Closing the message window, Luo Ji let out a long breath. After all, it was the first time to support others, so he was actually a little nervous, but after mastering the intelligence and map information, his confidence in this support battle undoubtedly skyrocketed. .

Keeping the system map open and fixing the position, Luo Ji confirmed the route with a glance, then waved his hand, "Everyone follow me, and remember to pay attention to your feet..."

Luo Ji didn't dare to walk too fast. Not only the soldiers under his command, but even him, it was the first time he tried to walk in the mountains and forests during a thunderstorm. The muddy and slippery ground was far worse than his. Imagine that if this foot slips, it is estimated that it will fall directly from the mountain, and the fate can be imagined.

That Cao Peng can still hold on to retreat in such a harsh environment, this level of irrationality is also a talent...

Just as Luo Ji and his subordinates were rushing in the direction of the red cursor step by step, on the other side, in a cave deep in the forest, Ye Qingxuan, who had a sad face just a moment ago, after closing the message window, the entire People's expressions became relaxed, and they looked completely relieved. Ye Feixing, Ye Hua and others who were looking around looked at each other for a while.

"Boss, this is you?"

"Everyone get ready, listen to my orders later, and go out to meet them!"

As soon as these words were said, the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly became more stunned, and Ye Hua frowned, "Boss, you said before that you can't fight recklessly, why now..."

"The situation is different now!" Ye Qingxuan said confidently.

"The situation is different?" Ye Hua was taken aback, "Why is it different?"

"My reinforcements are here!"

"Reinforcement?" Ye Hua and the others were all at a loss, and at the same time there was a vague worry on their faces.

Seeing everyone's doubts and worries, Ye Qingxuan wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to talk about things between players for a while, and finally just let it go, "Anyway, I'm here this time. The people who support me are absolutely trustworthy! Don't worry!"

Chapter 169, Tracking and Locking

Thunderstorms came and went quickly. It wasn't long before the entire rainfall had begun to decrease significantly. This was undoubtedly a good thing for Luo Ji and others, and for them whose living areas were mainly concentrated in the plains In other words, the difficult terrain of the mountains and forests also had a big impact on them. If the rain could stop, it would be a big help.

Looking at the map, after walking for a while, Luo Ji quickly discovered a large number of footprints left by the other party. After walking for a while, the footprints began to spread out obviously, or they were deliberately trampled. Going in different directions at the same time.

"So the formation of suspicion?" Luo Ji rubbed his chin, and a thought flashed in his eyes. It was completely conceivable that the intruder probably had a sense of crisis after learning that Ye Qingxuan had brought in reinforcements. It didn't seem that it was stupid and hopeless to have just come to such a hand.

But like this kind of method, even if it is a confusing footprint, it can't be left for too long, but Luo Ji didn't plan to try it one by one, it would be too troublesome, and it would be quite a waste of time.

"In the mountain and forest areas after such heavy rain, the roads under your feet are muddy, and it is impossible not to leave footprints, and under this premise, the target you want to deal with has drawn reinforcements, in other words, the advantage of your own troops. It may not be guaranteed, facing this situation, what will the intruder do?" Luo Ji began to think seriously, and quickly pulled the fixed map in front of his eyes, "The other party should be a bit of a brain. Although he is irrational, he is not too stupid, and the most important thing is that he is a veteran with relatively rich experience.”

Luo Ji continued to integrate the information in his mind, and the whole idea became clearer and clearer, "Since there is no escape or escape, then you should move to the terrain that is beneficial to you to fight or ambush. Yes, and according to the information provided by Senior Sister, it seems that the other party has brought a lot of archers..."

He dragged the map in front of him unhurriedly. In this mountainous and forested area full of trees, there are very few terrains that can give full play to the advantages of an archer, but it is not all, "I remember the senior said before. However, there is a mountain spring near her camp..."

Thinking of this, Luo Ji decisively sent a message to Ye Qingxuan, intending to confirm the specific situation, "Sister, what is the specific terrain around the mountain spring near your camp? How big is the area?"

"If you ask that, I can't tell right away. However, walking downstream along the mountain spring, a rather large lake is formed, surrounded by a gravel beach."

Seeing this reply, Luo Ji's eyes suddenly flashed a hint of clarity, "Pay attention to the cursor position on my map, I'm going to change the route next and go to the lake downstream."

Ye Qingxuan's mind also turned quite fast. Through a simple exchange of information, she quickly captured the change in the situation, "That Cao Peng escaped to the lake?"

"Nine times out of ten, if he still has some brains." If the other party is so stupid that he didn't even think about this, he would be really helpless, but it's useless to think about it now, there is no one percent in this world. Hundreds of things, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, even if something unexpected happens, then he can only see tricks and tricks.

After closing the message window, Luo Ji, who had changed his path, started to move a little faster, until he confirmed that he was not far from the lake located downstream, and then everyone slowed down and approached slowly. The footprints discovered along the way undoubtedly allowed Luo Ji to verify his previous guesses.

Using the lush bushes and foliage as a cover to hide their own existence, this was quite handy for Luo Ji and the others who had a large forest outside the tribe.

The line of sight quickly penetrated through the gap in the bushes, and the footprints were basically broken here, because as Ye Qingxuan said, outside the bushes, there was a large gravel beach, and it had just been washed away by the rain. , With a pair of naked eyes, trying to see something from this is simply a dream, and on this gravel beach, there is no one in the area that he can see!

Luo Ji wasn't in a panic, he just made gestures with both hands. This time, the fifteen shield axemen and five archers he brought over were all veterans, all of them rich in experience. He easily understood Luo Ji's meaning, and saw that ten of the shield ax soldiers quietly left the team, and after retreating about 20 meters away, they walked in another direction, and the person in charge of the team was Zhou Yue .

After they were far enough away from Luo Ji's team, Zhou Yue made a move with his hand, and a group of ten people maintained their shield posture and walked directly through the bushes towards the gravel beach outside.

That style, although not grand, still made Cao Peng, who was lying in ambush somewhere in the river, shrink his pupils, and his eyes swept to the weapon in the opponent's hand for the first time, even in the cloudy sky. Underneath, he looked at the brass battle axe that was still glowing with metallic luster.

A sense of retreat rose involuntarily in his heart. The reason why he dared not to leave before was because he knew that the opposite was a rookie. The type he can bully, compared to him who is still using stone weapons, the big guy outside is decisively ahead of him by an era!

You don't have to fight at all, it's best to walk!As a result, this action was only halfway through, and he realized that something was wrong. There were so many branches and trees around, and there were so many of them. This action would definitely make a noise. When the other party came after him, wouldn't he be dead?

But if he continued to ambush here, it would only be a matter of time before he was found by the other side. This dilemma made Cao Peng feel irritable.

In this situation, he didn't know if he was in a hurry. Looking at the ten shield and axe soldiers led by Zhou Yue outside, he suddenly had a bold idea.

The opposite side obviously knows that this is a mountain forest area, so there is no archer troop that is restricted by the terrain at all. This can be said to be a wise choice, but in some special environments, there is no long-range troop, but it becomes the opponent. The biggest drawback and weakness!For example, this gravel beach has a wide field of vision and few obstacles...

"First use a few rounds of salvos to kill four to five people on the opposite side, and the remaining few, according to my numerical advantage, the odds of winning should be very good, and in this way, I will definitely be able to beat the strong enemy who surpasses the rank. With a large amount of points, in the final system evaluation, not only can we seize a batch of weapons and equipment, but also a golden treasure chest properly?!" Thinking of this, Cao Peng couldn't help but his heart accelerated, even with the expression of the whole person. All became excited.

Chapter 1 Seventy

On the gravel beach next to the downstream lake, accompanied by a relatively dense whistling, a sharp arrow suddenly flew out from the bushes opposite, and shot at Zhou Yue and others who were about to water!

There were archers on the opposite side, and there were still a lot of them. Luo Ji had reminded them a long time ago, so from the moment they walked out of the bushes, Zhou Yue and the others had been catching the sound of arrows being released. The veterans here, their hearing can be said to be too sensitive to this kind of sound. Almost at the moment when the sound sounded, they instinctively protected the two vital points of the heart and head with the circular leather shield in their hands. That is, at the same time, Cao Peng's actions of letting his archers release arrows completely exposed their position!

Without hesitation or even a single word of nonsense, the five archers that Luo Ji brought over this time had already locked the approximate position of the opposite archer the moment they saw the arrow shot from the opposite side. Just two rounds of salvo chased the past!

Immediately, a piercing scream rang out from the bushes opposite the lake. They didn't aim through their eyes, and the only basis was their experience, but they were surprisingly accurate. After all, the five archers that Luo Ji brought over this time, but he The real top elite in the archer army!

At the same time, he was suddenly attacked by an archer from another direction. The arrow that almost wiped the tip of his nose, finally shot into the waist and abdomen of the archer beside him. The screams made Cao Peng's legs tremble uncontrollably. Originally, under the cover of the bushes, his half-squatting body fell to the ground with a thud. His face was instantly bloodless.

His mind went blank and he was completely in a state of shutdown. He was completely frightened after escaping from death, but on Luo Ji's side, the five sharpshooters headed by He Yan would not be polite to the enemy on the opposite side. A round of salvos continuously shot at the bushes opposite the lake, completely in a posture of shooting the arrows on the opposite side to death in one breath.

Of course, with the intention of completely solving the opponent, Luo Ji obviously couldn't hand over the next battle to He Yan's five blind shots. With a big hand, Liu Zheng, who was already ready to go, decisively led the five. The famous shield axemen rushed up, and on the other side, as a bait to lure the opponent's archers to release arrows, Zhou Yue also led the other nine shield axemen to kill towards the opposite bush!

The screams of killing and the constant screams in his ears completely awakened Cao Peng, who was frightened. He was lucky. It was probably due to the position and angle. He shot an arrow. On the other hand, his subordinates, especially the archers, were not as lucky as him. Several of them were shot with arrows, almost to be shot into a hedgehog. Obviously, they were not saved. .

Cao Peng, who had woken up, couldn't care about anything else at this time. While shouting, he used his hands and feet together, rolling and crawling towards the depths of the forest behind him, "Retreat! Retreat!!"

The two retreating shouts broke his throat, and it sounded terrifying, but Luo Ji had no intention of being soft-hearted, and decisively issued the order to kill.

Whether it's the current game or the normal strategy war games he's played in the past, he's never had much sympathy for those bastards who like to stare at rookie bullies.

The plan went quite smoothly. Guys like this type of guy who likes to stare at newbies are usually bullying, afraid of hardship, and a typical example of taking advantage of others, but this time Luo Ji is clearly staring at the other party's character who likes to take advantage of others, and just throws a bait. In the past, he had made the other party think he was profitable, and then he really took the bait without any suspense. To be honest, this plan went too smoothly, but Luo Ji himself could no longer have any ideas.

They chased all the way and fled all the way on the opposite side. The muddy ground after the heavy rain in this mountainous and forest area was a challenge for both of them, but if they were in a panic, if they fell, they simply rolled and slipped all the way, and tried every means to escape. Unlike Cao Peng and the others, Luo Ji, who was the chasing party, obviously paid more attention to the ground under their feet, but it was precisely because of this that they could not catch up for a while, but this area was lined with trees. The five archers were completely unable to play to their advantage.

Faced with this situation, just when Luo Ji was thinking about whether he should do something, a message from Ye Qingxuan suddenly came over. Luo Ji hadn't opened it yet, but his instinct was already a little ominous. hunch...

"Luo Ji, the enemy's reinforcements have invaded! His name is Yan Sheng!"

"Yan Sheng?" Luo Ji frowned when he saw the name. After he became a player, he naturally wanted to pay attention to which of the strong players in his rank. To put it bluntly, he looked at the same rank. Points leaderboard, the player who ranks at the back of the points leaderboard is not necessarily weak, he himself is the best example, but the top players must be very strong!

However, the name Yan Sheng is very eye-catching, and he has never seen it at all, but he still can't be careless. After all, it is a reinforcement that he has brought in, and it may also be in other ranks!When Luo Jiguang was thinking about the invasion battle before, high-ranking bosses couldn't beat him, so he didn't look at the rankings of other ranks at all, but he forgot about the 'support battle'!

It can't be said to be a mistake, only that he hasn't experienced it yet, so he doesn't know, so he hurriedly sent a message to ask, "Sister, is there any other information? Just a name?"

"Well, just a name!"

Even if he was mentally prepared, when this moment really came, he still couldn't help but have a headache, "Sister, be careful yourself, the player who came in may be a high-ranking player."

Regarding this rank issue, Luo Ji obviously explained to Ye Qingxuan before, but when she saw the news, she was shocked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, the opponent is estimated to be in the bronze rank, so I should be able to handle it." Luo Ji, who was worried about Ye Qingxuan's confusion, hurriedly reassured him.

However, Ye Qingxuan is also a talented girl with high IQ and high education. Although she has not been able to fully adapt to such a battle for the time being, it is impossible to fool her with one sentence, "How do you say it?"

"A player has only one chance to invite. If it is a real high-ranking boss, they can't waste this precious spot on a idiot who can only bully newcomers and take a little advantage by the way. For them, It's too worthless..."

"So, the player who invited him is probably not very strong, and the Bronze rank is in the sky. Generally, the player who will sign a war alliance treaty with such an incompetent idiot is basically only an inviter of a community of interests. "Of course, there are actually some unexpected special circumstances that Luo Ji didn't mention, after all, his purpose now is to appease Ye Qingxuan's emotions, so there is no need to ask for trouble.

Chapter 171: Luo Ji's Killing Intent

He had absolutely no idea where the newly invaded enemy reinforcements were now, what kind of troops the enemy had brought, and what the number of troops was. Too much uncertainty made Luo Ji feel quite a headache at this time.

However, according to his previous experience, the other party should also come randomly, but it will not completely deviate from this area. As for where it appears in this specific area, it is unknown.

In the current situation, the safest way is to get rid of this Cao Peng before that Yan Sheng comes over!After all, Yan Sheng was just a foreign aid, and the protagonists of this invasion battle were Ye Qingxuan and Cao Peng. As long as Cao Peng died, the invasion battle would be equivalent to a winner and a loser, and the foreign aid of the defeated side would be directly defeated. The system is forcibly sent away!

Thinking of this, from the beginning of the chasing battle to the present, Luo Ji's face that has always been in the dark couldn't help showing a trace of murderous intent. In order to avoid a worse situation in the future, even if he took a little risk, he would kill him forcibly. That Cao Peng!

"Liu Zheng!"

With a shout, he felt the coldness in Luo Ji's tone, no need for nonsense, Liu Zheng already understood the meaning of their leader, and dragged the axe in his hand. An action of , at this time, it played an important balancing role in this muddy ground.

Feeling the movement behind him, Cao Peng couldn't help but turn his head to look at him. At this sight, the whole person was almost scared to the point of feces and urine, only to see that a fierce general on the opposite side was constantly approaching him at an explosive speed. !The distance between the two sides was shortened by at least half in the blink of an eye!

"Hurry up, stop him! Hurry up and stop him!!" Cao Peng kept screaming with his unpleasant drake voice, and ordered his soldiers to intercept Liu Zheng who was rushing up.

However, according to Liu Zheng's strength, how could a few miscellaneous soldiers be able to stop him?He didn't even pay attention to the few soldiers wielding stone axes, and saw that he maintained his momentum of chasing and killing, and suddenly swung the axe that was dragging backwards. While cutting down all the miscellaneous soldiers blocking the road to the ground, he also continued to kill Cao Peng with momentum.

This time, Cao Peng was very frightened. The opponent's strength was a bit stronger than he expected. Facing this guy, the stone axemen under his command couldn't even block a simple block, and they were all chopped to the ground. , Realizing this, Cao Peng's whole heart was half cold, and then he quickly shouted, "Yan, Yan Sheng! I'm here! Come and save me!!"

Facing Cao Peng's call for help, Luo Ji's pupils shrank slightly, and then shouted sharply, "Liu Zheng, kill him!"

"Yes!" Hearing the other party's shouting as well, Liu Zheng obviously realized that the other party might have reinforcements coming, so he didn't dare to linger, and the speed was abruptly one point faster!

That foot stepped on the muddy ground. To be honest, the ground was very slippery. The previous speed was already the limit of his ability to control his balance. Now, with the speed increasing again, he rushed forward with every step. When he went out, his body's sense of balance was constantly being plundered, which caused him a lot of psychological pressure.

However, as the one who was being hunted down, Cao Peng was under significantly greater pressure. He kept calling for help, and his voice became hoarse. However, he received no response at all. A strong sense of fear continued to swallow his reason. , making him yell again, "No, no! You can't kill me, I'm..."

Then Cao Peng seemed to want to fight to the death, but at this time Liu Zheng was not in the mood to listen to him talking about some boring nonsense. The axe, when he raised his hand, carried a charge, and directly slashed towards Cao Peng with a slash. The tyrannical force made the wind pressure rumble there, and a single blow would definitely be able to knock it down. Let Cao Peng's chubby head explode like a watermelon!

"Leave someone under the axe!" Who knows, just at this critical moment, accompanied by a figure that quickly shot out, a spearhead with a shiny metallic luster stabbed the falling axe blade, letting the axe The attack abruptly deviates a certain distance. While dismantling Liu Zheng's offensive, a young man with a gun quickly blocked between the two.

"It came so fast, did you happen to be teleported here at random?" With the arrival of reinforcements from the other side, Luo Ji was undoubtedly in a bad mood. Force an end to this invasion war!

But it was useless to be annoyed now, Luo Ji turned his gaze to the armed forces that came out from behind the gun-wielding youth, intending to confirm the configuration of the troops on the opposite side...

"Ten spearmen, fifteen, that's not right! Twenty shield and axemen?! No long-range troops? It seems that the other party also learned from the request for help that this is a mountainous area..." After a glance, Luo Ji, who had secretly counted the strength of the opponent's troops, felt a heavy heart. The opponent's troops had already surpassed him, and in terms of equipment, the heads of the spears and the blades of the battle axes were obviously made of copper. A Bronze rank player is more difficult to deal with than he expected.

Due to the timely arrival of Cao Peng's reinforcements, the enemy and our troops suddenly formed a confrontational situation. They were looking at each other and guarding each other at the same time.

"Brother, you have to forgive people and forgive them. Everyone is a bronze rank player. It's not good to come over and bully a non-rank player?" The gun-wielding youth was obviously the player named Yan Sheng. After gaining the advantage of his own troops, the tone of his whole speech became a little calmer.

The weapons in the hands of the shield axemen on his side are all bronze tomahawks, and there is nothing he can do if he is mistaken for a bronze rank player. Luo Ji did not intend to explain, but sneered and said, "Bullying no one. Duan rank? You have to figure out, he was the one who was shameless first. Not only did he bully the newcomer who just got out of the novice protection period, but also after seven days, there was no way to get the newcomer to die. You tell me, what the hell Who is not so good?"

Hearing this, Yan Sheng's eye muscles twitched obviously. He obviously didn't know about this. He was staring at newcomers to fight this kind of thing. What's more, after seven days have passed, he still insists on not leaving?

To be honest, he didn't want to fight the player on the opposite side at all, so he didn't do it directly after dismantling the offensive. Although his troops had an advantage, the man on the opposite side holding a toe-axe was very strong. The blow just now, he It seemed to be easy to resolve, but in fact, the strength of the shock back collapsed, his mouth was hurting, and it was too irrational to fight, "Brother, this time it is indeed my little brother who has gone too far. It's no good, give me a face, how about this now?"

Chapter 172, variables

They both weighed the pros and cons in their hearts. At the moment when players on both sides have foreign aid involved, if they continue to fight, the losing side will definitely lose a lot. Naturally, there is no need to say more, but the winning side will probably not feel good either. From the standpoint of pure interest, this is indeed a matter that is not beneficial to both parties.

At the same time, Luo Ji couldn't help but envy the early advantages of a fierce general player. For a player like him who is not a fierce general, when he goes out, he will definitely bring a fierce general by his side, just in case. The military expenses of the generals have also been mentioned before. It is not a small amount for newcomers, and the advantage of the player itself being a free unit is that the generals can save a lot of military expenses when they are not rich in the early stage. .

At the same time, the smaller the scale of the battle, the greater the impact of individual strength. Combining various factors, this gives the general-type player a great advantage in the early stage. In comparison, the general-type and strategist-type players are recruited in the early stage. Without a strong general, the days will be difficult, and the period when they exert their advantages is more inclined to the mid-term and late-stage.

Returning to the topic, Liu Zheng's offensive was disintegrated with one shot. Although it was a sudden attack, it was enough to prove that the opponent was a strong general player with a high level of bravery. In a real fight, he had no advantage on his side. If the opponent really wanted to, he would It's not unacceptable to retreat like this...

Looking at Luo Ji, who was in deep thought, Yan Sheng knew there was something to play, so he hurriedly struck while the iron was hot and said, "Tell me, brother, the little brother behind me is the cousin of Liu Ye, the deputy leader of the Player Alliance's 'Across the World', so everyone How about taking a step back and pretending this never happened?"

"Around the world?" Luo Ji frowned when he heard the name of the alliance. He had indeed heard the name. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly remembered it. Yes, he used to swipe messages in the public chat window. Isn't this Liu Ye the one who belongs to him?There seems to be a silver rank player in that alliance, and Liu Ye is only the deputy leader. Does that mean that the leader of the alliance is the silver rank player?As the deputy leader of the alliance, Liu Ye, his own strength should be in the black iron rank...

After the first analysis, Luo Ji's heart sank. He is a rookie without a rank, and it's not a good idea to play against a high-rank player alliance as soon as he comes up, right?

Just when he was thinking about whether he should take advantage of the situation and take a step back, Cao Peng, who had been frightened by Liu Zheng's axe, was still in shock, but he also recovered when he heard his cousin's name. After that, he shouted on the spot, "No, that's right! My cousin is Liu Ye, the deputy leader of the world! You bastard, remember it for Lao Tzu, this matter is endless! Offend Lao Tzu, wait for you to die!!"

After escaping from the dead, some words that didn't go through the brain at all were almost blurted out, causing Luo Ji's face to sink, and Yan Sheng, who was a foreign aid, also had a heartbeat at the moment, "Damn, teammate pig! This is stupid. |What kind of cruel words are you saying at this time?"

I don't know that Yan Sheng was scolding him at this time, but Cao Peng continued to yell, "Yan Sheng, kill him for me! I'll ask my cousin to promote you later!"

"Promotion..." Hearing this word, Yan Sheng's facial muscles twitched non-stop. Indeed, Liu Ye is the deputy leader of the alliance, and he is just an ordinary Bronze rank member in the alliance, but this is not strict The relationship between superiors and subordinates, although you will definitely be a little more respectful when facing high-ranking players who are stronger than yourself, but in the final analysis, everyone gathers for mutual benefit.

For example, this time, Liu Ye himself, as a black iron rank player, is definitely not interested in getting involved in the battle of non-dan players, and defeating a primitive civilization without rank, what benefits can it do to him?Grab a few stone axes back?Stop kidding, okay?So in this case, he would find some bronze rank players in the alliance and ask them to help take care of his cousin, Yan Sheng is one of them.

The reason why they are willing to take care of Cao Peng's troubles is because they want Cao Peng's cousin, that is, Liu Ye owes them a favor. If they die one day in the future, it is time for Liu Ye to repay this favor. , so there is no such thing as promotion or not promotion, everyone is benefiting from each other.

In this way, Cao Peng's self-righteous statement obviously made Yan Sheng feel a little unhappy. If he had known that he was such a fool, he should not have taken this shit!

This time, it is estimated that the loss of soldiers will be lost, otherwise Liu Ye will not be able to explain it, Yan Sheng raised the long spear in his hand with a tangled face, "It seems that there is no way to do this..."

Hearing this, Luo Ji made a move without saying a word, and Liu Zheng, who was holding the axe, immediately understood, no need to talk nonsense at all, and saw that the offensive suddenly exploded in his hand, and he directly seized the first hand and killed it!

The sound of the axe and the spear colliding together detonated the briefly subdued battle again, and the shield axemen in the front row of both sides collided closely behind, and a fight took place directly in this muddy and wet woodland Expand!

After the battle started, Cao Peng, whose troops were basically dead and wounded, decided to find a place to hide. He had little fighting power himself, so he had absolutely no plans to interfere.

Ignore him for the time being, the battle here is extremely fierce. In terms of weapons and equipment and individual strength, the shield and axe soldiers on Luo Ji's side are definitely not much worse than those on the other side, but the tricky part is the disparity in strength. There are ten spearmen and twenty shield and axemen, and there are only fifteen shield and axemen on my side. Although there are five more archers, in this kind of melee in the mountain forest area, the archers basically do not play much role. , in this state, it is too irrational to fight recklessly with the opponent,

At this time, Luo Ji, who realized that the situation was not good, also hurriedly used his advantages as a commander-type player, and began to stand in the rear and personally command the battle, "All shield and axe soldiers have changed to defensive formation!"

In short, let’s fight a wave of defensive battles first. While saving physical strength, we can see if we can find opportunities to wait for the opportunity. At the same time, the battle between Liu Zheng and Yan Sheng is also a key. If Liu Zheng can defeat Yan Sheng, then he The whole situation here can be completely reversed in an instant!

With this thought in mind, Luo Ji decisively glanced at the battlefield on the other side. In the forest not far away, two figures were madly attacking each other. Different styles, but the same battle is being staged, and the unyielding confrontation is continuing to ferment between the two!

chapter 173

This Yan Sheng's bravery level is estimated to have reached four stars, otherwise it would be impossible to fight with the serious Liu Zheng for so many rounds without losing at all.

The generals can't tell the winner, and the troops are at a disadvantage again. This is not a good thing for Luo Ji. Seeing an opportunity, Luo Ji suddenly said to Yan Sheng, "Brother, I Seeing that you don't really want to fight, for the sake of being a fool, there's no need for the two of us to fight and lose both. Why don't you turn a blind eye and let me kill that guy, and then we'll just pretend it didn't happen. How did you go? When someone asks you about it, you can just say that you will die before you have time to support them, right?"

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