"No." Unexpectedly, Liu Zheng refused decisively, "If you want to apologize, you can go by yourself. We didn't lock you up. When you came, I happened to see that she is now in the commercial area on the left side of the camp. It's late. go away."

"This..." Bai Ze was speechless. Indeed, the people of this tribe did not keep him in this tent, unless he wanted to leave the tribal camp, otherwise, his movements in the camp were basically unrestricted. Because this is not necessary at all, a person who can lay down his arms and surrender for the life of his subordinates, at this time, what else can he do?

In this way, Bai Ze has actually locked himself in this tent these days, because he doesn't want to see his tribe being swallowed up by the guy he hates, so he would rather sit in the tent all day. , and do not want to go out.

But Liu Zheng didn't care about this. He turned around and left after lunch. The main purpose of his visit this time was to confirm Bai Ze's condition. The meal delivery was just a breeze. Now that the situation has been confirmed, there is no need to stay here. Wait, Zhao Pan has been quite busy for the past few days while he was recovering from his illness.

Looking at Liu Zheng who turned and left, Bai Ze's expression was also tangled. After hesitating, he took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth, and resolutely stepped out of the tent where he had been for several days.

Today is a sunny day, and the time is just noon. The moment he walked out of the tent, the sunlight shining down from the top of his head made Bai Ze feel dazzling.

"The business district on the left, the business district on the left..." After getting used to it for a while, he ignored the pedestrians around him, muttered about the location that Liu Zheng told him, and then headed down the road all the way, thanks to his good luck , Although the scale of the Tiebi tribe is far less than that of the Mingjing tribe, due to the division of various regions, the pattern is still quite complicated for the ancients. Under normal circumstances, like him, he will definitely get lost...

As soon as he walked into the commercial area, Bai Ze only felt that the surrounding voices suddenly became louder. Many people were talking, and some people seemed to be shouting something, just when he felt that his whole head was about to explode. , a hand suddenly stretched out behind him, and then patted his shoulder.

Bai Ze turned around subconsciously, and before he could see who it was, the other party's slightly unexpected voice rang out, "It's really you."

He had been irritable at first, but he didn't notice it at all. Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, at that moment, Bai Ze felt that the whole world suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of his own heartbeat remained in his ears. "W-what's the matter?"

Seeing Bai Ze who was completely stunned, the girl tilted her head strangely, then raised her hand and shook it in front of him, "Hey~ are you still awake?"

With a simple action, looking at the girl's bandaged hand, Bai Ze's pupils shrank, and at the same time as he quickly returned to his senses, the guilt on his face also became more intense, "You, your hand, I terribly sorry……"

"Oh, this." The girl waved her hand indifferently, "I was accidentally cut by the fragments of the plate, you don't need to worry about it."

Just as the two were talking, a voice sounded from the booth behind, "Hey, girl Yuan'er, do you still want this plate?"

"I want what I want! But Uncle Zhang, it's cheaper~"

"Uncle Zhang, I have the cheapest one here." The pottery stall owner called Uncle Zhang showed a helpless expression.

"Then it's cheaper, please."

Hearing this conversation, Bai Ze still had a little understanding of the whole situation, but he still hurried forward in two steps, "Well, I broke that thing this morning, I'll pay you."

"You pay me?" Looking at Bai Ze with a cramped face, Yuan'er let out a kind chuckle, "But you don't even have a job now, how can you get the money to accompany me?"


"That's it." As she spoke, Yuan'er weighed the few copper coins in her hand.

This thing is obviously something that Bai Ze has never seen before, or in other words, there are so many things that he has not seen in the past few days, which makes him feel a little numb, "How can I get this called 'money' s things?"

"Of course it's work." Uncle Zhang at the back of the booth said with a smile, "I see that you are young, and you seem to be very strong. Our mine is recruiting workers to dig stones, and you can make a lot of money in one day. ."

"Okay." Bai Ze quickly responded when he heard this, then turned his head to Yuan'er seriously and said, "Wait for me, I'll go mining to make money, I'll pay you!"

Chapter 182, the whole person is stupid

"Pfft—" After hearing a certain sentence, Luo Ji spat out the saliva he just drank on the spot, and then began to wonder if he heard it wrong just now, "Wait, wait! Wait a minute. What did you just say you wanted to do?"

"I'm going to the mine to mine to make money!" Looking at the guy in front of him that he hated, Bai Ze said bravely.

After confirming that he heard it correctly, Luo Ji's head became even bigger. At the same time, he was still a little confused. He couldn't understand it.First, he suddenly said that he wanted to see him, and then after seeing him, he suddenly said that he was going to the mine to make money?Bai Ze has been in the tent for a long time, so is he acting stupid?

He already has a city defender who understands the 'fishing' skill, so he doesn't want another cavalry general who has the 'mining' skill at all!

"Do you know what's going on here?" He turned his head and glanced at Liu Zheng next to him. At this moment, Luo Ji's face basically had three words written clearly: brain, benevolence, pain!

Liu Zheng shook his head decisively, "I don't know."

"Okay." Luo Ji rubbed the between his brows forcefully, sorted out the thoughts in his head, and then looked at Bai Ze, who was full of persistence and only wanted to be a miner and then make money from mining. He asked speechlessly, "What do you want to do after you make money from mining?"

"After I make money from mining, I'm going to buy that thing called a plate to pay Yuan'er."

Hearing this, I don't know if it was Luo Ji's delusion, Bai Ze's face seemed to blushed, but it didn't matter, I saw his eyes fell on Liu Zheng again, and then asked in a low voice, "Yuan'er is it? Who?"

Liu Zheng is obviously more familiar with the people of the Tiebi tribe. He quickly leaned into Luo Ji's ear and replied softly, "It should be talking about Liu Yuan, a little girl in the tribe, this Responsible for delivering three meals to Bai Ze in a few days, this morning..."

While speaking, Liu Zheng told Luo Ji everything he knew. After listening, Luo Ji's eyes quickly flashed a glimpse of understanding.

A shallow arc flashed across the corner of his mouth, and then, Luo Ji showed a distressed expression, "So that's how it is, a plate was actually broken, it's public property, and the craftsmanship and materials are all the same. It is much more expensive than ordinary plates, and this money is estimated to have to be deducted from Yuan’er’s salary this month, poor Yuan’er, this month is not easy…”

Hearing this, Bai Ze's expression became decisive and anxious, "I broke that plate, and I will pay for it! It's none of her business!"

"You pay? Bai Ze, you have to know that you are in debt right now." As he spoke, Luo Ji smiled and settled the bill for him, "The three meals you ate, the tent you lived in, the food you used for the past few days. Living utensils, as well as medical expenses for wound treatment and nursing expenses for sending someone to take care of you, these all require money..."

"According to the rules, since you are a newcomer, the expenses before the work is assigned will be temporarily paid by the tribe official. After you have a job, before you pay off your debts, your monthly salary will be paid. , in addition to deducting due tax, the remaining part has to be paid in half to repay the debt until it is paid off.”

His entire expression froze completely. Facing Luo Ji's pile of remarks, Bai Ze couldn't digest it for a while. However, he understood one thing, and that was that he probably wouldn't be able to pay for that plate in a short time. Money, but he has already said his words, does it take him a few months to achieve it?Thinking of this, Bai Ze's face also became a little ugly.

Seeing this expression in his eyes, Luo Ji let out a smirk in his heart. It would be wise for him to launch the business system ahead of schedule. Otherwise, as the population continues to rise, he will raise doubts at that time and cannot accept this kind of system reform. There are definitely not a few, at least Bai Ze in front of him is definitely one.

And now, before the newcomers join in, this whole system has already been formed in this civilization, and everyone in the tribe lives according to this system as a matter of course. Therefore, every newcomer who joins in, even if it is No matter how unwilling they are, out of a sense of self-preservation, they will honestly choose to integrate into the system, rather than raising objections or confrontation. Simply put, it is a kind of herd mentality of the people...

After seeing that the time was almost up, Luo Ji, who had drank his saliva, spoke again calmly, "However, I have a job with a good salary for you. If it goes well, you will be able to pay off your debts soon. By the way, compensation for the loss of that plate depends on whether you are willing to do it or not.”

"What kind of work?" Bai Ze's whole body was refreshed when he heard this, and he didn't care whether the person in front of him was annoying, so he quickly asked aloud.

"There is a lack of riding instructors in the army. To put it bluntly, it is to teach them how to fight while riding a horse. The salary is good and the treatment is favorable. Just nod, how about I allow you to advance a month's salary in advance? In other words, you will immediately You can keep your promise."

At this moment, Luo Ji laughed like a devil. He didn't expect Bai Ze, who was only in his early [-]s, to lead the army to fight. Even if Bai Ze wanted to, he wouldn't worry about it!But it's still okay to use Bai Zekeng as a riding instructor.

At this moment, Bai Ze also clearly realized Luo Ji's purpose. After hesitating for a while, he finally nodded, "I promised you to be that riding instructor, how should I advance my salary now?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji grinned uncontrollably, and saw him quickly write a warrant out, "Take this and go to Zhou Tao, he will advance your salary to you, After breakfast tomorrow, remember to report to the army on time..."

Having said this, Luo Ji paused, and after thinking for a while, he decided to take a precautionary shot in advance, "Work hard, I will come to check your work results after a while, if you do well, you will increase Wages, if you do poorly, your wages will be deducted, and if you do too poorly, you may be given another job directly at that time.”

"I know." After answering angrily, Bai Ze took Luo Ji's warrant and went to Zhou Tao to advance his salary.

Seeing Bai Ze leaving, Luo Ji couldn't help shaking his head with emotion. He felt that there was a saying that was true, that love can really make people's IQ drop. Bai Ze is a fool now...

Chapter 183, the movement of both parties

On the other side, in the central area, among the alliance strongholds of the player alliance 'Across the World'...

In a dimly lit room, only a muffled sound of 'bang' was heard, and a burly figure crushed the cup in his hand on the spot. Confirmed the death of his cousin Cao Peng, yes, this person is the deputy leader of the world, Liu Ye!

The explosion-like sound obviously frightened Yan Sheng, who was standing below, and made his heart skip a beat. He could feel that Liu Ye's beast-like pupils were looking back and forth on him.

It wasn't until this moment that Yan Sheng clearly realized that he had really underestimated the black iron rank player before. At this time, just being looked at by Liu Ye like this, he felt a strong sense of oppression, almost wanting to let him. He was out of breath.

In his ears, his heartbeat roared 'dong dong, dong dong', and a drop of cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead. Yan Sheng didn't know how long this silent state lasted. A second seemed as long as a century, until that sigh sounded in his ear...


With a sigh, Liu Ye looked away from him, and the oppressive feeling that almost suffocated him also disappeared.

"Thank you for your hard work. I, Liu Ye, wrote down this favor."

Although the player alliance is just an interest group, and there is no strict hierarchy, but to be able to sit in the position of the deputy leader in a player alliance, while having sufficient strength, obviously also requires a certain degree of shrewdness and emotional intelligence.

Yan Sheng tried his best. He could see that the troops sent by his subordinates to support were almost wiped out. I can't hide it, the price is not too heavy. Under this premise, if he is angry with Yan Sheng, who will dare to help him in the future?

"For the loss of your troops, this item can be used as compensation." While speaking, Liu Ye took out an item from his system backpack. It was different from when he was in his own world. In the neutral area, the players and the Players can trade face to face.

Without any refusal, Yan Sheng accepted the prop, and said again, "I still have a lot of things that need to be dealt with, and the troops have to be recruited and trained again, so if there is nothing else, I will go first. ."

After finishing speaking, Yan Sheng didn't stop here, he turned around and left quickly, and after seeing Yan Sheng leave, Liu Ye, who had been acting quite calm, finally broke out his suppressed emotions at this moment. !


Liu Ye just sat there, in the dark, his pupils like beasts actually lit up with a dark green arc of penetrating light...

"Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan, right?" After venting, Liu Ye calmed down a little. He absolutely had to settle the account, but at the same time he knew very well that he was a black iron player and wanted to deal with these two. It is very troublesome for a low-level player to do something, so he needs to rely on the strength of other players in the alliance.

I saw that he quickly opened a group in the friend list. There are a lot of players in the alliance, and players who have a certain friendship with him will pull those people into a group, and then only Seeing his cold face, he quickly sent two messages to this group.

"Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan."

"A reward for a silver-level 'Knife and Shield Soldier Specialization' skill book, I want the lives of these two!"

At the same time, the world on Luo Ji's side, under the protection of the free card, can be said to be living quite comfortably, except for Liu Zheng...

It's funny to talk about this, probably because he was stimulated by Bai Ze's current strength. After learning that the cavalry leader was the kid who was beaten by him, Luo Yong, who was stimulated, turned his head and pulled Liu up. Zheng started his actual combat training.

This is nothing to do, but the problem is that it is played from morning to night!And every day! !During this period of time, Liu Zheng felt that he was going crazy, his body was sore and sore, and his physical strength was not as good as that of Luo Yong, who could bear such practice?At the end of the fight, decisively, he went to Luo Ji to complain.

However, for Luo Ji, it's a good thing that Luo Yong wants to improve his strength. It's too late for him to support him. I can't wait for Luo Yong's bravery level to be raised to four stars sooner, how could it be stopped?However, he also had to think about Liu Zheng's emotions.

After thinking about it for a while in my heart, I simply set a number of times for them to practice each other. They are only allowed to practice two times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, and let them practice separately at other times. All soothed.

In addition, the tribe that Sun Li reported earlier had a population of more than 80 people. Faced with the absolute strength of their Mingjing tribe, it can be said that it was easily annexed by their tribe without any effort. In a short time In addition, the population of the civilization under Luo Ji's command also soared again.

The increase in labor has had a very direct impact on the construction of the fourth sub-city. From the start of construction to the present, the fourth sub-city has already begun to take shape, and has been not very good at naming it. Luo Ji named Mustang!

After all, the original purpose of his establishment of this fourth sub-city was to obtain war horse resources, so it was appropriate to name it the Wild Horse Tribe.

All kinds of building facilities are also under construction, and the efficiency is not enough, so use manpower to pile them up!Try to complete it before the free card effect ends.

He picked up the cup at hand and took a sip. At this time, Luo Ji was reading the reports regularly sent by the monitoring team. The monitoring team was equivalent to the supervisor in the tribe. They wanted to confirm whether the tasks assigned by Luo Ji were accurate. Execution, excluding emergency reports under special circumstances, under normal circumstances, a work report will be sent every seven days, that is, a week. By the way, the captain of the supervision team is Luo Jin, and Luo Jin's current team It is divided into 'supervision' and 'investigation'.

The work of each department is basically all right. At the end, he also reported on Bai Ze's current situation. This is what Luo Ji specially told him. After all, he is a fierce general. Instructor, but always have to watch a little.

According to the report of the monitoring team, Bai Ze has fully integrated into the life here. Not only did he not slack off in his daily work as a cavalry instructor, but he was surprisingly diligent in his work. For this reason, he specially sent him a message A bonus for encouragement.

And the wages earned, minus the debt repayment part, the remaining more than half, the guy basically used to buy gifts for Liu Yuan, so this guy is obviously half a high-income group. But daily life is still quite difficult...

Seeing this, Luo Ji was speechless for a while, "Love not only makes people's IQ drop, but also makes people poor..."

Chapter 184, Value and Patience

"Bai Xu, how's the preparation going?" Luo Ji asked casually, looking at Bai Xu who walked in.

"Leader, everything is ready. You can leave early tomorrow morning." Bai Xu replied respectfully. As an assistant secretary, he had been by Luo Ji's side for more than half a month, looking at this newcomer in front of him. The leader, he has already admired the five bodies to the ground, perhaps because he once managed the tribe, so the closer he got to the other party, the more he could feel the other party's greatness.

For Bai Xu, Luo Ji can be said to be quite satisfied. He has excellent handling ability, smart brain, and most importantly, high loyalty. Compared with Bai Ze whose loyalty has only increased to 69 points after more than half a month However, Bai Xu's loyalty to him has reached 86 points.

While this made Luo Ji feel happy for a while, there was actually something strange in his heart. He obviously didn't bother to brush it, but whether it was Sun Li before or Bai Xu now, the increase in loyalty was unexpected. Come on, this is something he hadn't thought of at all.

"Okay, I see, there is nothing else to do today, so go back and prepare."

That's right, Luo Ji is preparing to return to the Mingjing tribe. He has been with the Tiebi tribe for a long time. Now the fourth branch of the city, the Yema tribe, has also been initially established. Zhao Pan has already recovered and returned to work. There is no need to stay here any longer, and it is time to return to his main city.

Who knows, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside his tent, causing Bai Xu who was about to retreat, frown, "Leader, I'll go take a look."

"Well, let's go."

With Luo Ji's permission, Bai Xu walked out of the tent quickly. Looking at the man outside the tent, who was stopped by the guards on both sides, his eyes suddenly turned black. Isn't that man Bai Ze?

Bai Xu and Bai Ze, for other tribes whose surname system is not yet perfect, just from the fact that the two chose the same surname when choosing their names, it can be seen how deep the friendship between them is.

After watching Bai Xu come out, Bai Ze's eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly shouted, "Bai Xu, I want to see that guy, let me in!"

Hearing Bai Ze's somewhat offensive words, Bai Xu's brows furrowed even tighter, but the other party was his best friend after all. In a re-emphasized tone, "It's the leader!"

As he spoke, Bai Xu waved his hand. As Luo Ji's assistant secretary, although he had only been in office for more than half a month, Bai Xu, who was already trusted by him, obviously had certain authority. The two guards outside the tent were there. After seeing his movements, they all retreated to both sides.

Then I saw Bai Xu grabbed Bai Ze and started to walk out. Bai Xu is not a military general, and his own strength is not strong. If Bai Ze wants to break free, he can do it easily, but the friendship between them makes him not. I would do that, and in the end I can only let Bai Xu hold him like this...

"I have something to look for him!"

"It's the leader!"

"Okay, okay, I have something to ask for the leader! Is this the head office?"

After holding Bai Ze for a while, Bai Xu loosened his hand when he heard this, and then looked at his good brother with a headache, "What on earth do you have to run outside the leader's camp to make trouble?"

"So I have something to look for him."

"It's the leader!" Bai Xu rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. He was really worried. If Luo Ji was in a bad mood one day, he would slaughter this outspoken idiot, "What's the matter?"

"You help me solve it?"

"It depends on the situation." Bai Xu returned three words angrily, "Are you going to say it or not?"

"I don't go to that Mirror Tribe."


"I'm not going to that Mirror Tribe!" Bai Ze, who thought the other party didn't hear clearly, repeated the words again.

"No!" Bai Xu decisively refused.

"Why not? You suddenly told me to go to another tribe. Have you asked my opinion?"

"Your opinion? Why do you want to ask your opinion?" If it wasn't his good brother standing here at this time, Bai Xu would probably turn his head and leave on the spot, "It's the Tiebi tribe's life that is too comfortable. It's only been more than half a month, did you forget that you were defeated and captured just half a month ago?"

Bai Xu's words were extremely sharp, and Bai Ze was stunned in the same place. Looking at the other party's appearance, Bai Xu, who realized that he had said something serious, flashed a trace of apology in his eyes, but soon, the whole His expression became firm again, "Is it because of that woman named Liu Yuan?"

As soon as the name was mentioned, a hint of embarrassment flashed across Bai Ze's face. Seeing this change in expression in his eyes, Bai Xu couldn't help but feel a little speechless. He suddenly remembered what Luo Ji had exclaimed before. Falling in love will lower a person's IQ, and now I think of it as a well-known saying, his good brother's IQ has been significantly lowered!

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