It can be seen from this that Zhang Peng and Xiao Bingyi's previous civilizations are really 'cheap goods' in the eyes of the system!This can't help but make Luo Ji feel a little pained while looking forward to the scale of this civilization. It's not easy to earn conquest points. He did whatever he wanted for so long when he had no rank, and he only earned 29 points after killing so many players. Dot, it will be spent almost all of a sudden?

Taking a deep breath, Luo Ji couldn't help but glanced at his points again, and after seeing it, his whole expression couldn't help but bewildered, "36 points?"

The original points were 29 points, but now after a game, it turned into 36 points?In other words, the two conquest achievements of defeating the enemy army and killing the enemy leader earned him seven conquest points?

The moment he realized this, Luo Ji's nimble brain began to run fast. In just a split second, he completely reacted. It turns out that enemies of different strengths earn different Conquest Points? !

In other words, when he had no rank before, he had broken city gates, defeated enemy troops, and killed enemy leaders. The reason why he only earned a little conquest point every time was because they were all scumbags! !The system has no choice, so it can only pinch the nose and throw a guarantee point over here. After all, splitting a point in half for this kind of thing is a bit too stupid.

Realizing this, Luo Ji's mood was also subtle, and he quickly decided to confirm...

System prompt: 'Conqueror of Civilization' skill effect has been activated...

System prompt: It is detected that the number of cities in the opponent's civilization is five. Do you spend ten Conquest Points to confirm the location of these five cities?If the player chooses to refuse, the system will randomly select suitable locations to place these five cities.

Since it was the default automatic mode, the placement location was also randomly selected by default, so he really didn't know there was such a thing, Luo Ji, who heard the system prompt, silently covered his stomach, "System, if you know me, I will There are ten conquest points left, did you do it on purpose?"

System prompt: Player 'Luo Ji' is asked to make a choice within ten seconds. If the time limit is exceeded, the default will be a random choice.

"Damn it!" After decades of hard work, he returned to the pre-liberation period!Luo Ji chose to confirm with a stomachache on his face. Now that he knew that he could manually select the placement location, who would want the system to be random?System random or something is the worst...

Following Luo Ji's decision, a huge map interface suddenly unfolded before his eyes. The map was obviously the map of his world, and all the sub-cities under his command were marked on the map.

And that Wang Lucong's five cities were like five pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and they were placed in a place that seemed to be an item column below. However, Luo Ji soon discovered that his ten conquest points were really worthless, as long as they were among them. With a single tap on the puzzle piece of a city, information such as the city's scale, construction, population, layout, and what rare resources it possesses will instantly unfold in front of his eyes.

He quickly checked all the information about the five cities, and when he saw Wang Lucong's main city, Luo Ji couldn't help but let out a 'oh~', his face full of undisguised disgust, "The city of the Holy King... …”

Damn, he just chose the name casually, but this person is directly vulgar, not to mention that the name also makes people feel a little shame, there is a feeling of being publicly executed, can't bear it, at this moment, even if it is Luo Ji, who suffers from difficulty in naming names, swears in his heart that he will definitely change the name of this city!

However, aside from this vulgar name, the scale of this main city is really indescribable. It is worthy of being the main city of bronze players. It is more than two circles larger than the scale of his iron wall tribe. The most important thing is It is that a circle of stone walls has been built.

This circle of city walls is really very important. In this siege battle where the crossbow has already appeared, the defensive power of the ancient city wall has become very limited. Facing the attacks of those siege machines, it will not last long. The rampant construction of stone walls has become a priority.

However, the construction of the stone city wall is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Even if it is a small city, it will take two or three months to build a stone city wall, which is also a headache.

But now, he can directly use the ability of the 'civilized conqueror' to place the cities developed by other players on the periphery of his entire territory, and then protect the sub-city that has not had time to upgrade the city wall!In other words, use those cities as peripheral defenses.

Chapter 235, City Resettlement

In short, first confirm all the resource advantages of the five cities. They have a large population, concentrated resources, and advanced development, but there is no special or rare resource output, and the main cities with vulgar names need not say more. After the resources in the city are transferred to Mirror City, it is placed on the periphery of an entire civilization. It is really suitable to use it as the first line of defense against player invasion.

Because of such a city, even if it is breached by the invaders, the invaders basically have no resource points to plunder, avoiding the loss of a lot of resources.

As for the placement of the other four cities, Luo Ji needed to ponder a little bit. He didn't struggle for too long, just a few minutes. Then he decided to put the city, which is very rich in agricultural resources, on the periphery of the western plain. .

Due to the expansion of Mirror City, the territorial scope of Mirror City determined by the system had already encapsulated half of the western plain. Luo Ji had pinpointed a location and placed the agricultural city near the Giant Tree Tribe.

By doing this, on the one hand, the area from Mingjing City to the west to the giant wood tribe can be completely connected, and on the other hand, it is convenient for the giant wood tribe to directly merge with the agricultural city after the expansion is completed. into a big city.

The remaining three cities all have ore resource points, two copper mines and one tin mine. After all, it is the person who smelted bronze. There must be copper ores and tin ores in his civilization, so Luo Ji Not surprising at all,

After some thought, Luo Ji placed the city with tin ore resources near the Baihe tribe, and the two cities with copper ore on the other end.

The purpose is similar to before. On the one hand, it is to connect the territory of the White River Tribe, and another reason is that after the development, he intends to merge the White River Tribe and the city.

Unless there is no way, Luo Ji doesn't like to create too many small tribes or small cities at all, because that is very troublesome, and the development speed of small tribes is difficult to increase due to the limitations of population and construction. All of the small clans of the group were merged, and this was Luo Ji's current plan.

The system prompts: Do you want to confirm the resettlement location of the city?

Hearing this system prompt, Luo Ji wasn't careless. Just in case, he carefully checked the location of each city and the connection between the territories. After confirming that there was no problem, he clicked Confirm.

Wang Lucong's entire civilization was annexed by him at this moment. Among them, the city he placed on the outskirts of the western plain appeared within his line of sight out of thin air.

Luo Ji subconsciously glanced at the reactions of Luo Cheng and the others beside him, and found that none of their faces showed any abnormality. the existence of these cities.

There was no time to waste, and there were five large-scale cities all at once. In the next month, he estimated that he was busy, and once again entered a state of racing against time.

Moreover, the fire in front of him could not be allowed to continue to burn. Luo Cheng was asked to stay here and command the cavalry troops under his command to control the fire, while he himself returned to Mingjing City with the descendants who were captured one after another.

However, on the way back, he didn't forget to open his attribute panel and check the newly learned skills and tactics. He glanced at them in order, and the first thing he saw was obviously the skills...

Recruit and surrender (active): When the player makes an appropriate surrender move, there will be a 15.00% chance of reducing the loyalty of the recruiting unit by [-] points, and a [-]% chance of directly recruiting the opponent.

After seeing the effect of this skill, Luo Ji's eyes suddenly lit up. This skill is not bad, it just fits with the effect of his 'Position of Tyrant'. As long as he sees the opportunity to take action, it can greatly reduce the difficulty of recruiting and surrendering enemy units. , a little surprise.

On the other hand, the 'fire attack' tactics are relatively subtle, as the attribute panel shows...

Fire Attack: All attacks launched with the help of fire, the effect is increased by 30%

Luo Ji's first reaction was that there were limitations. The fire attack really depends on the occasion. The environment, wind direction, and weather will all affect him.

But if you use it well, it is really a super killer move in the age of cold weapons. Throughout the history of their celestial dynasty, the most famous fire attack battle is undoubtedly the battle of Chibi!Even people who don't know history must have heard of it.

How many people did Zhou Yu burn to death?But the fire was not set casually, it had to be set very carefully. It was only on the premise of combining the right time, place and people, that the most famous Chibi fire in the Three Kingdoms period was lit!

After reading Luo Ji's new skills and new tactics, he didn't forget to poke into the development section next to him, click on each development item and upgrade it. He has formulated the upgrade order of these development items in advance. The complete plan, the one that should be tangled, has been tangled as early as when the plan was made, and now it is very neat to point it out.

After that, he hurried back to Mingjing City all the way. Regarding the reception of the soldiers, Liu Meng handled it quite well. After all, he can be regarded as experienced in this matter.

When the two brothers Guo Zhen and Guo Jia were fighting from east to west, the soldiers sent back to Mingjing City were basically settled by Liu Meng. Who made Zhao Pan, Liu Zheng and other military veterans not in Mingjing City now? ?At this time, Liu Meng was the top military leader here.

As soon as he got off his horse, just when Luo Ji signaled Liu Meng to take someone to confirm and receive the new population of the five cities, a soldier he had sent to clear the battlefield ran over quickly, "Boss, when we are counting the spoils , found something..."

Hearing this, Luo Ji raised his brows slightly and followed the soldier to take a look. Wasn't it the crossbow and siege vehicle that Wang Lu Cong didn't have time to take away when he was fleeing for his life?

Looking at these two things, for other Bronze rank players, it may be a treasure, but for Luo Ji it is more subtle, because he has a better three-bow crossbow, so this early bed The crossbow was basically tasteless to him, it was tasteless to eat, and it was a pity to abandon it.

After pondering for a while, Luo Ji said slowly, "Send one of them to the Ordnance Research Department and hand it over to Director Ye, and store the other one in the barracks warehouse for now."

Chapter 236, Interest Group

At the same time, at the other end, Wang Lucong's death obviously had a certain impact on an interest group...

"That guy Wang Lucong's name is gray!" Shang Jun, who discovered this situation, hurriedly sent a private message to his friend Lin Leshi.

Lin Leshi, who received the news, obviously had already discovered this situation. His entire face became cloudy and uncertain in an instant. No matter how he calculated, he could not calculate that Wang Lucong died directly at the hands of a newcomer in the bronze rank. !This unexpected situation suddenly disrupted his original plan.

Just as his thoughts were spinning, Liu Ye had directly @@ all the members in the chat group, and Wang Lucong died in the hands of a newcomer in the bronze rank. No matter how popular the guy is in the group, this is a Big news, a mine exploded a large dive party...

Zhang Yicheng (team member): What's the situation?Seek the truth!

Zhou Dongnan (team member): Is that Wang Lucong really dead?Still hanging in the hands of a newcomer in the bronze rank?Why does it sound a little mysterious?

Zhao Nan (team member): It's really dead. I have his friend, and his name has been grayed out. The system's judgment cannot always be fake.

Zhou Dongnan (team member): Please allow me to observe half a second of silence for him, this is really a sad story.

Looking at Zhou Dongnan's news, the players in this group are very clear at this time, this guy is definitely laughing now, after all, the players in this group are only friends with Liu Ye, and they were pulled. They just came in, and the relationship between team members is more complicated. Among them, Zhou Dongnan and Wang Lucong dislike each other, and they even played a few games before joining 'Aspect World', but The whole group knows it.

And Lin Leshi, who was looking at this chat window, after thinking for a while, quickly sent a message...

Lin Leshi (team member): @Liu Ye, Brother Ye, what do you think?

Liu Ye (team leader): I think it should be an accident. With Wang Lucong's strength, although he is only at the middle level in the bronze rank, it is impossible for him to be planted in the hands of a newcomer. I am afraid he is careless.

Seeing Liu Ye's news, including Master Lin Yue, and even He Dongnan, who was gloating, nodded secretly. Indeed, it is too unscientific to be planted in the hands of a newcomer. In all likelihood, he killed himself carelessly.

Zhou Dongnan (team member): I agree with Brother Ye, sending [-] troops to push it directly, and then cooperate with five crossbows to smash the newcomer's city gate in one go. Could it still capsize in the gutter?

With 10,000 troops and five bed crossbows, this fellow Zhou Dongnan really dares to say it. Although everyone knew that this guy was mocking Wang Lucong, the moment they saw this news, all the facial muscles were also tense. I couldn't help twitching, this battle, the military expenses alone have to spend [-]+!Used to beat a newcomer, it feels like making a fuss out of a molehill.

But no matter what, everyone agreed with Wang Lucong's statement of self-destruction. The point is that after that, even if it was just luck, it was a fact that the other party killed Wang Lucong. This time, everyone's feelings were different.

Originally, their view of Luo Ji was that a newcomer could be crushed casually, on a first-come, first-served basis, but now, it seemed that they had to be a little more cautious.

Coupled with the lack of various intelligence information, many players who were originally in a wait-and-see state were not in a hurry to start. For a while, the atmosphere in the entire group also became subtle, and everyone's communication was clear. From the face to the private...

"What do you think?" Shang Jun decisively sent another private message to his friend Lin Leshi.

"Wang Lucong's death shows that Luo Ji has some tactics. Without knowing the details of the opponent, it is risky to go on an expedition. None of these guys want to be a standout, and now they are all pretending to be dead..." Lin Leshi I sent such a message to Shang Jun, but he is not qualified to speak to others. After all, he is also a member of this feigning death team.

Interest groups are like this. Before doing anything, everyone will definitely weigh the benefits and risks. If the benefits are too small, they are too lazy to do it, and if the risks are too high, they don’t want to do it. Just got stuck at a delicate point.

Liu Ye obviously also knew what this group of people were helping. When things developed to this point, that guy named Luo Ji was going to be killed!Then, I saw him send such a message out, "I opened the box some time ago, and I just opened a forging blueprint for a silver-level 'bronze armor'. This forging blueprint is also included in the reward. Who killed that Luo Edit, who's it!"

The forging drawings of bronze armor are obviously basically useless to Liu Ye, but for the bronze rank players in his group, the meaning is different!Making a set of bronze armor has always been a waste of materials and time. If it can be blessed by the effect of the design drawing, the consumption of materials can be reduced, the manufacturing efficiency can be improved, and then the elite troops under his command can be equipped on a large scale with ease. It can raise the combat power of their entire army to a level!

As soon as this reward was thrown out, even the very calm teacher Lin was breathing rapidly at this moment. The silver-level blueprint and the silver-level skill book made the temptation suddenly become It's kind of hard to refuse.

Zhang Yicheng, who had no intention of doing anything before, jumped out first to express his position, "Brother Ye, what you said can be seen as an outsider, your business is my business! Then Luo Ji is handed over to me, wait for the end of the boy's free card. , I will destroy his city in minutes!"

As a result, it was less than a second after the words were sent out, and Zhou Dongnan smashed the stage, "Come on, you, just two of yours, and Wang Lucong's goods are half a catty, so I'll do it!"

"Fuck off! Zhou Dongnan, your rank ranking is three places higher than mine, why are you pretending to be me?"

"Haha, don't say it's three rankings higher, one ranking higher is also higher than you, don't accept it!"

"It's alright, alright, both of you stand back. I'm the highest ranked, and it's safest to leave this to me." Zhao Nan, who had been pretending to be dead for a while, also directly cheated at this moment. The purpose of these guys is obviously to hope Liu Ye It's better to just assign this thing to someone to do it than to snatch it with a bunch of people.

However, Liu Ye didn't care about this, and directly emphasized the matter again, "It's nothing to quarrel, I'll still say the same thing, whoever kills that Luo Ji will get the reward!"

Chapter 237, Guess

At the same time, Luo Ji's side...

"Chief, the fire in the woods has been put out." Luo Cheng, who was dressed in military uniform, walked quickly into Luo Ji's office and returned to his orders.

Putting a report in his hand aside, Luo Ji raised his head and glanced at Luo Cheng, "Thank you for your hard work, Luo Cheng, go back and prepare, it's almost time for you to go to the front line to exercise, and in two more days, I plan to I will transfer you to Guo Zhen and Guo Jia. At that time, you should follow Guo Zhenxue more in the charge, but you should learn more from Guo Jia in formation and tactical strategy. I will let Guo Jia write a report on your performance and send it to you. Come back, don't slack off."

"The subordinates will never disappoint the leader's expectations!" Hearing this, Luo Cheng was visibly excited, but at the same time, there was a bit of nervousness and apprehension in his eyes. This moment finally came!

"What? Is there anything else?" Looking at Luo Cheng who was still standing there, Luo Ji asked casually.

"Boss, I..."

"If you have something to say, say it directly, don't hesitate."

"Boss, I have a question that I can't figure out! When the outsider leader asked you how you knew he was hiding there, you said you guessed it, but looking at your reaction and actions at the time, it seems that the subordinate knew that he would It's like appearing there!" At this time, Luo Cheng was completely puzzled, obviously entangled in this problem for a long time.

"So that's what happened..." As he spoke, Luo Ji picked up the cup at hand and asked Luo Cheng, "Luo Cheng, what do you think I'm going to do next?"

"Drink water." After glancing at Luo Ji's hand holding the cup, Luo Cheng said subconsciously.

"Are you sure I absolutely want to drink water?" Luo Ji asked with a smile.

"This..." Luo Cheng was taken aback when he heard this, and then replied, "Not sure."

"Then when I asked you, 'What do you think I'm going to do next?', why did you answer that you want to drink water?" Luo Ji continued to ask with a smile.

"Because you have the cup."

"So, this is your guess. You saw that I was holding a cup, so you guessed that I wanted to drink water." Luo Ji said this indifferently, "Before something has become a fact, in this world There is no absolute thing, for example, now, when I hold this cup, it may be to drink water, but it may not be, and there may even be a small accident on the way of drinking water, and the cup falls. It doesn't have to be broken..."

"If I drank water, then you guessed right, and now..." Luo Ji put the cup back in his hand while speaking, "You guessed wrong."


"Do you think I deliberately asked you first, and then deliberately didn't drink it, so that you guessed wrong?"

"My subordinates dare not."

"Don't you dare?" Hearing this, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing twice, then slammed the glass upside down on his desk, "See? This glass is empty, and there is no water in it at all. The water in here has been drunk before."

While talking, the little girl Liu Ye, who was in charge of taking care of Luo Ji's daily life, just happened to walk in with a kettle in her hand, "Boss, the water has been brought to you."

"Well, thanks for your hard work, put it there..."

Liu Ye quickly backed out, and Luo Ji's eyes fell on Luo Cheng again. At this time, Luo Cheng's face was flushed red, his face was full of shame, and he didn't know what to say.

"Do you know why you guessed wrong?"

Luo Cheng didn't say a word, he was still deeply ashamed and unable to extricate himself, but Luo Ji himself didn't care at all, just listened to him continue to say, "It's because the intelligence information you confirmed and collected is not enough, I At that time, the cup was not raised. Standing at your current position, you should be able to see whether there is water in the cup, or if you noticed that the kettle on my table is missing, it can also provide you with certain information, but You didn't go to confirm, and when you saw me picking up the cup, you directly guessed that I wanted to drink water, which is why you guessed wrong."

"The same is true of war. Two gangs of stupid people rush together and fight. It's called a fight. War and war are a process of constantly guessing each other. According to the configuration of each other's arms and formation, we have to guess each other. What style of play and offensive routine will be used? After seeing some of the opponent's actual offensive methods and commanded actions, we have to guess the opponent's character, thoughts, and what kind of actions he will make under the circumstances. This kind of guessing method of constantly obtaining information continuously improves its accuracy.”

Having said this, Luo Ji's voice paused, "And I guessed it right at the time, it's that simple."

Luo Ji's remarks contained a lot of information. Almost immediately, Luo Cheng fell into deep contemplation. He directly signaled Luo Cheng to go back and think about it. After he had digested all the information, As a general, he must be able to achieve obvious growth.

At the same time, there was also news from the Ordnance Research Department. Ye Xuan said that she had dismantled the crossbow, and then came to a conclusion that the manufacturing process of the early crossbow was very important to their Ordnance Research Department. Saying that there is no reference value...

Well, this is what Luo Ji expected, but in this way, how to deal with those early bed crossbows has become a headache for him. There are definitely more than two bed crossbows in Wang Lu Cong civilization. , he brought two for the outpost battle, Luo Ji estimated that there were at least ten more in stock in the cities he annexed.

This is indeed the case. After spending a day and sending people to sweep the warehouses of the five cities, they found a total of twelve crossbows, and in each of the four sub-cities, two were placed in each sub-city. The main city has four, excluding the one that Ye Xuan dismantled, and the one that he temporarily put in the barracks warehouse, he currently has a total of thirteen crossbows in his hands. .

Luo Ji thought about it for a while, then quickly opened his friend list and sent a message to Ye Qingxuan, "Do you want a crossbow?"

The news was sent out smoothly, which shows that Ye Qingxuan was not fighting or being invaded at this time, so the other party's reply came quite quickly, "Yes!!!"

After a message was sent, she immediately followed up with another one, "But a weapon like a crossbow should be very important to you, right? Does it really matter if you take it out and trade it?"

"It's just the loot I got from other players. The craftsmanship is relatively outdated, so I can't use it." Luo Ji replied truthfully.

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