After Luo Ji's chief's office and housing were completed, it was time for some important departments within the tribe, such as the Ordnance Department and the Medical Department.

There is no way, after all, the manpower of the construction team is limited. At present, there are more than 400 people in all of them. In addition to the various work departments, it is impossible to build so many houses in a short period of time, so we can only arrange them according to the priority. By the way Taking this opportunity, Luo Ji also re-planned the layout of the entire tribal camp, separating the residential area, work area and other areas one by one. There is no doubt that this is definitely a huge project, and it will take only a few months. It can't be done, the construction team is busy.

Instead, he laid out all the mission plans and drew all the design drawings, and Luo Ji relaxed a little...

"I don't know what happened to my senior..." As this thought flashed through his mind, Luo Ji couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although the novice stage didn't need to face the threats posed by other players, he definitely It's not that hard to endure. As a modern person, whether or not you can survive in the ancient times is a big test in itself.

At this point, Luo Ji always thinks that his luck is relatively good. After all, he discovered Mingjing Lake from the beginning and solved the important food problem in the early stage. In addition, life in the real world is not easy. , can also endure hardship, but Ye Qingxuan is different from him...

The reason why he is so sure is because of the news he had learned before, that is, Ye Qingxuan's family moved abroad more than ten years ago. That was more than ten years ago. At that time, families who were able to move abroad were financially stable. Where can it go further?

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help but worry even more, and finally sent a message, "Sister, I'm Luo Ji, how are you?"

Chapter 139, five knives in a row, directly stabbed to death

The time on both sides is a flow rate of 1:10, that is to say, the two should have achieved a certain degree of time synchronization. Just when Luo Ji here was wondering whether Ye Qingxuan would reply to his news, a message sent it directly.

"If you sent this message more than a month ago, then I'm very bad, and now it's okay..."

Looking at this reply, Luo Ji's expression was embarrassed. More than a month ago, wasn't it when Ye Qingxuan first became a player?In the car accident at that time, although the situation should be caused by the driver speeding, Luo Ji couldn't get rid of it. coming car.

Of course, while embarrassed, Luo Ji felt a little relieved. Time is a good thing. No matter how out of control Ye Qingxuan's emotions were at that time, after more than a month, the out of control emotions should be smoothed out. Well, this is relatively obvious from the other party's reply.

But Luo Ji still wanted to compensate her as much as possible, "How are you doing now? Have you encountered any problems?"

After sending this message, Luo Ji has already started to input his own experience accumulated during the novice stage, such as how to solve the problem of insufficient food in the early stage, and how to deal with the sudden cold. What to do when you get sick...

However, he had just written the beginning, and the next message from Ye Qingxuan made his entire input action stagnate there.

"Problem? No."

"No?" Luo Ji was taken aback for a moment. His first reaction was, could it be Ye Qingxuan trying to be brave?But no matter whether the other party is trying to be brave or not, this kind of question must not be asked too directly. After thinking about it for a while, he replied with a relatively tactful message, "Is there any problem with the food?"

"I don't know how to say this. When I first arrived here, I found a three-star natural wonder called 'Colorful Terraced Fields' inexplicably..."

"Pfft! Samsung Natural Wonder?"

"And then I found a lot of rice and other crops in the terraced fields..."

"Okay, a lot of crops like rice?!"

"In short, just plant the fields, and the food problem can be easily solved."

"It's easy, it's easy to solve." At this moment, Luo Ji felt that he had been stabbed three times in his heart in an instant, and he was heartbroken, Sister Ye!Then he sent another message as if he was struggling, "But in winter, it's hard to harvest crops, right?"

"Winter? Isn't it spring? Isn't it spring on your side?"

"Pfft!" Well, I was stabbed again. It turns out that when each newcomer first enters another world, the seasons are also random?

"Let's just ask, what is your current living environment?"

"It seems to be in a big mountain. There is a mountain spring in this mountain forest, and there are many wild pheasants and ducks. After they are kept in captivity, they can be fed a little rice, and they basically don't have to worry about eating and drinking."

"Ha, ha, even animal husbandry has developed?" Look at yourself, it has been developing for almost a year, and the animal husbandry has not even emerged yet, and on the other side, it has only been more than a month. Have you already planted a future?With five knives in a row, he was stabbed to death. At this moment, Luo Ji suddenly understood, what, his senior sister should be the legendary Ou Huang with pure blood and a full-level lucky aura, right?

At the same time, he also suddenly understood a little bit of Gao Su's fucking mood when he was chatting with him, this motherfucker was a terrorist attack!Terrorist attacks! !Damn Europeans, fend for yourself!I don't care about you! !

And after such a period of self-venting, Luo Ji finally sent out a large amount of precautions with a look of grief and anger. He said no matter, but his body was unexpectedly honest. Among them, the possible player invasion after the end of the novice protection period is even more. He made some important explanations, reminding Ye Qingxuan not to be too obsessed with farming, and then forget to develop military power.

After posting it, Luo Ji originally planned to end the conversation like this, but he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan would take the initiative to send a question this time, "By the way, in that property panel, there is another white five-pointed star and another What does the black pentagram mean?"

Seeing this question, Luo Ji was stunned for a moment, and then there was a flash of relief on his face. Yes, Ye Qingxuan before, but a super scholar who "I love learning, and learning makes me happy", Mingming and Luo Ji is about the same age, but she is about to graduate as a doctoral student. Under this premise, she is obviously not someone who can play games, or has time to play games, and has basically zero game knowledge.

"The white five-pointed star represents the upper limit of potential, and the black five-pointed star represents your current level."

"Are the five stars the highest?"

Luo Ji's eyelids jumped when he saw this news. He didn't mention this topic at all before, just to keep each other a certain degree of privacy, but he didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan didn't even know the basic common sense of the game, and it was exposed in disguise. I have a privacy information that has an attribute growth cap of five stars...

To be honest, Luo Ji didn't want to know this at all. Originally, he felt guilty about Ye Qingxuan's affairs. The more he knew now, the more pressure he would feel.

In order to prevent this little rookie who has no game knowledge from continuing to blow himself up, Luo Ji quickly posted a few pieces of content known as the novice encyclopedia. To put it bluntly, he explained the entire attribute panel to the other party, and at the end he also reminded the other party very seriously. , tell Ye Qingxuan that these are all private information, and don't tell others lightly.

At the same time, in another parallel world, Ye Qingxuan tilted her head when she saw this news, and then a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on her face, "By the way, did this guy Luo Ji really forget me? ? Should I tell him?"

In the previous real world, when she was sent to the emergency room for rescue, a large number of memories flashed in front of her like a revolving lantern, and the memory deep in her mind was completely awakened. However, The other person in this memory seemed to have completely forgotten her, which really made her a little unhappy, even though she had obviously forgotten it before...

"Forget it, don't say it! I'm the only one who remembers, how embarrassing is that?"

But at this moment, on the other side, sitting in the chief's office that he had just built, Luo Ji's expression was also tangled, "It seems that Senior Sister doesn't seem to have any impression of my name, we really knew each other when we were young. Is it? Forget it, let's not talk about it, if I have no impression at all, how embarrassing am I?"

It's a godlike synchronization...

1 Forty chapters, weather effects

It was still pouring rain in the sky. Outside the camp of the Mingjing tribe, a strong cry of killing broke the silence of the rainy day. A team of soldiers wearing leather armor and using stone spears and stone axes as weapons stepped on the muddy ground. Pushing the siege vehicle in front of him, he charged towards the gate of the Jingjing tribe!

Within the ancient city wall, under the steady command of Zhao Pan, the slingers were divided into three groups, and they continuously launched three-stage stone bombing on the invaders charging outside the city wall. The repressive force it brings is despairing.

"The whole army charge!!" The player leading this army yelled frantically, "As long as we charge within 30 meters, those catapults will not be able to hit us! Everyone charge!!"

However, the sky was not as people wished, and the exaggerated high-frequency stone bombing of the slingers was already despairing, but the season of this world just entered the rainy season. The famous player was suddenly shocked. Before he could confirm it in person, the anxious and panicked voices of the soldiers under his command were already ringing in his ears, "Boss, boss! The wheels of the siege vehicle are stuck in the mud pit!"

The player who heard this was in the dark. In ancient times, once the uneven ground entered the rainy season, it became bumpy due to long-term rain. It is simply a natural trap area!

"Shield and axe soldiers form a defensive formation to cover! The spearmen quickly push the siege vehicle out of the mud pit!!" In such a situation, what else can we do except push?

And seeing this scene as well, knowing that there was an accident on the intruder's side, Zhao Pan's eyes flashed with joy, only to see him make a big move and give a quick command in that calm voice, "The attack angle is shifted [-] degrees to the left. All the stone bombs are ready to be thrown, let go!!”

With a single order, unlike the previous three-stage stone bomb throwing, in order to destroy the opposing siege vehicles in one breath, he directly ordered all of them to throw them this time. The stone bullets, mixed with splashing rain, smashed towards the position of the opponent's siege vehicle. This scene saw the intruding player's heart skip a beat, "Raise your shield for defense! Quick! Raise your shield for defense! Protect the siege vehicles. !"

It's too late to say, it's too late. When the player's order was issued, it was already too late. Pieces of heavy circular stone bullets smashed down frantically, and the slingers threw them all in a sudden round, increasing. More than double the destructive power?Where would a thin wooden shield be able to withstand it?The entire defensive formation collapsed in an instant, and then the second round of throwing that was quickly followed directly slammed into the spearmen who were desperately pushing the siege vehicle behind!

Cruel blood flowers mixed with screams, blooming continuously in the pouring rain, the outcome of this battle was already decided at this moment, Luo Ji never imagined that it would make him feel unbearable. During the rainy season, at this moment, it actually became a big boost for them to defend the city. At the same time, what he didn't expect was that in this city defending battle, he discovered another advantage of the slingers!That is less susceptible to the weather!

In the past strategy war games, few games will add the weather system. Even if it does, it is often a symbolic meaning, and there will not be any particularly obvious impact. After all, it is impossible to appear in ordinary games because the next The rain made the road muddy, and finally the wheels of the siege machine accidentally got stuck in the mud hole and couldn't push it out.

This made Luo Ji ignore this point before, until this battle, the slingers made him clearly aware of the weather problem through their excellent performance.

In the real war, pay attention to the right time and place!What does the time of day mean?Simply put, it is the natural climate, that is, the weather!

The weather has a huge impact on a war. For example, in this battle, Luo Ji's archers were there, but they played soy sauce almost all the way. The reason is very simple, because this downpour had a real impact on them. It is too big. The first thing affects the field of vision, and the second one affects the arrows that are shot out. The weight of an arrow is not heavy. The well-aimed shooting trajectory deviates at once, directly taking away the archers' biggest advantage, which is accuracy!

On the other hand, the heavy stone bullets do not care about the few drops of rain, and the attack trajectory and power are hardly affected. I have to say that the stone bullets are too heavy and the mobility is too weak, which is only suitable for defending the city. Not to mention the weakness of this slinger, as a long-range arm of the ancient times, the adaptability of this slinger is really strong enough!

At this time, Luo Ji couldn't help admiring himself even more when he decisively spent 100 million civilization points in seconds to download the skill book of 'Gold Level Slinger Proficiency'. The decision at that moment was really wise!

At the same time, in this battle of defending the city, he was extremely satisfied with Zhao Pan's performance. That's right, in the whole battle of defending the city just now, Luo Ji did almost nothing, and Zhao Pan was there the whole time. He commanded the slingers under his command to attack, and it turned out that he was indeed the general who didn't need him to worry about. Under his command, the invaders were ruthlessly defeated by him even before they could break within 30 meters. .

"Patriarch, are you sending a team of shield and axe soldiers to pursue them?" Zhao Pan, who was still calm as he looked at the fleeing invaders, asked Luo Ji for instructions in a calm tone.

Hearing this, Luo Ji did not answer directly, but instead asked Zhao Pan, "What do you think? Do you want to pursue it?"

"My subordinates don't think it should be pursued." Facing Luo Ji's rhetorical question, Zhao Pan's answer was unusually straightforward.

"Oh?" Luo Ji raised his eyebrows, and the slight curvature of the corners of his mouth showed that he was in a good mood at the moment, "What's the reason? Why shouldn't you pursue him?"

"The first is the weather. Standing in the city, as the city defender, the impact of this heavy rain on us is naturally limited. It is our advantage as the city defender, but once we go out of the city to chase, this advantage will be gone."

"The second is the situation of the invaders. Although the opponent was defeated, but when they retreated, they seemed to be defeated, but in fact they were not panicking, and they didn't even forget to force the siege vehicle away. This shows that they actually have a battle to spare. Li, maybe this is the other party’s plan to deliberately lead us to send troops out of the city to chase and kill, once our troops catch up, and just enter the woods, they may be ambushed by the other party.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Pan paused, then glanced at Luo Yong and Guo Zhen who were full of depression, and then spoke again, "Of course, with the strength of Guo Zhen and Luo Yong, even if they are ambushed, they must be able to relax easily. Defeat the enemy, but during this period, the soldiers under your command will inevitably suffer casualties, there is really no need for that."

Chapter 141: The Third City

Zhao Pan's remarks made Guo Zhen and Luo Yong, who were eager to fight and make contributions, look a lot better. At the same time, after thinking about it carefully, they quickly realized that what Zhao Pan said made sense. They were not afraid, but the people under them It's not a good soldier, anyway, you win, there is no need to risk the lives of your brothers. For a while, even Guo Zhen, who had a normal relationship with Zhao Pan, looked at him with a lot of kindness.

But Luo Ji's thoughts at the moment are completely different. Zhao Pan's analysis just now clearly pointed out the two main reasons why it is not suitable to go out of the city to pursue, and at the same time comforted Guo Zhen and Luo Yong, who were eager for meritorious deeds. It won't go to the tip of the bull's horn. It can be said that it is well-founded and careful in doing things, which is really reassuring.

Just for this calmness, then let him lead the army alone, and there is no problem in garrisoning any branch city, yes, Luo Ji has already started to ponder this matter.

Before the start of the invasion, Guo Jia had asked Liu Chuan to pass the news that the barbarian tribe on the copper mine mountain had been defeated by them, but Luo Ji did not let him rush to occupy it, because once Occupy, the tribal camp will definitely be counted as his territory. When the invading player teleports in, what if he teleports there?That would be tragic!

That location is not the same as the Black Rock Tribe, and it takes at least three days to rush to support!It may even take four days, it cannot be supported at any time, and there is no advantage of the city wall.

But Luo Ji has to occupy that piece of land, which is copper resources!It is an important resource that symbolizes the leap of human civilization from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age! !

In this way, in order to occupy the site and ensure that the site adjacent to the copper mine resources can be defended, Luo Ji needs a general who can take charge of himself, and he also needs relatively sufficient time to build a circle of ancient times there. The city wall came out. From the current point of view, Zhao Pan is obviously the most suitable candidate, but all this has to wait until the end of the invasion war.

At the same time, at the other end, after retreating, the player who hid directly in the surrounding woods wiped the rain dripping on his face with an irritable expression, "Damn! Why don't you chase it out at all? This guy belongs to the tortoise. ?!"

"Leader, are we still waiting? Many brothers are seriously injured. If they continue to be exposed to the rain like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold it anymore..."

Hearing this, the player gritted his teeth, then raised his head and glanced at the sky that was still pouring rain, the place was right and the people were not with him, and it would just be a waste of strength and time to fight again, "No more fighting, withdraw!"

After a round of siege failed, he had clearly realized the strength of the other side's defending forces. At this time, he acted simply, and immediately retreated with the remaining forces.

On the seventh day of the invasion, Luo Ji unsurprisingly heard the system prompting the opponent to retreat, and won another invasion battle, but this time when the system judged, the points he won didn't seem to be high. I only took a black iron treasure chest, which is a little regrettable.

The black iron-level construction department skill book he opened, which he directly took to the captain of the construction team, was considered useful. Then, the hellish days of the construction team members began. Tribal construction, military camp construction, and the third The ancient city wall of Sanfen City, this is the work of their construction team!Almost half a year later...

Although Luo Ji later took into account the workload, he sent a team of manpower to them, but to be honest, the entire task was still so arduous that it made the construction team captain vomit blood.

A new day begins. Early in the morning, small trolleys piled up with construction wood were pushed out of the Mingjing tribe. This was created by Luo Ji to facilitate the transportation of construction materials. Of course, for now, It can only be pushed by manpower, but it is still much easier and more efficient than carrying the wood on your shoulders.

Next, all the members of the construction team who have completed more than [-]% will be transferred to the third sub-city that Guo Jia and the others have just occupied to help with the construction there. The most urgent task is to build a circle within a month. The small distant ancient city wall came out.

Don't think that this number may not be enough. The number of construction teams has long been different from what it used to be. Even the [-]% of the current members are more than when the ancient city walls were built in the Heiyan tribe. In addition, they are all experienced The old master, as long as the scope and size of the city wall are well controlled, it should not be difficult to build a small circle of distant ancient city walls within a month.

At the same time, as the slingers defending the city, Luo Ji also transferred fifteen soldiers in one go, led by Zhao Pan himself, as for the five-man shield and axe squad and five-man archer squad that were originally there, and Liu Zheng continued to stay behind.

In addition, considering the development of the third sub-city, Luo Ji deliberately transferred Zhou Tao, who managed the Heiyan tribe in an orderly manner. After all, Zhao Pan was only responsible for the military and garrison tasks there, and the development of the tribe also had to be Someone is in charge.

Compared with the Heiyan tribe, which had already been on the right track, the newly established third sub-city obviously needs more management talents like Zhou Tao. In this regard, Zhou Tao himself not only has no opinion, but can even be said to be full of interest.

As for the task of escorting this team, Luo Ji was handed over to Guo Zhen. This dead brother is still too annoying, so he should be sent out quickly, although he has to come back in the end. After all, Guo Jia can't stay here. There, at the same time, those newly added populations had to bring them back to give Luo Ji a look, and then assign tasks.

After this large-scale transfer of personnel, the Mingjing tribe, which had transferred a lot of people, suddenly became deserted. Until five days later, Guo Zhen escorted his precious brother and more than 40 new people back.

Looking at these new people, Luo Ji knew that he was busy again, and then he spread out a piece of animal skin paper to replace paper in his chief's office, holding a charcoal in his hand. , put on a 'admission office' posture, and then let those newcomers line up one by one to come in and register.

During this whole process, while looking at the property panel, of course, he would also symbolically ask a few 'what's your name? ', 'What are you good at? ' and other questions, and later found that these questions are surprisingly useful, because among ordinary people, there are many people with flat attributes and no obvious special talents. Faced with this type, just ask the last question It can save a lot of things. The things he said may not be the most suitable for him, but at least he has done it before and has experience in this area!

Chapter 142: Opening of the Forging Department

With the completion of the third sub-city, Luo Ji named it 'Iron Wall', which means a copper wall and an iron wall, indestructible. In addition, Zhao Pan, the general defender of the city, is in charge, the name is unexpectedly quite appropriate. Although there are more of Luo Ji's expectations for this third sub-city.

After all, the distance is a little too long, and the one-way journey will take at least three days. If the next time a player invades and invades there, the Tiebi Tribe will be really dangerous. Luo Ji hopes that the Tiebi Tribe will Being able to endure this difficult period, with such expectations, he gave the third sub-city the name 'Iron Wall'.

"Oh! It's finally done!" Sitting on his boss chair, Luo Ji stretched vigorously. Among the 40 or so people, he found two talents with the upper limit of individual attributes reaching four stars.

One is a talent with a maximum intelligence of four stars, and the talent is a 'herbal master'. No need to talk nonsense, and decisively throw it into the medical department. The attribute of the four-star cap is 'Spirit'.

Different from the relatively clear effects of other attributes, the mental attributes are there, and I can't really figure out what they are useful for, but in fact every attribute is very important.

Spirit can also be understood as willpower and energy. People with high spiritual level are not easily affected by negative influences, and at the same time, their will is stronger. Of course, these are only incidental effects. The most affected by spiritual level is work efficiency!

The higher the mental level, the higher the work efficiency. For example, the same thing, you have just done half of it, and another person who started at the same time as you has done it. This is the difference in work efficiency.

In addition, for players like Luo Ji, there is another important difference between the level of spirit and the number of times they activate their skills!

Going back to the topic, in addition to the spirit, the four attributes of the tribal leader's bravery, intelligence, endurance, and command have also reached the level of three stars. To a certain extent, this is quite comprehensive. Talented, but the talent skills are the same management development as Zhou Tao. To sum up, this should be a workaholic with management talent!

However, Luo Ji didn't throw him directly to the Black Rock Tribe. After all, he was a newcomer, and he didn't even meet the loyalty standard. How could he be given such a large authority all of a sudden?Not to mention that the Black Rock Tribe still has important coal resources, so he should stay by his side as a deputy to help him deal with the daily affairs of the Mirror Tribe.

After arranging all the more than 40 newly recruited manpower, Luo Ji expanded his military force slightly. In the past few months, he has expanded his military force at a slightly higher frequency, but there is no way, the territory is getting bigger and bigger. There are many, and they are getting bigger and bigger. If you want to hold these territories, your military strength must increase. Otherwise, no matter how well your territory is managed, it will be useless. The enemy forces will beat you down as soon as they come.

Correspondingly, with the increase in military strength and population, the food problem of the entire tribe began to give Luo Ji a headache again. The days were a little difficult, but in desperation, Luo Ji launched a special plan for a special period, sending dispatched Two archer teams formed by recruits were sent to assist the hunting team in hunting, so that they could help shoot more prey while training archery. As for the risk that the skill tree might fall off, he pinched his nose. admit!

Maintaining this state, half a month later, the Iron Wall tribe pushed two wooden carts to transport the first batch of copper ore mined back.

Luo Ji waited for the first batch of copper ore for a long time. During the days of waiting, he spent a lot of effort to build the forging furnace, bellows and various forging tools according to the design drawings. Good candidates, set up a 'forging department', and even the content of copper casting, he has already instilled the members of the forging department in advance, basically waiting for the copper mine there to be mined, and then transported back for them to practice. .

After waiting all day and night, he finally got him to wait for this batch of copper mines, no nonsense, and start work directly. With the forging furnace and bellows, and the coal used as fuel, there is absolutely no problem in terms of temperature.

The forging furnace began to ignite, and with the twitching of the bellows, the temperature in the furnace began to rise continuously. During this whole process, the members of the forging department had obviously practiced countless times during the waiting days. Very skilled, but the point is after.

When he picked up the first piece of copper ore and was about to throw it into the forging furnace to heat it up, the member of the forging department was clearly full of nervousness, and even looked back at Luo Ji who was standing behind.

Sensing the other party's gaze, Luo Ji raised his hand, "Don't worry about failure, after every half month, the Tiebi tribe will regularly deliver copper ore, you can try it out with confidence, there will be no problem. ."

Leaving aside the various details and techniques, to sum it up simply, the ancient casting techniques are actually not complicated. They are roughly divided into two types. One is forging, which is similar to the forging method in many people’s impressions, that is, the metal that needs to be forged is first The ore is heated and softened, and then the blacksmith uses the forging hammer in his hand to forge the metal ore into the shape he wants.

The second is the pouring mold. To put it bluntly, it is to first cut out a mold, then burn the copper ore into copper water, pour it into the mold, and finally cool it to form.

Putting the two methods together, there is no need to think about it at all. The quality of the swords forged by thousands of trials is definitely better than that of the second method that saves trouble.

But the second method is not useless, because it is highly efficient. Although the quality of military weapons and equipment is not good, it is more than enough for the casting of some daily necessities.

At the same time, the copper coins that Luo Ji wanted to issue clearly had to be minted by the second method, or else they would have to hit the year of the monkey and the month of the horse with a hammer?

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