At the same time, at the other end, almost when Luo Ji returned to his world, the invader named Song Rong was crushed under the iron hoofs of his cavalry troops.

After all, the other party's purpose was to rush Luo Ji's back and break through his 'empty defending' main city. As soon as he teleported in, he started racing against the clock to die, right?When the opposing player is so active, it's not enough to really want to die slowly.

It's very interesting to imagine the expression on the unlucky child at that time, but unfortunately Luo Ji was busy scavenging for loot from another player at that time, and couldn't see it with his own eyes.

By the way, through this battle, Luo Ji also basically verified his previous guesses. Conquest points must be earned by fulfilling a 'conquest' requirement.

To put it simply, when he breaks the enemy gate, he gets a point of conquest, and when he defeats the enemy troops, he gets a point of conquest, and when he kills an enemy player, he gets another point of conquest, so, 'Breaking the city gate', 'defeating the enemy army', and 'killing the enemy leader' can all be counted as 'conquest' requirements. As for whether there are any other requirements, he will have to experiment slowly in the future.

By the way, to activate the effect of 'Conqueror of Civilization', you only need to pay [-] Conquest Points to devour the opponent's civilization.

Under this premise, with a little analysis, the number of conquest points earned by killing Xiao Bingyi and Zhang Peng can be basically calculated. The total should be five points, Xiao Bingyi two points, and Zhang Peng three points.

After all, as the invading side Xiao Bingyi, Luo Ji only fulfilled the two conquest requirements of 'defeat the enemy army' and 'kill the enemy leader', while Zhang Peng's side has achieved the one of 'break the city gate'. Earn a little.

At the same time, it was wrong. Because these two players are not strong and their territory is not large, the cost of swallowing their civilization is very low. Xiao Bingyi, who has only one main city, is just two points, and there is another branch city. Zhang Peng's is three o'clock.

Chapter 2 and Four, Preventing Problems Before They Happen

Luo Ji didn't choose to swallow the civilizations of those two players. The reason was very simple, because they were too weak, and at the same time, they didn't find any rare resources in the opponent's main city, so there was basically no value in swallowing them.

Taking food as an example, in Luo Ji's eyes, the civilization of these two players is inferior food, neither delicious nor unpalatable. When you are extremely hungry, you can eat two bites, but when you are not hungry, it is necessary to eat hard. Two, are you making yourself feel uncomfortable?Luo Ji thinks it is unnecessary!

So he has to save up conquest points to buy more delicious food. At the same time, he has to spend a lot of conquest points to upgrade the skill tree of the Wanjie civilization plate. In the early stage, he was greedy for a little cheap, and he swallowed one when he defeated a weak civilization. For Luo Ji, his eyesight was too short-sighted.

"It's done!" Luo Ji rubbed his chin while looking at the large piece of analysis data in front of him. He didn't like to just think about it in his head, but liked to write down the analysis and data directly, so that he could see it at a glance. clearly, and then based on these analyses, a new development plan was redrawn.

Luo Ji, who had already placed his exemption card, obviously planned to develop steadily first, not only because he had just received more than 800 people before, and he needed to digest it for a while, but also because the season in his world was about to enter summer.

Seasonal changes in ancient times cannot be taken lightly. Luo Ji had done his homework on seasonal issues a long time ago. As far as he understands, the biggest problems are nothing but two. The first is drought, and the second is Plague flu!

Whether it was because of his own personality or because of his rich experience as a hardcore player, Luo Ji liked to prepare early.

What is the secret to playing a difficult strategy development game well? There are basically two things. The first one is that you need a complete long-term plan, and you must have a plan and a goal to take every step well; the second one, It is a more popular sentence, that sentence is called preventing problems before they happen.

No matter what, you have to prepare early. Don't wait until your own people are already infected with the flu before you think of building a hospital and develop medical technology; don't wait until everyone is running out of food before you think of going to the Ministry of Agriculture. With the addition of manpower to the hunting team, players who always like to get stuck at the last minute to make those preparations can't tolerate any mistakes and variables, but this is the reality!How can there be no errors and variables?So this type of player will in all likelihood crash in the end.

In this way, with a mind of 'preventing problems before they occur', Luo Ji has now begun to prepare for these problems that have not yet erupted. The problem of drought, the freshwater resources of Mingjing Lake can be said to be abundant. It should be able to survive, so the focus should be on the plague flu.

The reason why plague and influenza outbreaks are easy in ancient summer is ultimately a health problem. To be more specific, some animal or poultry carcasses cannot be treated for a long time in a high temperature environment, and finally rot to produce germs, which then spread and form a disease. disease.

Regarding the hygiene of his tribe, Luo Ji has attached great importance to it since he first came here. Considering the environment of this era, he has almost reached an extreme. In a short period of time, he wants to What breakthrough is made, it is estimated that there is no game.

In terms of corpse disposal, cremation has been adopted from the very beginning, basically eliminating the possibility of the deceased's corpse rotting, so the only thing he is worried about now is some unexpected emergencies, such as the corpses of some animals ...

Animals in the wild need to hunt, and those beasts don't know how to clean up their 'table' after eating a perfect meal!

"Bai Xu."

"Subordinates are here."

"Go ahead and ask the patrol team to strengthen the patrol of the area around the tribe from tomorrow. Once the body of the beast is found during the patrol, it will be incinerated immediately. At the same time, at the end of each month, let the medical department conduct a free medical examination, requiring Everyone must participate..." Having said this, Luo Ji slightly relieved his breath, "There is one last item, I encourage everyone to add garlic cloves to their three meals, and inform them that garlic cloves can effectively prevent diseases and flu."

"This subordinate will do it."

After watching Bai Xu go to various departments to convey what he meant, Luo Ji let out a long breath, then went through all the arrangements he could think of in his mind, and after confirming that nothing was missed, did he turn his attention to on the next thing.

After several large-scale military expansions, the military power of the entire civilization under Luo Ji's command has also risen sharply. The establishment of the cavalry unit is of course no need to say. In the case of not being targeted, the cavalry unit has almost become this. The sharpest knife in Shi Luo Ji's hand!

However, what many people don't know is that, unlike the cavalry unit that has made great achievements and has an eye-catching record since its establishment, during the same period, within the Jingjing tribe, another unit was born in a low-key manner, that is, the halberdiers. force!

As for the candidate to lead the halberd troops, Luo Ji chose Liu Zheng this time. When he chose the candidate to command the shield and axe troops, he chose Luo Yong with a little partiality, and Liu Zheng also acted as his One of the veteran generals under his command has yet to lead an army in a serious manner, so this time, it can be regarded as an explanation for Liu Zheng, and by the way, he has also upgraded the weapons in his hands. .

The next few months passed, with more and more battles going on, Luo Ji's entire ranking points, who had won consecutive battles, were flying like a rocket.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that due to the chain influence caused by someone, the slingers who were once eliminated from the battlefield inexplicably became popular among the non-dan players.

Relying on the advantage of low cost of slingers, the number of slingers was increased crazily, and then in the battle of defending the city through a large range of stone bombs, the method of winning by quantity became popular in an instant, and there was almost a kind of 'cancer'. general trend.

All of a sudden, among the entire group of unranked players, whether it was a private group, a player alliance, or even a public chat channel, it was full of excitement. A large number of people were disgusted by the stone-throwing soldiers on the other side during the siege battle. The deadly players, while spraying out the disgusting style of play that someone thought up, at the same time they used it in the city defense battle without getting tired.

As the chief culprit of all this, Luo Ji himself was not affected at all, because at the current level, no matter whether the opponent uses archers or stone slingers, it is impossible for any player to defend the city. He was able to beat him who was standing 400 meters away and fired wildly at the city gate...

Chapter 2, Midsummer

(Public channel) Wang Gang (player): Oh my god, I've never seen a score jump so fast. Is this Luo Ji cheating?When I saw it before, it was still outside the top 12, but now it is ranked No. [-]?Depending on the situation, if you win another game, you will be able to squeeze into the top ten!

(Public channel) Li Yi (player): Be careful, the buddies above, the boss may watch it. Friendly reminder, the names of the players who have been invaded by this boss are all greyed out.

(public channel) Wang Gang (player): Scared!real or fake?so cruel?

(Public channel) Liu Feifei (player): Really, it's a slap in the face, I'm praying every day for this big guy to quickly rise to the Bronze rank, stay in the same rank as him, sleep all night Not stable.

(Public channel) Takagi (player): Upstairs is stupid, the identification is completed, it has been so long, haven't you figured it out yet?The big man's invasion is regular.

(Public Channel) Wang Gang (player): What rules?Seek the truth!

(public channel) Li Yi (player): Seeking the truth +1

(Public channel) Takagi (player): In the same rank, there is a player named Ye Qingxuan, whoever moves Ye Qingxuan, he will kill whoever, understand?

(public channel) Liu Feifei (player): Ye Qingxuan?It looks like a girl's name?

(Public channel) Li Yi (player): I understand it in seconds, the upstairs is stupid, the identification is completed, they are husband and wife, and they are mixed doubles!

(Public channel) Takagi (player): But now I can feel a little more at ease. If the boss fights again, his points will reach [-] liters and he will reach the Bronze rank. Now he can either develop with peace of mind, accumulate strength, or directly rise. Bronze, anyway, can say goodbye to this big guy soon.

There are no impervious walls in this world. With the increase in the number of battles, some intelligence information will inevitably leak out. In this regard, Luo Ji's performance is quite calm, or this is a good thing, because in this way, he will dare to Fewer players come to invade them.

In this rank, if Liu Ye wants to deal with him, he must use the hands of non-dan players to let himself complete a support battle, but in the group of non-dan players, challenging Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan is a dead end once established. When they got up, few people dared to risk their own lives.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At this time, Luo Ji has become a great devil among non-dan players. Basically, few players dare to invade him. It can be said that he has a famous reputation.

In this state, Luo Ji himself was of course not idle, and he was farming and developing almost non-stop for a moment. Although he would not be idle enough to watch the idle people on the public channel, he had to say that there were They were right about the matter, and if he continued to fight, his points would indeed reach [-] liters to reach the Bronze rank.

You know, in the Bronze rank, but a bunch of big guys are waiting to take care of him. He didn't plan to rush up and be beaten in one breath. Anyway, Ye Qingxuan has grown up, and he basically doesn't need to worry about it. He calmed down decisively. Build up strength.

"Gudu Gudu..." Luo Ji drank the water in the glass and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The time in this world had already entered the midsummer, but to be honest, he didn't feel particularly hot unexpectedly. .

There are different opinions on whether the summer in ancient times was hot or not. Some people say that summer in ancient times was hotter than modern times, while others said that summer in ancient times was not as hot as modern times.

Now it turns out that it's not that hot. For Luo Ji, who was working outside in the 35-degree hot sun in the summer vacation before becoming a player, what does this temperature mean?Is it [-] degrees?

Luo Ji's feeling at this time reminded him of a certain foreign news that he had seen before, "33 degrees high temperature in a certain city in a certain country, and XX people fainted in the street." Regarding this, Luo Ji just wanted to express with a look of disdain, " We, Tianchao! We started at [-] degrees high temperature, understand?"

He quickly read through the report document in his hand. Maybe he did a good job of prevention before. So far, his civilization has not broken out any terrible plagues and flu. There are many people who are tired from heat stroke, but medical treatment The Ministry has developed a prescription for the symptoms of heat stroke, and the condition has been controlled in time.

At the same time, in order to reduce the chance of heat stroke and to improve work efficiency in the future, Luo Ji also specially issued a decree of 'summer lunch break'. To put it bluntly, at noon when the sun is the most poisonous, most of the staff in the posts can get The two-hour lunch break is based on the 'coronagraph' made some time ago.

For a small number of special positions, a special shift system in summer is arranged for them, and the daily working hours of each of them are reduced by means of multiple shifts.

Luo Ji's new decree undoubtedly ushered in a burst of cheers from the people of his tribe. It can be said that it was the will of the people, and he easily gained a lot of loyalty for him.

"Bai Xu, what's the work schedule for tomorrow?"

"Reporting to the leader, tomorrow's job arrangement is to conduct interviews with the new recruits. There are 130 people." After fully adapting to the workload of the Mingjing Tribe, Bai Xu at this time is already a bit older than his grandson. The gesture of courtesy.

"Are you interviewing new people? I see." Luo Ji nodded, then glanced at Bai Xu, who was sweating profusely. When it came to adapting to the sweltering heat, he accidentally killed most of the people in this era. "I see that you are tired too. Come here today."

"Thank you leader for your understanding, and your subordinates will retire first."

After Bai Xu exited, Luo Ji glanced at the sky outside the window. There was still some time before dinner, and it was time for him to deal with the last two work reports on the table.

These two reports are both battle reports. Although Luo Ji's external war has temporarily come to an end, in his own world, the troops under his command have been fighting in the north and south for three purposes...

The first purpose is to continue to increase manpower and improve development efficiency for the seven tribes under his command.

The second purpose is to accumulate practical experience for the newly trained recruits.

The third purpose is to find various resources.

Two battle reports, one was sent by the two brothers Guo Jia and Guo Zhen, and the other was sent by Sun Li. The two brothers Guo Jia sent a victory report. They led troops to take down a population of 87 People's tribe, and Sun Li encountered some troubles...

Reading the report sent by Sun Li seriously, Luo Ji's brows could not help frowning slightly, "Is this, a horse thief?"

Chapter 2 and six, uncomfortable?Not uncomfortable?

According to Sun Li's report, in the past two months, their wild horse tribe has been harassed by a group of horse thieves, who will rob their tribe of food and horses whenever they get a chance.

The number of horse thieves is not many, only about 30 to [-] people. If you fight head-on, it is impossible to be their opponent, but the tricky thing is that the whereabouts of that group of horse thieves are erratic, and they are also very slippery. It seems that the momentum is not good. , immediately turned around and ran away, not fighting them at all.

And the huge grassland is not easy to locate, and Rayong does not dare to chase too deep. After all, he is still shouldering the task of garrisoning the wild horse tribe. Once he leads his troops away, isn't the defensive force of the wild horse tribe empty?

Seeing this, Luo Ji also clearly realized the troublesome aspect of this matter. After thinking for a while, Luo Ji called in a soldier who was guarding outside, "Go and get Bai Ze."

On his tribe's side, it is estimated that only Bai Ze can handle such things. After all, Bai Ze has been living on the grassland with his tribe before. If he wants to track the enemy on the vast grassland, he should have a relatively rich experience. experience and means.

After Bai Ze came in, Luo Ji told him the situation of the Yema tribe quite simply, and then directly said, "I will send you a cavalry unit, and your task is to assist Luo Yong and exterminate that group of horse thieves. , when you come back, remember to bring back the newly cultivated batch of war horses..."

Having said that, Luo Ji glanced at Bai Ze who was hesitant, and then the corners of his mouth suddenly evoked a bit of playfulness, "Oh, by the way, on the way there, I will give you another half-day vacation, and treat it as a cavalry on the road. The troops have adjusted their status and asked you to see your Yuan’er, which will save you from looking uncomfortable and being absent-minded when it comes to doing things.”

"Hmm!" Bai Ze's entire face instantly turned blood red when he heard these words, and then he said in a loud voice, "Where do I feel uncomfortable?!"

"Oh? Isn't it uncomfortable?" With a playful face, Luo Ji began to see bad water in his stomach, "Forget it, if I didn't say it, then I will let the Tiebi tribe close the city gate and don't let you in. of."

"Ah?! This, this..."

"What is this?"



"I %¥#..."


"I'm feeling bad! Okay?!" At this time, Bai Ze's face had completely turned purple, and blue veins appeared on his forehead and neck. Luo Ji was usually idle when he was fine. , He has seen the character who likes to make fun of people many times. However, what makes him frustrated is that the other party can catch his weakness every time and let him fall into the trap.

"Okay, let's go." Luo Ji obviously didn't intend to bully him too much. Occasionally teasing a few words is good for physical and mental health, but once teasing too much, it will easily lead to high blood pressure and cerebral thrombosis...

Bai Ze turned to leave and calmed down a little. After thinking that he would see Liu Yuan soon, before he could step outside the threshold of Luo Ji's office, his whole mood had already begun to improve rapidly, and he was even a little happy. stand up.

Immediately after that, he heard Luo Ji shouting loudly behind him, "I almost forgot about this, when did you two do good things? I think you are not too young, and it's time to get married, Have a baby or something!"


"You don't need to worry about this!!" In Luo Ji's cheerful shouting, Bai Ze, the super-strong general of the five-star upper limit, stumbled over the threshold of his office again, um, once again...

The two guards standing on the left and right sides are also accustomed to putting on a look of 'eyes and noses, noses and hearts'. If these two can control their flushed faces Now, that's even more perfect.

Early the next morning, Bai Ze, who had been angry all night or was excited all night, set off with his cavalry troops, staring at his sleepless eyes.

At the same time, Luo Ji also started a new day of busy work, interviewing more than 100 new people, which is nothing to him, after all, he has already experienced the hell of interviewing more than 800 people...

After the 100-odd people were easily interviewed, except for a few talented people who were personally arranged by Luo Ji, the work arrangements and transfers of the rest of the ordinary people were all handed over to Bai Xu who was on the side.

However, before the official implementation, Bai Xu needs to write the content in the form of a report and hand it over to Luo Ji for review, and only after getting Luo Ji's affirmation will it be officially implemented.

After all, the number of tribes under Luo Ji's command has increased in number and size, and with it, his daily workload has increased.

In order to avoid his sudden death from overwork or exhaustion, he quite simply allocated part of the work. As a civilized leader, he just had to know how to employ people.

Just like their emperors in ancient times, to be an emperor, the most important thing is not to know everything, but to know how to use people, know who to use where, and to control and balance the overall situation. That's it.

At this point, I don't know if it's because he is indeed talented in this area. When he usually uses people and gives orders, Luo Ji has always been quite at ease, and he doesn't have any discomfort at all.

"Leader, Liu Shu, Minister of Ordnance Department, asks to see you."

"Let him in."

Looking at Liu Shu who walked in, Luo Ji's eyes first fell on the object in the other's hand, and then his eyes lit up, "Done?"

"Please take a look at the patriarch." Hearing this, Liu Shu raised the object in his hand with both hands nervously.

Picking up the object presented by Liu Shu, Luo Ji put it in front of his eyes and gestured, "Not bad, if only it could be more transparent."

At this very moment, what Luo Ji was drawing in front of his eyes was a circular lens!Since the acquisition of fluorite resources, the Ordnance Department has been researching the production of lenses in the past few months.

It's just that the lens has never been satisfactory to Luo Ji. It's not that he is harsh, it's the telescope. If the lens can't see clearly, it's meaningless, and now the piece in his hand is obviously It's much better.

Hearing Luo Ji's words, Liu Shu's expression was ecstatic at first, and after thinking for a while, he said somewhat uncertainly, "You can try and refine it a few times, maybe you can make a more transparent lens."

"Then try again." While speaking, Luo Ji handed the lens back to Liu Shu, "Don't worry, we have time, take your time."

Chapter 2, Why am I so busy today?

As soon as Liu Shu walked away, Ye Xuan from the Research Department ran over with a lot of blueprints, "Leader! Chief..."

Hearing ye Xuan's voice, Luo Ji's face was calm. Anyway, he must have encountered a problem when developing the hand crossbow again. Luo Ji, who had already been offline and made up for relevant knowledge, said he was not panic at all.

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