the scouts sent by Luo Ji, after finding out that Jiang Wei's army of a thousand people had left Songshan City, he thought for a while after hearing the news. Was it difficult to conclude that the other party would launch a formal attack within two or three days?This hand can be said to be the victory of the intelligence war.

Chapter 279, Li Kuo of the Moderate School

The slingers standing on the city wall of Xiyuan City followed their generals in character, and after several days in a row, their expressions did not show any slack.

Holding the monocular, Zhao Pan squinted at the army formation opposite, "The number of troops has increased..."

In the first few days, the strength of the other party was only around [-], but today, Zhao Pan glanced at it and saw that the strength of the troops gathered outside the city had risen to at least [-].

"It seems that this trip is coming." Zhao Pan, who realized this, shouted at the soldiers behind him while putting down his telescope, "Everyone cheer up! The slingers confirm that The slings in their hands and the number of stone bullets in front of them, the crossbowmen who are responsible for controlling the three-bow crossbow and the heavy crossbow will check the three-bow crossbow and heavy crossbow again to make sure that everything is safe!"

Orders were issued quickly, and the changes in the atmosphere on the city wall made the soldiers of the defending army tense. The siege army began to advance, and Zhao Pan's eyes fell on the two huge siege towers for the first time. According to what they discussed before, these two siege towers are undoubtedly the most in need of defense!

It is difficult to see any innovation in the routine of siege warfare, but this time, the siege army of Shangyuan City unexpectedly played a little different.

I saw that the other party directly gave up the use of the crossbow. There was no doubt that Zhou Dongnan was defending Luo Ji's three-bow crossbow. When the bed crossbow comes out, the range is not as good as the opposite side. Isn't that waiting to be blasted by the three-bow bed crossbow on the opposite side?

In addition, although this Songhe City has been captured by the enemy, it is his own city after all, and it is not good for him to cause extensive damage to the city wall.

In this way, Zhou Dongdong launched his two siege towers quite simply, and the focus of the entire siege battle suddenly shifted from the common 'break the city gate' to 'capture the wall', making it clear that he wanted to. Relying on his two rough-skinned siege towers, he pushed them up all the way, and then took down the city wall in one go.

In the face of this changed routine, Zhao Pan was very calm. After all, Luo Ji had already analyzed it thoroughly with him. In a word, first confirm the opponent's advance configuration...

The shield and axemen played the vanguard, followed by the halberdiers and the ladder troops. As the highlight of this siege battle, the two siege towers were placed on the left and right sides of an entire army formation. The soldiers gathered their strength and were pushing the siege tower slowly forward.

In order to protect these soldiers from being shot by random arrows, Li Kuo, the general who commanded this siege battle, also specially arranged two large shield troops to form a shield wall and accompany them all the way to protect them. The center of gravity of the entire army formation is there. It can be said that it is obvious at a glance.

At the same time, the offensive of the siege troops can be divided into two types: fast attack and slow attack, and Li Kuo, the defending general of Shangyuan City, who was rated as a moderate faction by Zhou Yi, is obviously an expert at slow attack.

The advancing speed of the entire army formation was not fast, but the calm aura made Zhao Pan feel a slight pressure, making him fully aware that this battle would not be easy.

"Huh—" exhaled a long breath gently, and adjusted his breathing. Zhao Pan, who was highly concentrated, glanced at the advancing army formation on the opposite side again, and then ordered loudly, "Three crossbows with three bows, After the opponent's siege tower enters the range, focus on the siege tower on the left with all your strength, aiming at the wheels at the bottom of the siege tower as much as possible! Don't worry about the one on the right."

After receiving Zhao Pan's order, the soldiers who were manipulating the three three-bow crossbows quickly adjusted the attack angle of the three-bow crossbow. Then, when the siege tower entered their range, a series of muffled noises were heard. , three huge heavy crossbow arrows flew out from the city wall one after another and slammed into the siege tower on the left!

It was too late to say, it was fast, when the heavy crossbow bolts bombarded the bronze baffle of the siege tower, the three consecutive loud noises were deafening. Li Kuo's pupils shrank when he was at the back. Even if Zhou Dongdong had reminded him, the power of these three-bow crossbows still shocked him.

Then his eyes swept away quickly. After confirming that the siege tower was okay, Li Kuo couldn't relax. The opponent's first attack caught his attention, and the three bed crossbows on the wall focused fire at the same time. He took the siege tower on the left of his army formation, but ignored the siege tower on the right. The opponent's intention to destroy one by one was obvious, which brought a lot of psychological pressure to Li Kuo.

Everyone knows that as the distance gets closer, the destructive power of the crossbow will become stronger and stronger. He has fought so many battles in his life, but this is the first time he is worried about the safety of the siege tower.

On the other side, Zhao Pan, who was standing on the top of the wall, was also shocked by the defensive power of the siege tower. Although the first round of the three-bow crossbow attack was stuck at the limit of the effective range, in the face of a series of three heavy The bombardment of the crossbow, the siege tower was basically stable, and there was definitely a lot of stuff underneath, which stabilized the entire center of gravity. I am afraid that there are dozens of soldiers pushing, but they are still pushing. The main reason for the slowness is that the portion is not light.

Originally, it directly attacked the wheel under the siege tower and exploded the wheel, then the siege tower was basically useless, but the problem is that in the age of cold weapons, long-range attacks have a clear parabola, and the hit rate is the highest. The long-range weapons are basically bows and arrows, and large equipment like bed crossbows will inevitably sacrifice in terms of hit rate. You let the crossbowmen operate the bed crossbows to attack the siege tower, which is no problem, but you let them aim If you hit the two rows of wheels under the siege tower, you are making things difficult for people.

The battle is still going on. With the steady advance of the enemy siege army, the slingers who won by the quantity began to fire frantically. The overwhelming rain of stone bullets formed a strong suppressing force, which further reduced the enemy's siege army Propulsion speed.

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