Put aside the troublesome things first, in short, Luo Ji will never let Ah Lu do any internal affairs work. It is already a stomachache just to clean up two skills. The tree can't go any further.

He signaled Violent Bear to follow Luo Yong to the Wild Bear Tribe, and after transferring the population over there, Luo Ji also recruited a few subordinates and told them to prepare for the newcomers. This is more than 260 people, not a small number. After the transfer of more than 200 people, whether it is the construction of tents, or the problems of the wounded and food, they must be dealt with in time.

The issue of the wounded is easy to say. Since the development of the medical department, all kinds of herbal medicines have been collected, and in addition to the recent battles of the Mirror Tribe, few people have been injured, which makes the medical department stockpile a lot of herbs. It should be able to Can handle it.

The headache was indeed the problem of food. It was obviously impossible to feed them all in a short period of time. The easiest way was undoubtedly to reduce the food allocated to these new populations.

But even if five people share one pot of fish, fifty or sixty pots are needed to solve a meal. At this juncture, the Mingjing tribe is still being invaded by players. In other words, in order to avoid being attacked by that Zhou Kai, During this period of time, the hunting team will not go out to hunt, and the farming side just planted the seeds last month, and it is still early to harvest. The fish resources provided by Mingjing Lake behind it may be okay in a short time, but After a long time, the Mingjing tribe probably will be short of food.

Because of this sudden situation, Luo Ji had to change his original plan again. He originally planned to take advantage of a wave first and then fight steadily, but the rapidly increasing population in the tribe no longer allowed him to do so. Going out to hunt, he must take the initiative to attack this battle, and make a quick decision. This is really a plan that can't keep up with the changes.

Just as Luo Ji was thinking this way, Luo Jin, who was out on a mission, finally rushed back to the tribal camp before dark...

Looking at Luo Jin who walked into the leader's tent, who obviously had something to report, Ah Lu, who was sitting next to him, got up quite wisely, preparing to avoid it appropriately.

Unexpectedly, before he could take this step, Luo Ji called out, "There's no need to avoid it, just sit there."

A Lu was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and even Luo Jin who had just walked in looked at A Lu with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"They're obviously going to talk about something very important next, but they let me, a newcomer who just surrendered, stay here? What does this mean?" As soon as this idea came up, A Lu resolutely gave up thinking about it. Anyway, he hadn't figured out what the man in front of him was thinking from the beginning to the end, so he just followed Luo Ji's suggestion and sat back down again, but in this atmosphere, he would inevitably feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

On the contrary, Luo Jin, after hearing Luo Ji's words, quite simply stopped caring about A Lu who was sitting next to him, and spread out the map on his own, and reported the situation.

What happened directly under his own eyes, Alu didn't want to notice it, and his eyes, which had nowhere to rest, were quickly attracted by the spread map in front of him...

"The outsiders who were defeated before have set up a temporary camp at this location..." While speaking, Luo Jin pointed to a mark on the map, "Depending on the situation, they should not have any more camps before dawn." There's a new move."

After watching Luo Jin's gestures, Ah Lu, who was sitting next to him, understood what this animal skin full of strange marks was for, and then there was a look of surprise in his eyes, "So that's it, put the nearby Is all the topography marked on this piece of animal skin? Who came up with this method? And how did these strange marks get on the animal skin?"

At this time, Ah Lu only felt that his mind was full of question marks, and he couldn't help being surprised by everything that happened in front of him.

On the main seat, after listening to Luo Jin's analysis, Luo Ji subconsciously nodded, and then asked, "Is the road from our tribal camp to this temporary camp safe after nightfall?"

Hearing Luo Ji's words, it was obvious that he had the idea of ​​attacking at night, but it was obviously too dangerous for Ah Lu, who was still quite backward in thinking. In his common sense, night and danger were equated. Yes, after nightfall, ferocious beasts often appear in the wild, and under the dark night, human beings may not even be able to see the road clearly with their naked eyes. How could they be the opponents of those nocturnal animals?

But Luo Jin on the side nodded seriously, "Because of the existence of our tribe, all the wild animals in the vicinity have almost run away, and the hyena group has also temporarily left this area due to the hunting some time ago. After nightfall, some beasts may come back, but as long as you smear some saber-toothed cat feces on your body, you should be able to scare them away easily."

"Huh? Feces? What the hell is this guy talking about?" A Lu found that he could not follow the train of thought of these two people, or could not understand, "If I understand correctly, it should be shit, right? ? Put shit on your body?"

Although people in ancient times basically didn't have cleanliness, it was impossible to wipe shit on themselves. At that moment, A Lu who was sitting next to him felt that these two people were sick.

Unexpectedly, when he was thinking this way, Luo Ji, who was sitting on the main seat, suddenly changed the subject and threw the question into his hands, "Ah Lu, what do you think?"

Ah Lu, whose name was suddenly called by Luo Ji, was obviously taken aback. At the same time, he was a little dumbfounded by the situation, and didn't know what to say. At least he couldn't say what was in his head just now. To be a little more tactful, "Cough! I think it's too dangerous to leave the camp at night..."

Unexpectedly, Luo Ji interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Don't worry about your safety, we have a way to avoid the attack of wild animals..."

"How to avoid it? Do you want to wipe shit on your body?" A Lu couldn't help complaining in his heart when he heard this.

However, Luo Ji's next words completely stunned him, "So, I'm asking you about your specific plan to attack the camp of outsiders. Do you have any ideas?"

Hearing this question, Ah Lu still couldn't react, because it was already a topic of fighting, and in the past, this topic had nothing to do with him at all, even his big brother, Stormy Bear, who trusted him very much, He never asked for his opinion on matters related to combat, and Luo Ji was the first person to ask him this question!

Chapter 117, Night Raid and Variables

The man in front of him still couldn't figure out what was going on in his head, but it didn't affect the excitement that surged in his heart after he came back to his senses.

Once upon a time, he also wanted to prove that his mind can also be used in battle, but he did not get this opportunity, and before he entered the battlefield, his existence was sentenced to death, and now , a chance to prove himself is in front of him!Grabbing this opportunity in his hand, A Lu is racking his brains to think,

Looking at A Lu who was in deep thought, the corners of Luo Ji's mouth twitched slightly. However, at this time, does Luo Ji really expect A Lu to come up with a perfect night attack plan for him?

In fact, no, no matter how limitless A Lu's future growth is, he is still just a rookie with a crooked skill tree. To make A Lu an excellent strategist, he still needs to Luo Ji spent a lot of time and energy cultivating him and tempering him, and it wasn't something that could be done all at once.

Luo Ji already knew about the plan for the next night attack. The reason he asked this question was mainly to guide A Lu to put his mind and thinking on this kind of strategy, and to make him realize these things. That's what you should think about, instead of letting you waste your mind on managing the food and drink of the tribe's people, although that is also a very important thing for the development of a tribe.

As it turns out, A Lu failed to come up with a plan that would satisfy Luo Ji in the end. As night fell, Luo Ji and his soldiers quietly left the tribal camp.

A Lu stared blankly at the burning fire in front of him. Even the bowl of fragrant fish soup in his hand failed to raise his interest. The whole person fell into deep contemplation. He was thinking, Thinking about the plan that Luo Ji told him before he left, the moment he heard the content of the plan, it seemed like a whole new world opened up in front of him...

At the same time, at the other end, a group of people, led by Luo Jin, quickly rushed towards the location of the temporary camp of the invaders under the cover of the night.

Launching a night attack is a double-edged sword, because the impact of the night on the line of sight is two-way, the other party will be affected, and so will they!However, under such circumstances, why did Luo Ji insist on launching a night attack?

There are two reasons!

The first reason is that the player Zhou Kai's troops had just suffered a defeat during the day, and their momentum was hit. Luo Ji wanted to use this momentum to pursue a victory, and the night attack method would allow him to achieve the goal of chasing after victory. And let him take advantage of the night to catch the other party by surprise!

The second reason is because of the arms configuration of both sides!During the daytime battle, Luo Ji was hiding in the woods and could see clearly that Zhou Kai had fifteen fully-armed archers under his command, which had completely surpassed him in numbers. Although there were only thirteen left, but The advantages of the long-range arms are still not to be underestimated. In other words, once the two sides meet in the wild, the first round of long-range attacks will suppress him, and he will be at a disadvantage without any suspense!

Thanks to that one-handed fighting method, Zhou Kai's team of archers attacked the people of the Wild Bear tribe. By the time they were killed, the two sides had already been killed together. The archers who were worried about accidentally hurting their own people were useless, so Luo Ji could easily avoid the threat posed by the opponent's archers during the day.

But it is difficult to have a second chance like this, so Luo Ji chose night attack, because in the dark night, it is difficult for archers to aim, and random bows can easily hurt their own people, which is basically equivalent to obsolete.

The faint light of fire in the distance indicated that they were not far from the temporary camp of the invaders. At this point, Luo Ji had no plans to hide any more traces, and he also did not believe that an old game bird would be unprepared after dark. , acting too slow will give the opponent a chance to react. I saw Luo Ji decisively activated the 'moral boost' skill, and then gave an order, and the shield and axemen who had been gaining momentum behind him immediately roared and rushed out!

The sound of shouting and killing added a bit of noise to this quiet night, and a large number of birds were scattered. Under the night, the horn of a battle was sounding.

However, the shield and axemen who rushed out bumped into Zhou Kai and others who were also prepared!Standing at the back of his own battle formation, Zhou Kai, who was holding an axe, couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hahahaha, how is it? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? I knew you slut would come to attack at night, I'll be waiting for you. For a long time!!"

While speaking, Zhou Kai's expression changed, and in the frantic laughter, there was a bit of obvious cruelty, "Give me a hand! Shoot them!"

The bonfire lit in the camp provided a certain degree of vision for the archers hidden in the dark woods. At the same time that Zhou Kai issued the shooting order, arrows shot out of the woods quickly.

In the face of such an attack, Luo Ji waved his hand and hurriedly instructed the shield and axemen under his command to form a defensive formation. With the circular leather shield in his hand, he resisted the flying arrows. At the same time, arrows flew out of his sight. In that direction, "So it is, is it over there?"

"What if you find out now?" Zhou Kai smiled disdainfully, "Do you think you can cross my line of defense and hurt my archer?"

However, when Luo Ji heard this, he couldn't help but let out a sneer, which made Zhou Kai who was in a good mood inexplicably unhappy, "What are you laughing at?!"

Luo Ji didn't say a word, but when he beckoned, the shield and axe soldiers who had opened the shield formation suddenly swarmed up, forming a battle with the shield and axe soldiers under Zhou Kai's command.

At the same time that the two waves of men and horses completely collided, the arrows that flew out of the woods suddenly stopped, causing Zhou Kai's facial expression to froze slightly.

"Now you know why I'm laughing?" Behind the battle formation, Luo Ji spread his hands innocently, "Because of the day's affairs, you probably want to save some face with me, but ah, if you don't want me If you wish, you should let your archers hide honestly, instead of shooting two arrows like that, they were quite safe hiding in the woods, but now they are completely exposed."

At the end, Luo Ji's expression became even more innocent. Looking at his appearance, Zhou Kai suddenly felt something wrong, "You..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

As soon as Zhou Kai opened his mouth, a scream came from the dim woods, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes quickly, "What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything." Luo Ji tilted his head, with a faint smile on his face, "It's just a little bit of protection from you."

Chapter 118

This slap slapped his face with burning pain. His archer unit is now under attack. At this time, Zhou Kai's whole mood can be said to be extremely irritable. What are you kidding?Any idea how much time, energy and resources it took to raise a team of archers in ancient times?He would be in pain for a long time if he died!

Moreover, as an archer of the long-range arms, the advantages and disadvantages are as obvious. Once you get close, you can imagine what will happen. There is no mood to continue fighting with Luo Ji. Zhou Kai only wants to quickly kill and save his own. Archer Squad.

However, Luo Ji will let him get his wish?Before he could turn around, a powerful attack immediately forced him to kill him in person. Zhou Kai looked up, and his expression became twisted, "It's you two again!"

I saw the two figures blocking his way at this time, it was Luo Yong and Liu Zheng who had played against him during the day!

"Get away from me!!" Concerned about the safety of his archer squad, anxious Zhou Kai decisively launched offensive skills, trying to break through the two's interception in one breath.

But Luo Yong and Liu Zheng were not vegetarians either. They both waved their weapons at the same time and blocked the road strongly. In the situation of one enemy and two, even if Zhou Kai had the skill advantage, he wanted to easily break through the joint blocking of the two of them. Also delusional.

In a round of confrontation, Zhou Kai, who was one enemy and two, was forcibly blocked back. Under the night, his face turned pale for a while. The burden caused by his continuous use of skills during the day has not recovered yet. Now he is strong. As he activated the skill again, at that moment, he actually felt dizzy.

A look of unwillingness mixed with full of remorse flashed across his face. Before, he shouldn't have gotten carried away and let the archer attack.

No matter how unhappy he was, he had to admit that the bastard named Luo Ji was right, in the current environment, the archers themselves were unable to exert any advantages and combat power, and it was wise to hide in the dark woods to avoid fighting. The choice of , once the shot is made, the position is exposed, but it makes them completely passive.

Faced with such a disadvantage, Zhou Kai was anxious and saw an opportunity. He swept the axe in his hand, but did not attack Luo Yong and Liu Zheng, but sent a blow to the fire in their camp!

After a short burst of sparks, with the disappearance of the last bit of fire, the world blocked by dark clouds was completely plunged into darkness.

The people who suddenly lost their vision inevitably became a little flustered. In the darkness, Zhou Kai, who knew that he had no chance of winning, acted bluntly, and directly issued an order to retreat.

Luo Ji didn't give the order to chase, but took off the longbow he was carrying behind his back, and pulled out an arrow from the quiver at his waist. The archer team came over, but he brought bow and arrow equipment just in case.

Just waiting for the thick dark cloud in the sky to be blown away by the wind, along with a ray of moonlight falling, Luo Ji's eyes vaguely caught a figure fleeing in panic...

"Precision Shooting!"

Without any hesitation, with the activation of the skill, a sharp arrow flew out of the string in an instant and flew into the dark woods. Luo Ji didn't know whether his arrow hit or not, and it didn't matter.

The reason why he carried a bow and arrow and made the action of bending a bow and an arrow just now was just waiting for an opportunity. If he waited, he would shoot. If he didn't wait, then forget it. However, no matter what, his purpose was has reached...

I saw a figure walking out of the woods on the side. It was Luo Ji who had arranged it in advance to ambush the violent bears of the archer troops on the opposite side. "What was the result of the battle? How many were solved?"

"I don't know, it's too dark in the woods, it's just hacking." When he said this, the blood-stained bear was obviously in a good mood. Before he set off, he heard that he was going to attack the camp of outsiders at night. The performance is more energetic than anyone else, who made Zhou Kai attack his wild bear tribe in the daytime?Never thought that there would be an opportunity for revenge so soon.

Hearing this, Luo Ji also chuckled lightly, then moved his hand and motioned the shield and axe soldiers under his command to enter the woods to count the dead.

At the same time, on the other side, Zhou Kai and the others who escaped all the way through the darkness can be said to have made a wrong step and made a wrong step. From the moment they fell into Luo Ji's trap during the day, they were already at a disadvantage.

After that, Zhou Kai originally wanted to bet that the other party would come to the night attack, and then took advantage of the opportunity of the night attack to fight back and restore the disadvantage. It turned out that he bet right, but the result was because he was complacent and put things away. screwed up...

Thinking of this, Zhou Kai suddenly felt a burst of anger, and his overwhelmed body fell heavily to the ground.


Zhou Kai's sudden fall to the ground caused a burst of panic among his subordinates. At this time, everyone realized that there was an arrow flying from nowhere on their leader's back.

"Wound medicine! Quickly bring the wound medicine to stop the bleeding!!"

Fortunately, with the barrier of the leather armor, the wound was not particularly deep. After taking out the arrow and quickly and simply treating the wound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Early the next morning, Zhou Kai, who was in a coma, woke up leisurely, his chapped lips bluffed a few times, and the whole person only felt a dry mouth, "Water, water..."

"The leader is awake! Get some water!"

Zhou Kai's action of getting up and drinking water inevitably involved the arrow wound on his back. The pain that spread at that moment made his face that could not see any blood suddenly turn blue.

After drinking two sips of water, Zhou Kai's complexion improved slightly, and the deputy next to him handed over a piece of jerky in time, "Boss, eat something."

Looking at the dry piece of jerky, Zhou Kai couldn't hold his appetite at all. He shook his head and asked aloud, "How were the casualties last night?"

As soon as the question was asked, everyone was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Looking at everyone's appearance, Zhou Kai's heart sank, and the answer is self-evident...

"Leader, why don't we retreat first this trip, and then we'll fight back to take revenge after we regroup!" They lost twice in a row. To be honest, they all felt that they had no chance of winning. If they continued to fight, the casualties would be even more severe. Thinking of this , Zhou Kai's deputy couldn't help but bite the bullet and put forward his own opinions.

Hearing this, Zhou Kai's expression was also dazed for a while, then he looked down at his embarrassed appearance at the moment, took a deep breath, and finally nodded somewhat decadently, "Let's withdraw..."

Chapter 119, rapid development

On the seventh day of the invasion, the system prompting the end of the invasion sounded in his mind. Luo Ji didn't have too many surprises. After two consecutive defeats, more than half of Zhou Kai's archers were killed or injured. It is a wise choice to retreat in time to keep the remaining troops alive.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for winning.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for getting the item 'Silver Treasure Chest × 1'

"Silver treasure chest?" Luo Ji sighed faintly. He felt that his victory was quite complete. However, looking at the current situation, this level of victory seemed not to be enough to get the golden treasure chest.

In a word, let’s hang up the battle-free card first. After hanging the battle-free card, Luo Ji opened his backpack and looked at the silver treasure chest in the backpack.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for obtaining the black iron item 'Farming (Skill Book)'

Hearing the system prompt, Luo Ji immediately rolled his eyes. The Silver Treasure Box opened a black iron level item. It was determined that the character was exhausted. Taking a look at the effect of the skill, it is a passive skill that increases the efficiency of field cultivation by 20.00%. There is nothing to say Yes, black iron-level skill books are not uncommon anyway, so I just found a farmer who has performed relatively well in the Ministry of Agriculture recently, and just photographed him.

Compared to this, he still hasn't worked out the arrangements for the more than 200 members of the Bear Tribe. In order to determine each person's talent and potential, Luo Ji spent several dollars on the registration and transfer of personnel. At that moment, he clearly realized the power of the system.

Being able to view the attribute panel of the people under his command is definitely a major advantage of their players. What talent, potential or speciality a person has, as long as you open the attribute panel, it is basically clear at a glance.

However, in the past few days, Luo Ji suddenly realized that this is not the player's advantage, but the novice's advantage, and the key is the number of people!

The novice civilized tribe has a small population. As long as you spend a little time, you can easily look at all the attribute panels of the fallen people one by one, and there is no pressure at all.

But with the gradual growth of the civilized population, when the number of people under your command has changed from dozens to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, can you still watch them one by one?

This is where the system is so powerful. It doesn't expressly stipulate that only novices can view the attribute panels of the people under his command, but at the same time, it gives veterans invisible restrictions. Thousands, tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of people, if you have that Time and energy, and you are willing to look at them one by one, you go ahead and look at them, but the question is who is so free?

After a lot of effort, the newly added 200 people were finally arranged, and all the departments in the upper and lower levels have increased their manpower to a certain extent.

In addition, the patrol team, which had been unable to form due to the limited manpower of the tribe, was also formed by taking advantage of the skyrocketing population. Luo Ji also took advantage of the situation to expand its military force, and the entire Mingjing tribe had simply entered a kind of state of rapid development.

Maintaining such a state of rapid development, half a month passed quietly. Inside the leader's tent, Luo Ji was playing with the fist-sized rock in his hand, and a thought flashed in his eyes from time to time.

This stone was accidentally discovered by Luo Jin when he was reconnaissance of the terrain outside and perfected the map, and then sent Liu Chuan from the reconnaissance team to bring it back. Obviously, it is not an ordinary stone, but if there is any difference, it should be this one. The whole body of the stone exudes a metallic luster!

After Luo Ji's repeated confirmation, he can now be sure that the stone with metallic luster in his hand should be a piece of copper ore. In other words, Luo Jin found a copper ore vein!

Glancing at the map laid out in front of him, Luo Ji said calmly, "There is a barbarian tribe near the mountain where this ore was discovered, right?"

"Yes, Patriarch." While speaking, Liu Chuan stretched out his hand and pointed to the map, "It's probably at this location, almost with his back against the mountain."

"Has the other party found these copper ores?"

"It should have been discovered. After all, these copper ores are quite conspicuous in the sunlight, but the subordinates think that the other party should not know what these copper ores are useful for." Not to mention those barbarians, even Liu Chuan he Neither himself nor Luo Jin, who discovered this ore, knew what it was doing. He also just learned the name of 'copper ore' from Luo Ji's mouth, and then he learned to sell it now.

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