The bronze arrow penetrated the protection of the leather armor, and the pain caused by immersing in his flesh constantly stimulated his pain nerves, causing his entire face to distort in an instant. This luck is bad enough, and it just hit without the protection of the bronze armor. of that piece.

Afterwards, he only heard a wailing cry of 'swaying rhythm', and his entire body was thrown out in an instant. With a whirl of the world, before his mind could react, he fell heavily to the ground.

After rolling for a few laps, Zhou Dongnan, who was barely able to stabilize his body, clenched his teeth and looked up, only to see that the black horse under his crotch was dead at this moment, and was shot by Luo Ji's three arrows. Shoot on the spot!

"Isn't this dead?" Luo Ji gritted his teeth, and touched the quiver subconsciously with his right hand. However, he failed to draw an arrow several times in succession. Looking down, he saw that his entire right hand was full of arrows. Trembling slightly, he fired three arrows just now, which basically used up all his arm strength!

His left hand punched the trembling right hand heavily, and just as he was about to bend the bow and shoot the arrow again, he vaguely seemed to hear someone's cry, and didn't think much about it. The arrow shot and killed Zhou Dongdong in the distance.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Liaoyuan Huo, who had been showing tacit understanding with him, suddenly became restless, and then ran two steps to the side without warning.

These two crucial steps made Luo Ji escape from death in an instant. Looking at the bronze halberd stabbed from his side, how could Luo Ji not know that the fierce general on the opposite side was killing him?He hurriedly rode his horse to hide in the distance.

And with the killing of the enemy general, the cries that had been vaguely heard became clear...

"Despicable villain! There is a kind of another hundred rounds with me!!"

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man who missed a sneak attack quickly flashed a trace of fear in his eyes. He didn't chase after him any more. on the back.

The retreat horn sounded after that temporarily brought the curtain down on the battle outside the West Plains...

2Chapter 16. The Horn of Retreat

In the sound of the retreating horn, the middle-aged man took Zhou Dongnan and ran all the way back to Xiyuan City, and then he was only heard shouting at the group of soldiers guarding the city, "Medical doctor! Quickly call the military doctor!! "

"Zhou, Zhou Jie..."

Hearing the voice, the middle-aged man known as Zhou Jie responded quickly, "The end will be here."

"No, don't stay in this city for too long." Zhou Dongnan, who was already bleeding a little too much at this time, tried his best to say, "After all the troops outside have withdrawn, close this east gate, and then go directly from the west gate. Evacuate!"

"Evacuate?" Zhou Jie was taken aback when he heard this, "But Your Majesty..."

"It doesn't matter to me." Zhou Dongnan gritted his teeth and said in a voice that didn't seem to matter no matter how he heard it, "As long as you pull out the arrow, you can simply stop the bleeding first."

Speaking of this, Zhou Dongnan took two hard breaths, and then spoke again, "The siege force of the other side is too strong to stay in this city, that is to wait for death, and evacuate directly from the west gate, the east gate of this city. After closing it and destroying the organs of the East City Gate, why can you buy a little time at that time?"

"The last general takes orders!"

"Right, and..."

"Your Majesty, you will listen to me at the end."

"Before leaving, set me two fires in this city!" While speaking, Zhou Dongnan's eyes flashed with unconcealed viciousness, "Didn't he want to take this city back? Then I'll give it back to him. That's it!"

Hearing this, Zhou Jie's pupils shrank obviously, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak, and then backed away.

At the same time, outside the city of Nishihara...

"Huh—" With a long breath, the longbow in Luo Ji's hand fell to the ground, and his hands that were completely exhausted fell like that.

Afterwards, Liu Meng, who arrived, got off his horse with a terrified expression on his face, and then knelt down on the ground, "The last commander is late for the escort, please punish the leader!"

Luo Ji did not respond to Liu Meng's plea for guilt, or whether he heard Liu Meng's words clearly was a problem. The whole person seemed a little dazed.

Maintaining this state, I don't know how long it took, Luo Ji looked down at Liu Meng who was still kneeling on the ground, and then slowly said, "Liu Meng, you are injured."

"It's just a small injury, thank you boss for your concern."

"Is it a minor injury?" He glanced at Liu Meng, whose half of his body was already soaked in blood, and then turned to look at the battlefield that had just experienced a fight. Ji felt a shock, "Go gather the troops, place the wounded, and then call someone to clean up the battlefield."

"Leader, clean up the battlefield now?" For a while, Liu Meng, who was a little unresponsive, glanced at Xiyuan City with its gates closed.

As if seeing through his thoughts, Luo Ji spoke again, "If he had any brains, he should gather his troops now and evacuate from the West Gate."

"Then we..." Liu Meng's voice stopped abruptly when he was halfway through. He originally wanted to ask if he wanted to send a troop to chase him, but after thinking about it carefully, how to chase?At this time, the Dongcheng Gate is dead, and they can't get in. If they go around, can they walk in a straight line on the opposite side?In addition, the soldiers under his command have just experienced a fierce battle, with heavy casualties, and there is really no spare energy to pursue the enemy.

Thinking of this, Liu Meng swallowed the words he said, and just as he was about to respond to Luo Ji's order, the thick smoke suddenly rising from Xiyuan City in the distance made him pause. The whole person suddenly changed his face, "Head, leader! Nishihara Castle is on fire!"

"That guy!!!" Luo Ji, who had already realized what had happened, had an ugly expression on his face, and after regaining some strength, he hurriedly rode the fire and rushed outside the East City Gate, then shouted, "The one in the West Plains City. People listen! I'm Luo Ji, quickly open the city gate and let us in!!"

After Luo Ji shouted three times with all his strength, a young man stuck his head out from the city wall, "Yes, is that the leader?!"

"It's me! Quickly open the city gate!!"

The bright light armor and the blazing fire under the seat can basically be said to be Luo Ji's signature. After seeing the young man on the city wall, he was overjoyed, "Leader, wait a minute, I'll open the door right now!"

However, after a period of time, Luo Ji's heart sank as he looked at the city gate that had not moved for a long time, and then in the next second, inside the city gate, the young man's voice rang again, with a tone in his voice. There was a bit of obvious crying, "Boss, the structure of the East City Gate was destroyed by those outsiders, and now the city gate can't be opened!"

"That bastard!" The moment the guess in his heart was confirmed, Luo Ji's face couldn't help but look even more ugly, and then he shouted, "Call the people in the city to put out the fire together! Be careful to control the fire, and put the nearby Remove all flammables! And..."

After finishing the instructions, Luo Ji decisively led a group of people around Xiyuan City to the West City Gate...

At the same time, after a simple hemostasis treatment by the military doctor, Zhou Dongnan, who was in a state of embarrassment, also evacuated from the West City Gate with his infantry troops early...

Looking at the long army, in the woods on the right outside the west gate of Xiyuan City, Liu Kai, who was leading troops to hide in the woods, frowned.

He was lying in ambush here. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the opponent's defeat and flee, and suddenly led three hundred cavalry to take down the leader of the invaders from outside the territory. , the opponent's remaining troops are still more than 3000 visually.

Bringing [-] cavalry to attack an army with more than ten times his strength, even if it was a surprise attack, it would be courting death. As a wise general, Liu Kai would obviously not do such a thing.

Just when he was thinking about what to do next, the lieutenant next to him suddenly exclaimed, "General, Nishihara Castle is on fire!!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Liu Kaixin was shocked, and quickly turned his head to look in the direction of Xiyuan City. There was indeed thick smoke billowing in the sky over Xiyuan City, and the light of fire could be vaguely seen rising.

All of a sudden, a whole cavalry unit, every cavalryman looked at the alien army in the distance with full of resentment, "To set fire to the city? Those damn aliens!!"

"Never let them go!"

"Kill them all! Be sure to kill them all!!"

Compared with the soldiers who were already filled with righteous indignation, Zhang Yan's promotion to lieutenant-general was obviously an advantage. At the critical moment, he sighed, "General, we are now..."

"I'll take a hundred cavalry to follow and take a look. You bring the rest back to Xiyuan City to help fight the fire, and report the situation on our side to the leaders at the same time!"

2Chapter 17. Nishihara Castle after the war

Inside the military camp in Xiyuan City, Luo Ji closed his eyes in pain as he looked at Sun He's body. At this moment, he couldn't use any words to describe his mood at the moment. After being silent for a long time, he could only listen to him slowly He said, "The order goes on. Sun He, the guard of Xiyuan City, fulfilled his duty and died heroically. He will be posthumously named Marquis of Loyalty and be buried with honor!"

In Luo Ji's civilization, there was originally no title system, but now there is. Sun He died, and he died for his loyalty. He died tragically, but his death was even more tragic. Luo Ji didn't know how to make up for it. A person who has already died can't even compensate his family, because he has not yet married and had children, what else can he do other than pursue the title for him?

After he finished speaking, Luo Ji sat on the bench with one hand on his forehead. He couldn't calm down for a long time until a report came from outside, "Leader, Zhang Yan, the deputy general of the cavalry force outside the door, asks to see you?"

"Let him in."

"Zhang Yan, deputy general of Mingjing City's cavalry unit, see the leader!"

"Get up." Glancing at Zhang Yan, who was wearing a gray face below, Luo Ji asked casually, "Where's Liu Kai?"

"Reporting to the leader, this is what happened..." As he spoke, Zhang Yan reported the entire situation to Luo Ji in detail without reservation.

After listening, Luo Ji frowned a little. Liu Kai's wise way of handling things gave him a little comfort, "Thank you for your hard work. All members of the cavalry unit supported and contributed to the fire. Each of them will be rewarded with [-] guan. Go to the Ministry of Finance for the military badge to receive the reward."

"Thank you for the reward of the leader, I will retire at the end!"

After Zhang Yan withdrew, the barracks in Xiyuan City did not calm down. Due to the presence of Luo Ji, the barracks had obviously become the center of power in the entire Xiyuan City. Zhang Qi, the deputy general of Liu Meng, walked in quickly all the way...

"Reporting to the leader, the location of the fire in Xiyuan City has been confirmed. They are the City Lord's Mansion, the commercial area, and..." Having said this, Zhang Qi's voice paused, and after hesitating for two seconds, he used an extremely difficult voice. The tone said two words, "Granary."

"Bang!" The moment he heard these two words, Luo Ji punched directly on the bench. The city lord's mansion with vulgar taste was burned as well. The reason why he kept it was just because It's because of saving resources, and I'm too lazy to tear it down and rebuild it because of this trivial matter, but the two fires of the commercial area and the granary really hurt Luo Ji!

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire barracks suddenly became dignified. Feeling the depressed atmosphere, Zhang Qi, who came to report the loss from below, didn't even dare to catch a breath.

He took two quick deep breaths, and after his emotions calmed down a little, Luo Ji sorted out the thoughts in his mind, and then spoke again, "The order goes on, starting today, the people of Xiyuan City will be exempted from tax for one year, and tax reduced for three years. , and then let the construction and engineering department of Mingjing City transfer two teams of people to assist in the restoration and construction of Xiyuan City, and at the same time, transport ten carts of food to distribute to the people of Xiyuan City."

After speaking, after letting the messenger on the side go down to convey his order, Luo Ji turned his eyes slightly and landed on Zhang Qi again, "How is Liu Meng?"

"The general's shoulder was slashed by the cross blade of the enemy general's bronze halberd. However, the wound is not too deep, and it is not a serious problem."

"Thank you for your hard work, let's go down."

After Zhang Qi withdrew, Luo Ji waved his hand and motioned for the guards on the left and right to withdraw as well. Then he sat in the room where he was alone, with a look of exhaustion on his face that could not be concealed.

The casualties of the infantry units were still being counted, but Luo Ji knew that the number of casualties must be bad news. After all, if the number of casualties was small, it wouldn't take so long to count them. He was destined to not sleep well this night. , what a terrible day...

After a night of silence, the casualty statistics of the infantry units were handed over to him early the next morning. Looking at the list, Luo Ji's fists began to clench unconsciously...

In the shield and axe troops, 350 people died in battle, 160 people were seriously injured, and 530 people were slightly injured!

Halberd Troops: 510 seven people died in battle, 280 eight people were seriously injured, and 340 nine people were slightly injured!

When I was playing games before, looking at casualties like this, Luo Ji would only feel that the soldiers he raised with the resources he had saved for a week were lost in one battle, but at this moment, the numbers seemed to be So startling...

The soldiers who died in the battle need not be said much, and the soldiers marked as seriously injured have basically lost the ability to continue to serve in the army. In other words, this siege battle directly cost him more than a quarter. troops!For Luo Ji, who had an overwhelming advantage during the period of no rank, this was a situation he had never encountered before, and it made him feel the cruelty of the bronze rank all of a sudden!

However, what he didn't know was that under normal circumstances, new players who had just risen from the no-dan rank would not have the treatment he has now.

In the period of no rank, the battles between players of the same rank are basically like rookie chickens pecking at each other. No matter how you fight, you can fight very fiercely, and finally you can get a good treasure chest. The battle is completely different.

For the old players of the bronze rank, a bunch of poor natives who were still wielding stone axes and spears a while ago are not worth spending 10,000+ military expenses to beat them.

Take this Zhou Dongnan battle as an example, six crossbows, plus [-] troops!Without Liu Ye's two silver-level items as compensation, what could he earn?Basically nothing, okay?A newcomer who has just left the scope of indigenous people, can there be more resources in civilization than him?impossible.

As for the treasure chest reward obtained in the final system evaluation, it is a black iron treasure chest if you die. You won't earn any points at all in a battle like this, let alone get a high rating. Finally, the black iron treasure box is opened. That little thing, it is estimated that he is not enough to pay for the military.

The reason why Zhou Dongnan is willing to send troops at all costs is because he aimed at Liu Ye's two silver-level items from the beginning. As for the black iron treasure chest earned after the victory of this battle, as well as those equipment resources that are better than nothing, they should be Headed up.

Under normal circumstances, like the configuration of Wang Lucong before, it is the correct way for Bronze rank players to fight newcomers. Bring a few hundred troops and a few crossbows. While bullying newcomers, make yourself a little more difficult. , this will help them improve their record, but unfortunately, Wang Lucong obviously kicked an iron plate, and then he got rid of it...

Chapter 248 , Immediate Departure

At the same time, on the other side, on the night after the battle in Xiyuan City, Zhou Dongnan led his army and drove all night, ignoring the threat of the night. They were not afraid of the beasts that haunted the night. Beasts are right, after all, if they dare to rush over, they will have to face an army of nearly 4000 people!

All the way to the west to evacuate, along the way, Zhou Dongnan, riding a war horse, was thinking about the next step with a gloomy expression. Should he take a rest for seven days, then retreat, or launch another attack to see?

If he just retreated like this, he should be the one who won the battle. The battle outside Xiyuan City could only be said to be evenly divided. The record of Nishihara Castle is there.

In other words, if the result is judged now, his points will definitely surpass the opponent's, but this is not the point. The point is that he spent 10,000+ military expenses on this expedition, and he did not grab any resources by breaking through Xiyuan City. If Liu Ye's salary is not paid, he will lose a lot!

Of course, he can also choose to invade again. The combined value of the two silver-level items still far exceeds the military expenditure of 30 to 31. Livestock snatched!Take that Zhao Nan for example, that guy's rank is [-] ranks higher than him.

If the second chance to invade was taken away by that guy from Zhao Nan, unless he killed himself, Luo Ji would probably be dead.

Unlike the non-ranked rankings, which have a lot of moisture, because the transition period of the bronze rank is relatively long, a large number of players will stay in this rank for a long period of time, and at the same time, the number of players in the bronze rank is far more than that. No rank, who can basically rank in the top [-] are all ruthless characters, and none of the top [-] are easy to provoke.

Wang Lucong's strength is said to be in the middle, but to be precise, it should belong to the middle and lower reaches, ranking outside the 270th place, while Zhou Dongnan's own ranking is [-]th.

Don't think that this rank is low, it's actually not that low. After all, it depends on who he is compared with. Those who are ahead of him are not vegetarians, and the ranking of bronze rank is not so good.

Take Zhao Nan for example, 31 ranks higher than him, only 240. He has been in this rank for many years, lost and won, won and lost. After so many years, this ranking has not been obvious. He has been promoted, but who dares to underestimate him?After seeing this name, which old bird in the bronze rank should not weigh his own weight first?

Zhao Nan's guy is already considered a half-boss-level character in the bronze rank. Everyone says that this guy Zhao Nan is ruthless. He can rush into the two hundred or less. To stay in this position, what he wants is a 'stable' Character.

To get back to the topic, what is in front of He Dongnan at this time is a difficult multiple-choice question. If he retreats temporarily this time, if he is intercepted by someone, it will make people unhappy, but the casualties of continuing the fight The problem also has to be considered.

This problem directly made him tangled until dawn, and after rushing the road all night, the state of each soldier was already exhausted. It was estimated that after calculating the distance, this position should be relatively safe, mainly because the soldiers were in a fast state. Unable to hold on any longer, Zhou Dongdong ordered a little adjustment and rest.

Looking at the army in the distance that was starting to make a fire to cook, Liu Kai, who was following behind with a [-]-man team, couldn't help but flash a little thought in his eyes.

"General, should we send someone back now to tell the leader the location of these outsiders?"

"No hurry, just wait." Liu Kai shook his head, "They are just lighting a fire and cooking, but they haven't set up a tent, which means that these outsiders are probably just resting here, and after a while will start moving again."

Facts have proved that Liu Kai guessed right. When the time was close to noon, the army of the foreigners began to move again. This time, it directly changed its direction and began to advance southwards, and then until the evening, it was completely settled.

Looking at the alien army who started to set up a temporary tent camp, Liu Kai called one of his cavalrymen with the best riding skills, "Go, rush back to Xiyuan City as quickly as possible, and tell the leader of the situation here. ."

--split line--

At the same time, on the side of Nishihara Castle...

In the battle yesterday, Luo Ji could be said to be physically and mentally exhausted. Every soldier under his command could now adjust and rest in Xiyuan City, but he was the only one who couldn't, because he was the leader of this entire civilization.

Although this battle is not over yet, the things waiting for him to deal with are already piled up. Apart from the piles of written reports, as the leader of this entire civilization, Nishihara Castle, which has just suffered from the baptism of war. Both the people and the soldiers in the army need to be appeased by him in person. After this circle, a day has basically passed.

This night, he unexpectedly slept soundly, probably because he was too tired, but it made him lose too many thoughts. When his head fell, he slept to death. When he came back to his senses, It was already three poles in the sun outside the house, and by coincidence, at this time, under the scorching sun outside Xiyuan City, one person and one horse came galloping...

"Reporting to the leader, Liu Kai's subordinate, Liu Xiang, the captain of the cavalry unit, asks to see you!"

Hearing this report, Luo Ji, who was having breakfast, was suddenly shocked, "Call him in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xiang, who was wearing a leather armor, walked in quickly, "Liu Xiang, captain of the cavalry unit of Mingjing City, see the leader!"

Luo Ji raised his hand and motioned Liu Xiang to report the news he brought back directly to him, but Liu Xiang simply took out a map from his arms and spread it out, "Leader, look, that outsider army is here. After retreating from Xiyuan City, I went all the way to the west, fled overnight, and after escaping for a day and a night, I finally camped in this area..."

On that map, the opponent's retreat route was clearly marked with dyes long ago, extending from Xiyuan City to the area where they finally camped. In this area, he did not forget to disgust his cavalry troops at this time.

At the same time, looking at the markings on the map, the forest area is probably quite large, and the fire attack is unlikely to work, and Luo Ji doesn't have so much kerosene right now for him to set a second fire...

"Send the order, call up the troops, and bring five days of dry food with each person, and set off immediately!"

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