At the same time, with this move, both sides became tense at this moment!

"You really don't have good intentions!" Maintaining the posture of spearing out, the cavalry leader turned his attention to the soldiers under Zhang Yisheng. Although they were all remnants of defeated generals, in a fight now, his subordinates will probably have to hurt a few people. A meaningless fight that does him no good.

Thinking of this, the killing intent in the eyes of the cavalry leader decreased slightly, "This is the last warning! The next time I bump into it, the stone spear in my hand will pierce your throat! Let's go!"

Looking at the cavalry team walking away, Zhang Yisheng touched his neck, killing intent flashed in his eyes, the hand holding the longbow involuntarily tightened a bit, but in the end he let go, his rationality I'm telling him that once the arrow is shot, whether it can kill the cavalry leader with one arrow, this matter is definitely not good. When the two sides fight, in the end, it will only be him who suffers heavy losses. ...

"I've had eight lifetimes of bad luck today! It's okay to be planted in the hands of the player, and now I'm still threatened by a native? Grass!!"

However, Zhang Yisheng, who was furious, ignored one thing, that is, without the presence of this cavalry, he and his troops would have been completely destroyed by Luo Ji's siege...

Chapter 158, The Identity of the Cavalry Leader

The Iron Wall Tribe is here...

After nightfall, Zhao Pan lit the brazier in his tent, and took a charcoal pen to carefully record the casualties of the soldiers in this battle on the animal skin paper.

Time passed by minute by minute, and by the time he finished recording the last stroke, it was almost midnight. He supported the table with his hands, and dragged his exhausted body to barely stand up. He was about to go to bed and rest, but unexpectedly just After taking two steps, the world in front of me suddenly turned around, and then with a muffled sound of 'puff', the overwhelmed body fell heavily to the ground...

The next morning, just after finishing the job at hand, Luo Ji let out a long breath and looked at Liu Zheng who walked in. He took a sip of water and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

"Leader, it's about the one yesterday, that one..."

"Cavalry." Looking at Liu Zheng, who was stuck talking, Luo Ji opened his mouth and reminded him.

"Oh yes, cavalry! I went back and thought about the identity of the leader of the cavalry yesterday night for a long time, and finally thought of a possibility..." Speaking of which, Liu Zheng's voice paused for a while, after all, it was just his guess , He was a little hesitant to say it.

"Let's hear it." Luo Ji was also very annoyed about the cavalry that appeared out of nowhere and ruined his good things. Now that Liu Zheng has a clue about the identity of the cavalry leader, he The whole person suddenly cheered up a bit.

"If your subordinate's guess is correct, I am afraid that you know him too..."

"I know it too?" Luo Ji frowned. He has a good memory. Although he has been busy with various things recently, he occasionally forgets some things if he doesn't pay attention. The reason will not be remembered, and Liu Zheng actually said that they both know each other, so the scope is even smaller.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji seemed to be remembering something, and the expression on his face suddenly froze, "Could it be him? Impossible!"

While muttering to himself, Luo Ji's eyes fell on Liu Zheng again, as if asking Liu Zheng to prove something, "It's him?"

"Yes." Liu Zheng nodded.

"Impossible, his strength isn't that strong!" The 'he' the two of them were talking about was the young leader who originally settled near the coal mine and was later forcibly driven away by Luo Ji.

When this young leader took his tribesmen to look for a new settlement, he also had a fight with the original black jackal tribe because of food issues, which just met the condition that he and Liu Zheng knew each other, but before Luo Ji But I haven't remembered it, why is this?

The reason is very simple, because in Luo Ji's mind, the two people's information cannot be matched, and the key point that causes the information to not match is strength.

In the battle yesterday, he had seen the strength of the cavalry leader. With one enemy and two, facing the joint attack of Luo Yong and Liu Zheng at the same time, not only was he not forcibly knocked down in a short time, but a spear was placed on the shoulder of Rayong. Poke a hole in the top, and then retreat!In this, there are definitely advantages of mounts, but their own strength is definitely strong. It can even be clearly seen that the strength of the cavalry leader has surpassed that of Luo Yong.

And think about that young leader back then, from the beginning to the end, several times of confrontation, they were basically beaten by Luo Yong!At the same time, Rayong also made it very clear that defeating the opponent is only a matter of time.

Since then, although a long period of time has passed, the possibility of the opponent's strength improving is not ruled out, but during this period, Luo Yong did not sit idle and wait to die!Under the premise that both sides are working hard to improve their strength, if the leader of the cavalry and the young leader are really the same person, then the speed of this kid's strength improvement is too terrifying...

"Liu Zheng, are you sure?"

"Seventy percent sure." Liu Zheng didn't say too much, after all, this is his guess, "His changes are indeed great, but the details and habits of some attacking moves still have some shadows from the beginning. "

He was right in all likelihood. Thinking of this, Luo Ji rubbed his brows forcefully, feeling gloomy in his heart, "Looks like things went too smoothly a while ago, and bad luck is starting to happen now. Ah!"

Originally, according to Luo Ji's current development, he basically ignored the natives of this world, but the young leader actually discovered the resources of war horses and made a cavalry team by mistake.

If you want to divide the arms of the whole cold weapon era into three categories, I believe most people will answer, "Infantry, archer, cavalry!"

Three types of arms, cavalry accounts for one!There is no doubt about the status and value. The opponent's cavalry is not very good. After all, for that kid, he is developing a brand-new arm. How should this arm be developed?How to train?How to fight on the battlefield?It was unknown to him, unlike Luo Ji, when he heard the word 'cavalry', he basically knew it.

But in any case, the most basic advantage of cavalry has been exerted by the opponent, that is mobility!Or speed, if you can't beat it, run away, how simple is it?And what made Luo Ji's stomach hurt the most was that his legs really couldn't catch up...

However, there is not no way to deal with it. It is impossible to chase after him, but he can wait for the rabbit. Since that kid wants to come to him for revenge, it is definitely impossible to be so disgusted by him. There will definitely be follow-up actions. Before that, he had to take precautions.

"By the way, in the previous battle, it seems that a lot of spoils were captured..." Thinking of this, Luo Ji raised his head and asked Liu Zheng decisively, "Where's Zhao Pan? How about the statistics of casualties and spoils?"

"Zhao Pan he..." Hearing this, Liu Zheng didn't think much, and answered subconsciously. As a result, just after saying three words, his voice stopped. After thinking about it carefully, since this morning Until now, he doesn't seem to have seen Zhao Pan...

Seeing Liu Zheng like this, Luo Ji sighed, "Forget it, I'll make a trip myself."

"Boss, I'll go too." Liu Zheng followed decisively.

After leaving his temporary camp, Luo Ji stopped a passing soldier and asked, "Where is the Zhao Pan?"

As a result of this question, the soldier's reaction was almost the same as Liu Zheng's, "It seems that I haven't seen the commander since morning."

Hearing this, Luo Ji frowned, and Liu Zheng, who saw this scene in his eyes, tightened his heart, and quickly explained, "Leader, Zhao Pan, he should be handling the aftermath of yesterday's battle in the tent... …”

"Go, go to Zhao Pan's tent to see."

At this moment, Liu Zheng, who had already established a revolutionary friendship with Zhao Pan, couldn't help but secretly complained, "Old Zhao, Lao Zhao, it's not my brother, I won't help you, you said that you usually get up early every day and go to the dark, how come the leader comes, you Did you fall asleep instead?"

Chapter 159, Serious Illness

Although it is also a resource collection point, the scale of the Tiebi Tribe is much larger than that of the Heiyan Tribe. After all, the Tiebi Tribe is too far away. In case of any unexpected situation, the Mingjing Tribe may not be able to make it in the first place. Respond at once.

So just in case, Luo Ji had to send more people here, increase the number of soldiers guarding the city, and even set up various departments such as the medical department and the hunting team.

It is rude to say that today's Tiebi tribe has reached a kind of self-sufficiency. Usually, it basically does not need material support from the Jingjing tribe. At most, it only occasionally ships some vegetables and coal. Completely surpassed the Black Rock Tribe that was established several months earlier than him.

"Zhao Pan? The leader is here." In front of Luo Ji, Liu Zheng quickly walked a few steps and walked into Zhao Pan's tent. After seeing the empty bed, Liu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. , at least this means that Zhao Pan didn't sleep in, but after he was relieved, he felt even more strange. The person was not in the tent, and he hadn't seen him all morning. Where did this person go?

Just when he was wondering, Luo Ji, who was following behind, also walked in. Liu Zheng was thinking about something, could Luo Ji not know?But in fact, he didn't mean to punish Zhao Pan. After all, he had just experienced two consecutive days of fierce battles. It's okay if people relax and wake up late. He is not that harsh, just that The cavalry matter made him have to care, and he wanted to make preparations as soon as possible, so he went directly to Zhao Pan's tent, wanting to confirm the statistics of casualties and the number of spoils.

Now that Jin has come in, let’s take a look at Zhao Pan’s tent. To be honest, it’s basically the same as what Luo Ji expected. At the same time, it fits Zhao Pan’s character very well, with a bed, a pair of desks and chairs, and a brazier. , plus a water storage pot, that's all, it can be said to be monotonous to the extreme.

However, when his eyes swept over the position between the tables and chairs, his brows were slightly wrinkled. Although it was daytime, the lighting in the tent was not good, so he subconsciously took two steps forward. Ji's face changed instantly, "Zhao Pan?!"

Luo Ji's exclamation directly attracted Liu Zheng's attention to this side. He saw the figure lying behind the table and chair. Who else could it be except Zhao Pan?

He didn't have time to think about it, Luo Ji hurried up two steps and helped Zhao Pan, who was lying on the ground, to get up. He saw that Zhao Pan's face was pale and scary, and his lips were almost dry. He touched his forehead. , actually felt a burst of hot!

"How could this be?" At this moment, Luo Ji's whole heart sank, and then he hurriedly shouted at Liu Zheng who was behind him, "Quick! Call the medical department over here! Come on!!"

The people from the medical department came very quickly, and they obviously knew Zhao Pan's status, and they didn't dare to be careless. "

The doctor in charge of the diagnosis has the skills of 'diagnosing the disease', so Luo Ji also trusts his judgment very much. In addition, symptoms such as colds and fever are very common in this era, and it is considered the early stage of the medical department. One of the main conditions that has been researched.

But even if it is the most common disease, it is also divided into serious and serious. Even in the modern society with developed medical treatment, it is not uncommon for people to die from severe colds and fever, let alone now?

Luo Ji didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly asked, "So how is he doing now?"

"For the time being, I can't make a judgment easily. First boil some medicine and drink it, and then look at the situation, and then we can determine how the condition is..."

"Then go and boil the medicine. If you need anything, come to me directly." As a leader, Luo Ji did not get angry at the doctor, even though his mood was extremely irritable, Zhao Pan was the most irritable. A valued general!If he died because of this serious illness, he would definitely go crazy!

After that, I specially found a more careful person to come over, and taught him all the methods I could think of, such as cold compresses on the forehead and physical cooling, and let him take care of the seriously ill Zhao Pan.

Along with Luo Ji's series of arrangements, news of Zhao Pan's illness spread like wildfire in the Tiebi tribe, causing a commotion among the soldiers.

Fortunately, at this time, the leader of the Tiebi Tribe, Luo Ji, was personally in charge, and the whole situation was always under control, and there was no self-disorder.

After returning to his tent, Luo Ji held his forehead with one hand, and his mood could not improve for a long time. At this moment, Liu Zheng walked in and put a stack of animal skin papers on the table in front of him, "Leader... "

"What?" Luo Ji glanced casually, but didn't look closely.

"It should be Zhao Pan's statistics on the casualties of soldiers that he sorted out overnight, as well as the registration of some spoils, and put them on his desk. I sorted them out and brought them over..."

"Huh—" He exhaled heavily. Before, his attention was completely focused on Zhao Pan, who was sick. Instead, he didn't notice what was on the table. At this time, he looked at the stack of beasts in front of him. Paper, Luo Ji's mood became more and more complicated.

He has a calm personality, a strong sense of responsibility, and an excellent ability to handle affairs. No matter what angle he looks at, Zhao Pan is excellent. Luo Yong, Liu Zheng and Guo Zhen did not receive this treatment when the tribe handed him over. It is enough to see how much Luo Ji values ​​him. However, at this moment, it is precisely because of this value and his responsibilities. Heart breaks him...

After Liu Zheng left the camp, Luo Ji couldn't help scratching his hair in annoyance, "I'm too careless, I should have noticed that Zhao Pan's sense of responsibility is too heavy! It will turn into a shortcoming!"

After some serious self-examination, Luo Ji patted his cheek vigorously, but now, there is no time for him to feel annoyed and depressed!He quickly recovered a bit of energy and carefully looked at the soldier casualty statistics on the table.

Zhao Pan did this statistics very carefully. After reading it, Luo Ji's mood was heavy again. The collision of the cavalry team caused several deaths and serious injuries in his shield and axe troops. This is undoubtedly a huge loss for the Mirror Tribe, which is currently under-strength.

Chapter 1 Sixty, Captives

"This is really an accident, is the other side of this hilly and mountain range actually a grassland?" Looking at the marked map in front of him, a small wrinkle appeared between Luo Ji's brows, and they walked on foot. It would take at least three days to travel, and the opponent could run a round trip in almost a day on horseback. The difference here is not that big, and it also strengthens Luo Ji's determination to obtain resources for war horses!

"Is this route the only route from that grassland to our Tiebi Tribe?" While speaking, Luo Ji pointed to the map, then cast a questioning look at Liu Chuan, who was standing by below. .

"No." Liu Chuan shook his head, "You can also go around the other end of the hills and mountains, but if you choose another route, the distance will probably be doubled, and you will have to make a big circle. Most of the roads are rough and narrow, and I am afraid they are not suitable for cavalry."

"Well, you've worked hard, go down and rest."

After he signaled Liu Chuan to go back to rest, Luo Ji, who had obtained the exact information, kept calling for the captain of the construction team here, and handed over a previously drawn design to the other party." The things on this blueprint are not complicated to do. I want your construction team to work overnight. Before dawn tomorrow, make at least fifteen for me. At the same time, there is another task for you to do... "

One thing after another he kept instructing him, Luo Ji already had a whole plan in his mind, and he completely entered an efficient state.

"Leader, Zhang Sheng, Minister of the Medical Department, asks to see you."

"Let him in."

"Leader." Zhang Sheng, who walked into the tent, was about to salute Luo Ji, but Luo Ji waved his hand and asked directly, "How is Zhao Pan's situation?"

"After drinking the medicine, Commander Zhao has woken up, and his condition is now under control, and there is no trend of deterioration."

"Thank you for your hard work." After receiving this answer, Luo Ji's expression softened significantly, and he was secretly relieved, and his tone became a little easier, "Then how long does it take for Zhao Pan's illness to heal? "

"Take the medicine twice a day, and in three to four days, the fever should subside, but..." Speaking of which, Zhang Sheng's voice suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face seemed a little hesitant to speak.

"Speak straight if you have something to say, don't hesitate." Seeing Zhang Sheng's expression of hesitating to speak, Luo Ji, who had always been very concerned about Zhao Pan's condition, asked decisively.

"Yes." Hearing this, Zhang Sheng responded, and then said with a bit of courage, "Commander Zhao fell ill this time, the main reason is due to overwork, although after convincing the medicine, he is expected to be able to retire in three or four days. It is hot, but in a short period of time, it is really not suitable to work too hard, otherwise the disease may relapse."

"Okay, I got it..." Luo Ji's expression was very succinct about this matter, "You go and tell Zhao Pan, this time allows him to recuperate in peace, the Tiebi tribe's side, I will be in charge for the time being, I don't need it. He's worried."

After speaking, Luo Ji raised his brows slightly, looking at Zhang Sheng who was still standing below, "Is there anything else?"

"There is indeed one more thing. The prisoner you ordered to rescue before, the leader, has woken up." When he said this, Zhang Sheng's tone was obviously incredible.

The expression on Luo Ji's face also changed and changed. Speaking of the prisoner, it was indeed a little surprising. The soldiers in charge of cleaning up the battlefield almost treated him as a corpse. This 'corpse' was actually hanging on to the last breath and didn't die.

That person was Zhang Yao who had been defeated by Guo Zhen's brass battle axe before. Later, through Guo Zhen's description, Luo Ji concluded that this person should be a general under Zhang Yisheng's command, so he ordered the medical department to rescue him with all his strength.

Of course, it was said that he was going to be rescued, but everyone actually felt that he was hopeless. After all, the injury was too serious. Guo Zhen's killer was so ruthless that he was hacked into a bloody man. There were more than 20 large and small wounds, each of which was deeply visible. It can be said that he was still alive and survived. Zhang Sheng, who was so hard to save him in the end, said When this happened, his tone was full of disbelief.

But in any case, it is a good thing that people can be rescued, unless the players on both sides are mortal enemies, otherwise, for most players, it is far more useful to capture the fierce generals of the other party than to kill them. You kill him. Less than a few points, it is possible to offend another player to death, but if it is a prisoner, it is much more flexible, and there are roughly two ways to go.

The first way is to wait for the opponent's player to find you to redeem people after the war, and then hit the opponent fiercely. The prisoner of war is a special tradable unit with special terms.

The second way is to recruit and surrender the prisoner, and let the prisoner be transferred to his own command. In this way, he can have one more fierce general under his command. No matter which way, it is more useful than killing him.

Luo Ji actually had so many thoughts of recruiting and surrendering. Zhao Pan's illness, Luo Yong and Guo Zhen's injuries made him suddenly realize that the number of generals in his hands was not as many as he thought, and he needed it urgently now. Increase the combat power in your hands!

Although doing this may make him and Zhang Yisheng enmity, but now, he doesn't care. Under this situation, it is impossible to want to hang around without anyone guilty, and develop as quickly as possible. One's own civilization, improving one's strength, and changing one's own from 'don't want to offend anyone' to 'no one dares to offend him' is the kingly way!

But now is obviously not the time. Let Zhang Yao hang out for a few days and then grind his temper. In the end, even if he fails to surrender, it is good to earn a ransom, anyway, it is not a loss.

Two days later, the player invasion battle has reached the sixth day. Zhang Yisheng, who had fled and fled before, has never appeared again. I think he should have given up. After all, after that battle, the troops under his command suffered heavy casualties. Being captured, this battle, he really has no capital to continue.

On the contrary, it was the cavalry leader who really did not disappoint Luo Ji. With a sharp whistle, the sentinel outside the camp who was waiting for the signal ran all the way to Luo Ji's camp, "Report to the leader! The reconnaissance team from the outside has sent it. Signal, that cavalry has appeared!"

"Sure enough, it's coming again?" Luo Ji's mouth curled into a cruel sneer, "Boy, do you really think that a half-assed cavalry team can do whatever they want here? Send the order! Prepare to fight! This time, I want him to come and go!"

Chapter 161, there is actually a routine in the routine

The fast horse under the seat galloped all the way, and where the horse's hooves stepped, the sky was filled with dust!As Luo Ji had guessed, how could the old debt between the two of them be so easy to settle?After a short rest and adjustment, the cavalry leader decisively led his cavalry team to kill again along the road between the mountains and hills!

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, looking at Luo Ji and the others who had been waiting at the end of the road, a trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the cavalry leader. He originally wanted to make a surprise attack, but he didn't expect that he hadn't rushed to the opponent's tribe. Found near the camp...

"Is that the sound from before?" He obviously heard the sharp whistle of the reconnaissance team. Although he didn't know how the sound came from, looking at the current situation, it was obviously the sound that reminded the other party.

This time, Luo Ji was well prepared!Each one is made of wooden pillars crossed and fixed, and the shelf called "Ju Ma" seals off the entire aisle. At the same time, behind those Ju Ma, 30 meters away, there are three rows of soldiers, the first row of soldiers , all holding large shields, the soldiers in the second row are holding stone spears that are more aimed at cavalry, and the soldiers in the third row are archers holding longbows!

At this time, if Zhang Yisheng saw this scene, he would definitely spit out blood on the spot, because at this moment, the large shield in the hands of the soldiers in the first row was the armor and equipment of his shield-wielding troops. When the shield troops turned into shield axemen, these large shields, which were considered cumbersome, were all thrown on the battlefield. After that, he was too busy fleeing for his life and had no chance to retrieve them. In the end, Luo Ji was cheapened for nothing.

However, the cavalry leader didn't seem to know what this battle meant, and the momentum of the cavalry charge didn't stop there. It has to be said that he wanted to fight Luo Ji, but in terms of vision, it was really more than 100 years too early. Ten thousand years, in various senses!

The natives who are too knowledgeable can't understand Luo Ji's configuration and formation of cavalry that is clearly meant to be killed!It is precisely because of this that this Chiguoguo configuration can work. Otherwise, if a player is on the opposite side, it is estimated that it will directly change the tactical style of play, and it is impossible to rush over.

"80 meters, 60 meters, 40 meters..." With a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, Luo Ji stood at the rear of his battle formation, silently counting down in his heart. Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, he He had already raised his right hand, just waiting for the panicked neighing of the war horse to ring in his ears!


"What, what's going on?!" I saw that the cavalry team that was rushing all the way, suddenly lost their balance from the front of the team, and the ground that was trampled by the front hooves of their horses collapsed directly. !A shallow ravine was revealed!At this moment, the expressions on the faces of the knights sitting on horseback could not be seen other than panic, and the entire charge formation collapsed in an instant.

"Let's all fire arrows!!" Luo Ji, who had been waiting for a long time, swung his right hand down decisively. The archers who had been prepared for a long time, accompanied by Luo Ji's order to fire arrows, shot a salvo directly and started a massacre. the beginning!

Seeing the tragic situation of the cavalry team here, Zhang Yisheng, who was hiding at the other end, couldn't help but burst out a series of foul language, "Come on, rely on! The configuration of the cavalry that clearly shows that he wants to kill the cavalry is already very routine. Well, as a result, there are still routines in this set, and they deliberately put on a stance to fight head-on, but the native on the opposite side never thought that this guy was so obscene that he dug a gully and trap in front of him, and he was decisive!"

"That leader, are we still fighting?"

"Fuck!" Zhang Yisheng curled his lips with a stomachache on his face, "Didn't you see the battle surnamed Luo? The gully, the horse-rejection, the large shield, the triple line of defense, even if the indigenous cavalry was not completely wiped out, The troops also had to be shaved off by more than half. I originally wanted to see if we could make them lose both sides, and then take advantage of the chaos. Now, it seems that the question of whether the natives can escape alive is a problem. Helping him draw hatred, I won't do such a thing!"

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