The remaining ten stone slingers, five archers, fifteen shield axemen, and the two fierce generals Luo Yong and Liu Zheng were all concentrated on the side of the Mingjing tribe.

After some arrangements by Luo Ji, the day when the free battle card expired quietly arrived...

System prompt: Player 'Zhou Kai' has invaded your civilization!

Listening to the system prompts in his ears, Luo Ji couldn't help but lamented how many disasters the newcomers suffered. Sure enough, these veterans were mercilessly staring at the newcomers and bullying them desperately. But this time, Luo Ji just wanted to say one thing. Just in time!

At this moment, figures appeared out of thin air on the plain outside the Mingjing tribe, a little bit shifted from where the player appeared last time, but not far behind.

Leading a rather burly young man in his twenties is the invading player this time, Zhou Kai!

Feeling the sunlight shining from the top of his head, Zhou Kai stretched his muscles, "Is it noon here?"

Without ordering the subordinates behind him to disperse and search, Zhou Kai looked down at the ground full of footprints in front of him, with a hint of subtlety in his tone, "So lucky? As soon as he came in, he was randomly teleported to someone by the system." Where is the clue?"

But it's not too strange. After all, according to the rules of the system, it is randomly teleporting near the opponent's territory.

A thought flashed through Zhou Kai's mind, and Zhou Kai hooked his fingers at the subordinate beside him, "Follow the footprints and investigate the situation. After you find the camp of the enemy tribe, come back and report to me immediately."

The soldier who received the leader's order left quickly. They were not far from the Bear Tribe at that time. The scout who was sent out easily found the Bear Tribe's camp, and then ran back to Zhou Kai. Reported.

After listening to the report, Zhou Kai rubbed his chin, "Does the tribe have a population of two to three hundred people? It seems that this newcomer who has never seen him is still a war madman. What about weapons and equipment? Have you found anything?"

"Subordinates have seen slings and round wooden shields."

Zhou Kai was not surprised that the opposing player had a catapult soldier. As a long-range weapon in ancient times, basically novices with a little common sense could make it, but this round wooden shield is a bit of a headache. After all, his trip They came out with fifteen archers...

With a shield on the opposite side, his archer's advantage will be blocked by at least half, but at the same time, Zhou Kai has also thoroughly confirmed the identity of the opponent's player. With this number of people and this equipment, in ancient times, apart from players, who else could Get it out?

"I didn't expect to be blinded by accident, and I picked a hard bone..." Zhou Kai rubbed his chin while thinking about countermeasures, "Why don't we wait until after dark to attack at night? No, no! After dark, we This team of archers can't even aim, so why don't they all be abolished?"

At this time, Zhou Kai felt as if he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock. He originally brought fifteen archers here to take advantage of it, but he bumped into the muzzle of the opposite gun...

He is not a person who is good at playing tricks. Zhou Kai, who was sitting on a rock, pretended to think deeply about the countermeasures for a while, and then slapped his thigh, "It's decided, just head on!"

The moment he heard this sentence, the faces of the subordinates standing behind him flashed a moment of speechlessness at the same time. Their leaders like to be so deep for a while every time, but every time they are deep, they still have to face the front, so what are you doing? Deepen something?

Of course, with similar thoughts, they also thought about it in their hearts. They were quite satisfied with their leader. After Zhou Kai gave an order, a group of 30 people immediately moved towards the place where the Barbarian tribe was located in the distance. position to kill.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that, except for the fifteen archers, the other fourteen warriors were all holding the weapons and equipment of shield axemen, and on Zhou Kai's shoulders, he was carrying a rather eye-catching sword. the axe!

But what they didn't notice was that in the forest behind them, among the lush branches of a certain big tree, a pair of eyes were quietly watching their every move.

After watching Zhou Kai and others run away, Luo Jin, who was hiding in the tree, moved and quickly slid down holding the trunk of the big tree, and then took off the camouflage suit made of vines and leaves on his body, "External Territory Sure enough, the person has come, so I have to go back to the tribe and report the information to the clan leader."

Turning the angle of view back to the invaders, Zhou Kai brought this force, to some extent, could do whatever he wanted in ancient times.

There was a commotion in the Barbarian tribe. The stone bomb attacks of the catapults were easily resolved by the shield axe soldiers under Zhou Kai's command. With the shield axemen blocking the front, the fifteen archers in the rear naturally shot at ease, one by one. Sharp arrows shot out continuously, shooting at the warriors of the Barbaric Bear Tribe.

The warriors of the Barbarian tribe imitated their imitation round wooden shields and held up their shields to resist. However, when the strength and equipment of the long-range arms were behind the opponent, how could they spend all their energy? across the way?In just two rounds of long-distance shooting, several warriors from the Barbarian tribe had already died under the random arrows.

The situation in front of him made Violent Bear mistakenly think that Luo Ji brought someone to kill him again, a look of grief and indignation suddenly appeared on that rough face, and then he twisted, "After taking away ten prey, these guys actually came back again. Kill me? Is it true that I am easy to provoke?!"

The furious Violent Bear led the warriors of the Barbarian Bear Tribe to roar and kill them with their round wooden shields. The two groups of people collided with each other in an instant, and a fierce fight officially kicked off at this moment!

Chapter 1, Dormant and Shot

In the Mirror Tribe, in Luo Ji's camp, after listening to Luo Jin's report, the corners of Luo Ji's slightly raised mouth curled up in a playful way, "It's quite useful to drive away wolfs and tigers..."

The successful implementation of the tactic of "repelling wolves and tigers" made Luo Ji change his previous plan and decided to take the initiative to attack, "Let the order go on, let Zhao Pan take the catapults to stay in the Mingjing tribe as a response, and Luo Yong and Liu Zheng bring shield axes The hand troops and the archer squad will attack with me!"

Luo Jin led the way ahead. Luo Ji and his party walked freely through the woods that looked like their own backyard. With the cover of the surrounding trees, they avoided the plains outside and made a detour all the way to an excellent place to watch a play. .

Looking at the two groups of people fighting together outside the woods, the playful look on Luo Ji's face became more serious. Apart from himself, only Luo Jin, who was in charge of implementing his plan, knew about it. At that time, the large footprints that lured Zhou Kai and others to discover the Barbarian tribe were left by Luo Jin on purpose.

Of course, there must be more than one footprint like this, but five in different locations. If the opponent doesn't find even one and the plan fails, then he is unlucky, at worst, he will defend the city honestly Fight, and conversely, if the plan is successful, then he will take the initiative to attack!No matter which way, Luo Ji has already prepared a perfect way to deal with it.

The battle outside the woods can be said to be extremely fierce. After all, the Barbarian Bear tribe is not what it used to be. The gap in that shield is not as simple as it is said. Impossible to win as easily as before.

In this way, while borrowing Zhou Kai's hand to suppress the Barbarian Bear Tribe, he also borrowed the Barbarian Bear Tribe's hand to consume Zhou Kai's troops, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Just as Luo Ji was thinking about how far they would go before making a move, a sound of a huge impact on the battlefield outside the woods suddenly caught his attention. On the battlefield, Two weapons collided together, one of them he knew was the leader of the Barbarian Bear Tribe, Violent Bear, and the other was a young man wielding an axe.

"This guy should be the Zhou Kai mentioned in the system prompt, right? A fierce player?"

According to the different growth limits of their own attributes, players also have a rough type division, which can be roughly divided into three types. Players with a higher upper limit of bravery are called fierce players, and players with a higher upper limit of intelligence are called general players. A strategist-type player, and a player with a higher command limit is called a general-type player.

Of course, for more complicated things, players with high intelligence and leadership are also called smart players, etc. There are many types and various types, so I won’t go into details here.

Looking back to the battlefield, there is no doubt about how high the bravery value of the violent bear is. This is a fierce general who can fight against Liu Zheng, and this Zhou Kai can beat the violent bear like this, which is enough to prove his bravery value Not low.

The back-and-forth battle between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the two weapons constantly collided with broken stones, and Luo Ji, who was hiding in the woods, became more and more frightened the more he watched, because he found that Zhou Kai's fighting style was not random fighting. One pass, but a routine!

"Has this guy ever practiced?" Once the label of "Lianjiazi" was posted, Zhou Kai's threat level in Luo Ji's eyes obviously rose to a higher level. Luo Ji, who was a little uncertain at first, asked decisively that he also used the axe. , Liu Zheng, who also fought against the violent bear, said, "Liu Zheng, the man outside who uses ax and axes like you, what are your chances of winning if you fight him?"

"That outsider is very strong, and his moves are changeable, making people elusive. If you insist, the opponent's chances of winning may be higher..." Liu Zheng, who said this, flashed a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, but he had to Acknowledging the strength of the other party, the mood is also complicated for a while.

Luo Ji was calm when he heard this. After all, Liu Zheng's talent of "breaking the siege" is useless under normal conditions. When Fang Meng is singled out, it is equivalent to losing an ability bonus. It is really a disadvantage. It is understandable that he can't beat it. Luo Ji has long been mentally prepared.

"Then plus Luo Yong, let the two of you team up to beat him?" Luo Ji asked again with his usual expression. After being severely punished by him, the relationship between the two of them, who became brothers and sisters, inexplicably improved, and now they heard that the two of them should join forces, and neither of them showed any resistance on their faces.

"In that case, it's a sure win."

"Okay, I got it." Luo Ji, who had already figured it out, checked the battle situation outside again, and then gave the order without looking back, "The archer team continues to ambush in the forest, and everyone else, destroy the invaders from outside the territory!"

No nonsense, following Luo Ji's order, the shield ax soldiers who had been dormant for a long time rushed out of the forest with roars, and Zhou Kai, who was fighting the violent bear, was startled by the sudden ambush, "What? The situation? There is still an ambush?!"

No time to think about it, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him. Zhou Kai, who sensed that the crisis was approaching, changed his expression on the spot, and quickly made an evasive movement, and a hatchet brushed past him immediately.

However, one wave was not smooth, and another wave rose again. While he was dodging the attack of the axe, a hideous stone ax was chopped from the other end!

Faced with these successive killings, Zhou Kai didn't care about his face at this time. At the last moment, he directly sent out a life-saving trick, and quickly dodged to the side with a lazy donkey roll.

But how could Liu Zheng and Luo Yong, who received the order, let him escape so easily?With every move and death, Zhou Kai was not given a chance to breathe at all!

"Damn! Three against one, that's too much!!" Zhou Kai himself was naturally not that naive. The reason why he said this was just to distract the other party's attention and see if he could find a chance to break through.

However, Liu Zheng and Luo Yong ignored him at all, and the offensive in their hands kept killing him all the way. Instead, it was the violent bear behind him. I don't know what happened.

The sluggishness of the violent bear allowed Zhou Kai to successfully avoid the bad luck of being three-on-one. Seeing an opportunity, relying on the length of the axe in his hand, he suddenly swung a sweep, trying to use the length of the axe to force back the two of them. .

Unexpectedly, Luo Yong, who was used to this kind of attack in the duel with Liu Zheng, was not afraid at all. He blocked the round leather shield in his hand, and forcibly gave the attack to Zhou Kai before Zhou Kai swung the sweeping force to the strongest. Block it!

Chapter 111, This truth can't be explained anymore

There is a saying that goes well, as soon as an expert makes a move, he will know whether it is there. At the moment when the ax in his hand collided with the round leather shield, Zhou Kai clearly felt that the attack angle of the weapon in his hand was skewed, and the force was removed. up!

"The shield in this guy's hand is different from those of those before!" At this moment, Zhou Kai's facial muscles twitched as if realizing something, "Damn it, I've been fucked!"

A feeling of retreat quickly rose in his heart. The two guys in front of him were obviously not mediocre. He had no chance of winning against Luo Yong and Liu Zheng at the same time. On this real battlefield, the number of people The advantage is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Fighting and retreating, Zhou Kai withdrew all the way back into his own battle formation in a state of embarrassment. Seeing that their leader had suffered a big loss in the battle, Zhou Kai rushed up to rescue him with murderous aura.

Facing such a battle, Liu Zheng and Luo Yong knew that if they chased them down, they would be surrounded. They cried out inwardly that it was a pity, and they also retreated to the rear of the battle formation.

All of a sudden, the entire battlefield became chaotic again. The shield and axe soldiers of both sides kept bumping into each other and killing each other, while the generals of both sides who fought fiercely before temporarily retreated to the back, gaining a little chance to breathe.

It was at this time that Zhou Kai finally had the opportunity to look at the guy who had made a fool of himself from the beginning, and his eyes locked on Luo Ji who was standing in the rear, and he smiled angrily, "Dude, that's too much!" , are you borrowing my hand to bring hatred to you?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji spread his hands innocently, then turned his head and yelled at Violent Bear, who was still in a daze, "Grizzly Bear! How long are you going to be in a daze? I'm here to help you!" !!"

"This, what is the situation now?" At this time, the violent bear only felt that his head had grown to the size of two, and he was completely confused about what the situation was. "Aren't these guys yours?" ?”

"How is that possible?" Luo Ji said righteously, "Those guys are outsiders who have come to invade your Barbarian tribe! Our common enemy, hurry up and help!"

A scapegoat was so arrogantly smashed on his forehead in front of him. At this moment, Zhou Kai's face was terribly dark, "I let your mother's [-]th series of stinky farts! It's you! You wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, so you deliberately dug a hole to lure me here! You strategists are heartbroken!"

Regarding Zhou Kai's wishful thinking that he was mistaken for a strategist player, Luo Ji had no interest in explaining, but continued to yell at Storm Bear, "Look at this despicable outsider who wants to sow discord between us. We can't let his treachery succeed!"

Zhou Kai was so angry that he almost spit out old blood. He was about to say something more, but he didn't expect the other party to talk more than him, and he said it in a routine way, so he just interrupted what he said. up.

"If you don't believe me, look at the faces on the opposite side. There are only two of our tribes nearby, but these guys are all unfamiliar faces, and they suddenly appeared. Who else can they be if they are not outsiders?! And deliberately The person who pretends to be our tribe is to provoke a fight between us, so that he can hide and take advantage of it!"

As soon as these words were said, Violent Bear suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization, yes!In this area, there are currently only two tribes, the Bear Tribe and the Mirror Tribe, and he has basically seen the warriors of the Mirror Tribe before. Where did this group of guys with faces come from?

Thinking of this, Violent Bear, who was still dazed before, looked at Zhou Kai and the others with an unkind look in his eyes, as if saying, 'I was almost fooled by you despicable outsiders! '

Zhou Kai was so angry that he almost died on the spot, "I, I have never seen such a brazen person! There is no way to explain this truth! Draft a baba! Let's go to war!"

I have to say that Zhou Kai's team of shield and ax soldiers is indeed fierce. Obviously, they have been trained for a longer time than Luo Ji and the others, but no matter how fierce he is, he can't stand up to Luo Ji and Violent Bear. One.

After a round of bloody battle, Zhou Kai, who realized that there was no chance of winning if he continued to fight, decisively gave the order to retreat, and a group of people fled towards the distance without looking back.

Seeing this, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing inwardly. The archer squad, which had been ambushing in the woods for a long time, finally waited for the opportunity to make a move, and fired round after round at Zhou Kai and the others who were fleeing.

The sudden attack of the archer team obviously caught the other party by surprise. After several rounds of volleys, they successfully shot and killed two people!

Zhou Kai's eyes were about to burst, but he didn't dare to stop. He knew that it would be difficult for him to go any further, so he could only keep shouting, "After the shield and ax soldier raised their shield and broke it, withdraw! Quickly withdraw!!"

Luo Ji, who had the upper hand, naturally wanted to make good use of this advantage, and ordered the archer team to chase and kill for a certain distance, and only gave up after seeing that the opponent fled away completely.

As for the violent bear standing behind, looking at Luo Ji who was merciless in his assassination, the doubts in his heart were completely dispelled.

After briefly celebrating their victory in this battle, Luo Ji walked slowly towards the violent bear...

Seeing Luo Ji walking towards him, Violent Bear's heart tightened, and he said in a muffled voice, "What are you doing?"

"Don't be so nervous." Luo Ji spoke quite casually, "I just came here to tell you that although the group of outsiders retreated temporarily, they might come back again. When facing outsiders, you Don't worry though, we're on the same side, that's all I have to say, good luck..."

After finishing speaking, Luo Ji turned around and left without hesitation. Seeing that everyone was about to leave, a young man hiding in the camp of the Bear Tribe couldn't help but frowned, "It's strange, did I really think too much?" ? The leader of the Mingjing tribe really just found out that outsiders were coming, so he brought people to support? Didn't he want to annex our wild bear tribe?"

The young man's eyes were full of doubts, and he continued to stare at Luo Ji and the others' leaving backs in disbelief until they completely disappeared from his sight. At this moment, the young man was completely stunned, "How dare you?" Is that really the way to go?"

"Ah Lu, why are you so dazed?"

"It's nothing." Looking at the stormy bear walking back, the young man called A Lu shook his head, still thinking about the previous incident, Luo Ji's thoughts made him a little confused, and he instinctively felt that this matter was okay. It's so simple, but I just can't figure out where the problem is, and I feel an inexplicable sense of frustration in my heart.

Chapter 112

On the way back to the tribal camp, Liu Zheng, who was full of doubts, couldn't help asking, "Boss, under the circumstances at that time, we should be able to easily take down the Barbarian Bear Tribe, why..."

Before Liu Zhenghua could speak, Luo Ji raised his hand, with a meaningful expression on his face, "Not yet, what's the rush?"

Hearing this, Liu Zheng subconsciously glanced at Luo Yong on the other side. Sensing Liu Zheng's gaze, Luo Yong shrugged, saying that he didn't know what his patriarch was thinking. In his impression, he could understand their patriarch better. There are only two people with ideas, one is Zhao Pan who is in charge of stationing the Mingjing tribe for a long time, and the other is Luo Jin, the captain of the reconnaissance team. Both of them have better brains than him.

Thinking of this, Luo Yong was stunned for a moment, and a strange expression flashed across his face, "Huh? Where's Luo Jin? He was still leading the way when he came. Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

But at this moment, Luo Jin, who happened to be missed by Luo Yong, was restraining his breath, wearing his camouflage uniform, carefully following the footprints, tracking Zhou Kai and others who had just retreated from their patriarch...

Zhou Kai, who was tricked by Luo Ji at the beginning, and then suffered a round of defeat without any surprise, fled all the way north. After confirming that there were no pursuers behind, he was slightly relieved, and then found a relatively flat terrain. The location is used as a temporary camp for a short rest.

"Boss, drink water."

Quickly took the water bag handed over by his subordinates and poured a few gulps into his mouth. Zhou Kai wiped the corner of his mouth and asked, "How are the casualties of brother?"

"Two archers were shot and killed by the opponent's archers when they were retreating. Three shield ax soldiers died in battle, and six shield ax soldiers were slightly injured, but they still have the ability to fight..."

Zhou Kai's face turned pale when he heard the loss. Before he retreated with one against two, he secretly activated a lot of skills, which consumed a lot of energy. Now when he gets emotional, his body can't take it anymore. He fell to the ground, causing the subordinates next to him to panic.

"What are you panicking about?" Zhou Kai hurriedly leaned on the ax in his hand to stabilize his figure. Zhou Kai turned his head and glanced at the subordinate who was looking at him worriedly. The other side's shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a little bit out of strength, go take out the wound medicine I brought, help the injured brothers deal with the wounds, and the uninjured ones go around to pick up some firewood and come back, by the way, patrol around , see if there is any danger nearby."

The order after order was quickly arranged. He used his skills a bit too much. He didn't have the strength to fight anymore today. He could only choose to camp here to cultivate. If he wants to fight again in the future, he will have to seriously think about it next time. tactical.

Today's defeat, although it was cheated by the opponent, but in the simple fight afterwards, Zhou Kai realized that the opponent is not a weak newcomer, especially the two people who forced him to kill him before, there is no doubt that they are two fierce fighters , if he hadn't escaped with continuous use of skills with the side effects, he might have to be planted there!It seems that he was blind this time, and mistakenly regarded the old bird as a weak chicken. It was rare for him to bully a newcomer, but he was punished in the end. This person really can't do immoral things.

But this matter can't just be left alone, since he withdrew like this after losing his troops, wouldn't that be the same as admitting defeat?This one must be brought back!

At the same time, on the other side, if we say that in the previous battle, the lightest casualties were the Mingjing tribe who ran out to pick up cheap ones at the end, then in contrast, the most serious casualties were obviously the innocent bear tribe...

Counting the previous fight with Luo Ji and the others, the two battles in succession caused the population of the Barbarian tribe to drop sharply. From time to time, there would be bursts of screams from the wounded in the surrounding tents. The tribe was enveloped by a depressive atmosphere.

The leader's tent is the largest in the entire tribe. At this moment, A Lu is sitting in that tent with a sad face, while Violent Bear is pacing back and forth in front of his eyes irritably.

Others only know that the leader of the Barbarian Bear Tribe is Violent Bear, but it is not true. To be precise, the leader of the Barbarian Bear Tribe is a pair of brothers, two people, that is, A Lu and Violent Bear in front of him.

The younger brother, A Lu, is born weak and not good at fighting, but he has a smart mind and can manage the tribe in an orderly manner. Although his elder brother, Stormy Bear, has a stubborn brain, he is brave and good at fighting, and no one can stop him.

Two brothers, one civil and one military, one is in charge of managing the tribe, and the other is in charge of fighting against foreign enemies. This is how the Barbarian Bear tribe has a population of more than 300 today.

However, this is already in the past tense. The barbarian tribe that once dominated one side is gone forever...

After contemplating for a long time, A Lu seemed to have finally found the answer with a hint of enlightenment on his face, "So it is like this!"

"What? Ah Lu, have you figured out a solution?!" Looking at Ah Lu's reaction, Violent Bear showed a hint of surprise on his face.

However, Alu shook his head, "No, almost every warrior in the tribe was injured, and no one went out to hunt. How can I conjure food out of thin air?"

Hearing this, Violent Bear's expression froze. Of course he could see such an obvious situation, but his younger brother A Lu was always smart, and always gave him a glimmer of hope...

"The Bear Tribe is over."

As these words came out of Ah Lu's mouth, the last glimmer of hope in Violent Bear's heart was completely extinguished, "Then you just now..."

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