The idea in Luo Ji's mind at the time was very simple. Based on mutual benefit, wouldn't it be enough to let the old driver Gao Su trade him a batch of sophisticated weapons and equipment?At that time, relying on his equipment advantages, he can also do whatever he wants among a group of rookies with no rank, but now it seems that this loophole is obviously not to be exploited.

"Looks like you're fine."

"It's gone for now, ahahaha..." Luo Ji continued to laugh dryly.

"Then let me remind you a little."


"Life." Gao Su spit out two words lightly.

Luo Ji was taken aback, but Gao Su did not pause, and continued, "How many years does it take for a civilization to develop from ancient times to modern times? According to records, the primitive society of this world was about 170 million years ago, and For a normal human being, living to be eight or ninety years old is a long life, but with a human lifespan, it is impossible to manage a real and huge civilized world..."

Hearing this, Luo Ji seemed to have thought of something, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes!

Chapter 67. Immortality?

Looking at Luo Ji's horrified face, there seemed to be a slight change on Gao Su's expressionless face, "Yes, in another world, our lifespan can be extended indefinitely, which is why many players simply abandon it. One of the main reasons for choosing to live in a different world.”

Speaking of this, Gao Su turned his head slightly, "Of course, this is not free, the extension of lifespan requires a price, [-] civilization points for a year can make your age directly fixed at the peak period, very cheap is not it?"

Hearing Gao Su's last question, the horror on Luo Ji's face subsided a little, and he vaguely felt that the matter was not that simple, "So, what's the point?"

"The point lies in a misunderstanding. When you hear the sentence that life can be extended indefinitely, what is the first word that comes to your mind?"

"Immortal?" Luo Ji asked tentatively.

"It is longevity, but not immortality." Gao Su explained seriously.

Luo Ji reacted quickly, and the moment he heard this sentence, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, "That is to say, even if you extend your life by 100 years, if I stab your heart with a knife, you will be damned!" It's time to die, right?"

"That's right, that's it." Gao Su nodded with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

And after learning about the actual situation, Luo Ji's mood was completely calmed down, immortality, immortality, but not immortality, Gao Su's words are very apt, but in this way, the temptation of prolonging life is obviously It's a direct drop.

I can't say that there is no temptation, I can only say that the expectations were too high at the beginning, and then suddenly found out that it is not the case at all, which is inevitably disappointing, and Luo Ji is still young, and he has not yet reached the time to worry about his natural lifespan. With age, like this, the temptation is naturally smaller.

"According to what you said, can a life-sustaining method like this be used for the people in my civilization?"

In the face of Luo Ji's speculation, Gao Su affirmed, "That's right, after all, talents with great talent and potential are not found everywhere."

"But in this way, with the development of civilization, the later stage, the more people who need to continue their lives, the price of [-] civilization points a year doesn't sound that cheap, let alone the development project. Such places also have to consume civilization points, if you are not careful, it is easy to collapse in the later stage, right?"

"Yes, so sometimes in order to avoid the collapse due to the huge consumption of civilization points in the later stage, each player must make appropriate choices, or frantically launch wars to plunder other players' civilization points, after all, every war. The winner can take half of the points from the loser."

"Apart from these two methods, isn't there a more permanent method?" Luo Ji asked with a frown. The two methods that Gao Su mentioned were not the best for him, so he took the first place. For example, two characters with a five-star upper limit are placed in front of you, and you are asked to choose one and give up the other?No matter which one you give up, it will be a pain in the ass!The second way to wage wars and earn civilization points is too unstable.

"There are also ways to do it once and for all, and there are only two that I can think of." While speaking, Gao Su gestured with two fingers.

This really surprised Luo Ji, but he instinctively felt that these two methods were definitely not that easy, "Let's hear it."

"The first method is to become some special civilization. When I gave an example before, did I mention a 'mechanical civilization'?

Luo Ji's eyelids jumped when he heard this, he seemed to have imagined something...

"That mechanical civilization is not just a nonsense, it is an extremely powerful civilization in the game, that player transferred the consciousness of all the people in his civilization into the mechanical body, and as a price, made his entire civilization. The people of civilization have achieved immortality to a certain extent, and theoretically speaking, as long as the energy is not depleted and the mechanical core carrying the conscious body is not damaged, they are immortal and immortal."

His prediction was verified, Luo Ji let out a long breath, "I always feel that the price is not small."

"That's right, the price is not small." Gao Su nodded, "Because the entire civilization has turned into mechanical beings, they have completely lost their fertility, and the population has stopped growing. They can only be recovered by plundering the populations of other civilizations. To increase the population of one's own civilization, in addition to that, it seems that the senses such as smell and taste are gone. Strictly speaking, it can no longer be regarded as a human being, but it is undeniable that from the perspective of combat effectiveness , they are very strong, and they are the existence of a party's hegemony level."

"This method is too difficult, I don't even have a treasure chest now, let alone a fragment of the world, and, even if I really have that opportunity, it's hard for me to make up my mind. My whole person has become a machine. What's the point of living? Let's talk about the second method."

"The second method is to use a gold-level item, the elixir of life." When he said the name 'elixir of life', Gao Su's tone obviously slowed down.

"Gold level item..." Luo Ji stretched out his hand to cover his face, "This should be the highest level item, right?"

"There are only World Fragments that are above the gold level. However, although the elixir of life is a gold level, its value is relatively subtle. There are often players who open it and throw the elixir at the auction because of the number of shortcomings. I remember shooting one a while ago."

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Ji was a little surprised.

"It's the same sentence, longevity, but not immortality."

"I see." Luo Ji suddenly realized, "How much did the elixir cost?"

"370 Civilization Points"

"Hey—" He took a decisive breath, this was a figure he couldn't even imagine at the moment, but at the same time, he had also figured out the subtle value of the elixir.

Spending civilization points to extend life for 100 years costs only 100 million, but an elixir of life costs nearly 400 million civilization points, and it still has to be taken out at once, in case the person takes the elixir and lives for decades , suddenly contracted the plague, or died on the battlefield?Wouldn't that be a loss of blood?Instead of doing this, it's better to sell it for money, make a lot of money first, and then see you again when you really need to continue your life.

It really can't be said that the people who sell the 'elixir of life' are short-sighted, but this effect is indeed subtle, especially for those fierce generals who often need to go to the battlefield, it is the most insurance to continue life year after year.

Chapter 68. I love learning, and learning makes me happy.JPG

It can be said that Luo Ji has benefited a lot from this meeting. Many doubts in his heart have been answered, but on the other hand, if he died in another world, would he really die? The moment the whole thing was out of reality and beyond common sense, Luo Ji already had the answer in his heart, and there was no need to waste his saliva asking again.

There are also sensitive issues such as their mutual panel attributes and how they grow. These two people whose intelligence caps are obviously not low also avoided them quite tacitly. Allies are allies, and trump cards and privacy still have to be there. Grasp that degree well, and everyone can cooperate happily.

At the same time, what made Luo Ji relieved was that Gao Su had already promised to help him settle the matter of military training. That is to say, in the next month, while other Z freshmen were busy with military training, he would still be able to control him freely. time.

He was not in a hurry to log in to another world again. It was less than a day since he returned to the real world. He still has a lot of information to check...

With this thought in mind, Luo Ji, who happened to pass by the bookstore, paused and walked in, "Hello, where is the book for teaching children to read?"

Suddenly remembering that someone in his tribe was still a bunch of illiterate people and felt a little anxious. This time, Luo Ji planned to let the people in the tribe learn slowly.

He has already figured out a way in his mind. First, gather the children in the tribe and teach them to recognize some words. After all, children are better at learning new things. Of course, the more important thing is that children are more idle, let them They take the time to learn to read, which hardly affects their tribe's workforce.

After flipping through a few books at random, there are quite a few books like this. Luo Ji obviously didn't intend to stand and read under the eager eyes of the bookstore clerk, so he decisively picked one and bought it back and studied it slowly.

When he got home, he ordered a takeout for himself, and then turned on the antique fan and computer in the bedroom. Taking advantage of the time when the computer was turned on, he flipped through the book in his hand. He mainly wanted to read it. How did these textbooks to teach people to read? After all, when he learned to read, there was no such fancy thing. At the same time, he also forgot how he learned to read. It seems that since he can remember, It's already written.

To be honest, this book is pretty well done. Each page can be disassembled into small cards. Each card has Chinese characters written on it, along with pictures and pinyin.

After roughly flipping through the book, Luo Ji, who knew a lot about it, put it aside, then sat down at the computer desk, quickly opened a search page, and typed, "The use of coal..."

When he returned to the real world this time, he wanted to check too much information, such as the use of coal, the production of bows and arrows, the further processing of leather armor, the cultivation of crops, basic medical knowledge, and professional training arrangements. , He has to check and learn a lot of things!This is really hard to play a game well!

He maintained this frantic study state until one o'clock in the morning, when Luo Ji went downstairs to get a takeout, and he never left his computer desk at other times. When he was eating takeout, his computer screen was Handmade video of bow and arrow.

For two days in a row, I was learning, learning, and learning, and I learned different knowledge from all walks of life. What's more terrible is that I have to memorize all of them. I don't remember them in my mind. How can I bring them to another world?Fortunately, his brain is still good, it's time to show his academic strength that he has recommended to Z University!

I love learning, learning makes me happy.JPG

"Well, what time is it?" Luo Ji, who had memorized a lot of hard knowledge for two days in a row, obviously overslept today without any accident. He fumbled to find the charging mobile phone by the bedside, and glanced at the time. , it's almost noon.

"Hu-" He let out a long breath, and Luo Ji twisted his body, which was a little stiff from sleep. Just as he was about to order a takeaway and start a new day of study, the long-lost system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind. it rang...

System prompt: Your tribe members are fighting with the Black Jackal tribe, do you want to log in to check?

"Black Jackal Tribe? Damn! Who is that?" Hearing the system prompt, Luo Ji's drowsiness disappeared instantly, and he immediately sat up from the bed, "Login, log in for me!"

Almost as soon as Luo Ji came back to his senses after shouting these words, he realized that he was already sitting in the tent in the tribal camp.

In a hurry, he rushed out of the tent. Looking at the peaceful scene in the Mingjing tribe, Luo Ji couldn't help but feel stunned, "I'm afraid the system is playing with me? Or is the fight already over?"

It doesn't make sense, although it is a 1:10 time flow rate, but he confirmed the login the moment he received the system prompt, no matter how fast he played, he couldn't be like this.

He subconsciously grabbed a tribal citizen who passed by his eyes, "Has anything happened recently?"

When Luo Ji suddenly asked such a question, the tribal people's face suddenly showed a trace of confusion, and before he could speak, a tribal warrior rushed back all the way outside the camp, "Patriarch! The tribesmen are fighting!"

"Damn! Is the co-author here?" He exclaimed in his heart, and before he could say anything more, Luo Ji immediately rushed to support with several soldiers and four slingers who were in charge of the left-behind tribe.

"What exactly is going on?" On the way to the woods on the west side, Luo Ji asked the tribal warrior who rushed back to report the message while running.

"Our tribe's hunting team came back from hunting before, and happened to pass by there. The people on the opposite side wanted to rush up to grab the prey we caught, and then the two sides started fighting."

Hearing this, Luo Ji was quite aware. He had said before that the prey in the woods was a little richer. The so-called black jackal tribe in the west obviously hadn't harvested it for a long time. .

But no matter what the reason is, if you dare to do it, you will be courting death!Calculating the time, although Luo Ji has only been in the real world for more than two days, it has been more than 20 days in the other world. It is estimated that the batch of newcomers he received before should have almost digested it. Although the jackal tribe has a large number of people, they will swallow them as soon as they swallow them. Who is afraid of whom?

Luo Ji originally planned to wait for him to log in next time, and use the tribe in the west. He wanted to increase his strength before the end of the novice protection period, but a little unexpectedly, the other party started first. .

Chapter 69、Whoever gets distracted will die

Outside the woods on the west side, the barbarians of the Black Jackal tribe, who were starving and anxious, were driven by their desire to survive, and their morale rose instead of falling. They resisted the 'deterrent' effect of the wolf warriors, and the two groups went crazy. hit together.

Luo Yong slashed over a barbarian who rushed over with an axe, and then asked the man behind him without looking back, "Brother Yeshan, can you stand it?"

The leader of the hunting team named Ye Shan was a middle-aged man in his 30s. He was originally a member of the tribe's warriors. After Luo Ji started to reorganize the tribe, he formed a hunting team. People with veteran hunter skills naturally became members of the hunting team, and was later promoted by Luo Ji to be the leader of the hunting team because of their outstanding achievements.

"It's okay." Ye Shan glanced around, not daring to talk too much, how could he not see the dire situation at the moment with his experience?Although the wolf fighters of their tribe are all outstanding, but the heroes can't stand the crowd. In order to grab food, the men of the black jackal tribe probably have already come out in full force, and more than 20 barbarians with weapons directly surrounded them Here it is.

And although there are nine men in their hunting team, all with weapons in their hands, but in order to protect the prey they hit, they all beat their hands and feet, and they want to break through, but they can't do it at all, unless they leave the prey, Otherwise, the gang of hungry ghosts of the Black Jackal Tribe would bite them to the death. However, it is impossible to leave the prey behind. In this era, the people of this era will never give in in the true sense of the competition for food!

"Damn! These guys are really starving!" Facing this group of outlaws who would rather die in battle than starvation, even Luo Yong felt obvious pressure. Subject to the suffocation of people.

At this moment, a powerful stone axe slashed directly at him from the crowd. A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Rayong, who sensed the threat. This suffocating battle aroused a bit of that in his bones. Fierce, at this moment facing the approaching offensive, he not only did not retreat, but instead hit back with an axe, completely posing a posture of attacking and fighting with the opponent to the end!

The two stone axe with dull whistling collided with each other in an instant, and there was a crashing sound between the blades of the axe.

At first glance, it was obvious that Luo Yong had the upper hand in this one-handed attack, but at this time, there was no trace of joy on Luo Yong's face. Feeling the force of the opponent's stone axe that was constantly squeezing, Luo Yong's two thick eyebrows were almost It was about to be twisted into a ball. On the forearm of the right hand, the blue veins suddenly burst out, and the arrogant power continued to erupt, and the force exerted on the opposite side was pressed back!

The blow that he was bound to get was actually pressed back by the opponent's brute force, and a trace of disbelief flashed on the face of the barbarian warrior who swung that blow, "This monster is so powerful!"

"You're not bad either." Luo Yong, wearing a wolf bone mask, said with a muffled sound, which added a bit of ferocity to his whole person.

At this moment, in the power competition, it can be said that the two opponents are looking at their opponent. Only then did Luo Yong realize that although the weapon in the opponent's hand is also a stone axe, the handle of the axe is bigger than his. The stone axe in his hand had grown quite a bit, and one end had the tip of the stone spear. It looked as if the stone spear and the stone axe were tied together. If Luo Ji stood here, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance. The savage of the black jackal tribe was holding a long-handled axe, also called a toe-axe!

However, Luo Yong is obviously not a person who likes to think too much. In his opinion, the handle of the axe is just a little longer. In fact, it is not much different from the stone axe in his hand. A stone axe carefully polished by the Ordnance Department is noticeably superior in quality.

However, with this kind of thinking, Luo Yong soon suffered a big loss in the opponent's hands. I saw that the opponent played the tomahawk axe in his hand. With the length of the axe handle, every swing was called The strength was heavy, and the strength of Rayong was abruptly equalized. Under this premise, the advantage of the long-handled axe's attack distance also made Rayong uncomfortable for a while.

In the past, Rayong never thought that in addition to slashing, the attack method of the stone axe actually has a stab, but the tomahawk in front of him obviously did it. .

"This guy, it's a little tricky!" A drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead. Just now, the axe in the hand of this barbarian scraped from his forehead, almost killing him!The thrill of that moment of life and death suffocated Rayong's entire breath.

As everyone knows, the barbarian dancing with the axe is also a bit ghosted in his heart. The monster in front of him looks like a ghost, and the monster holding the double axe has avoided his killing move repeatedly, which makes him feel helpless. Feel.

Quickly adjusting his breathing, Rayong has realized that he has not been in the situation, there is no way, the people of the hunting team are here, he has been distracted to take care of the people of the hunting team since just now, but the opponent in front of him is not so easy to deal with , If he is second-guessed, he will be the one who will die!

"Brother Yeshan, be careful next time!" After saying a sentence, regardless of whether Yeshan heard it or not, after concentrating, Luo Yong's strength exploded on the spot, approaching and approaching again!He frantically waved the double axe in his hand and rushed forward, trying to break through the line of defense of the axe, rushing up, and then killing the opponent who made him feel the threat of death several times!

Looking at the two figures that were fighting together in an instant, Ye Shan's face was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Damn, brat, were you taking care of me before co-authoring? It's not real. Woolen cloth?"

In the end, Ye Shan couldn't help but flash a hint of sigh. In the tribe, he is the eldest brother of Rayong. When Rayong took up a weapon for the first time, he taught him two times. However, now Rayong has He is the well-deserved number one warrior of the Jingjing tribe, but he became the captain of the hunting team. For a while, Ye Shan's mood was also subtle, "Stinky boy, unexpectedly became so powerful..."

The battle is still going on, and the battle area between the two has obviously become a dangerous area. Everyone avoided a certain distance in a tacit understanding, just like Luo Yong has no time to take care of others, the black jackal tribe wielding the axe. The same goes for the barbarian, he doesn't care whether he will accidentally injure the people of his tribe, whoever gets distracted in the battle before him will die!

Chapter 70. See Through

On the way to support outside the woods on the west side, Luo Ji didn't lead people to run all the way, not because he was not in a hurry, but because he could see the situation clearly. Okay, just on the way to the battlefield, just because the rush is too fast, I run out of breath, so is there still a fight when I get there?What's the point of running all the way to send a wave of head experience?

At the same time, it is at this moment that the disadvantage of the slinger's mobility is undoubtedly revealed. The baskets of stone bullets behind him are too heavy, and they may be used in defensive battles. The effect may be good, after all, the stone bullets can be directly stored in Behind the city wall, you don't have to run around with your back, it can be used in support battles.

Hurrying and hurrying, with a team of reinforcements, Luo Ji finally arrived at the battlefield in time, and at a glance he saw Luo Yong who was fighting with the enemy clan masters, the entire area was vacant, and everyone was interested. Inadvertently avoiding the two fiercely fighting, Luo Ji couldn't even see it.

The weapon in the opponent's barbarian's hand also caught Luo Ji's attention at first sight. After all, when he was looking for a breakthrough in weapons and equipment, he didn't just think about long-range weapons such as bows and arrows. In terms of melee weapons, he also Some people have seriously considered it, but it is unexpected that someone in this era actually made a toe-axe one step ahead of him, "Interesting, it seems that there are talents in this black jackal tribe, and they can compete with Rayong to this point. , this is also a fierce general!"

This situation undoubtedly strengthened Luo Ji's determination to annex the Black Jackal Tribe, but he couldn't be in a hurry, he had to stabilize first, and looked back at the four panting slingers. cover, let them take a breath first.

Seeing that their breath was almost relieved, Luo Ji waved his big hand, and the four slingers immediately understood, and each found a high position and stood up. After that, Luo Ji shouted, "Everyone retreat!"

That's right, it's just retreating. Like in movies, TV shows and even some novels, the infantry rushes in front to fight the enemy army, while the archers are wildly shooting arrows in the back. It is impossible unless you ignore the life and death of the infantry in front. , shoot with your own people.

Obviously, this is also completely different from the game. The long-range units in the game will not accidentally injure their own people. This makes Luo Ji clearly understand the gap between the game and reality.

Luo Ji's loud roar undoubtedly exposed his existence and made them lose the chance to attack, but it didn't matter, he didn't plan to play any attack from the beginning, and he wasn't afraid that the savages of the black jackal tribe would be on guard. , because as I said before, he can see the situation clearly, it is not their Dingjing tribe that is being driven to a dead end, but the Black Jackal tribe in front of him!

Luo Ji's timely arrival with the support troops was undoubtedly a reassurance for the trapped Luo Yong and others. They didn't even need to activate skills. Just standing there would make the morale of Luo Yong and others start to rise. It was Luo Ji who built up his absolute trust with his victory after victory!In the minds of his people, the word Luo Ji is synonymous with victory!

Without hesitation, Luo Ji's order was above everything else for them. However, based on their current state, it was too difficult to escape from the siege of more than 20 barbarians from the black jackal tribe. Follow Luo Ji There were more than four stone slingers who came together, and the other tribal warriors didn't just stand and watch the show.

At this moment, their previous training results were undoubtedly revealed. I saw the tribe warriors rushed forward under the command of Luo Ji and began to tear apart the encirclement of the black jackal tribe barbarians. Everyone should cooperate with each other. The whole process was neat and tacit. It's the result of months of training!

If there is any fly in the ointment, it should be the members of the hunting team. When the untrained members of the hunting team retreated, they seemed to be a little bit in a hurry, but this did not affect their growth from the beginning. momentum.

At the same time, Rayong, who was in an inseparable fight with the barbarian wielding an axe, saw an opportunity after a few rounds of attacking the opponent. He used a round of strong attacks to force the opponent. Turn offense to defense, and then retreat decisively.

Luo Yong felt a little pity about not being able to decide a winner or loser, but he had already played against the opponent for so many rounds, and he knew in his heart that the two of them were probably evenly matched in strength. It's easy, unless he suddenly enters into an excellent state like before, otherwise, under normal conditions, this battle will eventually evolve into an endurance battle, and whoever can't hold back his physical strength first will lose.

After watching a set of offensive, he turned around and left, and the barbarian holding the axe was also helpless. The two were a little helpless to each other.

Looking at the current situation, the reinforcements of the other tribe are obviously here. According to the report of the subordinate who broke into the Mingjing tribe camp by mistake, the other side is very likely to be a tribe of [-] people. The Hundred People Tribe is a powerful proof, which is the main reason why they have not dared to do it before.

But now, they haven't had enough to eat for several days, and the nearby wild animals seem to have all run away after knowing that there are humans stationed here, which makes hunting more and more difficult for them who cannot enter the wooded area.

In this state, they still have the strength to fight, but if they starve for a few more days, they probably won't even have the strength to fight. They can only wait for the other party to help them collect the corpses, or they will smell the smell of death. The beasts take it away and divide it up, and let the damn beasts feast.

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