"You don't need to thank me. Since your wood elves have surrendered to the civilization of the ten thousand realms, they are the citizens of the civilization of the ten thousand realms. It is His Majesty's order to encircle and suppress the rebels."

In this regard, Halfen is not entangled.

Instead, he asked another question that he was very concerned about.

"My lord Elf King, how will the captives of our clan be dealt with next?"

"This matter is also decided by His Majesty, but..."

Speaking of this, Zhang William changed the subject slightly.

"According to my estimate, the wood elves who participated in the rebellion should be demoted to coolies. No matter whether they joined the rebel army voluntarily or were forced to join the rebel army, the facts are in front of them. There's a price to pay."

After all, it has been a while for him to submit to the civilization of the world.

William Zhang obviously knew a little about these things.

When Halfen heard this, he frowned.

"Coolies? Do you mean slaves?"

"You're not quite right."

While speaking, William Zhang thought about it for a while, and then spoke again.

"In the Myriad Realms civilization, coolies are also divided into several levels..."

"The lowest level of coolies are criminals who have committed crimes and need to perform high-intensity and long-term coolies during their service to repay or make up for their mistakes."

"The coolies at the next level are generally composed of prisoners of war. They will accept unified management and perform unpaid labor. After a few months or a year and a half, if they perform well, they can get rid of this status."

"This time, the rebels of your Wood Elf clan will logically be classified into this level."

"By the way, if you go up one level, you will be an ordinary coolie."

"The civilians of the defeated side will be classified into this level, and some work will be assigned to these people."

"Three meals a day are enough to eat, there is also a decent place to live, and the most important thing is that there is a salary. Life is not difficult."

"However, this salary is one-third of the normal salary, so this level of coolie is also called cheap labor."

"As for coolies at this level, if they perform well, they will soon be promoted to full-fledged citizens of the Myriad Worlds civilization."

Halfen obviously didn't expect that the civilization of Myriad Realms still has such a perfect way of distinguishing between captives.

In any case, Halfen accepted this punishment.

The rebels had indeed made a big mistake, and it would be nice if they could save their lives. After being a coolie for a year or so, what kind of punishment is it?

At this point, he thought about it.

As for the civilians, there seemed to be nothing to worry about. After all, William Zhang had clearly told him that life was not too difficult.

Of course, all of this had to wait for Luo Ji, who was far away in Mirror City, to issue an order.

After all, only after Luo Ji opened his mouth would his words count.

William Zhang is at best a guess.

But at this moment, their emperor, His Majesty, is enjoying his harvest day vacation.

Sitting in the Grand Opera House in Mirror City, watching opera performances.

He didn't watch the opera performance last year.

There is nothing to look at, because he has long been familiar with it.

But this year, he is still quite interested.

Because he has no idea what the opera troupe wants to perform.

This curiosity in his heart made Luo Ji, who didn't want to move at all during the harvest day holiday, sit in the Grand Opera House.

Looking at the opera performance of the actors on the stage with a pair of eyes, they seemed very serious.

It is worth mentioning here that the Grand Opera House has also been slightly remodeled this year.

There is an extra second floor with boxes.

At this time, Luo Ji was sitting in this box watching the opera.

Doing so is good for yourself and good for the audience.

In order not to watch an opera and make everyone nervous.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and this opera lasted about forty minutes.

With the falling of the curtains on both sides, the opera ended.

I have to say that over the past few years, the acting skills of the actors of the Der Spiegel Opera Troupe have really improved tremendously.

On the stage, even if it's A, B, C, Ding, the acting skills are all online.

It is really necessary to maintain healthy competition within the opera troupe.

This allows every actor to hone his acting skills more diligently.

Just as Luo Ji was thinking about it.

There was a knock on the door of the box.

After receiving Luo Ji's signal, Jie Zichuan, who was standing aside, walked over to open the door.

I saw that the person standing outside the door was Gao Jin, the head of the opera troupe.

"Xiaomin Gaojin, see Your Majesty."

Gao Jin who walked into the box saluted Luo Ji respectfully.

Luo Ji waved his hand, motioning him to excuse himself.

And then asked...

"what's up?"

Faced with Luo Ji's casual question, Gao Jin's expression showed a bit of apprehension.

After struggling for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and asked the question in his stomach...

"The villain wants to ask His Majesty if he is satisfied with this year's performance?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji chuckled lightly.


Luo Ji's sound was okay, and Gao Jin was greatly relieved.

However, in fact, this year's opera troupe's performance carried many shadows of the previous two operas.

It can be clearly felt that the screenwriter has researched and referenced the previous scripts.

And the ending is also a tragic tragedy.

Obviously also influenced by the previous two operas.

But anyway, at least it tells a complete story.

On this point, Luo Ji was quite satisfied.

But let's talk about what makes this show shine.

That's actually no.

It can only be said to be mediocre.

At the same time, if the screenwriters fall into some habitual thinking, it's not good to keep writing tragedies there.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help but remind him...

"For next year's opera performance, how about trying some entertaining comedy?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Gao Jin who was standing there in a daze.

Luo Ji left the box on the second floor with a group of guards...

The update is here, thanks to the book friend 'Deep in the Night~Who is Crying' for the reward and the book friends 'Drunkard 0070' and 'A Wisp of Love Around the Heart' for the monthly pass!

Chapter 727, Random Research

A few days passed.

After receiving William Zhang's letter from Flying Pigeon.

Look at the content in the battle report.

A look of obvious surprise appeared on Luo Ji's face.

He originally thought that he could win easily.

But he didn't expect that he actually underestimated the fighting power of the wood elves in the forest terrain.

It even underestimated the strength of the elf druid, a special unit.

Sure enough, special races have their own strengths, so it's hard to deal with them.

At the same time, according to Zhang William's report, the whereabouts of the elder Otis and the second elder Senya of the wood elves are still unknown.

Halfen, the patriarch of the wood elves, asked him to send a search party to find the two elders of the clan.

His fingertips tapped the table lightly.

Accompanied by the specific sound with rhythm.

Luo Ji thought about it for a while.

He granted Halfen's request and sent a search party to find the two wood elf elders.

This matter is not bad for him.

On the one hand, it can easily gain a wave of Halfen's loyalty.

On the other hand, according to the description in William Zhang's report, those two wood elf elders had high cultivation bases, which could be called precious combat power, and they would definitely come in handy when they were retrieved.

Why doesn't he do such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

After confirming this matter, Luo Ji wrote another order, instructing Zhang Weilian and the others to stay at the Wood Elf City first, waiting for the garrison troops to rush over to them for handover.

By the way, ask them to count the supplies in the city.

As for the disposal of those captives and Wood Elf civilians.

It is almost the same as what Zhang William said before.

It's not that kind of magic trick.

It is because the Myriad Realms civilization has a clear standard for dealing with criminals, captives, and enemy civilians.

Luo Ji just acted according to the standards and laws he set up.

At the same time, he also had to spend some time thinking about the reward for this battle, and slowly considered it.

For the elves, just help them with a wave of construction.

The elves are not good at building ability.

Therefore, the construction of goblin technology is still very attractive to elves.

As for Luo Cheng and Zhou Xian, their performance in this battle was not outstanding.

Before that, he was ambushed and lost hundreds of cavalry.

This time, it is barely considered that their merits and demerits are equal.

Next is the Wolf Clan and the Fox Clan...

The orc arms of their two races have contributed a lot to this wave.

For the wolf clan, Luo Ji thought about it and helped them upgrade a wave of special buildings in the 'wolf clan training ground'.

After getting the new blueprints, hand them over directly to a goblin construction team.

Will go back and help them remodel.

As for the Fox Clan, Luo Ji focused on the 'Foxer Guerrilla', a new unit unlocked some time ago.

After this trip tasted the sweetness.

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