of course not!

The silver-level declaration of war issued by Charlie Klumber indeed restrained a large number of his troops, but this was the same for Charlie Klumber.

In other words, the opponent also has a large number of troops outside.

The seemingly passive situation is also an opportunity to take the initiative!

This time, Luo Ji moved his hands very simply.

Just like what he said before, since the goal is to help Gao Su pull hatred anyway, then let's make the situation lively!

Some people get rich in wars, while others go bankrupt in wars.

And Luo Ji undoubtedly wants to become the former, he wants to become stronger and richer as he fights!

At this moment, outside the border of Charlie Klumber's civilization, the army of the civilization of the ten thousand worlds has been sent in by the system.

As the siege master under Luo Ji's command, Gao Wen was undoubtedly the best candidate for the commander of this invasion.

Looking up at the gray night sky, Gao Wen breathed out slowly, and then hooked his fingers.

"Scout troops, all disperse and go to investigate the surrounding terrain. As for the others, find a place to camp."

In the current situation, he doesn't even know where the attacking target is. With his eyes darkened, it's impossible for him to run around with his army overnight, right?

Decisively camp and sleep for a night before talking.

And it was just this night, as a civilization where telegraphs have been fully popularized, the border forts everywhere undoubtedly received the news of the enemy's invasion at the first time, and then entered the first-level alert state one after another, responsible for patrolling and guarding The strength of the army has tripled directly.

Gawain was obviously mentally prepared for this situation.

After all, when a player invades, the system will send out a reminder, and then the communication device will be turned on, and the message will be delivered in a matter of seconds.

The location they are in now is a typical mountain forest. It is a pity that the werewolf rangers, kobold infantry and fox guerrillas, the three troops that are good at fighting in mountain forests, were all sent out by Luo Ji before, otherwise , This terrain advantage can still be improved.

In this battle, the invading army under Gao Wen's command was undoubtedly dominated by human troops. Under the gloomy sky, the human scouts wearing camouflage uniforms almost blended in with the surrounding forest environment.

At this moment, they are carefully observing the huge mountain fortress in the distance.

After confirming the surrounding terrain, the scouts can basically confirm that the location of this mountain fortress is completely stuck at an important pass, and the geographical advantage can be said to be quite large.

At the same time, the black gun barrels extending from the fortress also look very deterrent.

Moreover, the periphery is covered with quite complicated semi-permanent trenches.

According to the preliminary judgment, the degree of difficulty of attack is only higher than that of Arcas Fortress.

After listening to the scouts' report, Gao Wen frowned visibly in the temporary camp.

He always felt that the mountain fortress was not simple.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that it is difficult for the scouts to obtain any new information.

Rubbing his chin, it seems that it is not a solution to keep struggling like this.

After pondering in his mind for a while, Gao Wen directly signaled the army under his command to take action, no matter what, let's fight first and find out the details of the opponent.

Many things will not be clear until you have played!

The appearance of the invading army of the Myriad Worlds civilization made the mountain fortress start to raise its alarm. In order to deal with the battle that may happen anytime and anywhere, a large number of troops have obviously been deployed in advance in the trenches.

Now that the alarm sounded, the soldiers in charge of guarding the mountain fortress immediately entered a fighting state.

Considering that the terrain on the opposite side was unknown for this battle, Luo Ji did not equip Gao Wen with some large-scale ordnance that was too restrictive, and still focused on the more flexible and light mountain cannons and field cannons.

Amidst the roar of artillery fire, the battle quickly started.

In this battle, Gao Wen had a clear purpose, which was to find out the details of the opponent. Therefore, in consideration of avoiding a large number of casualties, he would definitely not fight too hard this time.

And he himself, in the whole process, even found a safe observation place, raised the telescope in his hand, and carefully observed the mountain fortress.

In the end, it was discovered that this mountain fortress was really not simple. Not only the fortress building on the mountain, but even the entire interior of the mountain had probably been hollowed out by the other party.

And the passage inside the mountain is directly connected to the outer trenches, which is simply to maximize the geographical advantages. One has to say that the designer who designed this mountain fortress is a bit powerful.

However, this is obviously not enough to dissuade Gao Wen. He is still very confident in the matter of conquering the city, not to mention this wave. His Majesty the Emperor has also equipped him with quite powerful new troops...

Chapter 1231, In a blink of an eye

This first round of attack, which was full of tentative attempts, ended with Gao Wen taking the initiative to order a retreat.vertex

Next, he obviously needs to go back and arrange a follow-up attack plan so that he can take down this seemingly iron-clad mountain fortress more smoothly.

During this period, the battle outside the Arcas Fortress on the eastern border of the Myriad Realms Civilization had a new change on this day!

The Europa army's attacks over the past few days have already consumed a large amount of defensive resources of the Arcas Fortress. In recent days, the defensive firepower of the garrison troops has obviously begun to weaken.

Alan Ballard, who discovered this, was like a beast that smelled blood, and instantly showed his ferocious fangs.

On this day, he felt like God was helping him.

Even the dragoon troops under his command are particularly powerful in this wave of offensive. At least so far, the ranger troops on the opposite side have not been able to successfully break into the main battlefield under the restraint of their dragoon troops.

Alan Ballard, who was a little excited, shouted an order to attack with all his strength at the army under his command!

Amidst the violent roar of artillery fire, a wave of strengthening and increasing skills was directly activated, and the Europa army under his command began to attack with a more violent momentum.

Countless bullets flew, and the soldiers of the Europa army advanced step by step. After the distance between the two sides was reduced to a certain extent, a large number of grenades were quickly thrown out. Amidst the continuous explosion sound, accompanied by the sound of "the whole army charge!" Shouting, the soldiers of the Europa Army raised their rifles at the same time, and launched a final charge towards the trench fortress in front of them.

And at the same time, on the side of the battlefield, accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, a light cavalry unit whose speed had reached the limit rushed into the battlefield!

The sharp blade hidden in the sleeve is often only pulled out at the moment when the enemy's life is taken.

And now, it is this time!

"All troops charge!!!"

Amidst the roar, the red-blooded horses under each cavalryman neighed like wild beasts. In the blink of an eye, the speed suddenly increased to another level!

The sudden abnormality caused Alan Ballard's face to change suddenly.

"Rush into the trench! As long as you rush into the trench, those cavalry attacks will be disintegrated!!"

Alan Ballard, who was in the rear commanding the battle, was almost trying to convey his order hoarsely.

However, how chaotic is the situation on the battlefield at this moment?

This sudden cavalry unit caused the soldiers of the Europa army to panic.

Some soldiers were still immersed in the charge, while others raised their rifles and stopped, intending to attack the cavalry units charging up. All of a sudden, the whole scene seemed to be about to get out of control.

It happened that at such a juncture, there was a change on the battlefield.

The trench fortress, which had already been beaten by them and was about to lose the power to resist, suddenly killed a large number of heavily armed soldiers.

Cooperating with the soldiers of the garrison troops, a round of volleys was fired, and the instantly dense firepower network directly dealt a head-on blow to the rushing Europa army, killing a large number of enemy troops.

The Europa army, which was attacked on both sides, was completely in chaos at this time. It was impossible for scattered shooting to stop this cavalry unit that swept over like a storm!

But the only dragoon troop that could stop them was entangled by Brigude's ranger troop all the way at this time, unable to escape at all, and even fell into a passive beating situation.

It's too late to say, then soon!

The short distance of a few hundred meters, for the light cavalry unit equipped with red blood horses, arrived in a blink of an eye. With the momentum of destruction, the violent charge directly knocked down the entire army formation of the Europa army. It was crushed instantly.

The will to fall into the battle, there is no life or death!

The fearless raid of the light cavalry troops was simply terrifying.

Iron hooves stepped on, and the remains of severed limbs all over the place gave off a soaring bloody smell.

This round of charge broke not only the formation of the Europa army, but also their morale and will!

Taking advantage of this momentum, Bai Ze left the battlefield directly.

Seeing the opportunity, Liu Meng, who had endured the opposite for a long time, roared loudly...

"It's time to fight back! Fire!!"

At this time, the muzzles of each black hole were spewing fire snakes crazily, and the continuous gunshots, carrying pieces of bullets, directly drowned the soldiers of the Europa army in the hail of bullets.

One after the other, I am afraid that not one minute has passed.

But the situation on the battlefield was completely reversed.

Alan Ballard, who was standing at the back, turned pale. He never expected that the opponent would hide a hussar troop in such a way!

Hussar units, under normal circumstances, generally refer to cavalry units equipped with sabers, fearless of death, and raiding the enemy's infantry phalanx on the battlefield.

In this era, rifles had an effective range of less than 300 meters.

And with the cover of other troops, what is the range of less than 300 meters for a hussar?

To put it simply, if you reload the ammunition once, they may have rushed directly to your face before you have had time to reload!

At this moment, Alan Ballard has clearly realized that he has been calculated.

The force suddenly poured out of the trench fortress, the rangers responsible for holding back the dragoons, and the hussars who have been hiding until now, almost directly reversed the situation with a round of charge, the perfect match between the three forces Cooperate and let the opponent complete a big comeback!All of this was premeditated!

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!!"

This wave has already collapsed, and Allen Ballard hastily issued a retreat order, trying to control the number of casualties to a certain extent.

However, Liu Meng, who finally made a comeback, how could he just let them go?

"All troops charge!!!"

Amidst the roar, a large number of soldiers with rifles in their hands poured out of the trench fortress like a tide at this moment, chasing and killing the retreating Europa army.

On the other side, Bai Ze, who had temporarily left the battlefield after completing a round of charge, also ran wildly again with his light cavalry troops.

The red blood horse galloped all the way, bringing an astonishing movement speed that was obviously faster than that of ordinary cavalry troops.

The horses galloped wildly, causing the ground of the battlefield to vibrate slightly, and the light cavalry troops approaching at a very high speed constantly brought enormous psychological pressure to the soldiers of Europa, breaking their will virtually.

One of the Europa soldiers, who was about to collapse, finished reloading the ammunition while running wildly, and turned around suddenly. The moment he was about to shoot, he only felt a little star bloom in front of him!

Bai Ze, who was riding on the horse, glanced coldly, and the cloud piercing gun in his hand shook, accompanied by a soft sound, while the rifle in the opponent's hand was lifted away, the sharp point of the gun directly penetrated the opponent's throat, capturing The life of that Europa soldier was lost!

Chapter 1232, A Glass of Spirits

The horses galloped all the way. On this battlefield, the task of cutting straight to the back row and taking the life of the enemy's head is often completed by the most mobile troops!

At this moment, Bai Ze has undoubtedly locked the position of Alan Ballard.

Before making a move, he wasn't just waiting foolishly, he was observing the situation of the entire battlefield, because only when he grasped the whole situation, could he issue the 'break into the battlefield' at the most appropriate time The command!

So he is very sure now that the supreme commander of this Europa army is Alan Ballard.

Alan Ballard, who also realized that he had been targeted, could not see a trace of blood on his face at this moment.

With the whip in his hand, he whipped the horse under his seat again and again, so that it could run faster.

However, this move of his obviously didn't have much effect other than making the pained warhorse howl again and again.

In the final analysis, no matter how good the breed of an ordinary war horse is, how could it outrun the red blood horse that inherited the blood of the Liaoyuan Huo beast?

The soldiers guarding him were killed one after another. After that, Alan Ballard had almost no time to react, and he was forcibly knocked off his horse by Bai Ze.

How fast was the galloping speed of the war horse at that time?This fall almost killed him directly. Fortunately, when he landed, he protected his head in time.

But even so, at this moment, Alan Ballard felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

The severe pain from all over his body made his entire face even more ugly.

But he didn't have time to scream, the body that fell on the ground quickly rolled twice, and the moment he was about to stand up, a sharp spear point directly hit his throat.

The chill emanating from the tip of the spear caused little bumps to appear on the skin of his throat.

Death had never been so close to him, and while his heart was pumping, Alan Ballard subconsciously put his hand in front of him.

"Surrender, surrender, I surrender..."

At this time, what Alan Ballard blurted out was a typical Europa language, but Bai Ze, who had studied foreign language courses, undoubtedly understood it.

There is no doubt about the value of capturing an enemy commander alive. As long as the torture is proper, they can obtain all kinds of information from the other party.

Seeing Bai Ze with a thoughtful look on his face, Alan Ballard calmly moved his right hand towards the pistol hidden in his arms...

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the cloud piercing gun in Bai Ze's hand trembled, and accompanied by a scream, the sharp blade of the gun directly pierced through a certain dishonest right hand with a speed that could not be concealed, with a small The tip of the spear fell into Alan Ballard's chest.

The blow made him sweat profusely, and he gasped several times.

Before he could think about it, Bai Ze's voice sounded faintly.

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