Liu Zheng was the official name Luo Ji had given the black jackal when he had a chance, and he also had three loyalty points.

Liu Zheng, who received the order, complied and quickly approached with his axe on his back. At a glance, his expression changed suddenly, "Boss, there are bloodstains all over the place! It is estimated that there was a battle, and it was also hit. Very tragic!"

Hearing this, Luo Ji's brows could not help but frown even tighter. He quickly took a few steps forward, and the shocking bloodstains suddenly came into his eyes.

"Who the hell did this?" There is no doubt that the annihilation of the intruders was obviously attacked by an unknown third-party force.

"Could it be the Wild Bear Tribe?" One after another thoughts flashed in Luo Ji's mind, and then he overthrew them one by one, "Impossible, the opponent is a player after all, and the Wild Bear Tribe wants to destroy a group of players. Power, it's a bit unrealistic, wait, this is..."

Looking at the footprint that appeared within his line of sight, Luo Ji's pupils shrank, "Beast?"

Just as Luo Ji was thinking about it, Liu Zheng, who was beside him, leaned in to take a look, "These footprints look like hyenas."

Faced with this answer, before Luo Ji could react, Luo Yong, who was searching on the other side, also said loudly, "Patriarch, a lot of hyena footprints have also been found here! Those outsiders are probably attacked by hyenas. already."

Outsiders and aboriginals call invading players, this name is spread in this world along with the stories passed down by word of mouth, but it saves Luo Ji a lot of things.

"Invading players, hyena group, bloodstains, the time is the seventh night, the location is this forest..." The clues in Luo Ji's mind began to connect slowly, and after a few minutes, he thought of a possibility, "That is Said, although the player named Wang Chao gave up the idea of ​​attacking the city, but he was not persuaded by me directly, but changed his tactics and wanted to ambush me in this forest until I left the camp and went out hunting. Time to fight an ambush?"

"But he obviously didn't expect that there is a large Mirror Lake behind the ancient city wall of mine. The fish resources are rich. In addition to the jerky that was hoarded in advance, there is no need to go out for hunting in a short period of time."

"In order not to expose their position, they must not be able to make a fire, and with human vision, it is difficult to see the surroundings in the woods at night, that is, to maintain such a state, they were attacked by hyenas on the night of the seventh day. Swarm attack..."

"The group of hyenas should have wanted to take advantage of the night to seek revenge on me. After all, they were very hard to kill before, and the intruders hiding in the woods were obviously mistaken by the hyenas for me."

"Hyenas are nocturnal animals. At night, human beings whose eyesight is affected are naturally unlikely to be the opponents of the hyena swarm. They are attacked and then annihilated..." After analyzing this, Luo Ji's eyes swept across the area, although it was covered with Bloodstained, but unexpectedly empty area, "The corpse was dragged away as food without any accident."

After the analysis, Luo Ji breathed a long sigh of relief, although he felt that he was inseparable, but it was safe to confirm, "Liu Zheng, you bring a few soldiers, and a team of archers, follow this Look for the bloodstains on the road, kill the hyenas when you encounter them, and if you find the corpses of outsiders, bring back their weapons and equipment, and dispose of the corpses as well."

After speaking, Luo Ji turned to look at Luo Yong again, "Luo Yong, bring a group of people to deal with the bloodstains in the woods, and then have everyone patrolling to guard against possible hyena swarms and wild bear tribes in the west. people."

After finishing the order here, Luo Ji walked back to the tribal camp. Of course, he had to make good use of this month with the battle-free card. First, he transferred the construction team and logging team to the Heiyan tribe, and the ancient city wall on the Heiyan tribe's side. It should also be built.

As his current main city, the Jingjing tribe may also be the capital of the entire civilization in the future. Considering this factor, Luo Ji encircled the entire site very large in the early stage, which led to the huge project, and the Heiyan tribe's Edges are obviously less needed, at least not now.

The current Heiyan tribe is not so much a branch city, but a large coal factory built by Luo Ji to obtain coal resources. The daily task is to mine coal mines, and there is no need to do anything else. Therefore, the Heiyan tribe is located in In the early stage, there is no need to encircle a large piece of the site. It is only necessary to protect the small area near the coal mine. To build such a small circle of the ancient city wall, for the construction team who has already had one experience, it should be It's more than enough. If things go well, it might be done in a month.

In comparison, the problem of the Barbarian Bear Tribe was more difficult, which gave Luo Ji a headache. There are more than 300 people, what is going on?Even if you can win, you still have to be able to digest it!Imagine that there are more than 300 more mouths waiting to eat in the tribe at once. Just thinking about that picture will make your brain hurt!

Chapter 98. Follow the Leads

At the same time, at the other end, following Luo Ji's instructions, Liu Zheng, who set off with a team of four tribal warriors and five archers, followed the bloodstains and footprints left by the hyena group and went there. At the same time, the hyenas apparently discovered their existence.

Due to Luo Ji's previous slaughter order, Liu Zheng and the group of hyenas in the vicinity can be said to be old rivals. When the enemy met, they were very jealous. The howls were filled with obvious anger, as if they were threatening them, let them not go any further.

However, the group of ten people did not move at all, not even for half a second of hesitation. While Liu Zheng and the five set up the defensive formation, the five archers standing in the back had already begun to bend their bows and shoot arrows. The previous one The results of many months of actual combat training were fully revealed at this moment. The five people were already extremely skilled in the use of bows and arrows. In the blink of an eye, a salvo shot directly at the hyenas in the distance.

In the face of the salvo attack of the archer team, the howls of the hyenas became a bit sharper. The hyena group that had gathered together quickly dispersed, divided into two batches, and moved to defend the place in a form of flanking left and right. Liu Zheng and others came to kill him.

It was obviously not the first time for them to face outflanking tactics like this. Naturally, they also had a set of ways to deal with them. There was no need to say more. Assuming them to be a burst of shots, it directly formed a long-range suppression.

In the face of the threat from the right, they separated out the other four tribal warriors except Liu Zheng to defend against it. Beasts are beasts after all, how could they be human opponents?Facing the continuous shooting of the archer team, in a short period of time, two hyenas had already died after counting arrows in their bodies, and their heavy bodies fell heavily to the ground during the rush, splashing a lot of dust, announcing that Two lives lost.

Seizing a good opportunity, after seeing that the distance was almost shortened, the archer team decisively stopped and retreated, and Liu Zheng, who was responsible for covering them, saw an opportunity and resolutely killed it at this moment!

There were a total of five hyenas flanking to the left, two of which had been shot dead by random arrows, and one of the remaining three was injured by an arrow. Facing this number of enemies, with the power of the axe in his hand, Liu Zheng Self-confessed to cope.

His arms suddenly exerted force, and the tomahawk axe in his hand, which was re-improved by the Ordnance Department, directly brought a strong wind pressure between the swings. Liu Zheng's combat power broke out at this moment, a sudden cut, sharp The axe blade immediately slashed on the body of one of the hyenas with a rush. The thick flesh that once made the slingers go home, facing Liu Zheng's extremely powerful slash, was so fragile, so Unbeatable!Instantly took the life of the hyena.

The heavy body flew upside down along with the splashes of blood. The strong blow was constantly fed back to his hands, and a scarlet blood light flashed from Liu Zheng's eyes. At this moment, he only felt that his entire emotions were overwhelmed. It was ignited, and a pair of eyes directly locked the other two hyenas!

Wild animals are very loyal to their instincts. At that moment, the wild instinct imprinted in their genes made them clearly realize one thing, that is, the human being standing in front of them at this moment is very dangerous!Go any further and you will die!

The momentum of rushing forward suddenly stopped, and the two hyenas who were still aggressive just a moment ago turned around and fled in embarrassment, which was extremely funny.

"Don't try to run away!" While speaking, Liu Zheng, who had nowhere to vent his killing intent, dragged the axe in his hand and chased after him.

The two had lost their fighting spirit, and how could the hyenas who fled in embarrassment pose a threat to him again?The axe in his hand opened and closed, and he easily slashed two lives in between.

The destruction of the hyenas on the left made the hyenas on the right side clearly aware of the bad situation, and they fled in all directions, making the whole battle come to an end quickly. With a long breath, the blood in Liu Zheng's eyes faded slightly. After venting properly, he felt a lot more relaxed, and then directly led people to destroy the hyena's den, and found a large number of corpses of outsiders around.

Many of the corpses had been gnawed to the bone by the group of hyenas, and even the leather armor on their bodies had been damaged to a certain extent, and the weapons were lost to some extent.

Liu Zheng asked his subordinates to go to the vicinity to search carefully, but he still didn't encounter it. He had no choice but to take off the leather armor and bring it back.

But no matter what, his harvest this time was still quite rich. After returning to the tribal camp, everyone was quite skilled in handing over the hyena's body to the person who was responsible for skinning it, and then Liu Zheng took it. He picked up a leather armor that had been plucked from the corpse of an outsider, and walked towards Luo Ji's tent.

At this time, Luo Ji in the tent was having a headache about how to deal with the wild bear tribe. When Liu Zheng came back, he immediately put the trouble aside beforehand, and then asked, "How is it going? Like?"

"We did find the corpses of outsiders near the hyena's den. This is the leather armor stripped from those corpses." While speaking, Liu Zheng respectfully handed the slightly broken leather armor in his hand to Luo. in front of the editor.

Luo Ji picked up the leather armor and glanced at it. Unlike the full-body leather armor made by their tribe, the leather resources of the other party should be relatively limited, so the leather armor was made very crudely, and it simply protected the heart and the heart. That vital spot on the back.

With these armors and equipment, Luo Ji can roughly estimate the strength level of non-rank players. At least for now, in terms of armor, he should have the advantage.

"Weapons..." While speaking, Luo Ji glanced at Liu Zheng's empty hands, "It looks like they haven't been found?"

"Yes, the subordinates failed to complete the task assigned by the leader and are willing to accept the punishment."

"Okay." Luo Ji waved his hand indifferently, "It's not a big deal, send these leather armors to the Ordnance Department, although they were bitten a lot, but after processing, they should be able to send Use it."

"Yes." Liu Zheng responded, but didn't leave immediately. The expression on his face looked hesitant, as if he had something to say.

"Anything else?"

"Actually, in the previous battle, there seems to be something wrong with my subordinate's physical condition..." While speaking, Liu Zheng recounted what happened before.

After listening to this, Luo Ji's eyelids jumped, and he thought to himself, "In this situation, could it be that you have comprehended skills?"

As this thought flashed by, Luo Ji hurriedly opened Liu Zheng's property panel to take a look, sure enough!There is one more skill on his skill bar!

Bloodlust (Passive): During a battle, after successfully killing an enemy, there is a 30.00% chance that one's combat power will be increased by 50.00%!

Chapter 99. Auction

After seeing the effect of this 'bloodthirsty' skill, Luo Ji's eyes lit up at first, and then he frowned again as if he had remembered something, "At that time, did you feel that your actions were not under your control? It's just out of control..."

"This, I don't know how to describe it, but there is a very strong urge to kill the other party." After recalling for a while, Liu Zheng said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Luo Ji immediately understood in his heart. It seemed that this 'bloodthirsty' skill definitely had some effect on self-control, but it should not have reached the point of running out of control, and it was still manageable.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji patted Liu Zheng on the shoulder, "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing, it can even be a good thing."

Luo Ji's words obviously reassured Liu Zheng a lot. After comforting Liu Zheng, Luo Ji calculated the time, and then opened the auction room to check. There were still 21 days before the auction for the silver-level 'disease research' skill book ended. At this moment, the price of the skill book has risen from the previous 130 million to 150 million, but Luo Ji knows that those who really want to get this book with determination will not sell it easily Well, those people are probably the same as him, staring here!Just waiting for the last moment, I will suddenly come to you.

At that moment, what is compared is your determination to win this skill book. If you bid at the last second, the biggest risk is that if the same person does the same and bids a higher price than you, then you have no Any chance of redemption!In such an auction, those who are worried about losing money often have no chance of winning. Only those who are determined and ruthless will have the last laugh!

At this moment, Luo Ji was thinking about the bid at that time, 200 million?Not enough, absolutely not enough! 200 million may have exceeded the value of a silver-level item, but in this auction, it will definitely be killed in seconds at the last second.

After all, the value of an item is not determined by a simple level at all, but by how many people want and how many people need it!For a civilization, there is no doubt about the importance of medical development. Many people need this skill book, so the owner of this skill book dares to put it here for auction, or you can put it here for a silver-level item Try an auction?See if anyone cares for you.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and soon there was only one minute left. In the previous twenty or ten minutes, the price had slightly changed a few times, rising to 1 million, but this did not make Luo Ji emotional. If there is any slight wavering, everyone knows that the players who bid before that are basically confirmed to be out, and those who are not out are just about to make a move now.

During the last 30-second countdown, Luo Ji unhurriedly clicked on the bid bar and began to enter his bid. Then, just before the last second reset to zero, he had quick eyesight and quick hands, and made a decisive bid! 350 million! !

At the same time as the shot, he stared at the changes on the auction page with a pair of eyes, and when the result jumped out, his whole heart twitched twice!

The highest bidding price, 370 million! !

"Grass!!" Luo Ji, who was emotionally ups and downs, punched his fist on the ground of his tent. 350 million, this is already his limit, and it is already a ruthless number. Development is going to be a problem, but it turns out that there is someone more ruthless than him.

With a 'puff', the whole person lay directly on the animal skin carpet in the tent. He couldn't help but doubt his life, "Am I starting to fall into bad luck?"

Taking two quick deep breaths, Luo Ji sat up again after adjusting his emotions, and then searched to see if there were other silver-level medical skill books on the shelves during this period, but found nothing.

There is no other way but to take a step back and focus on those black iron medical skill books. There are still quite a variety of medical skill books. Leaving aside the skill of 'disease research', Luo Ji alone What you see, there are 'diagnosis', 'traumatic treatment', 'pharmaceuticals', 'emergency treatment', 'herbal identification' and so on...

The prices here are naturally high and low. All in all, Luo Ji decisively grabbed a black iron-level 'disease research' skill book first. Who knows if those who failed to bid for the silver-level skill book will be able to compete with He ran over to clean up the black iron skill book?

Disease research (black iron level): In the face of known disease symptoms, the research speed of the disease is increased by 20.00%, and the probability of developing a treatment method is increased by 15.00%.

The effect is directly worse by half, but there is no way, he can't buy silver-level and gold-level ones. Before that, medical treatment in civilization must develop, right?

I don't know if it's because the iron-level skill book has a higher shipment rate, so the price is much cheaper than the silver-level one. Even the more expensive 'sickness research' skill in the same level, the price tag is only 54 civilization points.

In this way, Luo Ji started to clean up quite simply. If the quality is not good, then we can only win by quantity. In the blink of an eye, more than 200 million civilization points were spent. I wanted to cry but had no tears. I thought I was considered a half-rich man, but now I realized that the 400 million civilization points can't help but be spent!It's not that the bosses are too rich, but that newcomers like them are too poor!

Think about it carefully, how rich are the big guys who have developed for centuries in a different world, do you still need to guess?

After buying the skill book, Luo Ji opened his backpack and checked it out. After that, he didn't need to wait any longer. He went straight to the medical department. The members who worked in the medical department had no problem in terms of loyalty, and their intelligence limit reached three. Stars, black iron-level medical skill books, directly photographed for them one by one.

There are those who are engaged in medical research, those who are responsible for diagnosing the disease, and those who identify herbal medicine, trauma treatment, and pharmaceuticals. Although the entire medical department does not have a particularly powerful signature talent, it can be regarded as a complete set of internal organs. Ah, it made Luo Ji feel a little more at ease.

After leaving the medical department, Luo Ji didn't forget to teach the children of the tribe, but starting from today, a large group of students from the ordnance department were added to the students under him.

At the same time, it has been proved that as long as the learning of words is successfully linked with weapons and equipment, the little fox's enthusiasm for learning will be unprecedentedly high.

If you can't learn these words, you can't read the design drawings, and if you don't understand the design drawings, you can't make the weapons and equipment on the design drawings. Once this causal relationship is established, the intelligence limit of five stars is really not a blowout. The ability to learn is simply amazing.

The words that Luo Ji taught today, the little fox is completely unforgettable. I remember it again and again, and then in order to quickly understand the words on the design drawings, after class, I still pester Luo Ji to open a small stove for her to teach such students, although It's easy, but it doesn't give you any sense of accomplishment!

Chapter 100. The Development of Transitional Seasons

In the next two days, Luo Ji resolutely distinguished the little fox from the other students. The little fox learned too fast, and the others couldn't keep up with her progress. Instead of getting together to drag each other down, Luo Ji simply separated. to teach.

At the same time, in order to improve efficiency, he spread out the design drawing of the three-bow bed crossbow, and began to directly teach the little fox the words on the design drawing, and he could also interpret the design drawing by the way, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. , that's because Luo Ji didn't expect the little fox's learning ability to be so strong, and there are a lot of words in this design drawing that are quite complicated for beginners.

After teaching a section of content, Luo Ji motioned the little fox to practice on his own with a charcoal pencil. Looking at the little fox who was seriously digesting the learning content, Luo Ji who was sitting next to him suddenly said, "The name I told you before, you Have you figured it out?"

"It's just a title. It doesn't matter what it's called, right?" The little fox directly expressed that he was not interested in the name at all. He didn't even raise his head during the whole process. After saying that, this girl probably didn't go back and think about it at all.

Luo Ji had a headache on his face. A dignified ordnance master with a five-star intelligence upper limit, when his civilization grows, he will definitely be a very important person. It would be too casual to call him a little fox.

And Luo Ji himself has a little difficulty in naming names. For him, it is a headache for old people to choose names, so he simply played a lazy job at that time and asked the little fox to figure it out by himself. I also saw that if he didn't mention it today, the little fox probably wouldn't even remember this matter. It wasn't that she had a bad memory, but that she didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"Okay, okay, I'll get you one..." Rubbing the center of his brows vigorously, Luo Ji seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly showed a smirk on his face, "Why don't you call me Wang Jianguo?"

"Oh, yes."

The indifferent reaction of the little fox put Luo Ji in the mood to play tricks. That's right, people in this era don't even know the powerful connotation and meaning of this name, so it's very boring.

It was just a joke just now, although the little fox looks like a tomboy, but she is also a girl, how can she really be called Wang Jianguo?After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Ji clapped his hands, "It's decided, your name will be Xuan Ye!"

"Oh, good." Little fox, ah, that's not right, from now on, she should be called Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan still responded casually, which made Luo Ji, who had thought about it for a long time before deciding on the name, quite shocked. , but considering her character who didn't care about anything except armaments and equipment, Luo Ji could only sigh in the end and chose to be relieved.

In the next few days, under the guidance of Luo Ji, after quickly deciphering the text on the entire design drawing, Michelle Ye started her vigorous research routine again, the three-bow bed crossbow, although some of the structures are similar to bows and arrows. , but it is much more complicated than bows and arrows. Even with the effect of gold-level blueprints, it is enough to keep her busy for a long time.

Leave her alone for the time being. As winter turns to spring and the ice and snow melt, Luo Ji also has a lot of things to be busy with. Needless to say, the sowing and cultivation of the fields, there is another very important thing besides that. It is the making of rafts.

After all, the ice surface of Mingjing Lake has begun to melt, and it is impossible to fish in the same way as before, and fishery is one of the important sources of food for their tribe. In this way, the production of rafts can be said to be is imminent.

But fortunately, the raft is not that complicated. Luo Ji didn't even need to go offline to check the information. The moment the raft is built successfully, a 'shipbuilding' item is also unlocked.

Shipbuilding (Level 0): Shipbuilding efficiency increased by [-]%.

The effect is quite simple and clear, but Luo Ji has no plans to upgrade this project for the time being. It doesn't take much time for him to build a raft. There is no need to upgrade the shipbuilding technique to increase this efficiency. When he needs to build a large ship in the future Let's talk about it later.

The successful construction of the raft allowed their tribe's fishing industry to continue successfully. At the same time, as an important development industry for their tribe, Luo Ji had naturally studied it carefully before. In order to prevent the fish resources in Mingjing Lake from being overfished, he It also promulgated the law of the 'fishing moratorium'. During the two or three months of fish breeding and growth every year, everyone is prohibited from fishing, and a 'law' item is also unlocked by the way.

After a period of time, the whole tribe is carrying out the seasonal transition from winter to spring in an orderly manner. The biggest change is obviously the farming department, which has been relatively comfortable before. The work that has suddenly become busy has caught them by surprise. I really felt the busy days of the Ordnance Department before.

"Agricultural Department, it's done! Ordnance Department, there's no problem, and the fishery department's problem has also been solved..." Holding a charcoal pencil and a piece of animal skin in his hand, Luo Ji ticked off one by one. The spring development plan I had arranged before, "The recent development of the medical department is also progressing very fast, and the ancient city wall of the Black Rock Tribe is also being built smoothly. What else is there?"

Just as Luo Ji was thinking this way, the members of the hunting team who were supposed to come back before sunset returned to the tribe just after noon with a look of confusion on their faces. Everyone was more or less injured. , causing a riot in the tribal camp.

Luo Ji, who was sitting next to the fire in the camp at this time, naturally saw the injured Ye Shan and the others at a glance, his eyebrows frowned immediately, and then he told the person next to him, "Go and ask the people in the medical department to get ready." Herbs for wounds."

After giving the order, Luo Ji looked at Ye Shan, the captain of the hunting team, and asked aloud, "What's going on?"

Hearing Luo Ji's question, Ye Shan lowered his head in shame, "While we were hunting, we were attacked by people from the Bear tribe..."

"Bear Tribe..." Luo Ji frowned at the mention of this tribe, "Are there a lot of them here?"

"No." Ye Shan shook his head, "About eight or nine people."

At this moment, Luo Ji's two eyebrows were straight into a ball. There were only eight or nine people, which meant that the hunting team was not inferior in numbers. Shi Mao, logically speaking, shouldn't have fled back in such a mess.

However, the doubt in Luo Ji's mind got the answer from Ye Shankou in the next second, "We are not inferior in numbers, but the opponent has a sling in his hand..."

Chapter 1 and one, prepare early

"Sling?!" Luo Ji's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Yes." Ye Shan nodded bitterly, "We were attacked by people from the Bear tribe with slings, and the prey we hit were also taken away."

The hunting team of the Mingjing tribe, in this era, the weapons in their hands are absolutely excellent, but it is impossible for Luo Ji to let them go hunting with a sling and a basket of stone bullets on their back. ill.

As for the bow and arrow that was just developed before, it takes a lot of time to practice the bow and arrow to use it well. It is better not to use it when the bow is too poor to shoot at all, so even now, the main weapon of the hunting team They were still stone spears and stone axes, but they did not expect such an accident to happen.

"When? When did the Bear Tribe learn to throw slings?" Similar thoughts kept flashing through Luo Ji's mind. "Is it when I used slingers to suppress hyena groups outside the forest?"

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