After the two sides converged, a prairie man with a beard came up on his horse, "Burigude, what should we do next? We injured a lot of people in this attack, and the opponent's strength is stronger than we expected. ."

"Let's go back first." After glancing at the basically injured clansmen, Burigud spoke with a heavy voice. He thought that he would only need to meet Bai Ze, but he didn't know where another problem appeared. , completely disrupted his rescue plan.

At the same time, at the other end, Bai Ze, who had retreated, quickly joined the cavalry troops that had caught up with him, and then returned directly to the tribe.

The horse galloped all the way, and Bai Ze, who had rushed back to the tribe, just got off his horse and walked quickly towards the tent of the medical department. At this moment, Luo Yong was lying there when he saw Bai Ze coming in, and immediately asked, "Where is the man?"


"Can this run away?!" Luo Yong was emotional when he heard this, and the pain caused him to gasp because of the wound, "Hey!! Old Zhang, take it easy, take it easy!"

Looking at Luo Yong, who was gasping for air, the doctor called Lao Zhang rolled his eyes silently, "No matter how light it is, I can't stand your old excitement, Commander Luo, the wound is bleeding again..."

At the end, the doctor's tone was obviously tired, and he hurriedly applied some herbal medicine to stop the bleeding. There are still many people waiting behind!"

Hearing this, Luo Yong was decisive and honest. After all, he couldn't delay the healing of so many brothers because of him alone.

Glancing at Luo Yong, who was finally honest, Bai Ze, who was standing beside him, was speechless, and then asked casually, "Doctor, how is his injury?"

"Except for the arrow wound on the left abdomen, the others are all minor wounds. After applying the medicine, the scars will form in a few days." Lao Zhang replied casually while treating Luo Yong's wounds.

"Is the arrow wound serious?" While questioning, Bai Ze glanced at Luo Yong's left abdomen subconsciously. At this time, the arrow had been pulled out long ago, and herbal medicine had been applied to the wound. How, he really didn't know.

"It's more subtle. Say it's serious, it didn't hurt the internal organs, but it's not serious, but it's also bleeding heavily."

Hearing this, Bai Ze frowned slightly, "How long will it take for the wound to heal?"

"If it's just healing, ten days and a half months should be almost the same, but when the arrow was taken out, he bleed a lot, and it is estimated that it has been empty for a while. It is best to send it directly back to the Jingjing tribe. Recuperate over there."

As soon as he heard this, Luo Yong, who had just been honest for a while, was decisively unable to calm down. "Return to the Mingjing tribe? I won't go back..."

Under the current situation, before the pot named Buri Gude was served, how could he have the face to go back to see Luo Ji?Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, Lao Zhang, who had been patiently treating his wounds, broke out and pushed Luo Yong back to the hospital bed. Obviously angry, "Hey, boy, I should have said it many times? Did you know that the wound is bleeding again?"

"Commander Luo" didn't call anymore, and even the honorifics with the word "you" were omitted. Looking at the blue vein on Lao Zhang's forehead that was beating violently, for a while, Luo Yong, who was a little confused, was actually this one. He completely forgot to resist, and in the end he could only nodded dumbly, while Bai Ze, who was beside him, silently took two steps to the side, and then sighed in his heart, "Once a good-tempered person gets angry, It's terrifying..."

After understanding the situation, Bai Ze decisively turned around and left the medical department, and he didn't mean to report to anyone. The reason why he asked such a question was to confirm whether Luo Yong would still be able to participate in the next battle, as for reporting or something. , Sun Lihui, the sub-city owner responsible for managing the wild horse tribe, wrote it, basically nothing to him.

And that was indeed the case. After that day, an urgent report marked as yellow was rushed to Luo Ji's hands.

After reading Sun Li's report, Luo Ji's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, "A cavalry archer..."

This unit appeared earlier than he expected, but after seeing that the opponent was a prairie man, he couldn't help but feel relieved. It seemed that no matter which world prairie man he was, they all had quite good horsemanship and archery skills. It can only be said that it is a talent created in the entire environment, just like people born in the mountains and forests naturally know how to run fast on steep and difficult mountain roads.

In addition, Sun Li also reported the matter of Luo Yong's injury without reservation. Many people thought that Luo Ji might call Luo Yong back to the Mingjing tribe to recuperate, but in fact Luo Ji himself had no such plan... …

As the first general under his command, he admitted that he would be partial to Rayong at times, but there was a limit. He sent Rayong to the Mustang Tribe to train him and make him suffer.

Who is going to charge on the battlefield these days without getting hurt?That guy, Rayong, is as strong as a cow, and it's not a serious injury that endangers his internal organs. He was shot by an arrow, and he was directly recalled to the Mingjing tribe for recuperation after he lost too much blood?This is a bit too hypocritical, I believe that Luo Yong himself is not willing to run back to the Mingjing tribe in such a disheartened manner.

In this way, for this matter, Luo Ji just stated in the reply order that Luo Yong should be properly recuperated at the Mustang Tribe, and how long to recuperate, following the doctor's instructions, and at the same time ordering Bai Ze to temporarily replace him. Rayong is stationed in the wild horse tribe and is responsible for the safety of the wild horse tribe.

As for the prairie group and the Burigude who injured Rayong, he accidentally raised a bit of interest. The cavalry archer is too time-consuming to train by himself. Recruiting existing archers in the tribe is a shortcut...

It's just that the troops under his command now, apart from the garrison troops stationed in various sub-cities, most of the troops have been taken out by the two brothers Guo Jia and Guo Zhen to go out to fight and expand the territory and population of civilization. In a short period of time, let It is really not an easy task for him to send troops to encircle and suppress that Buri Gude on the grassland.

As for the strength of the defenders, it is a big taboo to arbitrarily deploy the defenders as soon as the days are stable. Some unfortunate things happen just by coincidence.

Luo Ji, who always pays attention to the word 'steady', obviously won't move his defending troops. In this way, with a stroke of his pen, Luo Ji issued another conscription order, and another wave of troops was expanded. There were too many people. , willful!

Chapter 216, Territory Determination

Luo Ji's requirements for recruits are not high for the time being, but no matter how low his requirements are, at least they have to wait until they finish recruiting training, right?At that time, he will disperse the trained recruits and assign them to the city-defending troops in each sub-city, and at the same time, in exchange, he will transfer some veterans from the city-defending troops to form a new unit.

As for the period of recruit training, let Bai Ze and Luo Yong toss them slowly, just to give them experience, even if there is a real emergency, the Tiebi tribe can send people to carry out emergency Support, a bunch of prairie people, can they still turn the world upside down?

During this period, Luo Ji himself was also a busy person for the time being. In addition to the need to pay attention to the construction of the city wall, he also had to earnestly toss and toss about the bordering of the territory.

Players who have had some experience in similar games must know that the territories between cities are best connected together, so as not to give the enemy a loophole, and now, Luo Ji is just struggling with this issue.

The territorial determination of this game is actually quite friendly. It does not mean that only the territory within the city wall will be marked as his own territory. When he opens the system map, Luo Ji can clearly see that, together with the forest outside the Jingjing tribe, there is In the system map, this entire circle is counted as the territorial scope of the Mirror Tribe. Of course, no matter how far it is, there will be no system judgment effect.

Note that the effect of this system judgment is very important!Because other players who invaded in, although they were randomly teleported, they would never be teleported to the territory of the defending player, only to the vicinity of the territory!

This is the main reason why every time a player invades, as long as it invades the Mirror Tribe, it will appear on the western plain in all likelihood.

At this time, Luo Ji was pondering whether the territories of the Mingjing Tribe and the Heiyan Tribe could be bordered.

At that time, if other players invade, there are basically only two ways to go, one is the plain in the west, and the other is the hills in the east. After being able to confirm where the enemy will come from, it is not easy to defend. ?

However, the matter of bordering territory is easy to say, but not so easy to do. If this were in the game, Luo Ji would definitely build another city directly between the Mingjing tribe and the Heiyan tribe. The site, with this sub-city, connects the territories of the Mingjing tribe and the Heiyan tribe together, and then waits until the scale develops enough in the later stage, and then dismantles the sub-city.

However, it is a pity that this is the reality, and many other things have to be considered. Even if you build a branch city casually, you have to waste a lot of manpower, material resources and time. The practice of resources, the current Luo Ji will never do it.

The trick is useless, then you can only honestly develop your own tribe size, but according to the conditions of this era, the size of the Jingjing tribe has reached a current limit, and the population within the tribe has once again increased by a large margin. Before the skyrocketing, it is quite difficult to continue to expand.

In this way, the Mingjing tribe can't work, so Luo Ji can only work hard on the Heiyan tribe. The surrounding land is sufficient, there are fields suitable for farming nearby, and the mine is backed by it. To be honest, the Heiyan tribe The resource conditions of the city are still quite good. If you develop it seriously, there will be no problem in developing into an industrial city in the future!

For the original piece of land, the ancient city wall didn't need to be demolished. It was enough to just treat that piece of land as a coal mine. Then Luo Ji unceremoniously gave all the large piece of land in the outer area to the Heiyan tribe. Serious development, then simply play the big ticket.

When drawing the urban layout plan of the Heiyan tribe, he planned it carefully and clearly marked the location of the commercial area, residential area, industrial area, production area, farming area, and military camp area.

After the blueprint was drawn, the construction started immediately. With Luo Ji's vigorous development, the changes in the Heiyan tribe were rapidly changing, and the miners who had always lived here felt dumbfounded. .

At the same time, on the grassland, Bai Ze and Burigude, the grassland people and the wild horse tribe, another new battle is being staged fiercely!

After the previous defeat, Burigude obviously learned to be smart. He gave up his original plan to attack and save people, and switched to the cavalry and shooting style that the prairie people are better at, which is what Luo Ji said. The kite flow tactics, and then ran over to harass the wild horse tribe every day, which made the development speed of the wild horse tribe almost stagnate during this period of time, and made Sun Li's hair turn white.

The purpose of this group of prairie people is obvious, that is, to harass you until you can't stand it, and then take the initiative to put their leader Batu back.

Facing this practice of the prairie people, Bai Ze was a little helpless. It was useless to put the knife on Nabatu's neck and threaten them to put down their weapons and surrender, because they would not accept it. Once you put it down, you will be slaughtered at that time. How can you still have the final say?

People, they want to save, but weapons, they will never put down, this is the bottom line!They want to save people with their weapons, not put down their weapons, and let us all resign together.

Of course, if Batu died during this period, then Batu's son Burigude would naturally become the new leader of their tribe and avenge Batu.

This is the style of the prairie people, Bai Ze knows very well, so Batu was just a bait in his hands from beginning to end, but now, this bait has played a role in attracting the prey, but it can You can't swallow this prey, but it depends on the hunter's ability!

"Disperse!" Bai Ze waved his big hand, and the cavalry troops behind him dispersed immediately. Since the opponent used an old trick to deal with him, of course he didn't mind repeating the trick and used the same method to deal with this trick.

Looking at the cavalry troops that rolled out and rushed up, Burigude felt heavy for a while. After a while, although the wild horse tribes had always been harassed, they were actually not easy.

Their tribe lived by looting the cattle, sheep and horses of other tribes. During this time, every attack would be detected by Bai Ze in advance, and they could not loot any food resources at all. This situation made their life very difficult. ...

Chapter 217 , The Pushing Phalanx

The wind was mad, and the horses hoofs burst into waves. Looking at the cavalry troops that rushed up, Brigude gave an order and led the clansmen under his command to go quite simply.

After a period of time, I don't know how many times similar things happened. He was consuming Bai Ze, and Bai Ze was also consuming him. Both of them were a little helpless with each other, but they couldn't find a breakthrough.

On the way back to the tribal camp, Bai Ze kept frowning. He was thinking about what went wrong. Facing this kind of opponent, if it was Luo Ji, according to that guy's mind, he would definitely be able to figure it out very quickly. Come up with a way to deal with it?Thinking of this, Bai Ze was inexplicably a little unhappy.

When I think about it carefully, except for the raid that I fought when I first arrived on the grassland, and I successfully captured Batu, the battles that followed seemed to be quite unpleasant...

As the thoughts flew around in his mind, as if he had captured some kind of information, Bai Ze's expression suddenly froze, "So that's the case, is that so?!"

At this moment, Bai Ze suddenly realized the key point, and his sad face was swept away, and the whole person felt a sense of enlightenment. He knew where the problem was and what he should do!

Two days later, with a sharp whistle sounded, Burigude, who was rushing all the way with his clansmen in the distance, tutted his mouth irritably. The reaction of the people of the wild horse tribe really changed. It's getting faster.

However, just as he was thinking, as usual, with the advantage of riding and shooting, when he left after a wave of harassment, as the distance got closer, the battle on the opposite side made him frown directly.

I saw at this moment, outside the wild horse tribe, a large number of shield and axe soldiers armed with shield axe equipment are forming an iron-walled phalanx waiting for them!And Bai Ze, who was riding a white horse, was standing beside the square with his cavalry troops.

This battle really made Brigade a little confused, "What the hell is that guy Bai Ze trying to do?"

As for the arm of the shield and axe soldier, Rayong left a deep impression on him that day. However, as long as he was prepared in advance, the weakness of this arm is also obvious, that is, the speed is too slow. To hit them?It was just a dream.

Just when Brigude thought so, another sharp whistle sounded, which made him subconsciously vigilant, and while his eyes quickly swept around, he also loudly reminded the clansmen behind him. , "Everyone be careful, don't be careless!"

Although he didn't know what the other side was trying to do, when he heard Brigold's order, the people in the grasslands on horseback were still nervous.

However, this seriousness has not been maintained for a second, and an uncontrollable sneer directly caused a chain reaction, causing a large group of people to break their skills...

"Hahahaha, hey, did I read it right? Are these idiots trying to walk over on two legs?"

"Hey, don't say that, maybe they feel that their two legs can run faster than the horses on the grassland?"

"Are these idiots trying to laugh at us like this? Hahahaha..."

Faced with the sarcasm and sneer of these prairie people, although they didn't really hear it, they could basically guess it when they looked at the person who was about to laugh. It won't be shaken by it.

Different from the cavalry troops that have been continuously shriveled in the hands of the grassland people after a period of time, the shield and axe soldiers are basically only responsible for defense because of the limited movement speed. Cavalry to do it.

Therefore, their state was kept quite intact. After hearing the whistle, one by one immediately followed the order, raised the circular leather shield in their hands, maintained the shield posture, and began to advance steadily step by step.

However, the speed of advancement is really unbelievable. It is really walking step by step. Even ordinary people walking normally may be a little faster than them.

For the prairie people who basically pay attention to a 'speed' in battle, it is no wonder that they will laugh out loud in the face of this slow advance.

However, Brigude's expression was full of doubts. The opponent's advancing speed was indeed slow to make people laugh, but in this slow advancing phalanx, he felt it inexplicably. A powerful sense of oppression!That feeling was like telling him that no attack could break their formation and break their defenses!

However, it is also true that the opponent's speed is slow. According to that advancing speed, even if they stand still, it will take a while for the opponent to advance in front of them.

And the question is, how could they not move?According to the speed of the crotch mount, it is easy to open the distance again...

Thinking of this, Brigude's brows are also getting tighter and tighter. As an old opponent, he doesn't believe that Bai Ze will do such a meaningless thing. There must be something wrong here!

His nerves were still tense, but he waved his hand, "Let the arrows go!"

At the same time, the grassland people who heard the order took off the horn bows behind them, and began to open bows and arrows towards the slowly advancing phalanx in the distance.

Capturing the opponent's movements, as the commander of the shield and axe troops, Luo Yong, who was standing in the phalanx at this time, ordered loudly and decisively, "All raise shields!!"

Without any hesitation, the shield and axemen raised their shields at the same time. From a distance, their formation looked like a huge shield wall. The neat and uniform movements made Brigold feel in the distance. A moment of ignorance.

The round of salvo was easily resolved by the iron-like shield wall, which made the expression of the prairie man, who still had a little sneer and sarcasm on his face, become a little unnatural.

However, this is not enough to make them feel shaken, and there are even many people in the grassland who still disagree, so what if they are blocked?As long as the speed can't catch up with them, then the other party will only be beaten!

In fact, even Brigold thought so. The defensive power of the shield and axe phalanx against long-range attacks did surprise him a little, but so what?If the other party can't approach them, they can't pose a threat to them. This is an unchangeable fact. What needs to be vigilant the most is the cavalry army led by Bai Ze!

However, the cavalry troop headed by Bai Ze has been watching the show from the beginning, and it seems that they have not even moved...

Strange, this is so weird!The doubts in his heart made Brigade's eyebrows almost twist into a ball, "Bai Ze, what are you thinking about?!"

Chapter 218, Bai Ze's Layout

The battle was still going on, but the whole battle situation was so peaceful that Brigude felt a panic in his heart. At the same time, there were constant thoughts in his mind, guessing Bai Ze's purpose and plan.

It can't be that they want to consume all their arrows, right?It is no exaggeration to say that it is impossible. When ordinary archers carry arrows, they may have to consider the problem of weight, but their cavalry archers have mounts to help carry them, and the number of arrows per person is very large. Sufficient, the practice of consuming the arrows and then fighting them is really stupid, and after the arrows are shot, they can retreat and leave directly, which is meaningless at all.

However, just as he was thinking so, a faint sound of horse hooves suddenly entered his ears...

Hearing this movement, Brigold was startled, and his first reaction was to look at Bai Ze in the distance, but he did not see any movement from Bai Ze and his cavalry troops...

This situation obviously exceeded his expectations, but as a prairie person, how keen his hearing is to capture the sound of horse hooves, there is no doubt that he must have heard it wrong!

"Bu, Burigude, there are cavalrymen coming from behind and behind!!"

The exclamations of the clansmen under his command brought Brigade's thoughts back to reality in an instant, and he looked back quickly, and the sight that caught his eyes completely changed his face...

Perfect horse gear, tough leather armor, and a long spear that exudes metallic luster. This equipment can almost be said to be the symbol of the opponent. It is impossible for ordinary grassland people to have it. There is no doubt that this cavalry unit It was the one under Bai Ze's command!

But Brigude was a little unable to accept this reality. "Impossible! The opponent's cavalry troops are all there, and the number of troops has basically remained unchanged. Where did the latter troops come from?!"

Following the questioning, Burigude's voice stopped abruptly, then turned around abruptly, and looked at the cavalry unit headed by Bai Ze in the distance. Huge mistake!

"Are those cavalrymen all disguised as herdsmen?!"

His heart twitched uncontrollably. The calm look of the herdsmen sitting on the horses made him have no doubts about their cavalry status. However, as a tribe on the grasslands, which herdsmen would not ride horses?

At this moment, Brigold clearly realized that he had been calculated, the advancing shield and axe troops were the bait, and Bai Ze himself was also the bait!And the real killer move was the cavalry troop that quietly completed the flanking around while he was being attracted by the two decoys!

The sharp wind whistle sounded again, indicating that the plan was going well, and the encircling net was being formed. After hearing this signal, Rayong, who had endured the opposite for a long time, decisively waved the double-edged battle axe in his hand, "The shield and axe troops, all armed with Shield Charge! Kill!!"

After receiving the order from Rayong, the long-established shield and axe soldiers charged and roared at the same time. The powerful fighting spirit that erupted at that moment made people feel frightened. Leaving aside the advantages of arms, and the newly established cavalry unit Differently, the shield and axe troops were probably the ones under Luo Ji's command that had been trained the longest and had the strongest combat power!

At the same time, at the other end, the raiding team led by Zhao Chuan, Bai Ze's adjutant, also began to run at full speed. A cavalry directly blocked the back road of the grassland people.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back!This battle situation that was about to collapse in an instant caused the pressure on Burigude to increase sharply. His face became ashen, and he couldn't see any blood at all. "Break through, break through from the side!!"

The prairie people panicked and controlled the warhorses under their crotch to break through to one side. However, how could they be faster than the light cavalry troops that had already reached the extreme speed?

Prairie people who have not received strict training and discipline requirements can be said to be full of flaws at this moment. Those who respond quickly rushed to the front, while those who responded one beat were completely behind. They look like they are a bunch of rabble.

At the same time, the breakout team that was stretched too long due to lack of cooperation was also vulnerable to the light cavalry troops that rushed all the way...

At the moment of the collision, the light cavalry unit led by Zhao Chuan showed a sharpness like a sharp knife. Those prairie people did not have time to make any resistance at all, and the entire formation was torn apart instantly and divided into two. !

After a gentle foreshadowing, the splashing blood, mixed with the shrill screams, pushed this war of extermination to a climax! !

After a round of charging, the light cavalry troops did not stop their momentum of charging. Zhao Chuan directly turned the horse's head and led people to pursue and kill Burigude and others who were trying to escape. During this period, they were originally used as bait. Bai Ze, who was at the rear, quickly caught up with his horse and joined the ranks of chasing down the remnants.

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