Then he controlled his own speed and began to decrease.

Obviously, they put the task assigned by Luo Ji first.

In the face of such a dedicated glimpse.

Kargan, who was following behind, felt inexplicably ashamed.

Although only for a while.

But it cannot be denied that he had left business behind.

I was actually compared to an eagle.

This feeling is really complicated.Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization", follow "You Du Literature?" on WeChat, chat about life, and find a confidant~

Chapter 737 , Hunting Ben Leibao ([-])

Slowing down, Lve Ying's figure quickly disappeared into the forest.

It is small in size.

even in relatively complex environments.

Still able to maintain a very good flight speed.

Was chased all the way by Lve Ying.

The Ben Leibao had obviously noticed its existence long ago.

The decline in physical strength, coupled with the pressure of being hunted down.

The combination of various factors made Ben Leibao's mood extremely irritable.

He roared directly towards Lve Ying.

It seemed to be telling it to get out of here.

However, Lve Ying is obviously not afraid of this level of deterrence.

As the king of the sky and the god of eagles, it naturally has its pride.

Spreading its wings, the speed of Glee Shadow that stopped on the branch exploded completely.

It turned into a black shadow and attacked the Benlei Leopard!

The sharp eagle claws seemed to want to tear the throat of the third-order monster in an instant!

At that moment, Ben Leibao's wild instinct was frantically sounding the alarm.

Probably even Ben Leibao didn't think of it.

How could a black eagle make it feel such a sense of crisis!

Another growl.

Lightning flashed in the dark purple streaks on Ben Leibao's body.

Without hesitation, the 360-degree discharge without dead ends was launched!

Lve Ying had seen this move before when he was flying in the air.

It was fast, but it didn't lose its grip.

Grab the moment when the burst of lightning is about to hurt it.

I saw it flapping its wings violently.

The height raised at that moment made Ben Leibao's discharge attack directly miss.

Immediately afterwards, Lve Ying leisurely made a circle in the air.

This move can be said to be full of provocation.

It seemed to be mocking Ben Leibao's slow reflexes.

Lve Ying's move undoubtedly angered this Tier [-] monster in the true sense.

Then, I saw the roar.

The lightning around Ben Leibao's body quickly gathered in one place.

In the next second, only a thunderbolt was heard.

The lightning gathered in one place turned into a thunderbolt and attacked Lve Ying flying in the air.

The speed of this blow is not unpleasant.

At the critical moment, Lve Ying, who was maintaining a high-speed flight state, instantly increased to the extreme speed!

Then dodge with a quick flip.

Narrowly dodged the thunderous blow of Ben Leibao.

Thunderbolt lightning directly hit a towering tree behind.

The trunk of the big tree, which required two or three people to hug, was blasted through on the spot with a bang.

The surrounding parts were even more scorched black.

Then the towering tree fell to the ground with a sound of branches breaking.

Such a huge movement obviously caught Luo Ji's attention in the first place.

A group of people chasing behind quickly rushed towards this side.

Then, the scene that came into view made Halfen's expression stunned for a while.

I saw it in the woodland.

That black eagle of His Majesty the Emperor is dealing with the Benlei Leopard who is a Tier [-] monster? !

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

That Ben Leibao was electrified all over, Lve Ying had no way to deal with him.

There was no way to even launch an attack on the Ben Leibao.

It's just relying on its flying advantage and its ghostly speed to entangle it.

But even so, it's great enough.

The arrival of Luo Ji and others immediately caught Ben Leibao's attention.

Electric light gathered around the body.

At this moment, Ben Leibao, who was extremely irritable, launched an attack without hesitation.

Accompanied by a thunderbolt.

The two sword and shield soldiers in front were split into two coke by a flash of lightning on the spot!

The deadly threat from the third-tier monster Ben Leibao made everyone who came after him feel chills all over their bodies.

It was Luo Ji's first time dealing with a monster, and at this moment he clearly realized the power of a third-tier monster.

This attack is really a bit ruthless.

Basically, it can be said to kill someone.

In comparison, at this moment, although Halfen's complexion was extremely ugly, he was surprisingly confident in his heart.

The third-order fire magic crystal in the family shows that he has experience in dealing with third-order monsters!

"Everyone, don't panic! The lightning attack just now is at least a third-level magic attack! The consumption is not small, and even a third-level monster cannot be released at will!"

Halfen's words undoubtedly reminded everyone.

All eyes fell on Ben Leibao at the same time.

I really didn't notice it before.

Now take a closer look.

Everyone suddenly noticed that the originally extremely violent arcs around Ben Leibao's body seemed to have weakened a bit.

At the same time, breathing became obviously heavy.

This undoubtedly verified Halfen's statement.

"Melee infantry step back and cover with shields! All archers continue to shoot arrows!"

Luo Ji, who was standing at the back, was undoubtedly well versed in the art of hunting.

If the road is surrounded to death.

That Ben Leibao was desperate and would fight back desperately.

At that time, it will inevitably have to sacrifice the lives of several soldiers.

So, just be generous and let the road go.

If it wants to run, let it run.

After it is exhausted from running and unable to fight back, isn't it a dead end?

For Luo Ji's order, the remaining soldiers of the hunting team immediately followed suit.

The oppressive arrows continued to shoot towards the Ben Leibao.

At the same time, Kargan, who was riding a giant eagle and maintaining a high altitude flight, also flew into the forest and started to join forces with the soldiers to shoot and kill the Benlei Leopard.

The arrows coming from all directions made Ben Leibao tired of dealing with them.

At this moment, Ben Leibao, who had already smelled the breath of death, obviously had no intention of fighting again.

Turn around and run.

Luo Ji didn't stop him either.

Just let it run and they'll chase after it.

After the previous chase.

He already knew that Lve Ying's speed could catch up to Ben Leibao.

So what else is there to worry about?

The running speed of the severely exhausted Ben Leibao is obviously not as fast as before.

On this point, Luo Ji felt extremely clear.

Can't escape, can't escape.

The group of guys who wanted it's life behind him just chased it leisurely.

At the same time, there was that damned black eagle staring at it in the sky!

At this moment, in Ben Leibao's eyes, there was a very humane expression of grief and indignation!

Behind is a dead end.

And ahead, there is a dead end disguised as a way of life!

This monster is far smarter than Luo Ji expected.

Ben Leibao's movement speed began to become slower and slower.

It made the soldiers chasing behind look happy.

Only when that monster is already close to exhaustion.

Subconsciously, he would approach it and take his life.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a violent electric arc suddenly erupted from Ben Leibao's body!

This unexpected situation undoubtedly frightened the soldiers.

The brain instantly went blank.

And Ben Leibao's movements obviously won't stop.

Amidst the roar, a large number of electric lights quickly gathered in one place.

In the end, it turned into a thunderbolt and shot out!

The target was not the few soldiers who approached it, but Luo Ji who was at the rear! !

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