Three items and four stars, this panel attribute is in front of you, even if you ignore the talent and throw it on the battlefield, it can definitely squeeze into the ranks of first-class generals.

At this time, Luo Ji was already thinking about his future arrangements for Li Ke. Currently, his loyalty was only 68 points, but it was no problem. After all, he had just expressed his surrender, and he would soon reach over [-] points.

And just when he was thinking about it like this, Li Ke, who was below him, was about to talk about the ins and outs of the whole thing without hesitation.

After listening to this, Luo Ji's face showed a slight surprise. He didn't expect that there was still such a little faction split within this wolf clan.

After all, Luo Ji had benefited from his talent as a 'ruler' in the early days, and he had never encountered such a thing. He didn't know how many players who were caught in civil strife and could not extricate themselves would be mad at this.

Returning to the topic, after listening to Li Ke's narration, everyone couldn't help but have a certain degree of change in his and the wolf clan. Luo Ji, who was leaning on the main seat at this time, also glanced at Zhao Pan.

After the two eyes met for a short while, Zhao Pan nodded lightly, and Luo Ji's eyes flashed a hint of understanding...

As a ruler, although Li Ke has already expressed his submission to him, he will not simply listen to the other side's words. He will definitely confirm this matter later. As for the task of confirmation, it is undoubtedly the To Zhao Pan.

War is ruthless, and people will die. Every time there is a war, someone will die. If you stand from a completely just God’s perspective, everyone will say the big truth. Both sides on the battlefield have their own positions and their own masters. Who lives and dies, and who can be blamed?

However, people who usually say this kind of thing, out of ten, basically ten of them are standing and talking without backache. They only know that they say some things that are taken for granted all day long. How can they understand the mood of the parties involved?

Humans are perceptual creatures, with delicate and complex emotions, even fickle, who can say that they understand who they are?

Before Sun He's death, Luo Ji swore a poisonous oath on the spot to slash Zhou Dongdong to death, and in fact he did.

But what is the root cause of this matter?The reason is that Zhou Dongdong cut Sun He into a human stick and hung it on the wall!

In a normal battlefield fight, Luo Ji would be angry and sad, but in the end he would choose to accept it, because this is the normal state of war and his bottom line.

However, Zhou Dongdong's actions at that time undoubtedly crossed this bottom line!That's why it's going to be the end of a thousand cuts.

And this time, Liu Zheng's death was subtly different. Luo Ji knew that Zhao Pan, the soldiers of Tiebi City, was the most uneasy about this incident.

So he handed this matter to Zhao Pan to do it, and also gave Zhao Pan a reason to convince himself...

One thing came to an end temporarily, Luo Ji asked Li Ke to go down and comfort the other werewolves. Anyway, with Li Ke around, the wolf clan shouldn't be able to cause too much trouble.

Imprisoning orcs is a troublesome thing no matter how you think about it. The most troublesome among them are the four elephant men. They are [-]-meter-tall giants with infinite extra strength. No matter from which point of view, they are all troublesome characters.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the four of them are now weak due to excessive blood loss, so they can't make a noise.

But the threat still exists, and I am afraid that after a period of time, after they have slowed down, they will cause some trouble.

Although an elephant was a relatively docile animal, as an orc, he was a little uncertain. Luo Ji felt that he had to make some preparations to take precautions.

And the most convenient way is to ask Li Ke directly, and by the way, let him talk about the situation of several other orc races.

Facts have proved that the elephant people among the orcs are indeed a relatively friendly group under normal circumstances. After being defeated and captured, as long as they are not abused and comforted a little, there should be no major problems.

At the same time, there is Li Ke on the wolf family side, so naturally there is no problem. The trouble is the kobold and the tauren...

In the world of orcs, kobolds are a cunning and vicious race. To use a most direct example, they hunt as werewolves to feed themselves, while kobolds may simply want to kill because of boredom. The prey is just to pass the time...

However, it is simple to want the kobolds to obey and surrender, that is, to show their strength and let them know how powerful they are, and they will be obedient, at least when the wolves were annexing the kobolds, that's what they did.

As for the tauren, it is another situation. According to their personality, the tauren are also a relatively kind ethnic group, but these guys are relatively naive, or rather stunned, and their brains are a bit stubborn, and they want them to surrender. It's probably a waste of time.

When Li Yuanjie dealt with the tauren at the beginning, he used the aggressive method to stimulate those tauren with words, and let the first warrior in the tauren tribe stand up and fight Li Ke one-on-one.

If Li Ke loses, the wolves will withdraw their troops, and if the tauren lose, they will surrender to the wolves and serve the wolves.

After all, the strength of the Tauren group has never been weak. If the wolf clan goes to war, it is estimated that the wolf clan will have to pay a small price. Li Yuanjie obviously took this into consideration, so he played some tricks.

At that time, the Tauren side obviously did not want the war to spread to their clan, so like this, a verbally agreed heads-up was established.

In the end, there is no doubt that Li Ke won the heads-up victory with his flexible skills and speed.

From the point of view of heads-up, this is undoubtedly a fair battle, and Li Ke does not feel that he is invincible, but his flexible and roaming style of play obviously makes the tauren a little unconvinced. In their view, this is a small measure.

However, due to the agreement made before, the tauren finally surrendered to the wolf clan, and there was no rebellion after that. From this point of view, it is a fairly trustworthy group.

After all, according to Luo Ji's speculation, if Li Ke was the one who lost the heads-up at that time, Li Yuanjie would probably turn his face when he turned around...

Updates are sent, thanks to the monthly passes of book friends 'Purple Style', 'Ku Ku', 'Don't give up I have medicine' and the reward of book friends 'for all kinds of cute goods'!

3 Chapter seventy, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case

A big battle had just ended, and the things waiting for Luo Ji to deal with would immediately pile up into a hill. The casualties of the troops were still being counted, but Luo Ji was already mentally prepared for the statistical results.

In order to swallow this orc civilization, he undoubtedly paid a lot of casualties in this war...

However, he didn't even have time to feel heavy. Before the specific casualty figures came out, he still had a lot of things to do. For example, now, he was rushing to Tiebi City with the head of the construction department and a team of people.

The city wall and city gate on the west side of Tiebi City are still intact, but the city gate mechanism was burned down by a fire, which took a lot of work. After entering the city, everyone quickly walked towards the east city gate.

There were more or less damage to the buildings and houses along the road. However, compared with the east wall of Iron Wall City, these are obviously nothing.

I saw the eastern city wall, and the outside of the entire wall was covered with several huge cracks, and even a part of it had collapsed directly, and the whole state was close to half-destroyed.

According to Zhao Pan and Li Ke, during the battle between the two sides, there seemed to be a series of big explosions on the top of the wall. The east wall was undoubtedly destroyed at that time.

Of course, the damage caused by the elephant man to the city wall with the boulder during the day and the fire caused by Zhao Pan obviously also accounted for part of the reason.

In this era, Luo Ji didn't find gunpowder. The only thing that could explode was the kerosene barrel, which should have been ignited.

This kerosene, as a military material in Luo Ji civilization, has a very high concentration, and a little spark can ignite directly. Plus, it is packed in a sealed space in a wooden barrel, and it will not explode if you think about it.

As for the specific situation, it is unknown. After all, there are no witnesses at all. Even if there is, there is basically no chance of survival after the series of big explosions.

Listening to Li Ke, because of this explosion, all the red fox archers who were originally left on the wall were wiped out...

After a few sighs in his heart, Luo Ji looked back at He Shu, the head of the construction engineering department, who had a painful look on his face, "Can this city wall be repaired within a month?"

"If, if we send more people..." When he said this, He Shu had a look of crying but no tears.

"How many building materials and manpower are needed, you can say that Iron Wall City is the first line of defense on the eastern border. Before the next invasion of outsiders, this city wall must be repaired."

Facing Luo Ji's serious tone and expression, and the mention of the invasion of foreigners, He Shu, who realized the seriousness of the matter, quickly became serious, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Wei Chen will definitely be repaired within a month. This wall!"

"Very good." Looking at He Shu with a resolute face, Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction, "Work hard, I will not treat you badly, let me know that this month, the salaries of all members of the Construction Engineering Department will be doubled, and I will wait for you. After repairing the walls of Tiebi City and Shangyuan City, I will give you another reward."

After giving He Shu a simple encouragement and comfort, Luo Ji rushed back to Shangyuan City that day. At this time, the specific casualty report had also been counted. This battle made him the leader of Wanjie Civilization. Troops lost nearly half!

The heavy blow hit his heart directly, making him feel short of breath for a while. After he calmed down for about 10 minutes, Luo Ji's voice sounded slowly, "Notice, in three days' time, a military parade will be held outside Shangyuan City." Burial, and the injury subsidies and pensions for the wounded and wounded soldiers will also be paid out as soon as possible.”


A guard next to him responded, and quickly walked out of Luo Ji's temporary office to send a summons.

While a guard ran out to give the order, a guard outside also walked in quickly, "Your Majesty, the Mirror Division commander Luo Jin asks to see you."

"Let him in."

The people from the Mingjing Division came to Shangyuan City to escort Li Yuanjie back to Mingjing City. Although Luo Ji handed Li Yuanjie over to Zhang Tang for interrogation, Zhang Tang's Anbu, after all, was only recently established, and the manpower was relatively limited, and this time they needed to be escorted. The target, however, was the novel and dangerous species of 'orcs', so Luo Jin was given the task of escorting just in case.

"Wei Chen Luo Jin, see Your Majesty!"

Looking at Luo Jin with a troubled face, Luo Ji raised his hand, "You have worked hard on this journey."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your concern, Wei Chen is not working hard."

"To escort Li Yuanjie this time, you should be more careful along the way. Just in case, I will ask Luo Cheng to escort him along the way with a team of cavalry."

"Wei Chen understands." After hearing this, Luo Jin was also a little curious after he responded. Although he was the commander of the Jingjing Division, he could only hear about this 'orc'.

And this time, as soon as he arrived in Shangyuan City, he also came directly to see Luo Ji, so he really had never seen what this orc looked like.

However, what Luo Ji was going to order was obviously more than that. On the side of the people of the Myriad Realms Civilization, the vaccine had to be kept on, so as not to cause unnecessary disturbances when the orcs appeared in their sight.

At the same time, this battle will naturally be spread through the mouths of the storytellers, but the content has to be changed. After all, he wants to annex the orc civilization. In other words, after the invasion war officially ends, the orcs may become part of the civilization of the worlds.

In the past, when there were only human races, because of the difference in the original country, I was brought a wave of rhythms, but this time, even the species are different, this precaution is undoubtedly a few more injections, so as not to make trouble at that time. Pack things up.

After exhorting, looking at Luo Jin who had withdrawn, Luo Ji was worried about another thing...

That Li Yuanjie, after using the world fragments to trigger the special civilization of the orc civilization, also turned into a werewolf due to genetic mutation.

Then if he activates the skills of 'civilization conqueror' and annexes the orc civilization, he will not mutate into some kind of orc race, right?

Thinking of this, Luo Ji shivered decisively. Although he felt that it was unlikely, what if?What if it happened?This kind of thing is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

He had never encountered a situation like this before. After all, neither his nor Ye Qingxuan's civilization was the kind of civilization where special races would appear.

At the same time, he felt that it was useless to ask anyone about this question. 'Conqueror of civilization' is the civilization characteristic of his special civilization. Who else has it?Even if you ask a big guy like Gao Su to this question, he probably won't be able to give him an answer.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help but fall into a deep tangle...

Updates are sent, thanks to book friends 'Qingchen', 'Lengyue, Fei', 'Purple Night vs Netherworld', 'The Funeral of Black Charming Rose', 'Sad Heart', 'An Jiebei', 'Tie Jia Yi' Of course in 'the monthly pass!

Chapter 371

Three days later, when the military funeral was over, Luo Ji gave a simple reward to the soldiers who participated in the battle in the barracks in Shangyuan City. Liu Meng, Guo Zhen and other generals under his command quickly returned to their respective responsibilities. The guarded city.

At the same time, Luo Ji had to start to worry about another thing, which was the distribution of troops. This battle lost nearly half of his troops. In other words, some cities may be short of troops, and the remaining He had to make a reasonable redistribution of that point of force.

The issue of this troop distribution undoubtedly gave him quite a headache, and then his eyes unconsciously fell on the slinger arm...

The slingers, who are usually only responsible for defending the city, have the city wall, the strongest bunker in the cold weapon era, to cover for them.

However, after the war, there was a shortage of troops everywhere, and the weakness of the slinger, which was not very versatile, was clearly exposed again. It's becoming more and more obvious.

Luo Ji was already thinking about reducing the total number of slingers, converting them into archers, or some other type of troops.

Of course, such a conversion cannot be accomplished in a short period of time. After all, as Luo Ji's important defensive force in the early stage, there are not many stone slingers. .

However, Luo Ji estimated that he could keep the slingers under Zhao Pan for a long time, and the others slowly began to be converted, leaving the slingers under Zhao Pan.

After all, Zhao Pan also has a gold-level slinger specialization skill. Combined with the characteristics of defending the city, the slinger in his hands is completely different from that of other generals.

While Luo Ji was worried about the issue of military strength, on the other hand, he spent a day sending Luo Ji's orders back to Mingjing City, and then spent another day familiarizing the storytellers with new stories. , Now, they still spent a day, through the mouth of the storyteller, to spread the news of the frontline victory and the capture of a large number of orc soldiers throughout the entire civilization of the world!

In this era of basically no entertainment, storytellers are so popular, Luo Ji's original move was really wise.

Just when countless people were curious, thinking about when their emperor would return to Mirror City, and by the way, let them see with their own eyes, whether the orcs were exactly the same as what the storyteller described, the people in Mirror City. In another room, another group of people was going crazy thinking about Luo Ji, and that was his secretaries...

"Ah..." A low, slightly hoarse voice rang out in the office, and at this moment, Shi Yaoshan, the secretary-general, was trying to open his bloodshot eyes wide, supporting his hands with one hand. Holding his heavy forehead, he slowly flipped through the work report on the table with one hand, "I feel like my body is being hollowed out..."

"Where did you hear it? It's really appropriate." While speaking, Liu Dong gulps down the cup of hot tea in hand, saying that drinking tea is refreshing, but after working overtime to this point, he can't feel it anymore. to any refreshing effect.

"I heard what Your Majesty said before." Shi Yaoshan responded casually.

"Compared to this, when will Your Majesty return to Jingjing City? Seriously, I'm dying, I want to take a vacation! I want to rest!" Liu Xingqiang held his head and issued his protest.

"If you have the strength, why don't you hurry up and work for me." While speaking, Shi Yaoshan rubbed his eyebrows forcefully, "The battle has just ended, and there are so many things on the front line that are waiting for His Majesty to deal with it, isn't it a joke? "

Hearing this, Liu Xing sighed. They all understood the truth, but since His Majesty was not here, nearly 90.00% of the documents and reports were kept in their secretary's office. It was really painful!

"Hey, let's talk about something, if we keep going like this, everyone will die." Liu Dong, who could not wait to put tea leaves in his mouth, said this in a very sleepy voice.

When Shi Yaoshan heard this, he subconsciously glanced at the other three people in the secretary's office, and then looked at Zhou Yi who was propping his head up and didn't know whether he was awake or asleep, and he couldn't help calling out, "Hey , Zhou Yi, are you still alive?"

Hearing Shi Yaoshan's shout, Zhou Yi shook his head suddenly, "Wake up, wake up..."

While speaking, Zhou Yi shook his head vigorously, and by the way, took some cold water from the basin next to him to wash his face with cold water, and finally managed to regain his energy, "Really, Brother Shi , is there any progress in recruiting people in our office?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Dong and Liu Xing next to them also perked up their ears.

Shi Yaoshan shook his head vigorously, not knowing if he was suddenly sleepy, wanted to shake himself up, wanted to say 'no progress', or both.

"Do you think everyone has the qualifications and ability to sit here? How easy is it to recruit people in our secretary's office?"

Shi Yaoshan's words are not boasting, but stating a certain fact. Look at the seniors who walked out of the secretary's office, Sun Li, Bai Xu, all of them are now within their Myriad Realms civilization. A pivotal city master figure.

And the people in their secretary's office can obviously be called candidates for the 'City Lord', and it is enough to imagine what outstanding ability is required to sit here.

At the same time, if you don't have enough working ability, even if you recruit them reluctantly, it will only be a disservice in the end. It's better not to.

While speaking, Shi Yaoshan glanced at the number of remaining documents and reports beside him, and then glanced at Zhou Yi whose face was a little pale.

Afterwards, he only heard him say, "There are not many documents and reports left, Zhou Yi, if you really can't hold on anymore, you can come here today."

"Thank you."

He didn't mean any excuses, he had really reached his limit, after he said thank you, he heard a muffled sound of 'dong', and Zhou Yi's forehead directly touched the table top of the desk in front of him. A zero-distance close contact was made, followed by a burst of snoring...

In this regard, the expressions on the faces of Shi Yaoshan and the three of them in the secretary's office basically did not change, because the fact was that during the time when Luo Ji went to the front line, the huge workload made them exhausted every day until they even had the strength to go home. There's nothing left, and they fall asleep when they're done working. This is their normal state during this period of time.

Chapter 372, understand?

Luo Ji, who was far away in Shangyuan City, obviously couldn't hear the mourning of his secretaries. At the same time, even if he heard it, he wouldn't have any thoughts. At most, he mourned with them, because he was also busy at the moment. to the point of going mad...

In this way, a busy day has passed, escorting Li Yuanjie's prison car, and after a four-day journey, they finally arrived at Mingjing City safely.

After the convoy entered the city, it undoubtedly attracted countless people to watch. On both sides of the street, the eyes of the big boss kept looking at Li Yuanjie who was locked in the cage, and then made all kinds of exclamations and comments... …

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