Luo Ji came in this time only to grab supplies and had no intention of looting people.

After all, his Myriad Realms civilization is experiencing a blizzard.

At this time, if you plunder the population and go back, isn't that adding a burden to yourself?

In this way, Luo Ji immediately dispelled the thought in his mind.

Just take back the two most valuable ones.

As for the others, forget it.

4 sixty chapters

Lu Rui, who had just received the beacon signal, probably wouldn't even think about it.

In just one hour, his border city was completely breached.

After entering the city, Luo Ji's army quickly took control of the city gates on both sides, as well as the barracks and the city lord's mansion.

Then he unceremoniously searched the resources in the armory and material warehouse in the city, and got a map in the barracks by the way.

But that Lu Rui probably knew it in his heart.

As a border city that is often invaded, it is inappropriate to hoard too many resources here.

Once the enemy falls, it is easy to take advantage of the enemy.

Therefore, the weapons, equipment and material resources in the warehouses on both sides are quite limited.

Luo Ji finished loading a few cars.

His entire motorcade was still growing, and this little amount of supplies and equipment obviously couldn't satisfy Luo Ji's appetite.

Calculating the time, at this point in time, the opposing player should still be dispatching troops and gathering troops in the main city.

While thinking about it, Luo Ji hastily spread out the map he got from the barracks.

Comparing the location and distance on the map, he quickly calculated in his mind...

Since it is a reinforcement force, it should at least be a thousand-man team, right?

If this number of troops were infantry, it would take four to five days to rush from the main city to the border.

Even if it is a cavalry unit, it should take about two to three days.

In other words, there is plenty of time.

Before the enemy's reinforcements arrived, Luo Ji resolutely planned to attack another city!

Of course, before leaving, he must put all the remaining enemy soldiers in cells.

Finally, throw away the cell key.

The soldiers who had not seen the sun naturally had no way of knowing that Luo Ji's army had left the city.

All of them shrank obediently in their cells, not daring to move.

I was afraid that my own life would be lost.

Luo Ji, who led the army under his command to leave the city, directly launched the strategy of fighting with great speed.

With his own siege troops, he marched anxiously along the way and went straight to the next city!

At the moment when Luo Ji's army came under pressure.

The general who defended the second city was in a state of bewilderment.

How long has it been since the signal of the beacon fire?

As a result, the enemy's army appeared outside his city?

with no doubt.

The defense force of this city is not as good as that of the previous one, and it is useless in front of Luo Ji.

Before the sun in the sky completely sets.

Luo Ji's siege army had already conquered the second city with such force.

At the same time, two more prisoners fell into Luo Ji's hands with the addition of the city guard general and the city lord.

Take advantage of the opportunity to rest in this city for one night to relieve the fatigue accumulated from the rapid march during the day.

Early the next morning, after searching all the resources in the second city.

Luo Ji repeated his old trick, and marched towards the third city in a hurry.

Three cities in a row, Luo Ji's siege troops can be said to be invincible and invincible along the way!

The early development is good, after getting up, it is just like this.

However, Luo Ji was not dazzled by the consecutive victories.

He knew what was going on in his heart.

The point is that the opponent's reinforcements have not arrived!

Except for the city on the border, the two cities behind had only [-] guards.

On the other hand, Luo Ji's siege army had an overwhelming advantage in all aspects against the mere [-] defenders.

Isn't it like playing with them?

And what Luo Ji is doing now is to grab as much supplies as possible before the opponent's army arrives, and then just pat his ass and leave after grabbing.

He had no intention of fighting head-on with the army that Lu Rui arrived later.

In a real fight, with two Elephant Man units, he can fight against an enemy army of one or two thousand, and the chances of winning are not small.

But the problem is that there will be unnecessary casualties.

This was not the result he wanted.

Why do you have to fight to the death with the other party when you have the strength to retreat completely?

Luo Ji never did anything meaningless.

Calculating the time and distance, it is already a bit subtle.

Moreover, the fatigue of two consecutive quick marches is not so easy to recover.

It is a good policy to accept it when you see it.

Luo Ji didn't intend to continue the attack.

The materials and equipment of the three cities have been piled up, and his entire convoy has been filled.

After transporting the supplies, Luo Ji abandoned the city and left.

This time he was prepared to go as far as possible.

Then wait until the seventh day to retreat directly.

After Luo Ji's army left.

Early the next morning, the reinforcements sent by Lu Rui rushed outside the city.

The city gate was open, but there was no guarding soldier on the wall.

As if realizing something, the face of the leading general changed suddenly.

"Stay alert! The whole army enters the city!"

The army quickly entered the city.

The people in the city seemed to be fine, but the soldiers of the city guards were all gone.

At the same time, half of the enemy's shadow could not be seen.

Faced with this situation, the two eyebrows of the leading general were already directly knitted into a ball.

He directly called a few soldiers under his command, and asked a few common people to come over to inquire about the situation.

But the people in this city know little about it.

As soon as Luo Ji's army entered the city, they all hid in their homes and did not dare to come out.

They even blocked the windows with cloth, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that someone would find someone in the room and bring about a fatal disaster.

However, the common people still know about things like the enemy's attack on the city and the defeat of the defending troops.

After listening to this, the face of the leading general couldn't help but become even more ugly.

He quickly motioned to the soldiers under his command to check the barracks warehouse and the warehouse used to store supplies and food in the city.

After checking, all the things in the three warehouses were emptied.

By the way, the surviving city guard soldiers were also found in the prison in the city.

It's just that the cell was locked, and the key to the cell was nowhere to be found.

If you want to let people out, you have to go back and recruit craftsmen to remove the doors and unlock them one by one.

Listening to these reports from the soldiers under his command, the expression of the general leading the troops was also gloomy and a little scary for a while.

No time to think about it.

After leaving a hundred soldiers in the city to deal with the aftermath, he decisively rushed to the remaining two cities with the remaining troops.

For three cities in a row, the handwriting is almost the same.

It's like locusts crossing the border.

Every warehouse was moved clean, not even a grain of rice was left behind!

The generals leading the troops who realized that something major had happened did not dare to dawdle.

He quickly wrote an urgent report and sent it from the border to Lu Rui in Wangcheng overnight.

At that time, only a loud bang was heard.

He had only read half of an urgent report, and Lu Rui's mentality had completely exploded at the moment.

He overturned the table in front of him on the spot!

Three cities, the supplies of the whole three cities!All the motherfuckers are done moving! !

Chapter 461, there must be something strange

At this time, Lu Rui was trembling with anger.

After a burst of crazy smashing to vent.

Taking two deep breaths, Lu Rui, who seemed to have not finished reading the emergency report, picked up those pages from the messy wreckage.

Hold back your irritability and continue to look down.

Looking at it, Lu Rui's frown was slowly relaxed.

It has to be said that the general who led the army who wrote this urgent report is also a thoughtful person.

I know that the enemy army was not burned, killed and looted in the city, and the news that the soldiers were not driven out to death is written in the back.

After learning a terrible news, hearing a few good news can always calm down a little bit.

But if it's the other way around.

Write the bad news that all the materials and weapons in the three cities were evacuated at the end.

Never mind how you felt before.

When I saw the end, my mentality was determined to explode.

And he, the general responsible for leading troops to support him, would probably have to be charged with the crime of "disadvantaging support" and suffer along with him.

Therefore, writing urgent reports is also a science.

However, after finishing a few more fortunate news.

At the end of the urgent report, the general who led the troops also wrote another thing.

That is, according to the information provided by the soldiers of the city defense force, two huge monsters appeared in the invader's army...

When he heard the news at first, the expression of the general leading the army was undoubtedly subtle.

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